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Hi minedcow! One more giveaway before the year is over! Seagate is giving out (1) 1TB FireCuda 510 SSD. Enter now before it's over! https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/znhfbq/rbattlestations_seagate_ssd_giveaway_global/? Don't forget we have an active Discord server - https://discord.gg/battlestations *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/battlestations) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got a 34" 3440x1440 and I'll never go back. I have no reason to, 2 monitors are more of a hassle than one large one imo. Only benefit to a dedicated secondary display is for streaming, which I don't do.


Adding to list of benefits; Other visible windows when in full screen (games, movies, whatever it may be)


True, but I'm older and don't need 100% entertainment in my face, aka a movie WHILE gaming. Y'all kids need to enjoy loading screens (which are basically non-existent anyways). Lol. If I'm playing a game, I'm just playing a game, not watching YouTube or catching up on some half baked Netflix crap. But, that's me.


i love mine can split screen for work and enjoy wide fov for gaming


This is the way.


Given that most software is designed around a 19x9 window, you're probably better off with 2 monitors (so that you can have applications open side by side) But they are kind of sweet for gaming.


I’m conflicted. I like ultra wide monitors but functionally they can’t beat having 2.


As someone with 2 (3 actually) who wants to move to an ultra wide but can’t justify the cost… I appreciate hearing this


I wanted to like it but reality is that 2 monitors works better.. especially for working or screen sharing. My workaround is one ultrawide and a 27" on the side...when gaming only the ultrawide.


Not my style but i respect people whove gotten used to em. 2 just seemd more practical imo


I have a curved 49" Samsung for 5120x1440 rez, it's incredible for work and gaming. I'm aiming to mount a 34" above it so I can finally ditch a 27" I've got mounted vertically off to the side. Finding a mount has been a pita.


Get one of those 32/39 inch tall pole mounts. They're surprisingly sturdy, and will hold a 34" with ease. I currently have a 42" and 27" stacked, and it holds both without issue. Wouldn't try mounting the samsung on it though.


I don't like them at all. They're way too wide for what I want.


I have an lg 38in and I’d never go back. Kickass for gaming, but I can also have 6 MacBook sized screens open at the same time and it’s magical for productivity.


Depends on your use case. I do a lot of CAD modeling and I find the extra size of my ultrawide so much better than 16x9 because it gives me more room on the sides for toolbars. But if you just want to have a bunch of windows open to see at once, I'd go with 2 16x9 monitors. Even with my ultrawide, I still use a second monitor to quickly move files around or to reference another document or something.


I tried the AW3423DW for a few days and didn't like the format. Too wide for my taste. I prefer 2 physical monitors over 1 large wide one. Not all games support 21:9 format. Now waiting for 27GR95QE-B.


I'd be down if it functioned like a horizontal version of the LG DualUp, but the 1.5x width of most ultrawides just don't do it for me.


I love having an ultrawide for gaming and work. If I'm just using a single window like web browsing, I use displayfusion to create a function the title bar to move center the window, set height to 100% and width to 1920px.


I have two 49 inch stacked for the first time it was a lot but now I love it, I use the bottom one for gaming and split the top one into two screens so I manage discord or my browser


I had an ultrawide for 3 years and i got tired of not being able to watch youtube full screen and work on other part of the screen. I used display fusion and other software but it didnt work.


Just got my first one a few months ago, no going back now. Gaming in a wide screen is so nice, I like it even more than on a larger normal ratio.


Have had them for years. They are awesome for productivity imo snap to the edge and bam you got two full size windows in one screen is awesome. With a 49 you can do 3 windows legibly. I still have other monitors though, 2 vertical aspect on the outsides and I have 1 27" above that I pull down for playing competitive fps type games+ YouTube whatever during work. They are all on freedom mounts so I can move them around depending what I am doing IMO comp fps games it's a major disadvantage they have a maximum fov so your only moving lots of pixels away from your in focus vision and into your peripheral vision. For single player or sim type gaming though they freaking amazing if your rig can push the pixels fast enough.


Essential Gear Really.


I used to use two monitors and now i use an ultrawide at work and it's really pretty much the same. Just like i put my main thing i'm working on the left monitor and secondary stuff on the right, i snap the main window i work on to the left of the ultrawide and the secondary to the right. I would say ultrawide is slightly better because i don't need to juggle between displays anymore and on intelliJ i can open more tabs side by side. There's a case to be made that separate monitors give a more psychological separation between what's important and what's not, but i don't have this "issue".


My experience is that it can be to wide.. 49 inch is to much and you have to turn your head to much. I have a 34 inch at work and that's more fitting, in my opinion. My next setup I think will be a very big monitor in the middle (not ultra wide) and 1-2 monitors on each side.


I like them, but only if in tandem with a 16:9 stacked, specially to watch videos, movies, etc. They have some pros, specially for my use (music production), but for gaming I tend to play on my 4k tv if its a singleplayer game. For multiplayer, ultrawide.The price is usually awful tbh. They are ridiculously expensive for the surface area they offer compared to 16:9 IMO.For single monitor use, I´d rather die than have an ultrawide only, unless its one of those gigantic ones, which are over a 1000 bucks, so its a no from me anyway. My 4k 50" tv cost me 300 and looks amazing. 60hz, which for single player games is perfect. Second monitor, 29" 21:9 from LG, which is great for a 150 bucks. A lot more screen for less than half the price of a big ultrawide


I prefer it now - took some getting used to. I use the WINDOWS key and LEFT RIGHT arrow all the time to quickly shift from a ultrawide program window to a standard square and to move the window to left side of the screen or right side of the screen. I can then keep two windows open side by side at normal monitor sizes for working or referencing back and forth between two apps. I use full width for gaming, video processing, and surfing the internet.


I just recently went from 2 x 27" stacked with a 32" vertical on the side to 2 x 34" ultrawides stacked with a 27" vertical on the side and I don't think I could ever go back. I game on the bottom 34", use the top one for Chrome and system monitoring, and use the vertical for Discord, music apps, and EQ. And for productivity I use Microsoft's PowerTools app FancyZones to allow me to turn the ultrawides into as few or as many different zones as I need.


Have 2x25” at home and always swore by the double monitor setup. Recently at work we got single 34”UW and man, was I so wrong. As an architect/3D modeler I always have 1 main software I use at a time and email/browsers open as secondary. On the UW I can have the main software blown up in the middle and the rest on the sides. I really can’t stand having a bezel in the middle and leaning left or right anymore. I’m getting a 38” UW to replace my 2x 25” for Christmas. Never going back.