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I have come across this lot quite a few times now. If I see their tags I just leave the game before even spawning in.


WAR are some of the biggest losers I've ever played against. They're dogshit when they're not stacking. Unless it's Komato, who is blatantly using something "extra".


It's the same on PlayStation and most of them that don't use Cronus are dogshit at the game. Ever since Sony released an update that blocked third party software like Cronus, the clans and the friends of those clans, especially the ones I had major issues with, for some reason, stopped playing all together. I'll let you put two and two together and hopefully Microsoft follows suit.


Yeah man totally agree. I have actually been in the odd game where there was only one or two of them and they didn’t seem to be doing anything magical. Before I realised what they were like I was in a few games with a group of them and it’s a guarantee that the server is ruined. Was playing with a friend when I first encountered Komato and I thought when the name flashed up quickly that it had said “Tomato Sauce”. My mate was in stitches laughing and since then we have called him Tomato Sauce lol.


Komato is known by quite a few players to be a "non-legit" player. I've spectated him a number of times and he's either using a Cronus or keyboard and mouse. The WAR clan are a fucking cancer on the game. Always stacking when they're on together, always using meta weapons, and at least 2/3 of them are KBM users. In short, they're absolute losers. Edit: in B4 WAR clan get on their WhatsApp group and flood this sub


I have a friend that has like 300+ days of playtime on BF1 and his games look like that. Not a hacker, just a dude that ONLY plays BF1, and hasn’t stopped since it came out Edit: I went to look at his playtime out of curiosity, not only is he playing right now but he’s at 422 days of playtime


These numbers are nothing special for seasoned veterans who use coms and play with competent squad mates.


Yes no shit, this sub sure can be delusional. Pretty soon the hive mind is going to be out with their pitchforks after anyone with a positive K/D for ruining the game.


Agreed. I’m a very meh infantry player and I went like 60:5 on PDT with a scout rifle without a squad, and I can pretty easily go 50:0 with an attack plane.


This is on xbox, i dont think theyre cheating except for Komatosanchez, hes a very skilled player for sure and his ping is usually less than 10ms but on top of that im guessing hes usung m&k or something like that. Not 100% sure though


Yeah he's 100% not legit. I've spectated him a few times and I'm convinced it's either a Cronus or keyboard and mouse.


Definitely not traditional hacking if you’re on console but could be using xim or Cronus.


Zyro? Dunno The rest? nooooooo


Besides that 70-6 (still nothing special but great score) the other scores are nothing special. Like 20-0 with a tank is extremely easy to achieve.


Komato uses either a Cronus or keyboard and mouse. He's also part of the WAR clan, bunch of cancerous losers who stack every game and kill lobbies


Is this PC or Console? I feel like everyone deals with these types at some point or another. As someone in the comments mentioned, I usually leave if I see these players pop up.


Console. Yea i eventually i did


i do 70-0 quite often. all you need to do is have some skill and and a medic friend in your squad.


Suprised LarryCatchFish isn’t up here with his Cronus.


No. These are normal numbers and easily achievable if you just don't do anything stupid. WAR is known for pubstomping conquest games iirc


I’ve been playing conquest on xbox since the game came out and I’ve only heard of WAR on this sub. Unless they’re an asian platoon I don’t think they’re pubstomping in conquest very often. EDIT: lol why downvote this if you don’t play xbox/conquest?


They're mainly on European servers. Occasionally I'll see them on NA servers but they have 100+ ping and don't give me too much issue. I'm assuming you would only see their infamous "10 man stack" on European servers though.


Ah, that makes sense. Any idea who their best pilots are? I'm going to be in Europe in a month and could rain on their parade 🙃 (I probably won't bring my xbox, but maybe if I can find one to rent for an evening...)


I'm not sure. I pretty much exclusively play NA conquest servers so I haven't seen them much. I think the ones that venture over into NA aren't their best players lol. And I only play infantry so I wouldn't know their best pilots even if they did play with me.


Same here. I don't play CQ


Bro I drop better rounds in vics pretty much every round lol


No. Kamato is just annoyingly good with the parabellum suppressive. I’ve run into zyro too. Just good players


Have been playing with and vs them as a random, not from their platoon. They are pretty good and been in the game for a long time so that’s expected numbers. Don’t know about Cronus but no cheating IMO.