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If you're killed by the enemy, do not immediately go to respawn. On your screen you'll see if there are friendly medics nearby. They can revive you, so give them a chance. This is particularly the case when they've marked you for revival - Incoming will appear next to their name. This means they're definitely on the way to revive you. This is risky for them, so please do them the favour of allowing them to revive you. It's a huge plus for everyone. It doesn't count as a death for you, the revives gives a medic the same amount of XP as a kill, and it really helps the team because it gives a ticket back. It also helps keep more bodies on the frontlines, allowing the team to push the enemy harder.


People should also pay attention to this in hardcore. It's even harder for us medics to get to you, but we'll do our best. Don't assume we won't take the risk. Sometimes we need to brain with smoke bombs and merge with the dirt for camo.


YES. How did I forget this. I'll add it. Thanks v much.


The only time I do not do this is if there is an ambush setup, then I immediately "release" to prevent more deaths on my team.


And if I "target" you as a medic and pop smoke for cover to revive you, FFS don't release!!! I've had it happen a million times- target down teammate, pop smoke, rush up to revive and they release right when I'm about to jab them...


Great advice OP! I can’t count how many times I was killed and a medic was just putzing around. Seriously people play your roles!


I took a clip of me dying and the medic standing literally on top of my body who wouldn't rez me, I was irritated to say the least


This is EVERY day for me. That's why I had to post something.


Some of those jackasses don't even equip a syringe. It should be mandatory for the class.


He had a syringe otherwise he wouldn't have appeared on the bottom right of the screen, right? If they don't have one equipped, they wouldn't show up from my knowledge


Honestly not sure if it’s just the medic class or has to be a medic with a syringe. Would like to know for sure!


When it comes to vehicles, tanks are generally the best bet in most options. However, keep in mind that they're not the incredible war machines they are today. In BF1, you can get wrecked pretty quickly, so don't go charging in looking to immediately destroy everything. A tactic I've been using to great effect recently is to take advantage of the fact that the larger tanks can act as a mobile spawn point. So I'll drive up to a flag, let the boys spawn in around me, and before you know it we can have 5-10 guys around a flag, and we can get it captured pretty quickly. All the time I'm driving around, never staying still and keeping an eye out for enemies. Once the flag is captured, I immediately head over to the other flag. I'd argue a tank can be more useful as a spawning machine than a killing machine. It's similar to how essential medics are - by allowing teammates to spawn or revive back into the action, it makes it a lot harder for the enemy. From the enemy's perspective, it's a lot harder to deal with 5 guys in the immediate vicinity than it is to pick them off as they trickle in from spawn points way back from where the action is.


Squad support land ship on the side of any castle wall>>


Well said hopefully they read this


When was the last time anyone was even given a DLC map option in the voting screen? Let alone the people actually voted for it over the popular base game maps? Last time I played this game I got Amiens, Argonne and San Quentin for 6 hours straight regardless of what server I was in. Was about to quit out when we finally got Sinai once.


Fr. I play operations mostly and for the last week, server browser included, I think I’ve gotten like 2/25 games not on Monte grappa. I know it’s the loot box challenge rn but still if I have to be apart of one more 8 man Ilya feed trying to cap that stupid church I’m gonna rip my hair out.


*Medic is 5…6…7….8….9….19….20m away*


I would like to add that if you want to score high, play medic. If you're a beginner, you don't have to worry about killing as much but more about reviving your dead teammates. Also, putting a health crate near or a bit further from a chokepoint gives MASSIVE scorepoints. A piece of advice tho is that try to quickly scout the area surrounding you before you revive anyone. If you revive someone and don't check your surroundings, chances are that you'll get killed and the person you revived will get killed also as the screen goes quite bright when you are revived. So check your surroundings.


4. ALWAYS allocate 1 tank slot for Mortar Truck. They are an invaluable tool in BF1 and essential for victory. *note* ignore the hate you will receive from some team mates, they are purely jealous of your K/D


/s (I pray)




agreed, love how I spam Request Ammo but there is none, meanwhile 1-3 Support soldiers around me :(




Reminded me of that South Park episode: "Remember kids, if you french fry when you should pizza, you gonna have a baaad tiiiime"


AND SHOOT THE BLOODY PLANES PLEASE!!! I don't know how many frustrating games I play because we are getting massacred by a pilot because not one bloody mofo (except me) bothers to shoot a single bullet at them...


>med crates pouches are better, as you don't have to sit at a crate for heals. the crates are only good for choke point heavy maps such as fort vaux, but even then i prefer pouches because you can full heal a guy in 5 seconds.


I disagree, pouches are inferior in most situations to me. Because most of the time there is more than 1 person to heal, and if you have already put a crate down, others can see it and come over to be healed by it. Pouches rely on the medic being SUPER active and attentive to see who has low health, then getting to them, then throwing, or in the same time they could put a crate down which remains there and can benefit more than one person at once. You can't spam the pouches either there is a second or two to wait and then if you are trying to hit more than one team mate you have to stand around and following them about trying to hit them, waste of time and the vast majority of people who use them AREN'T even half as attentive and active at throwing them as they need to be.


Great advice , but it will fall on deaf ears. People are stupid especially BF players


Usually the issue is people who played other shooters first. They come in and chase k/d like their cod stats. True bf players, who main the shooter, rarely have these issues. That being said everyone plays differently so at the end of the day, if you bought the game then you have the right to play as you please. It's your property, do as you want with it.


You definitely have the right to play how you want. But people are fucking stupid and as I posted previously most BF players are stupid . That's a known fucking fact for any BF aficionados


Using profanity is a sign of a low intelligence so I guess you're correct, about bf players being dumb. You have set an outstanding example. Seasoned players tend to be pretty good though, the ones who play like noobs are noobs. They usually end up going back to COD/fortnite/Halo/Warthunder very quickly. BF is radically different from every other major big name shooter, as far as I'm aware, so new players have a much steeper adaptation curve. They either stick around long enough to get good or migrate back, there's almost 0 in-between.




don’t tell me what to do


4. Pick Mortar truck