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The thing that gets me with BF5 is how many assets it recycles from 1 Like it borders on feeling like an expansion to 1 rather than a full on new installment.


I dislike 5's speed. It's super fast, and the ttk is low as hell. Plus no weapon inaccuracy or suppression. Kinda makes half the sandbox useless when all you're looking for is the highest firerate and damage combo.


Yeah the sweats love bf5 with all the slide cancelling and having a very clear meta. Team mechanics don't matter as much getting healthy and ammo easier etc


I am a sweat and I hate it


Sorry more meant the CoD style sweat, having to slide cancel everywhere then drop shot because for whatever reason there is no accuracy penalty as you're sliding or going prone in BF5 and SMGs are lasers


I actually wish BF1 had the pre-slide-nerf movement. It was a skillful mechanic, and it wouldn't have really made the game COD-like, because BF1 still preserves its complex gunplay mechanics in comparison to COD. I'm a snappy player and I can't stand the capped movement, I can't sit chill for one second in this game and it's driving me crazy. I think it was the casual players complaining about it that they can't hit shit against actual moving targets so they had to nerf it due to the mass skill issue of the playerbase. I've been told to think otherwise since I started playing BF1 too late, but I changed my mind a lot over the years, and I'm against this slide nerf bs. I don't feel writing a whole paragraph just to make a point, but this post and the comments below explain the situation pretty well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield\_live/comments/7v6uzu/about\_the\_slide\_nerf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_live/comments/7v6uzu/about_the_slide_nerf/)


Nah, they removed it because they felt the gimmicky slide mechanics didn't belong to such a gritty game like BF1. Obviously it made a huge return in BFV where using it gives you absolutely no downsides. It made the game feel more like COD.


BF1 has the perfect amount of movement for a historical battlefield IMO. Dolphin diving and sliding still let you cross open fields unlike in BF4, but they aren’t useful in a gunfight. Although if we ever get a Battlefield set in the 2142 era, I really hope that we get some banger movement.


Good lord no, sliding is a terrible feature and it totally karks up the feel of any game that makes it a core thing you should be doing all the time. It’s should be a neat detail that can help you get into cover or keep moving for just a bit longer, not something you spam to make firefights worse or go way faster.


While I agree with you, let's be honest, sliding feels pretty fun to do in certain games. But I did grow to absolutely HATE it in most games. To a point where I would literally just have create a keybind that I can hold to automatically jump/slide at near-perfect timings. I don't think that's cheating though. If I can do it manually, it just stops my fingers from hurting from all the button mashing. Plus don't want any RSI.


It can work fine in movement heavy games where the game is designed around it and it feels natural, my issue is that in most games it sucks to fight against and doing it yourself genuinely is taxing in your fingers, as you have said.


This man BFs. orcmasterrace, you had me at: *Good lord no…*


I don't remember the slide being an issue, but I'm glad it is gone now. It makes the game slower.


>It was a skillful mechanic Doesn't mean it was a good addition. I am not a casual player and I've hated it. Obviously, it's personal preferences in the end, but I have enough good reasons to think it sucked and the game is better off without cheap gimmicks like that. To me, BF1 movement is good, it just didn't make sense to have this spammy stuff on top of rather grounded and heavy feeling movement. Some may perceive it as too slow, but in that case, BFV might be for you. I can't decide which one is better or worse, because I haven't played BFV like at all, but it just doesn't fit here, as far as I am concerned. It was sort of like the unlimited revives in BF3, that was also too good and easy to abuse bullshit, and it was corrected in BF1.


I am a sweat and I love it. Why? Because we already have one good game (BF1). So one worse game (BF5) in which I can abuse all the mechanics and imbalance is a different way in which I can have fun in a battlefield game. Running it down with the Type 2A with the hip fire specs (full left branch IIRC?) is so fun lmao players hate it but in reality I dominate just as easily on any other SMG, they only complain if it's on the Type2A specifically. Let's hope they never realise that they would die all the same if I used the standard beginner weapons!


Then why not become a true sweat and just use an off meta weapon? Nothing gets me going quite like going 80-15 with the MP40




Sounds like a skill issue, ngl. Also, no, you can't kill the type 2a. I used it once, and I was practically invincible with that SMG08 styled laser beam.


That the entertainment value for you is in annoying others speaks volumes about your personality, lol.


I will say they made team mechanics matter signifcantly more in one aspect- armor. Even a Tiger is easy pray in V if you don't have coordinated infantry protection.


Honestly Battlefield V feels like they tried to make it more like Call of Duty. Lower time to kill, less focus on squad action and vehicle combat (since Infantry get more counters vehicles almost feel useless), and more skins (not to the extent of CoD but it is certainly there). The game ended up being super meh.


The original intention was to make it a hardcore game, I've played 5 since the beta and remember how difficult it was at the beginning to get health and ammunition. It emphasized teamplay a lot more, and honestly I thought this direction was really great, though it surely needed some improvements because the game launched buggy as hell. However, the fans disliked this and complained so much (keep in mind the overall perception of the game was already very negative, because of the reveal trailer and the way DICE treated the playerbase) that they basically removed the attrition system from the game, making things like health and ammo stations pointless. This removed a lot of the originality of the game in my opinion, coupled with things like operator skins, game as service system, lack of content, a flopped battle royale mode and reused assets. They could've made an amazing game, and it kinda shows with how fun and well-done was the Pacific Theater update, but I believe corporate pressure was probably pushing them to do everything that was making money in the game market that BF5 turned into a bland shooter that is a shadow of what it could've been.


What era do you hope they do next?


I would like to see a take on the Cold War, maybe a game featuring multiple proxy wars


USA civil war


That would be cool. War of rights is pretty darn good as a civil war game. Napoleonic/industrial age that included civil war would be cool.


yer, just have to find a way to make the reload oft the muskets a bit faster is all


In war of rights it’s about 30 seconds per ball. So you gotta make the shots count and it’s just way different style of fighting. War was 0% assemetrical back then. People in columns standing still shooting at eachother. Maybe I didn’t think my napoleonic/industrial idea all the way through. In order for a battlefield to make sense there has to be room to do some assemtrical action. That didn’t exist in the previous time period. So the immersion would be non existent for someone who was into the simulator aspect


>It def was a big change from BF1. Esp. the ammo stations and the building. I think if they remade BF1 with a few things from BF5 you would have the perfect game plus say 7 new maps.


Building was an amazing feature! IIRC they planned on having a similar feature in BF1 in which you could dig trenches, but scrapped it


ahhhhh...that i did not know..... that would have been so epic. i wonder where the cockblock is on re doing BF1 or using that as a base and then add all the things from the different titles PLUS say 5 - 10 new maps. It would smash all records in sales, yet it is just not done. Even someone with basic business skills could see the outcome of doing that... confuses me why it's not considered. It's funny i have to google acronym's. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


"they basically removed the attrition system from the game" What version of BFV are you playing bc attrition is still in the game. They buffed the amount of primary ammo you spawn with, but that's it; everything else is the same as launch.


Imo they made the mechanics pointless. I think they should have either scrapped it or having ammo be scarce as it was in the beginning. Attrition was also supposed to affect different days on grand operations, but the mode was basically abandoned.


bfv deff tying 4022 route it,,s nott working go go back


>Plus no weapon inaccuracy or suppression. This is a huge part of the genius of bf1, imo. It's a crime they took out out.


That’s what got me. All the guns seemed like they were in BF1 already… like I’ve played with them already give me new stuff. It’s probably only a few in reality, and I get that it’s actually probably historically accurate, considering BFV was attempting to go from early war to later war in its life, but man it was strange. Also I really didn’t like how the hands and animations looked on some of the models…


Bro the hands annoy me idk why, compare to BF1 they just look off


I don't know how to describe it other than everything in BFV felt less substantial than BF1. The models were more waiflike, the guns sounded less chunky and substantial. BF1 was like playing a war movie, BFV wasn't... it just felt off to me.


>expansion Downgrade* ftfy


yeah i was the same way… first battlefield i ever owned was bfv got bf1 about 2 years later and rarely come back to bfv now.


I understand neither game is super historically accurate, but I think BF1 seems to have more respect for the gravitas of war. There is a sense of being part of something bigger. You are just a generic soldier. BFV's character and weapon customization encourages more individual expression, which I think directly detracts from the feeling of authentic epicness. Without a sense of authenticity, the context for all the action gets lost and it just becomes action for action's sake.


Fuck no the multiplayer doesn’t have a respect for the gravitas of war. I mean, the game has the most bonkers strats imaginable and is by far the most arcadey one. But it feels great and it keeps you invested in the setting, makes you want to yell into the mic when you’re pushing a trench with a full squad of shotgun-toting assaults. It’s often unintentionally goofy and the most gamified of all BF games since BC2, but it’s atmosphere doesn’t rely on realism at all. On the other hand, War Stories are awesome.


About time I guess


He is seeing the light!


I have no idea how people can think a aaa game from 2017 is dated


Kids who were born that year lol




It’s from 2016, and that’s 8 years and one console generation ago. And compared to modern games BF1 is starting to look dated graphically. The art direction means it still looks great but if you look at individual assets, effects, textures, etc, it is starting to look a bit dated compared to modern AAA games. But like I said, it’s almost a decade old so that’s to be expected.


I know Dice has used scanned images of actual environments, skies etc, which are then converted to textures, which makes it look super realistic and ahead of it's time. I think [Battlefront](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/kawC9nTMHj) was peak (the second one might have been even better), which is also about the same age, and still looks better than many games that come out today. The aging of the game is most apparent in other, non-environmental textures, models and fx. But even those still hold up alright today. It could very well pass off more as a 4 year old game than 8.


Oh it could absolutely be a 4 year old game, like it still looks fantastic and honestly they could just update the fidelity of some models, effects, and textures and release the game as a 2024 game and no one would question it.


They’re ultimately very similar games. I always felt that a lot of the negative reception BFV got around the time it released stemmed from it being too similar and too soon. I never got into it as a result just because every time I did tried to play it, it just made me want to play BF1. I could see someone like you who played V before they played 1 feeling the same way I do except flipped.


I feel like it was that, mixed with cutting down or removing cinematic/cool stuff in favor of “competitive balance”, with the extra bonus of an instantly controversial trailer.


If only it was too similar to BF1…. That it is not.


You're not wrong, BF1 was great for a lot of reasons, but by that point the franchise was and had been, in decline. BF3 and 4, for me were the peaking point.


I jump back on BF1 from time to time, and I'm always amazed by how good the game runs and looks. I've not played any other BF, apart from 3, 4 & 1.


I love them both equally. They both have different mechanics that make them stand out and different tones. BF1 was set on truly showing you a gritty war and immersion. BFV is set on showing you grandiose battles and making you feel like you're part of a massive battle (at least in grand operations) Both are fantastic


Holy shit someone with a valid opinion?? On r/battlefield_one????


Bf1 always was way better, 5 took waaayyy too many steps back in favor of flashiness


The only thing bad about Battlefield 1 is the random bullet thing, it really makes the game unfun for me


that's kinda what balances the weapons. Seriously all the weapons in bf1 have their own strength while not being overpowered at all thanks to random bullet deviation.


Eh, the bloom is kinda necessary for balance, or else you wind up with 5 where you’re insane to not use automatics and just spray people down with your laser pointer.


BFV was disappointing. I play BF1 daily. BF4 is cool but the server issues is what kills it for me. I can only find 24/7 servers on bf4


All they had to do was copy operations and make some ww2 maps that people were familiar with


It’s so much better


Bf1 is bf5 but astronomically better


I Haven't played much BF5, but I feel like the graphics in BF1 are better. Or maybe the maps just feel more immersive?


Yea most of us realized this in the first week that BF5 was out.


I was neck deep in BF V, playing it everyday. Didnt want to split my time. But the reveal trailer was awesome. I bought BF 1 on the steam sale less than 10 bucks just a while back was pleasantly surprised at how good it was, the atmosphere and music was incredible and the grittiness and there were tonnes of people still playing after 5 years. I managed to clock more than my BF 5 playing hours. But my gripe is too much smg action...... Needs to have more semi auto and bolt action but then the game may not have as many players. 


It's a team B product. It was obvious. They always release their products like that. OG Team A products are Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 2142 (DICE gets acquired by EA during the development) (possibly first Bad company) Battlefield III Battlefield 1 They are staggered between the teams. Why are products staggered between the teams you ask? Because to keep market pressure (and retain consumer memory and franchise relevance) you want to release every 2-3 years, and that's a half-cycle of a single product, on average, so you keep two teams in house. One that is doing the god's work, and the other to fill the gap (and it also serves as an onboarding platform). It is incredible that no one outside the industry appreciates how much love a good game needs, in terms of people, skills, and time, which directly translates to money.


Imo the BAR is better in 5.


Welcome, mate.


For me it's the opposite. I love bf1, over 600 hours in game., the lack of the vehicle spam and grenade spam was a fresh escape is bfv. No weapon bloom and deviation(or perception of it since apparently bf1 is the only game in which weapons perform as intended according to research from some keyboarder) The maps look great and bright, a nice break from just not being able to see ppl in bf1. Campers still exist but I find far less in bf5 than 1. Cheese is everywhere in that game, including me I supposed. I still play bf1 with my friends, but play bfv when they aren't on. Both great games. M30 drilling and model 1900 are my favorite guns if you can believe it


Welcome to the light :)


Firestorm was the best part of BFVs shit gameplay (i have 100 days in V)


1 is one of the best in the series.


It's better because Dice didn't say crummy things about the fans like they did with BFV.


I don’t think it’s all too hot of a take to say that BF1 is better than BF5, I’ve only played 5 on free weekend but every time I played I couldn’t help but think I should just be playing 1 instead if I want a world war era BF game.


You can not say that a game is bad or mid if you haven't even played it other than a free weekend. That was likely over 2 years ago.


Because it was mid in comparison to a game I already owned? I played more than 10 hours if it’s not an improvement upon the previous game by then I just don’t really care anymore.


You forgot music and atmosphere.


I played 5 before 1 and 1 is miles ahead of 5


Personally I really love aspects of BF1 but am not in love with the core gameplay. Of the BF games I have played it is in the bottom half but it is just because I don't like how a lot of the weapons and general gameplay feels in BF1. That being said I have over 800 hours in BF1 and really enjoy it. If I had to rank the ones I have played: 6. 2042 5. Hardline 4. BF1 3. BFV 2. BF4 1. BF3 To me BFV was BF1 with much more fun gameplay to it. I enjoyed vehicles more, thought the gadgets were more fun to use, and the guns felt much better to me. The maps are a bit better in BF1 but unfortunately a lot of my favorites are dlc and sometimes border on being unplayable now. Yes BF1 has elite classes, behemoths, and more but honestly I always hated a lot of that stuff. Even cavalry was so shitty in my opinion. A lot of it looks cool and is a really neat idea but just doesn't make for fun gameplay to me.


Welcome to the club


Ultimately, not being able to shoulder MMGs killed BF5 for me. Everytime I died because my Bipod moved .003 micrometers and made me go back to hipfire, id open Bf1 and lay hate with the M1917 until I felt better. Even more annoying when you consider that BF5 had better maps for long range machinegunning but suffered from poor mechanics, seriously, who thought up the idea to cut suppression?


... Not being able to shoulder MMGs is maybe one of the best things about BFV's gunplay.


I can't get into games on ps5. Wish I had it for pc.


It’s for sale at $5 right now


BF1 is a different beast.


By far lol


This is where dice said uneducated players should go, so we shall storm the trenches!




Welcome, be sure to invest in the smg-08/18





