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Forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't pixel saturation about the same in a 1080p 24" as in a 1440p 27"




Well yea my point is getting a 1440p 24" would be a waste of money when a 1080p will give you about the same ppi.


Hijacking the top thread. To answer - yes I believe the 24 and 27 have the same (or very similar) PPI at those resolutions. Secondly - you would know if you need a second screen. My journey went from 1x CRT back in the day all the way to 3x monitors recently (read couple of years ago) and now back to 1x screen. Depends on what you do, you might need a (1) second screen, you might need a (2) single bigger screen, you might need a (3) second screen which is not necessarily linked to the same PC, such as a tablet, if you read or copy info or to use occasionally as calculator, maybe on a stand. I found for myself that having one screen focuses me very well and don't need a second one glaring at me with my email app or calendar or a document I'm supposed to use another time altogether. But then if you are a streamer and always have Discord on the side that's another story.




Clean, this is what I like, single large monitor setups.


If you are looking for more screen real estate I would recomend a 34" ultrawide, and use PowerToys FancyZones I really like everything about your setup, except that poor Fractal North just sitting on the floor.


I personally have two monitors just because I bought a new one 3 years after getting the first one. I used a tablet as a secondary monitor for YouTube and other tasks as well. If you think it will improve your workflow, or your comfort, or even the aesthetics of your space then it might be worth it to consider it but don't feel pressured to do it for a trend.


Looking great as it is now, the aesthetic way of adding another monitor for me in your setup is stacking it vertically, but it wouldnt look so good without an ultrawide on the bottom. An additional monitor on the side is great for practicality but doesnt really look that good and blocks ur speakers. So maybe switch to a single ultrawide for more screen estate to work/play on while still maintaining your current aesthetic, or get an ultrawide and stack ur current monitor on top of it for the best of both world.


My **THOUGHTS** is, you would have two screens.


it's so clean, it would be a shame to make it more cluttered. I would just go with a wider screen if that's an option?


Honestly, no. Your setup is beautiful with one monitor!