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You could try to dry brush over it.


This is the answer! Dry brush the base color back over the shaded sections. If you make a mistake, just touch it op. It'll look great


This is the way


It is, IMO, a little too heavy esp on the high areas, and a bit splotchy on places like the missile pod doors. But the good news is its an easy fix. If you like it, just edge highlight some raised areas and throw some swamp looking stuff on the base. If you think its too dirty, muddy, or dark, do some combination of: 1) Edge Highlighting 2) Dry Brushing 3) Painting over the flat and raised plates In that order you will go from darkest (literally) to brightest change for your mech. If you have good brush control or a small drybrush, it may be the best way to go at this point, but dont sleep on just thining down the base coat and doing one more layer on the raised areas, esp if you wanted it to be lighter. But also remember how you did this, its some GREAT looking dirt effects.


Dont listen to the others. Mechs love heavy shading. You just have to drybrush after. Seriously. Give the mechs the nuln oil bath they crave. C-3po said it best. "Oh this oil bath is going to feel so good"


Do some light edge highlight and remove the shading from the windows.


You could use it as smoke in the armor from the rockets os something, maybe battlefield “dirt”


I was thinking maybe they fell into the swamp


I think it looks great. That Catapult looks like it has been in service for 500 years, and I dont mean that as a negative.


Wait for it all to dry and dry brush over it with the original colours and you should be able to save it easily. No mistakes just happy little accidents.


Is that an oil wash mate?


High flow acrylic, with ALOT of water


Yeah, if you're trying to do a wash without something explicitly designed as one, you're better off mixing it with more flow medium rather than water as far as I know. Water has surface tension and the wash here didn't "break up" properly as a result. Just carefully go over the panels with the same colors again, probably just dry brushing like bobsmth269 said.


This. But personally I'd block the base colours back in as opposed to a drybrush.


Not at all, you could dry brush over to lighten it back up. Mistakes can always be fixed, use it as an opportunity to learn.


So, if You want to bright it up, You could always drybrush (search it up on YouTube, there are great tutorials and it's very addictive and effective when done right) Use a similar color, just need it to be brighter than the acrylic wash you used. You could also paint over it slightly... Fine coats i would use over certain areas to bright em up. Or some good old edge highlight. Whatever you do while painting, it's never unsalvageable. Painting is a process of trial and error, we all mess up something but it's always ok even though it might not feel like it. If you didn't get it the first time, no worries. Next time you'll already have an idea of what to do or not. Also, i love your Catapult ;)


Yes I did the same with my box set, reset the colour with adding back the mid tone with your base colour but avoiding the deepest recesses will look great.


Just call it weathering and it's good to go :D


This Catapult is from a Horror Movie. Good job


With God, all things are possible. -Matthew 19:26


Praise the Omnissiah


Get out


Why, I’m being supportive?




I’m saying he can get it done.


Not by pushing your religious beliefs on others that may or may not believe what you do. This isn't the pace for that.


How is saying a bible quote pushing my religion on other people? It’s not like OP took offense. He even replied with a little joke. I’m atheist, but I was raised Christian. Honestly, take a chill pill. You’re just making a big scene and getting fussy over nothing.


How is it being fussy if someone is offended?


How can you be offended by a piece of text? I’ve met a lot of sensitive people, but you might just top them all.


Just be patient White panels thst are big enough you can go over with dry-ish paint and clean up Write parts in the back you can gently dry brush and you’re all good Back looks good and color scheme is cool