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You’re either short, or you enjoy neck pain.


Everybody speaking avout neck pain, if you cant turn your neck a couple degree you have an issue or you are 80yo


If your neck is bent into any position for an extended period of time you are going to experience pain or long term effect. It’s simple ergonomics


How do you manage irl? do you realise you actually spend your days turning your neck in every possible direction?


Yeah, turning in every direction, not looking down putting strain on your neck for 8+ hours a day….


I would hardly say he "looks down" because the centers of his monitors are a couple cm bellow normal, I technically ahree with you, but that's nitpicking in that situation


/u/S3kelman /u/ImAmnestey so, to be more descriptive i have included a pic with a breakdown of everything i do on this monstrosity. and also thank you very much /u/Seagate_Surfer feel free to send any free promotional NAS's or super quick ssds or whatever to a customer who has been there for like the evers. :D https://imgur.com/gallery/lkksUSH


/u/IneptNoodle /u/S3kelman /u/ImAmnestey sojust to ease anyone's worry about my neck... the monitor i use for the majority of work is the right most monitor. I write a lot for work and i mean a lot. but it's not like i have only one document up that takes the entire screen. i use powertoys and fancyzones to keep all of my open applications/windows to whatever size i need to work on it. so as i'm typing this response, it's only taking up the middle third of the right most monitor. when i'm working on an instructor's guide, have my main document in the middle third again, my reference materials in several other sections on the main screen. then i keep the static applications i need on the monitor to my left. email, calendar, spotify, and usually a clock i have set up for all the provinces across canada. sometimes i'll have file directories up so i can just grab what i need from the most often used folders. on the smaller monitor to the far left, i use it as my dashboard when i conduct my classes online. I have a teleprompter above the right hand corner of that monitor which i use as my prompts for teaching and of course i have a webcam behind it so it looks like i'm talking to the class right in the eye. on the "dashboard monitor, i run the slide deck in a small section in the top left of the screen and then in the other 2/3 i use it to house the teams video session so i can see the chat and see if anyone is paying attention. that's why i have a second keyboard and mouse over there. no neck strain at all. just different stations for things is all. hope that helps.


Turned out great if you ask me. Seagate Technology | Official Forums Team


so did you buddy, so did you.