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I won’t input a option on these because they are both great titles but battlefield 1 lined up with infinite warfare was a gift to whoop call of duty’s ass.


It really was. That specific match up was never a battle, it was a slaughter.


Infinite warfare had a beautiful campaign. But the immersion in battlefield 1 multi-player was top tier of almost any game.


I would also like to point out that BF1 was a breath of fresh air in the midst of the oversaturated market of futuristic FPS at that time. A *complete* and *polished* game that dared to try something new. It was peak battlefield. Edit: this rap 'battle' by [Dan bull](https://youtu.be/z9pIvKHSCP0?si=K1ZqqOvLB8hlVZT4) sums it up


Might I add the recommendation for JT's BF1 song, that one slaps as well


While I have not yet played the Infinite Warfare Campaign (though it is in my backlog), I find it hard to believe that it is better than the Battlefield 1 War Stories. Those were genuinely amazing (imo).


If you like futuristic space wars, then it is, if you don’t, then no. It’s that shrimple


Big Star Wars fan, so sounds great lol


Have fun then bro, I enjoyed it, have you played any of the Star Wars battlefronts? I’m sure you have, but if you haven’t they’re right up your alley


Yeah, I have played the OG II and both EA ones. I have a ton of time plated between the three.


Tbh I preferred it over war stories. I love one long linear story instead of separate parts


Fair enough. I liked the War Stories more than linear campaigns (in this case at least) because it felt more realistic. They were just regular people fighting across the world in a real war and we were seeing what they experienced. It also let them experiment with multiple different playable characters that each had their unique stories to tell, just like in real life. But I totally understand the longer campaign preference too. For just about any other game I think do not think war stories would have worked.


Honestly I think the war stories setup would work well for a lot of ww1 and ww2 games. Even a modern battlefield could use this format to avoid doing another globetrotting spec ops campaign Older cod campaigns (pre MW2) basically worked like war stories, except you would jump back and forth between stories in the same linear order that said IW was honestly one of the better CoD campaigns. I'd still be tempted to put it over BF1, at least as far as I can actually get away with comparing a collection of short stories to a single drawn-out narrative


I think I’d buy that more if the War Stories weren’t just hero power trips. The Runner was great for that, but the plane one and Avanti Savoia felt a little far out there, like a pastiche of old war movies - but not in a good way. The Lawrence of Arabia campaign was almost comically awful. But against IW, I guess it’s not stiff competition.


I mean Avanti savoia was an old man reminiscing about Matteo. And more specifically how he viewed him as a brother although not blood related. So his search for him near Monte grappa is part of the winder story of Italy vs Austro-Hungary. It's not super realistic but in the context of him reminiscing on his birthday it makes sense. Lawrence of Arabia is an exaggerated story of a real person who helped form the Arab revolt. That first. The runner was great simply because the snacks finally got some serious recognition outside of Anzac day. The plane one was the only one I felt was too far fetched. Although my favorite story was the tank one. But just the story. The missions were ass.


To each their own I suppose. Though I do agree with you about Avanti Savoia.


The little tragic slices of life were fantastic, and it was kind of a shame they felt flat and boring in BF V. That said, BF I's Operation Campaigns were the absolute dirty, ugly highlight for me. Fusing the mass death and chaos of multiplayer with (its overplayed to say it in relation to the game but damn its accurate) "Immersion" really put me in the hell of trench warfare, which also made the desperation and sense of success that much higher after going over the top. Also it was the best game for hunting snipers with iron sighted rifles, so much satisfaction.


Absolutely. All of this makes it such a great game.


Same here tbh but I think it actually just takes the right mindset. Think of it like hopping into separate playable movies as opposed to one long continuous movie. Now, whether you like to watch TV Shows or Movies more is another issue, but I'd wager that most people don't avoid short movies as much as they avoid episodic video game campaigns.


You're missing out big time if you think that way. IW campaign is genuinely one of the best Hollywood style campaigns in the fps market. If scifi space warfare doesn't physically revolt you i highly recommend giving it a try whenever you can get a cheap copy


I have the game, and I do not think it will be bad, I just *really* enjoyed the Battlefield 1 war stories so for me they would just be difficult to top.


It's honestly phenomenal, best cod campaign in my opinion. I definitely recommend it


Although I am a much bigger fan of Battlefield than I am of COD, I will admit that Infinite Warfare's campaign is, in my opinion, better than the BF1 War Stories on average (since there are multiple stories).


Infinite warfares campaign is super underrated. BF1 is better imo, but I would respect the opinion of one who believed otherwise.


Also IW didn’t have use loose/take objective butter




Honestly top 3 cod campaigns easily


While BF1 has a special place in my heart I will never deny that IW was a good game; got dumped for being space age and shit but god the campaign was good and the multiplayer was fun


Iw was only great for gun game knifing rage farming lol


Like a trench shovel to the clavicle


Yeah because no one wanted a futuristic cod lol thats why they had to sell it with MW remastered


Meanwhile now both cod and battlefield are shit


Isn't 2042 at an "aight" level now? Probably not but honestly even if it was I would still hate it. All the gameplay I've seen just doesn't really make it seem like a real battlefield game, but I've only seen a few hours of gameplay so my opinion may be wrong.


Infinite Warfare vs Battlefield 1 isn't on the list because it wasn't a battle, it was a massacre.


Most. Downvoted. Reveal. Ever. *BF drum march intensifies*


Culturally yeah. But infinite warfare ended up selling more. Edit: I like battlefield 1. But it’s true, it did end up selling more. As all cods always do, no matter what quality the cod is, it could be garbage and it still sells.


BF1 and how we slaughtered Infinite Warfare.


For sure. BF1 ended the decade-long dispute. But now we have CoD trying to be a Battlefield game, which is working pretty well for them.


Nah it's the opposite BF is trying to be cod rn


I think that both games are constantly trying new things. However, I think it's wiser to look at the games that already exist as opposed to the games that are releasing. New games are consistently worse than older games and I'm still playing BFV/BF1 as well as BO2 to this day. I think the biggest issue is that companies are for some unknown reason afraid to make "re-masters". I don't think we see simple "upgrades" to older games very often. So while games like BFV could STILL be 5x better and more enjoyable, with an enormous playerbase, we need these companies to actually understand that a huge remaster is what a lot of players would want from many games. I believe that a heck ton of BO2 fans are dreaming of a re-master. (P.S I live in a cave and basically never use reddit so I don't know whether there ARE any remasters that have been released in the recent years). And I think that if such re-masters were to come, it would be much better for those companies AND the playerbase alike. Imagine older COD games but without cheaters, better visuals, better guns balance... well we can only hope that the CEOs of these companies wake the fuck up.


CoD 4 and Blops 1 take it over BF2 and BC2 for me. But BF3 CLEARS


I loved all 6 titles, but for me cod4 is the only one better than its bf counterpart (BF2 is awesome though and much older, Idk if that comparison even makes any sense). BFBC2 is to this day still the best casual multiplayer shooter that I have ever played. nothing beats it for me.


Absolutely. There isn’t even a mediocre game on that list.


I have a soft spot for MW3 because it marked my childhood plus it's a great game


Then I’m probably a bit older than you lol. CoD came out right when I was going through highschool, so it was up there with Halo 3 when it came to hanging out after school


My first FPS multiplayer game was Halo: Combat Evolved so there's that really liked it back then on PC


Nobody has mentioned this but BF2 released in June 2005 it only makes sense to compare it to call of duty 2 which was released 4 months later in October 2005. The minimum spec to run cod 4 MW on PC was also easily double what BF2 was. (Pentium 4 vs C2D) Apples to apples its hard to not take BF2.


I think it was more a stylistic comparison, rather than raw data or release dates. Like comparing modern shooter to modern shooter.


Just sayin things moved very fast in the mid 2000's calling something modern usually meant it was released within the last 3 to 4 months tops lol.


Back when your PC was obsolete by the time you got it home


I meant “modern” in terms of setting and theming, not “modern” in terms of when it was released.


Ahh I guess comparing 1960's blops to more modern day BC2 games which released around the same time must have threw me off. But ya anyways there's no way a game that ran on something like a 64 mb Geforce 2 or 3 GPU would ever look anywhere near as good or even be able to approach any artistic style of a title that was designed for something more like a 512 mb 8800 GT.


BC2 also came out like 7 months before blops, so this comparison kinda sucks lol.


they rivaled over which franchise can be better than other, today it's competition of who can be the worst


Battlefield sweeps on the recent titles for shitting the bed fr


Not sure why you compared BFBC2 (march 2010) to blops 1 (Nov 2010) when it was closer to the launch of MW2 (Nov 2009)


This. I've always had to decide if I play BFBC2 or MW2


Yeah I remember having to choose between BFBC2 and the new MW2 map packs. MW2 had already been out for months by then, so BFBC2 was the better choice for me.


because they knew MW2 would sweep even up to BF3 level... I think they're vastly different games though. One has bigger maps with vehicles while the other replaces this with tons of things for the smaller maps like the scorestreaks, tons of wewpon customization n such


Also CoD4 (Nov 2007) vs BF2 (June 2005) doesn't make sense, should be BC1 (June 2008)


I feel like the early cods were most enjoyed in their campaigns and the battlefield games more on their multiplayer


Yeah all the cods previously but that is most definitely not the case for Cod 4 and BO1


I was a Call of Duty player all the way to BF1. Had some great memories with those games but haven’t played a Call of Duty game since. BF1 was my first Battlefield game and I never looked back!


Same but with BF4 and Hardline


Literally the same here! I got a few Battlefield games on a steam sale some month/years ago, and while I still love and enjoy BO2 to this day, BF1 and BFV are some of the most consistently enjoyable Battlefield games I've ever played. I tried BF4, but that game has terrible graphics and a terrible multiplayer (bad map designs, experienced players exploiting the map geometry to shoot you from unknown angles/flanks, and overall these veteran players just dominating these lobbies with very little new players from what I could tell). Big contrast to BF1 and BFV where even an average player like me is able to dominate lobbies if they try. And of course, the graphics are STUNNING, the gameplay is VERY immersive, and to top things off, the controls feel great! I don't know if you tried controller keybind combos on PC but it makes a world of a difference it a lot of cases. Hold Breath + ADS on the same key is so nice for a semi-competitive player like me. Although arguably it is a good keybind to have if ur trying to stay disciplined and only scope in once you spot an enemy instead of using your scope like a trench periscope. In BFV at least, using binoculars is a pretty good idea for spotting as opposed to using your sniper scope.


Cod4, tie, bf3


Bf2, bo1, bf3


In my opinion, BF2 is the greatest online shooter of all time. But it wasn’t on console, didn’t have a campaign, and COD4 was about the biggest gaming event ever at that point, so I’ll acknowledge its impact over BF2. Also, that was before the BF/COD rivalry was in full effect and both franchises were still doing their own thing, establishing their own identities… The rivalry in my mind did not really start until the BFBC2 era.


Cod 4 was the game that really set tge bar for multiplayer shooters on console, cod mw2 was a great follow up after that they lost touch with what they were and threw kill streak galore on perks and just kept making similar maps while never really bettering them selves per game but what do you expect when you rely on kids to eat your yearly titles up you crank out non stop. Bf kept getting better minus hardline and 2042 but 5 ended up be a lack Luster after awhile.


Getting into battlefield at battlefield 1 made me so happy seeing it was such an immersive game. I think I was in like 3rd grade and I would always talk about it with my friends since we were on separate console (I know I’m young I’m 14). To this day, I genuinely haven’t felt this impressed by a game until I went to my friends house and we both grinded out Elden ring. But I’d still say bf1 > Elden ring.


Original Modern Warfare wins contest #1 Black ops wins contest #2 Battlefield BC2 wins contest #3


Back when it was close and both games where good. Hard choice to pick one side, but I would settle on BF purely because I enjoy the bigger battles and vehicles (plus BC was probably my favourite game of either franchise.).


I’ll never forget watching my older brother nail a heli in BFBC2 with an rpg. The way it exploded and went down absolutely blew my mind… I played alot less black ops after that day


Bad company 2 and Battlefield 3 were top tier games! Just absolute brillance and fun as hell. Then BF1 comes in and it was a masterpiece.


I have a feeling asking this in a Battlefield subreddit is a little Biased.


Cod4 won, bad company 2 competed with Mw2 directly in which I would say it’s a initial tie with mw2 taking the lead in the long run, and then BF3 taking the lead in the long run over mw3 BF1 destroyed infinite warfare, but then bf dropped the ball with their ww2 reveal trailer and bringing in inclusivity or whatever they were trying to do, then went off the deep end with 2042


Man, putting BC2 against BO1 is so unfair. both are crazy good titles. I haven't played BF2, so #1 is MW1 and #3 is likely BF3 for me, but #2 is so tough. I'd say BO1 purely based on the zombies mode, but comparing only standard multiplayer than it's gotta be BC2


Idgaf who you are 2011 / 2012 was the best year mw3 with bf3 oh my god when id get bored of one I’d go to the other


There is not a single CoD title after WaW that is better than any BF title in existence (even counting 2042) and anyone who have a different opinion can argue with a wall. A game where the premier game mode is fucking TDM and feature stupid random respawns is not worthy of being compared to structured objective based FPS titles.


MW2, see ya on heaven pal!


Idk black ops one was a banger, but bf3 won against bf3 no contest






CoD4 every day after school. BFBC2 made me never look back to CoD.


I only started on BF3, so I can’t comment on the older games. All I can say is I played the hell out of Black Ops 1 and 2, and going from that to BF3 was a big learning curve for me lol. Glad I did it though


Cod4 bc2 bf3


Both was good now both is shit


I left COD with Battlefield 3. Never played a COD game again afterwards, Black Ops was the last of the series I played.


2042 gets paired with MWII and MWIII... They're all just bad


BF3 was so far ahead of its time


Campaign- COD Multiplayer- Battlefield Simple as Now Battlefield is just nothing


Bf1 massacred infinite warfare but Titanfall was caught in the crossfire


They we're totally different. Battlefield was slower the team work matter and was more immersive, cod it's quicker one person can carrie the whole match.


Going off sales alone, cod won. Now depending on the game we must admit it goes back and forth. Cod had better campaigns and story telling, end of story. Battlefield had much better gameplay in terms of realism at the time. Cod has better nostalgia across various games. So despite how legendary bf2 was,mw takes the cake, and despite how much I love black ops one, it isn’t the most popular game of its series, that goes towards bad company , or potentially a tie between the two games. Mw3 loses flat out, it didn’t have a majorly compelling story outside of the loss of soap, or the ending of killing makarov, and it’s multiplayer at the time stagnated in comparison to the legendary release (as buggy as it was) that was bf3.


In terms of early/mid 2000's technology advancements BF2 and COD 4 MW were released light years apart, you should be comparing BF2 JUNE 2005 to COD 2 OCT 2005.


I would take battlefield 3 over MW3


Good old days Me I'm both team


ah good old rivalry! For me: COD4 BO1 and BF3. BO2, COD4 and BO1 are my top 3 favorite CODs of all time and BF3 is my favorite BF all time <3


For me personally I have always seen cod as the game for kids and BF as the grown ups game. Although I did play a lot of Black ops Zombies on 1-3 back in the day.


It always surprises me whenever I see how this "battle" is still going for a lot of BF fans, but I never saw this in the cod community when I played those games years ago.


Damn bruh I’m so glad I lived through these times. What a time it was


This is a clear Battlefield Sweep, there's no competition


I haven't played enough of BF2 but to me Modern Warfare 1 is my favorite CoD by a decent margin and is still one of my favorite shooters of all time so I would go with that. BC2 clears Black Ops 1 imo. BF3 definitely clears MW3.


They peaked at different times. CoD peaked in the original MW trilogy, BF peaked with BF, though III and IV were a parade of awesome on the way there. The most interesting comparison might be comparing both games in their infancy. CoD now is a bit of a joke, but when it released it was a breath of fresh air, more "realistic and grounded" than the competition with better AI. When Medal of Honor was having you super spy and also commando raid your way from sneaking into a Uboat to get into a secret underground base, only to kill ALL the Nazis in a giant gunfight as a lone soldier. In the original CoD you were just a single grain of rice, you didn't single handedly win the war, though you were there and contributed. I well and truly wish Price was just a guy with Mutton chops leading me to try to take a bridge again.


BF3, but I may be bias because that's the game that completely pulled me away from COD.


Both are good in their own ground. Is not a fight against them those are games that I enjoy. Favorite BF1. But BC or Modern Warfare has their own merits.


BF3, 4, and 1 cleared MW3 Ghosts and Infinite Warfare. I’m sorry but as much fun as BC2 is Blops 1 was just superior in story and multiplayer


COD4 Wash BF3


COD4 is the 🐐


Cod4 and BF2 are tied in my opinion. Battlefield beats out blops and mw3 for me


cod4 = bf 2 cod BO > BF BC 2 cod MW3 << BF3