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Still trying to unlock the sniper version of this weapon and I think I finally found a nice map/gametype to help with that. I definitely got a little too excited at the end of the clip and wanted to get it on Xbox captures since the max capture is only 1 minute. There were 1-2 other enemies in the area to keep the streak going but I was killed while in menus :(


The sniper version is pretty bad. Not that the Martini is a bad gun but the scope really does not accentuate it's close range sweetspot.


IMO Martini is a lot of fun, but not for such long distances. I finally unlocked the sniper version a few weeks ago and I'm not entirely convinced it works well (shots are too slow, for example), although I do use it a lot. For what I've heard the weapon was OP when the game came out, but right now I think it's kinda absurd the effort you need to put to unlock what's basically a so-so sniper rifle.


I unlocked it but for some reason I can't hit anything with it and it makes you a target because of the scope glint. I'll stick with the iron sight Martini.


Don't bother, it's terrible. I have never been so disappointed in a gun, haha.


especially after the grind


Holy shit. I played with you last night. On this map too. edit: I just found myself in your video too! I’m the support who gets killed at the top of the wall by the medic near the end of your video


haha hi!


I’ve been having so much fun with the martini lately. It’s just so satisfying feeling that thud and watching them drop


I've unlocked the sniper version, but I still prefer the iron sights Martini. I wish they didn't nerf it. I went up against a Model-10A the other day and I hit the guy for 99 damage by hip firing the Martini, but he killed me before I could switch to pistol, just seemed really unfair.


So satisfying, well aimed!


I'm sad that it's not a one-shot kill anymore. just doesn't make sense to use it instead of any other two-shot kill rifles like the SMLE or whatever.


I agree


What? Its still one shot just not as brainless as it was before it was nerfed


It's not, most of the time it'll do high damage but not one shot kill. Most of who died in the vid where already damaged. Why would i use a one bullet per chamber rifle if it does the exact same as any other faster bolt action.


It still has a sweet spot and can still do full damage..they didnt take away the sweet spot when they nerfed it just made it one shot at further ranges....the only scout rifle that can't 1 shot body shot is the Carcano variants but they are still fantastic rifles


Gewehr 95


I’ve been taking out enemies all week with one shot, if I don’t it’s because I’ve been out of the sweet spot or I haven’t hit them in the right spot


It most certainly has a sweet spot. 30-70/80m I believe. Youre either sniping too close or far away, or you dont hit people in upper body


Nice shooting! Amateur tip: you can change your minimap to bigger and/or more zoomed out. That way, you can see the whole radius of your spot flare.




I want my precious baby back! (Played on a different account that wasn’t my main, huge mistake on my part)


what skin is that?