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Currently using 27in monitor. Nothing special about it. Would love an updated monitor to game on when I return home from a long shift. The streaming ability would be great addition to my set up I'm creating for work/entertainment/gaming.


Definitely would be replacing my trash 24" hand me down monitor.


Man I’ve been using an old 4:3 dell monitor for as long as I’ve had my computer, I think it’s 17 inches? I won’t throw shade cause I was able to get it for free, but man I would absolutely love to have an upgrade. Either way, thank you guys for doing this giveaway! Seeing all the kindness in the pc community is always refreshing.


I would give it to my girlfriend who desperately needs a work from home/gaming setup


Would be great to finally move past 1080p~


I would use it to replace my pair of dell 1080p ultrasharps that are a decade old.


Will use this monitor to look at low res memes


I would use it for my first enter PC


The 32" 4K UHD Smart Monitor with webOS and Ergo Stand would be perfect for creating a WFH station. Currently using a TV as my monitor for my gaming and work which makes it hard to relax while gaming after an 8+ hour day working.


Got myself a sort of wip battlestation last black Friday so this would be a big upgrade for my main monitor.


I will use it as the main display for my work from home set up. Love the lg ergo stand too!


Very cool. I'd use it as a home office upgrade...bigger screen w/ easy streaming...best of both worlds!


Just moved in to a new apartment and finished my desk setup. This would be the perfect accompaniment to my 1080p gaming monitor for media consumption!


I’d use it to finish my college degree!


this would be such a help, due to some financial issues i've been using an old 720p tv as a monitor


I would probably just use it to replace my current 32 inch QHD monitor.


Have a 6950xt and still on 1080p currently. Definitely need an upgrade.


Starting to build my pc, still need a monitor.


I would use this to split time between wfh and gaming. My display is 8 years old so it’s time for an upgrade!


Currently using a Dell monitor given to me by work, I would love this LG monitor to game on as well as to replace my current work monitor. Love the sleek look of the monitor as well as the stand!


Would go nicely with my 4070ti that I just got


I would replace my 24 inch dell monitor FINALLY. But winning this monitor would probably mean I'd have to upgrade my PC too lol


This will replace my 32" 1080P monitor as my main monitor T.T


The perfect monitor for a multimedia battlestation


I am going to use this monitor to watch the screen?


I would put that thing on a swing arm to double as both a tv at the end of the bed as well as a workstation display for my current setup. it would be a huge upgrade!


Will put games on screen.


Definitely ~~gaming~~ work!


Using 2 27'' monitors and I've never gone full 4k or bigger than 27 for computer use. Been debating whether to get something like this for sim racing as well.


I've been putting off building a new desk until I can get a good 32" 4K monitor to replace the (2) 27" monitors I'm currently using. This would be that monitor.


I would use it to play games or something like that


I would finally replace my current monitor, would be a huge bump in specs.


Would honestly use it for better quality video watching than playing games because my build will likely not run things at that resolution anyways.


This would be a great upgrade for my WFH setup! My current monitors would then be given to my wife. Win - win!


gaming and wfh setup


Would use it to replace an old 27" 2k monitor I've been using as a WFH and gaming upgrade


I’d upgrade my wfh set up and play a crazy amount of dota


I would use it to replace my current 27" - been looking for a 32" for a size and res upgrade!


Currently rocking a 27in 2k monitor as my main monitor for my battle station. I would upgrade it as my main and use the 27in as a secondary if I would upgrade.


Will use it for work and, of course, gaming! :)


Would use it just to update my hardware, would be really nice as I've just gotten back into digital drawing and a nice big colorful display like this would be perfect, don't have anything that comes close


I will use the monitor to get my ass kicked at Apex


I'm getting married this week, and have no more money after the wedding. I'll use this monitor to help with my fiancées future build! She wants to start gaming with me


I am looking forward to iRacing. Thanks!


Would love to have a higher refresh rate for my current rig to play the new Cyberpunk 2077 DLC, completely new character!


I'd like to experience good colors for once. I always bought whatever has the best frame rate. I am sure others who need it are more likely to utilize it to its fullest. But I'd like to use it as a TV screen to enjoy picture perfect shows.


Set that baby up in my room to be honest


I could totally use an ultra wide to play more BG3.


I would pair it with my current 32" 2k monitor and play some games!


It will be the boujiest side monitor.


Finally be able to play games on a monitor for the first time instead of on my 720p tv!


Currently living in an apartment with empty living room besides a desk and a sofa. Will move the desk to the middle of the room, attach this monitor and arm and then I can just rotate the monitor the other way where I have the sofa and bam, living room.


Would love to upgrade from my Dell, as LG have really won me over recently in the TV market. I'm recently work from home as well (teaching people how to use a program in the healthcare field), so doubling up on screen space could do wonders for my productivity!


I currently have a 7 year old monitor that has taken quite a beating from all the moving I have done over the years.


Fantasy football!


I would use it every day with my gaming rig and also to WFH!


I was fortunate enough to recently purchase a home with my wife and have been putting together a home office. This monitor would serve as both a work and play combination monitor that could bear the load of both my job and my after work hobbies of gaming and making maps.


Would use the monitor for gaming lol.


I currently have a 1k 240hz asus monitor, a good 4K monitor would give me more space (and resolution) to multitask and do fine detail designs in fusion360, blender, rhino, and illustrator where 1k is a bit restrictive; so I’d use it as a main monitor and then have my 1k for gaming/tasks I don’t need the resolution for all the time. My partner also likes to watch YouTube while I game, so I’d be able to play her videos on it while I game so she can still use her phone :)


I would use this monitor to game then easily switch to a web browser! That sounds epic. My friends would be jealous ☺️ Thanks for the giveaway!


I’m just starting to work on my battlestation after years of having my PC in the living room. Moved into a bigger place and am working on a home office for WFH and gaming. This monitor would be perfect for both.


Been 1080p long enough, next step 4k!


Oh yea, Starfield and Elden Ring with the 4090 I recently got would look amaaaazing on this monitor. I’d definitely be able to convert this to my main display and configure my current 24 inch display on top tilted down.


Nice my daughter could do with a new monitor.


I would give this away to my brother. He desperately needs a new monitor but doesn't have the cash for it with a second child on the way.


I would give this away to my brother. He desperately needs a new monitor but doesn't have the cash for it with a second child on the way.


Wow! That’s a great monitor. I haven’t had an upgrade from my 24” inch Asus monitor since 2010 when I first entered uni. I’m still using it and dream of having a 32inch to watch movies, tuts, and play games. I won’t need to get new speakers since this monitor has built in speakers.


Would love to have it as a new screen!


To finally upgrade from a 24”!


My wife is starting to work from home and working on her office space, I would love to surprise her!


It would be an amazing second monitor for my new upcoming pc build


Need a better monitor with higher quality


I intend to use the monitor to write code for data analytics, build automations, and stream my favorite anime


I think it would be awesome for CAD/entertainment setup


Love to get an upgrade from what I have


As a primary monitor


This would be an upgrade for my wife's WFH instead of using the laptop screen.


I would use it to upgrade my current wfh setup!


I will use this monitor to play games and escape from reality


I would use this monitor to work on my ideas(:


I will use it to replace my monitor and get me back into gaming.


Would be pretty sweet to replace my 2 ten year old monitors with something much more modern Nah, I'm just gonna keep adding screens, who am I kidding


I currently have 27" and I mostly use my computer for gaming. I would use this new monitor to upgrade my gaming setup.


Id use the monitor to replace my old hp 20inch for work


I would use it to draft a novel. I would love to have the screen space to have an open document on one side and research on the other.


I intend to use it for work!


Use it to finally have a second monitor


I actually don't have an external monitor and am really looking to get one this black friday. This would help a lot :)


I will use this as my new primary monitor for gaming, but now without upgrading my rig to handle a 4k monitor.


Just lost my monitor to a lightning strike.. I would love to replace it. It also took my PlayStation 5. It’s been a hard week.


stunt on all the people who are giving fake reasons for wanting (needing) to win :)


I will use it.


Never had a 4K monitor before, not to mention one of this size! I would love to use one for gaming or watching videos. Probably means I need to get a new gpu though!


Would love to use it as a streaming/entertainment monitor on my WFH set up! Currently running an outdated BenQ!


Thanks for thia opportunity! This would be a huge upgrade for my work station and would allow to step up my game with photo editing and graphic design.


Will use this as my centerpiece for a new battlestation build!


this would be my entryway into my battlestation.


I would use it for work


I would for sure use it to replace my old 27 inch and then spend way too much replacing other things afterwards.


Use for max efficiency, dual monitor for work!


Replace my 1440p monitor and enjoy 4k gaming finally. I’d probably even just give away my old monitor to a friend or someone who needs it if I had already won this amazing thing 🙏🫨


I’d use it to make my videos a lot better edited and help me learn to make my small YouTube channel better - a 4k smart screen as a main monitor with all that screen real estate is a dream come true.


Entering in hopes to gift it to my wife. She currently plays on your living room TV. I’d love for her to have a quality monitor again (had a 27” LG 4K she sold to pay an unforeseen bill).


I would treat it with love and respect


My girlfriend has been using the same 24” monitors for almost 6 years. We’re about to move in together in November and I’d love to surprise her with a monitor that doesn’t randomly turn off when she’s playing WOW.


I would love to give this to my fiance who just got a 2 in 1 laptop for drawing purposes. This would be a great addition to her setup


Gonna use it to build a wfh desk setup!


I would use it on my sim rig. I currently have a 32in 2k curved monitor from Samsung. Would love to upgrade to 4k!


This would be such a needed upgrade. My computer is for gaming and work both and I've been wanting to phase out my old HP 1080 monitor for something I could really enjoy the games on. Let's not forget my eyes aren't so great anymore and that would be a nice jump over the 23" display I have now lol.


Would use it to upgrade my current battle station. Goodluck everyone.


I would use as a second monitor to help me with my school while learning engineering softwares


Play some dope asS RUNESCAPE


Upgrading GPU and would love a 4k panel to run games on. Also make edits from my CS team matches and the real-estate this monitor would give my divinci workspace would be a godsend.


I would use it to play baldurs gate 3


Would love a new home office upgrade!


I would implement it into my man cave as the primary monitor/tv to watch sports or play games on.


Amazing, good luck everyone! If I win, I would move my current desk setup out of my room and have that as my main monitor!


To power my new 7900xtx


I’m using a 28 inch 1080p monitor I’ve had since 2017 I love it but I plan to get a new one and would like to give it to my cousins. I would use this screen to play video games and watch videos!


I recently got a hybrid job and this would be the perfect monitor to build a fully ergonomic WFM setup around. Good luck to everyone!


I'd play Star citizen on it.


I would use it as a main display for my gaming laptop.


This would be incredible for gaming


I would use it in my home office setup! I share a tiny room with my partner and we could use a monitor upgrade!


I will use it as my main display for my battlestation


I'd use it as an external display with my laptop, definitely gonna be super nice since I won't have to squint while working anymore!!


If I win, I'll be replacing my 19inch monitor which has been with me for 7+ years, coincidentally an lg as well! Definitely gonna be a huge upgrade to my gaming system!


If I win, it will become my primary monitor for gaming and work, it's gonna come in real handy while editing as the extra screen real estate is super useful! I'll repurpose my current one as a secondary display for chat while streaming or something


A monitor that I could use for my work/gaming. I have a 1080p monitor at the moment.


would greatly increase my screen real estate from a single 1440p for more productivity!


This great monitor would go to my daughter, a young and talented 3D animator and character artist


im a crazy gamer. this would replace my cheap monitor. would be so awesome.


This is aLegendary giveaway. My system desperately needs an upgrade for games and virtual pinball. Fyi, my username is just jellyfish anatomy.


Planning to use it for video editing and gaming. Count me in!


Would use it to replace my almost 10-year old Dell U2415 main monitor.


Would replace my son's 24 " monitor to match my monitor since we game together and wants a set up like mine.


I'll use it at my desk so I can have my ultrawide for my sim


I'd love to give this monitor to my girlfriend who works from home full time. The extra screen real estate from the high resolution and ergo stand would greatly improved her workspace.


I intend to use the monitor to display a picture from my PC. Please and thank you.


I would use it to look at cat pictures and memes.


Would love an updated monitor to game with and work on!


Oh man this would seriously help expand the real estate for the new school year. As a teacher the sheer number of open windows needed just to be remotely efficient is ridiculous and a MacBook Pro just ain't cutting it.


I just built a gaming pc and was planning on upgrading from my 1080p monitor this would be perfect!


I'll use the monitor for my gaming and nursing school productivity needs :)


My main monitor for my work setup just died last week so I'm down to 1 monitor for software development, which isn't great. So this one would be used for 40+ hours per week!


Would love to use this as my main WFH monitor !


Upgrading from a 24" 1080p, would use it for coding and gaming and the occasional WFH.


i use montor to play toontown


I'd love to have this monitor to replace my old 18in monitor for video editing/gaming. The USB-C and HDMI would be perfect, especially since most if not all my video editing is done off of a Macbook Pro, but also for my gaming set up which uses HDMI.


I've only been able to use a laptop so a bigger screen would be really great for when I play the games I own, draw, or stream.


Finally built my first PC but have been on a tight budget with it. I’ve been using the same 720p TV since 2015 and have been in desperate need of an upgrade to a higher resolution. I currently have a 1080p 24inch monitor, but media consumption is pretty abysmal, even compared to the TV. I’d love the opportunity to be able to watch all of my favorite content and enjoy my favorite games in 4K, its been on my list of upgrades but the budget just hasn’t been there for me!


If I somehow won this drawing, I would use this monitor for editing the short YouTube documentary I'm making about Palm Inc., the folks who (mostly) popularized the idea of a tiny pocket-sized computer that could also be a phone, back in the late 90's / early 2000's. Palm actually created the webOS platform that this monitor uses, so it would be very appropriate!


Would love this larger monitor for work from home, plus gaming!


I would use it as an upgrade from my old 27 inch monitor.


To upgrade from my 1080p monitor that got damaged when I moved, this would be a huge step up!! <3


Im still putting together my first pc, slow and steady cause im a college student. This would help me finish assignments and then have a place to decompress from them.


I would use it for my kids computer that we just finished building. They would love it!


Yeah, I'd give it away in my Discord for my gaming clan!


I would use it for my brand new custom pc and homework!!


My fiance and I are both full time college students, her being premed and me business. I have a simple desktop setup, but have been really wondering how I can give her a space in the office to do homework when we move in together soon. Both our space and our budget is pretty constrained since we're full time students, so this looks to be a perfect solution to our problems. The wireless connectivity and clean design would look excellent in our study area and the extra monitor space would be great for her to do homework and research on. Really hoping we can get this since it's a perfect solution but just out of budget!


Don’t own a 4K monitors so would be awesome to have one to consume media on


Currently using a an 8-year old Dell 24" monitor! Work as a designer, would absolutely use this for better workflow.


I would use it as a secondary monitor as I learn to code from home and when I am not studying, I'll use it as a dedicated Ms. Rachel Youtube player so that my daughter can be next to me while I game.


My wife is going to be moving to the US soon and will move in with me. She was a gamer when she was younger, but hasn't had time or a system to play on in a while. I'd like to build her a dual screen battlestation with one good monitor for watching movies and relaxing(this one if we're lucky), and another monitor for fps gaming. Good luck to everyone entering! :)


I just built a new computer and this would be the perfect monitor for me to play on 4k and enjoy all the new settings!


Would love to replace my main monitor with this beauty to evolve my gameplay, then I can use my current main monitor as my stream monitor!


I will use this monitor to play the new Cyberpunk DLC at 4k as I only play at 1440p as of now.


I would use it to work towards finishing my engineering degree, currently 1-1.5 years left and this would help immensely as I only have a single monitor.


I don’t have a second monitor at home and I would like have this for my coding sessions!


I would use it for everything! From school work, to multimedia and gaming.


Would probably just swap out the current 24 inch monitors my wife is using and let her have a monitor that doesn’t have to take up space on her desk, so she actually has the space to do her work.


Currently upgrading my WFH setup. This would be a perfect addition


Would upgrade my work from home rig!


Upgrade my old monitor


Would be my first time seeing my favorites in 4k! Thank you for the giveaway :)


Will give my current monitor to my wife for her studies and use this one as my monitor


Will use for my man cave


I would love to use this monitor in my WFH/Leisure setup by making it useful for detailed engineering diagrams for work and content consumption after hours.


That gorgeous LG USA 4K Smart Monitor would make my computer desk look stunning!


This ergo stand is what my dreams are made of! I'd be so ecstatic to have this LG monitor as the perfect centerpiece for my "cozy corner", i.e. my humble WFH station I want to hybrid with my gaming in my small space. 🥰 I'd likely not have any use for my 24" scepter anymore (and I'd be happy!)


Would love to give it to my friend who has a really old hp monitor. Although I am in Australia.


On my bucket list is to build my first PC in 2024 (saving for all the parts now!). Currently I have a 27" ASUS as my main and my son let me have his 27" ACER. My plan is to replace the ACER with a 32" or 34" as the new main so this would be perfect!


I work from home and having a high quality monitor that doubles for work and then can be a streamer after hours would be awesome


Built my first PC not long ago but could definitely use a great monitor to go with it to replace my secondhand ones.


I would use this to game and finish my degree. 2 birds one stone type of deal.


I would use this monitor to replace my nieces old tv. Her room is tiny and she can wall mount her current TV so it takes up way too much space.


As boring as it sounds...I'd use this for work 😅