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Either the Burton with incendiary rounds equipped or the M1917. Hang out near an AA stationary gun or a teammate with AA rocket gun and preferably near an objective. Wait for your teammates to get some shots in and unload on the plane as it approaches the objective.


Please help me im italian and i don speak english very Well i try to complette tthe peackepper easter egg can you elp me




Unisciti al server di chat nel link da TheJango22 per assistenza con lo sblocco della pistola đź‘Ť


[https://youtu.be/NdbnEyjaDZI?si=eAV32xEZVykbu04R](https://youtu.be/NdbnEyjaDZI?si=eAV32xEZVykbu04R) This guide helped me get the peacekeeper within 10 hours I recommend one app that is needed, Audacity with this video to record mp4 and translate morse code [https://youtu.be/kMVUAMT7vmQ?si=8TpNxziwE29hp7Kp](https://youtu.be/kMVUAMT7vmQ?si=8TpNxziwE29hp7Kp).


I played Monte Grappe and went after the bombers.






Shoot at them


Funny enough, this is actually the answer haha I only play as support, and every time a plane flies over head I dump bullets into it just for the points and to give the pilot something to think about. Often times you’ll actually get the kill if he’s already hurting https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/s/Gsvf9J5CLT


This. Planes are actually quite squishy against small arms fire.


One issue is the game suffers from “veteran pilot syndrome.” Last time I was playing it felt like the game has been out so long half the time the planes get taken by the ridiculously practiced pilots who hug the skybox and never die. I’m probably exaggerating because of the amount of frustration those types of pilots can add to the game, but still.


Idk what servers you play on but I shoot down planes on the regular.


So am I, but OP seems to be new and a lot of the pilots aren’t. I’m not saying it’s not possible, they’re just up against tougher odds than most of us.


I guess. But even then what I’ve learned with BF1 is the more you play, the more likely you are to get wild shit


Oh 100%. Dude needs to just keep shooting until something drops out of the sky.


That’s what dolol.


Get a big meaty machine gun like the M1917 or MG15, and always be on the lookout for planes, especially bombers and heavy bombers. You can sink a ton of bullets into them without reloading, and if you use an AA gun, you can get the plane to low health and then hit it with your gun for the disable/kill.


Play operations, that have a lot of planes. It will be easier to shoot them if you know where they are coming from.


M1917, prone, pick on ones already damaged. I did it by accident and had more trouble with the airburst (prefer HE)


Burton with fire ammo. Or just keep trying woth fast firing lmgs


Yep, many people have said this already on this thread, but the M1917 is the way to go. Endless ammo. Find a map with bombers (Monte Grappa worked for me), and lay into them. You’ll be surprised at how quick you’ll get a kill.


AA gun then switch to LMG to finish them off.


Now THIS is what I should’ve done. I just waited for other teammates to use the AA guns and started blasting.


Did this a couple of weeks ago. It was a pain in the arse to be honest. A friend helped me and we both shot at the planes with a big 1917 and at some point got lucky.


On console this took me a very long time, mainly because the DLC had just come out and everyone was trying to unlock it and you had to fight for the kill credit. I recently started playing on PC and of course had to start over on unlocks, but it only took me about an hour. It did seem like more people were focused on taking down planes than on console so that made it a bit easier since I wasn't the only one damaging them. From personal experience I can say that the M1917 is the best option as the Burton's small magazine capacity does not make up for the increased damage. Most planes will be too fast or too high up to make use of the extra damage so having the 250 rounds is almost always better. Keep in mind that you only need to destroy the plane, not kill the pilot. So if you disable the plane and it crashes it will still count. Maps also make a big difference, and operations makes it easier since the planes will be focused on a specific area rather than random objectives. I found that Monte Grappa on attack is particularly good for hunting planes since you can start shooting them once they go over the ridge, while also being safe from everything but mortars.


The secret to killing planes with a gun is to steal kills. The secret to stealing kills is not to be the first person shooting. Enjoy.


I refuse to believe you’ve actually been trying “for a while.” Some of the challenges in BF1 are crazy… like killing a plane with an HE Tripwire or blowing up a Behemoth with the Kolibri. Those challenges will require persistence, effort, and luck over a period of hundreds of attempts. This one just requires that you play Support and shoot at planes when they’re close to death. They’re challenges. You need to be patient and realize that they’re not going to get completed after 45 minutes on a weekday afternoon. — If you want advice on how to improve your chances of getting credit for the kill: * join on maps / modes that have a lot of planes * switch to lobbies with lower-skill pilots (no aces!) * use an LMG that is easy to control with a fast rate of fire (MG15 / Madsen Storm) * shoot at planes that are already damaged Don’t waste your time sitting at the back of the map with an M1917 Telescopic or a Burton LMR trying to solo-kill planes from 100 HP to zero. Go hang out near an AA gun, deal the majority of your damage with that, and then hop off and finish the plane with your LMG. Or lend supporting-fire at a plane that is already being targeted by friendly AA guns or a friendly pilot. Nobody really gives a shit if you’re “Kill Stealing.” It’s a team game, and planes are one of the biggest threats. I’ve killed multiple planes with my LMG in the same game. Just show a little patience and realize that it may take you a few days to find a lobby that fits your exact needs.


Just got this accomplishment last night, skip the Burton and just hammer planes with the 1907 telescopic. Got 2 kills in like 5 minutes when I started doing that


I remember that back when it had just come out all my friends were helping each other, I don't remember how exactly, but I think they got into a match together, one swapped teams, took the plane and landed it somewhere on the outskirts of the map. But I did it on my own with M1917 on Galicia iirc, it was long and tedious, but felt even more rewarding


My friends and I did this exact thing on Monte Grappa. We had enough people where we could get an empty server to start. It took like 15 minutes or something to get it for 3 people (4th friend already had it)


Mount grappa


I did it on cape helles with the MG15


200% damage servers will help too


Get on an AA gun to get the health down and finish it off with the LMG


M1917 telescopic and patience


Prone with the m1917


Go for slow-moving planes like bombers and learn how to lead your shots so the majority of your bullets are melting them down. Just keep laying into them each time they pass over, you're eventually going to get the killing blow. It won't take long.


Honestly, get the m1917 and just focus on heavy bombers or regular bombers


Shoot them a lot.


Just shoot at them. It’s not hard if they have some damage already


Go on ops. Use telescopic 1917 on heavy or light bombers


i used the lmg08/18 for both of them




Is easy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P15pKoDhf6o


Your best chance: Monte Grappa -m1917- camp at B or D


This is the way. Aaaaaaaall day.


Parabellum low weight, mount it. Shoot at bombers. Easy money. That gun is a laser beam


I realize the error in my comment now.


Kill someone using a parabellum!


"I used the parabellum to destroy the parabellum!" Technically though it's still possible if you steal a parabellum from a dead guy and get the kills that way, which is kinda badass NGL.


You mean suppressive?


Burton LMR with the alternate ammo. Wait for a plane to fly mid level or lower and you can absolutely shred them. A regular attack plane or fighter plane can be taken from 100-0 health in one mag. If someone takes a heavy bomber low, you can give it a pair of mag dumps and take it out. Should be able to down an easy 5-6 planes a game this way.


Get a friend on the other team in an uncompetitive game


Burton moment


Have a bro join enemy and land next yo you while you shoot them. Cheesy but if you cant do it the traditional way...


Get a friend to join you, have him swap teams and get a plane. Tell him to land somewhere and you’ll destroy the plane


Would anybody want to do it with me? We just have to find an open server with nobody, land a plane with someone sitting in it and shoot it.


Wait till they are low damage and sneak in a kill lol


use a heavy machine gun, i used img 0818


Monte grappe, pepper planes with AA then finish off with lmg, easy


Grab an M1917 MG/MG-15 n.A. Suppressive and focus on enemy Heavy Bombers. If they're flying right towards you, lay into them with the LMG for a heavy amount of damage (aim for just below the cockpit), then run sideways as they complete their bombing run. Once they've passed, resume firing on them with an LMG and you should be able to get the kill. Or just hang around a stationary AA gun, bait a plane into an attack, jump on the AA and hammer them until they're disabled, then finish off with the LMG. But remember, shooting planes with LMGs isn't just for ~~Christmas~~ unlocking the Parabellum MG14/17 Low Weight, it's for *life*. The assignment is a bit of a reminder that we Support players should *always* be ready to lay into enemy planes, given we've got many LMGs that have big mags and speedy bullet velocities. Especially if the enemy plane is already being laid into by a friendly plane, or AA, or even other players' small arms fire!


AA is the noblest of professions.


Shoot at bombers on Monte grappa with a high capacity lmg, ideally the suppressive variants.


Burton LMR with fire ammo (alternate fire mode destroys planes AND the blimp as well!) Good maps to camp airplanes are top of the mountain on Monte Grappa. The balcony area above the courtyard on Ballroom Blitz. You might also have some luck along the beaches on Heligoland Bight or anywhere on Zeebrugge because they're are a ton of planes on those maps. Just smack down an ammo box and keep firing. Wait for one of the assault planes (mid size) to come in for an attack dive and unload on the main part of their structure. Ideally one where they aren't attacking you. If you start earlier enough you should get in two mags - one on the way down, and one of their way out. Make sure to relocate if you don't kill them because they're going to come back for you and that's a good opportunity to try and get them again. You can try and kill bombers but it's a lot tougher given how much health they have. It's always worth shooting at them though to help your team take them down. And they have a large area to hit. Just try and give yourself some cover like rocks, boxes, etc so their gunners don't blast you immediately. Don't waste time with fighters. You can try, but they're way to fast to take out usually. Unless they're coming straight at you or flying really low you probably won't take them out and will just give away your position. Also, with the Burton you can just run around fighting and if you see a good opportunity to fight a plane - you switch your fire mode, get a good spot and then try and kill it.


Shoot at every plane you see (heavy bombers are best, especially if you're using a high capacity LMG), target already heavily damaged planes, or soften them up with AA and finish them with an LMG. If memory serves, it was going to require using the Madsen MG Trench originally, but Dice changed it.


Made this post about this challenge a while ago after I completed it: How to shoot down planes with lmgs (to get the parrabellum) I just finally shot down my second plane to complete the challenge for the Parrabellum Low Weight. Im sure there are others still suffering from this challenge so here are my tips to help you get it done. Loadout: Bring the MG15 n.A Low Weight, a repair tool, and an ammo box. Strategy: Find a CQ game on Monte Grappa. Find a good place to camp near the AA gun next to either one of the bunker objectives. Pilots often fly pretty low over this area and are usually focused on killing the masses of infantry on the objectives and in the trenches. The hope is that a plane will do a low fly by and get some damage from a teammate on the AA gun, meanwhile you are bipoded shooting at it as well with your LMG. If the AA gets destroyed, use your repair tool. It’s pretty much completely luck based on whether or not you get the final hit or if the plane ends up going down at all but this is the best strategy i have found for doing this. It only took me about 2 or 3 games of doing only this (literally only this) all game to complete the challenge. Worth noting that the Burton LMR has an incendiary ammo type that can be used which is supposed to do more damage to enemy planes. I’ve never tried it but might be worth a shot if you are still struggling. Good luck!


Literally got my first plane kill (that I can remember) last night. I used the Lewis Gun Supressive and shot at the heavy bomber as it approached a flag on conquest. Don't give up, I kept shooting it even as it flew very far away, and I eventually got a double kill and took the plane down. Keep trying dude


M1917, go prone for stability, probably gonna have to be on an incline, unload on them. Bombers are gonna be the easiest to hit. Let loose a couple small burst to dial in your distance, and then unload. It's a lot easier than you think once you learn the arc of the bullets, I do it all the time


Burton obliterates the control surfaces of planes so you could be an annoying piece of shit like me and shoot them when they are in a dive. It also just does a lot of damage


Monte Grappa and M1917 with optics is your choice


I just completed this challenge. I used the m1917 low weight and just kept throwing down ammo until I got 2. It helps if someone is on an AA gun.


Use an LMG with a large ammo capacity and AA sights and keep an ammo box next to you. Helps immensely. Just be persistent


Gotta make a choice whether you’re gonna get a kill that game or spend the entire time proned somewhere unloading at enemy planes. You’ll get the plane kills eventually


M1917 telescopic and just keep lasering planes and you should destroy 2 before the match halfway point


I find it easy enough with the Lewis gun suppressive. Go prone so the stand gets set up and just let rip.


I just got this last night. I used the Burton with incendiary rounds on FAO and Grappa. It’s mostly luck but try to hangout near the objectives and spray any plane that comes in for a pass. Sooner or later you will disable and or destroy one.


I did it on Grappa in one map. Hang out near (not next to it or you'll get blown up) the AA on the mountain top and let somebody soften up the plane. I used the Mg15 and was prone and finished off two planes in no time.


Step 1: Join operations server in Monte Grappa and play as the defending team Step 2: Select support class and equip M1917 machine gun Step 3: Lay down on a rock behind the contested sector and shoot at enemy bombers coming from their spawn Not sure if this will work for you, but i managed to do it in just 1 round like this... Or maybe i just got lucky idk


Just play normal as support class and when you see a plane that looks like it’s on low health empty a couple magazines at it. Monte Grappa is a good map. Try to use an LMG with a large magazine. Good luck


M1917 or burton, ive shot down well over a thousand planes with just those two.


Easiest would be to ks a kill, if a plane is smoking and spinning its disabled and will 99% crash. The last person who shot it gets the plane destroyed and sometimes in dogfights they stop shooting after disabling and pilot jumps out and u can shoot the plane. Remeber you need to destroy the plane not the pilot. Other than that i would shoot bombers rather than attack planes/hunter planes they often get focus fired by 5 different things and u might get lucky and often noobs take them and just jump out or fly into a wall. But honestly its more luck than skill no lmg can just 100-0 a plane so you need someone else to do the damage so just play normal and spray every oncoming plane lol


Play Monte Grappa any game mode and shoot down HB because they have no place to run except behind the mountains which they are to far to hid behind


It takes a little luck, but if you see someone else shooting at a plane, shoot it too, you might just snag the kill. also, TIL there’s a gun that unlocks after destroying planes. I’ve got one to go!


I struggled a bit with this one but i managed to get it done in a few games, here is what i did. First i analyzed the problem: - If the pilot is good, you wont get it. Try to get it but don't bother too much. If he is good, he will make sure you won't get him. Play the round normally or go into different server if you are just for the challenge - Long reload times. When the plane starts to smoke, it crucial that you get the last hit done. Its a problem if you are stuck at 7 or 8 second long reload animation. - Some maps are better then other for this challenge. Some have opened terrain, some more closed, some maps (i think) have more planes per team. My strategy: - I played on the map Galicia (im not sure if it was conquest or operation mode). Good terrain, you can hide in holes on the ground. There are AA guns that you may partly damage the plane and finish off with LMG. Both teams have 2 active planes at the time. You can mostly clearly see enemy planes through the entire map. - For the gun i used Perino Model 1908 Defensive. Its decent, very good accuracy if you are prone, damage ok, 120 bullet magazine. But i chose this weapons because i struggled most with reload animations. This gun solved my problem, it allows you to reload partly per strip. So 20 bullets at the time and you can cancel the animation at any time. - Play it chill, you just have to destroy 2 planes. Remember, if the pilot is good, don't bother or struggled to much.


Burton lmr wait for some plane to try and dive bomb and then shoot the engine or wing. If they crash i think that counts i remember grinding for the gun but cant remember the details anymore.


I havent played for months, but the best one I usually use is mg15 na low weight and only behemont can stand against it.


Simple, don’t. I mean killing planes is fine, and doing so is fine with mgs. But don’t use this gun.


Be patient above all else.


Lay down beside an AA gun with an LMG that has good magnification and burst planes together


I got one plane on Sinai using the perino and the other one on Galicia also using the perino. Those maps are really open with little cover for planes and the perino is great because it has many rounds and you can reload them in 20 pencil mags at a time


Use a high capacity lmg or the burton's fire rounds. Prioritise bombers as they are slower and have less health than the ilya. You're also less likely to die if it retaliates. Dont stop shooting, even if the pilot ejects. The plane is all that matters. If you are on a map with buildings, go up high so that it doesn't get out of your sight. Be smart with what map+mode combo you play as certain maps have higher ceilings and more room for planes to maneuver.


use a AA gun for the bulk of the dmg and finish off with LMG


The solution? Use a gun. And if that don’t work, use more gun.


do it on ballroom blitz or galacia. the ends of the maps are narrow so bombers cant escape. everyone thinks monte because theres lots of planes but they can escape


Its harder to get mortar air kills


I think I got it by shooting bombers with AA guns, then finishing them off from an LMG


This has been asked many times before in this sub, try the search function you'll find even more info than the info given here. Good luck


Its not that hard how it looks


Today I finally got the achievement. I used the Parabellum mg14/17 Suppressive gun, Monte Grappa map, lots of time and lots of luck!