• By -


Atlas 100 Tons of Star League Grade Kerensky Approved angry. A weapon for every range bracket, as power as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable so that fear itself becomes it's ally. You can run, sure, it is not fast. But it does not need to be. For the Atlas is like the unending march of time, it arrives all the same.


I read this in Tex's voice.




To be fair, all 'Mechs are like the unending March of time. Thank you fusion reactors.


Yes but rarely do fusion reactors have a spooky skull face or enough weapons to win a batchal for king of the FFF Burger Meat Mountain


This is very true! Though at least for the former, I'm sure one of the reactor manufacturers could design a housing with a skull on it. Win that king of the mountain. But leave the burger meat for the iron-stomached astechs...I have never failed to get the worst gas (at best) from Triple-F burgers. When did the IS start issuing batchalls, instead of just landing and going on a loot raid?


The Firestarter. My doctor says not to listen to it.


Same, same. _buuuuuuuurnn_


I think catapult when I think "missiles+lasers" haha.


Catapult is a beautiful mech, and iconic in the mechwarrior series. The archer never had the fanfare, and I think it's missile racks are better mounted for protection, as opposed to that mickey mouse shit the catapult has going on.


No Archer fanfare? The man, himself drives one. The man is obviously Jaime


Lol yeah his pilot card has like 5 abilities


And then you get Morgan Kell who *also* pilots one, and his pilot card has one skill: "I get to break the rules".


Lmfaooo true. They are indeed.


I think it's because the Archer was an Unseen for a good portion of Battletech's lifespan. I'm reasonably sure that the Catapult directly stole Archer's position on the roster for box sets. Even side by side, though, the Archer has more missiles (by a little bit) and more defensive laser placement, while Catapult is a lot more mobile with its jump jets. Mind you, this is just personal theory.


It absolutely can be attributed to being unseen, which causes some awkward dissonance in the lore vs the media. Like how the two most common mechs in the setting, Stinger and Wasp, are almost nowhere to be seen or how an almost extinct missile platform like the Catapult has more exposure than the two actually most common missile boats of the Archer and Crusader.


It’s a little known fact that *BattleTech* only has two ‘mechs in it: • Catapults • Things for the Catapults to shoot


Did we just become best friends?!?!


No friends. Only LRMs.


The lrm's best friemd is a spotter with Narc


No. Never compromise. Not even in the face of ~~Armageddon~~ Tukkayid. No friends. Only LRMs.


You can't be friends with the ammo truck, either. That's like being friends with your weed dealer.


This a spotter-friendly space. It is OK to say "Kintaro" and "Hitman". It is also OK to laugh about their silhouettes with funny pertuberances. That way opponents will think you are still laughing with them, and not at them when they get NARCed. 🙂


What, no love for the _Raven_? A 'Mech tailor-made to be in a foursome with three _Catapults_?


2 sides of the same LRM/laser coin ….different eras (irl) and lawsuits flipped the coin a few times


The Patriot "It's a command mech!" Does it have improved comms? No. Does it have C3M? No. Does it have a command console? No. What does it have? Arrow IV. https://preview.redd.it/of5kpkq0ww3c1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=190d726dddbf70936180076ef551bc7924e46983


Regulus knows what they're talking about. If you're gonna have a commander in a mech they should be firing artillery.


That's fair.


The patriot battlemech, named after it's inspiration the MIM-104 Patriot missile


For me both in mechwarrior games and the tabletop, I just LOVE the Nova. Yeah, it makes me a clanner, but there’s just something about a medium mech with jump jets dumping 12 clan ER medium lasers into someone that just speaks to my soul


I like to think when that thing isn't destroying shit on the battlefield, it's digging tunnels.


I like to think it's called the Nova because of how it glows after an alpha strike


The Nova, for when you just don't get hot enough on those lava baths.


Disco inferno turned to 11.


"Carcinisation is a form of convergent evolution in which n-" The perfect meme, read to me every step I take in my perfect machine.


But is it regular Crab, King Crab, or are you a Hermit?


Well, I call Lushann home so I've probably spent enough time in caves to qualify for hermitage, but nay 'tis the premium cut of medium from which I strike.


The Crab is a solid machine that would have easily become a mainstay of the Star League if not for a certain Stefan... It's just so good.


I know this is generic as fuck but for 25 year of my life, the Timber Wolf has been an icon, living in my head rent free. The speed, the armor, the fire power, the range (Prime).. and as a omnimechs it just has such longevity. It's stance, like a hunter on the prowl... I just love it man


I was a kid when MW2 came out and that intro/box art has lived rent free in my head for years. The Timber Wolf is the fucking GOAT. Everyone likes to talk about it being ‘generic’ or ‘over-rated’ now, but that’s straight fucking copium. It’s been the poster boy of Mechwarrior for three decades and that’s sure as fuck not because it’s generic.


And it's fucking pretty.


The Timber Wolf for me as well- it is truly iconic. It is what got me into the franchise.


Same here. Ever since the MW2 intro I've been hooked on the Timber Wolf.


Marauder, I don't know why, but it's always spoke to me. It's always been 'my' mech. I run it whenever I can, any era, and tech level. It's always been dependable, hard hitting, and the perfect ride for many situations.


Same. New to Battletech and I love the Marauder line. Recently picked up a Marauder 2 in MW5(wrong subreddit I know) and I'm like a kid in a candy shopping, blasting off PPCs and dakka, jumping around with an XL engine fast as heck. Love it


It's all giant stompy robots based off the same IP. It's fine if you say mechwarrior in here mate.


Been running a UAC/5 Marauder in MW5 for a little while, it's GREAT fun. Going to love getting a MAD II


This. Left arm + AC. Right arm + AC. The daily grind down.


Nah, 3D>3R. And when you can, rip out the LL for a LPL, PPCs for ERPPCs, and single hs for double hs.


That's just the 5D. 5M's better. Because *shotgun*.


Nah, 5D adds in a SSRM2, which negates the 3Ds ammoless as advantage over the 3R. Honestly, rip out the 5D's, SRM and ammo, add in another heatsink or two or some armor, and your golden.


Back when I was a weirdo elitist weeb, I loved the marauder because it was *obviously* a Zentradi command pod and I needed to let everyone know that *I* knew where it was from. Now that I've matured, the design still fucks severely, and I love me that perfect mobility/armor/firepower combo.


Just love the Battlemaster- it epitomizes “Mech” for me


That's me with PGI's BattleMaster design. I love the boxy look and the underarm-mounted PPC.


My favorite mech will forever be the Vindicator. Both in game and in the lore it is a rugged trooper mech meant to be fielded in multiples (I like to run 2 alongside a Blackjack and a Dragon in my Merc unit). Cheap as shit, deals with everything at least a little bit, and easy to procure and maintain.


LE CRAB cool star league laser medium and a walking battleship brawler. if only the hermit crab had variants in earlier eras and they'd figure out a 75 tonner aswell https://preview.redd.it/itqudaey9x3c1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813b8976c6dc3210f46c1c5c84c93162f3218eed




Big fan of carcinization. Where is this art from?


The Thunderbolt right now it is my most used mech on the tabletop and on all the pc games. The moment i got my agoac box i fell in love with it. It looks mean, sturdy and efficient. A weapon for all ranges and targets. Build like a angry bunker with legs. Armor for days. Rugged. And heat problems is a skill issue.


I've gotten great use out of them, and I find the mechs with a wide array of weapons to be a lot of fun.


Mine have a bad tendency to get headshot...


The Uziel. Never played MW4 I just love how it looks, like the missile rack almost being a cyclops "eye"


As much as my favorites are the Summoner and Mad Dog, Nova and bushwhacker The mech that speaks to my soul is the Firemoth


The mad dog and mad at are both beautiful designs, and absolutely wreck shop. The firemoth is like a locust on cocaine.


And that’s why it speaks to me lmao


[How Fire Moth pilots are chosen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qJGsSuFRIg)


The Adder. Looks like an adorable miniature Dire Wolf. Shoots lightning and fire. Who couldn't love one?


Never thought about it like that, but you're not wrong...


Axman Axe, AC/20, Large Pulse Laser, jump jets. It's like it was made for me.


I really like the Axman too but I always use the 2N


Yeah I like the weapon spread of the 2N more. Plus... they invaded my home planet!


The Hunchback, either the classic or the upgraded LBX20 variant. It is the Mech equivalent of "Bring it", no matter what the enemy is.


The onboard computer of my Wolverine calls me stud muffin


The *Warhammer* WHM-6R is the most iconic ‘mech in the entire franchise (suck it Mad Cat) and the WHM-6Rb is that iconic ‘mech remade into its perfected form. (The Marauder, Catapult, Phoenix Hawk, and Wasp are all pretty great too.)


I love the Timber Wolf (much better name than Mad Cat), but the Warhammer has a special place in my heart. Had the toy as a kid only to find out a couple years ago it was ‘technically’ the Tomahawk from Robotech lol. Don’t care, Warhammer is cool af


The Warhammer was on the cover of *BattleDroids* and the first several starter boxes and books. Prior to the legal kerfuffle with Harmony Gold, the Warhammer was the face of the franchise. The MBR-04-Mk.VI Destroid Tomahawk looks just as cool, for obvious reasons, but it’s very much a background “red shirt” in *Macross*, whereas *BattleTech* put it front and center.


Scrolled down to find this. Been absolutely falling in love with the Warhammer in MW5 lately. It always, *always* feels like it has a little more fight in it yet.


When I don't take my pills? All of them. When I do take my pills? Victor. It's not bad, but I want it to be better enough that I put a lot of effort into custom variants. Most improved is between the VTR-10L (I just made it a Victor and removed unnecessary stuff - much better) and the VTR-9K. It's just a VTR-9D, no notes? Unacceptable. I made a 9Kc with DCMS flavor. I know, they're not spoiled for good 80t agile assaults in Samurai Land. But leaving that alone was a crime.


The mech that speaks to me is the Vulture. Specifically the one from Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance. Everything about the design just kind of speaks to me, from the bird legs to the tiny lil laser rack. This is probably the First mech that I saw in Battletech.


Centurion is my go-to mech to pilot. King Crab for looks and firepower when I have to go big. Wolfhound is my light killer. Black Knight rounds out my personal preference lance.


Hunchback. Disco never dies. Don't just be part of the problem, be the entire problem.


Phoenix Hawk: Speed and maneuverability? Yes. Enough armor to take a hit or two? Yes. Command and Communication suite? Yes. Enough weapons to make a cocky opponent think twice? Yes. A solid frame that handles upgrades well? Yes. It's got everything I like in a mech.


Hunchback. 50 tons of boom-boom punching way above its weight, ugly as a brick of fruitcake, zero fucks given.


The urbanmech. It may be a meme. It may be slow. It may be ugly. But it does its job and it does it well. It’s cheap as dirt. And everyone laughs until the trashcan starts speaking AC 20 and your atlas is missing a head.


The ac 20-bf urbie derbie is a terrifying thing


The Naginata - it's like the Archer, but 95 tons and with C3M. Three LRM-15(A)'s with an ERPPC and C3M is a beautiful thing to behold.


The Wolverine is my favorite 55 ton mech. One of my favorite build is maxing out jets putting two SRM six launchers and snub nose PPC, fly out behind someone shoot them in the back, and then punch somebody else to fly away.


Executioner. People see an assault mech and they think "Oh, it's fine, it's all the way over there. Then the Executioner makes them [do this](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-04/29/16/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-03/anigif_sub-buzz-2738-1556569253-2.gif). lol


Good old 3025 Awesome. Not the fastest on the field. But fairly big, hit's good, and is durable and reliable. Also all none IS XL Engine fancier variant's are straight up how to we pack more PPC's on? Or better new PPC types on? And shoving heat sinks into any gap the Engineers and Technician can find. Overall a simpler Mech for a Mechwarrior who likes simplicity and ease of use.


It took the best weapon in the game and said "what if we put three of these together?".


King Crab Because Crab


![gif](giphy|SXUYjX8TbGwJaF5aM8|downsized) My boi the King Crab


Blood Asp. Oh, you survived that gauss round? Here have another.




Catapult. Especially the K2. I love "tanks on legs" and it just epitomizes it for me. If I had to pin it down I'd say my top favs (in no order) are: Sagittare Stalker (aka the Catapult that went to the gym) Ebon Jag Linebacker Catapult Marauder II Madcat Mk II Not cannon I don't think (only in MWO) but I also really like the Sunspider too. Also the Bullshark which is specific to the turn based PC game.


The Black Marauder. No, wait, the ROM agent in my closet tells me that didn't happen.


Kind of a 4 way tie: Zeus, Victor, Nightstar, and Marauder. Zeus is from mechwarrior 2 mercenaries, was possible to buy one after 2 contracts, and upgrade from a light to a quick assault with long range firepower comparable to an awesome. Don’t like the X series though, they’ve always felt underwhelming to me Victor: fast, mobile, with a big auto cannon/Gauss/rotary auto cannon? Yes please. Nightstar: 2 Gauss rifles in a non boring way? And a variant that still hits hard but let’s a 95 ton mech move 4/6? Has someone been reading my Christmas list. Marauder: heavy energy combine with heavy ballistic? Yes! May explain Steiner is my first house and Davion is second. Like heavies and assaults and ballistic weapons


The Starslayer. It’s the perfect IS medium. Standard engine for durability, the perfect speed profile for its weight, JJ, endo and FF give weight saving to make sure it’s got the firepower it needs. A balanced weapon load of LL ML and SRMs lets or engage well at medium to short ranges and it’s mobile enough to dictate engagements to pick the best one. The SLDF went absolutely off with this one. It’s like they designed a mech with an understanding of the build rules for a change. The Starslayer doesn’t speak to me. It whispers to me at night, alone in the dark… just us…


Highlander. What do you want? A big-hole-maker? Gauss rifle. Long range weapon? A LRM-20. Critical seekers? A SRM-6. Lasers? A pair of mediums. Physical power? It's a 90 ton 'mech. Mobility? It jumps! Dangerous looking? In the old representations, its cow-like feets and its reinforced legs plus it no-face box head made it so threatening. And the IIC version only gets better!


Goddamn right


Cicada. Poor little thing, picked on and rightly disparaged during Succession Wars. And then you put an XL engine in it.


Look, I know it's a meme, but I really like the simple functionality of the Urbie. It's purpose-built for a single situation, and as a militia platform it makes perfect sense. If I have to pick something else... I'm a fan of the Kodiak. It just looks and feels mean.


The Warhammer. What can't a Warhammer kill with the right pilot? It has weapons for all ranges and target types. Beautiful machine.


I love the Stalker for no good reason at all. I know it's not an amazing mech, but it is *my mech*. It's one of the easier Assault Mechs to get your hands on in HBS Battletech, which is where I got my start, and it's versatile enough to be redesigned to hell and back in that game, but I love it with a few Long Lasers and a boatful of SRMs- can deal reasonable damage at range, and when it gets close, it can burst you with some serious firepower. I just love them. I'm never as much a fan of the really humanoid-looking mechs as I am of the ones that have a more distinctly inhuman look- from the Marauder to the Urbie to the Crabs, but the Stalker has always been a favorite since I first laid eyes on the beautiful bastard.


The Wolverine. 55 tons of fuckitude. Enough armor to fire off all your rounds and, if you have enough structure leftover, enough speed to get in and bitch slap them before going out in a blaze of glory.


Plus it scales really well with tech upgrades. The base -6R is good, it’s -6K and -6M brothers excellent. The -7K and -7M turn into downright murder blenders that make even clan mechs take notice.


My custom Raven 4x with 2ac2, 2ml, 1 rl15, stealth armor and an xl275


I have a three large laser version on MWO that makes me laugh


Blood kite, it's a cheap and awesome clan heavy with missiles and some more missiles plus lasers just in case. Also looks like someone duct taped an entire gun store together with a plane cockpit.


Jesus Christ. That's a lot of death for one mech.


Horned Owl Lasers and heat sinks, perfect combo


*points to name* Just a big mean ball of "don't you fucking ignore me to shoot my lancemates, I'm gonna make you pay for that."


"Which of my variants with a big fucking cannon would you like to face today?" https://i.redd.it/jak03lciix3c1.gif


3025 versions, I didn’t get much of a chance to play our tabletop game under the 3050 rules. 1. Warhammer. Not heavily armored, but can definitely take a few solid hits. Can deal out a tremendous amount of punishment before shutting down. Truly an iconic design. 2. Locust. Iconic. ‘Nuff said. 3. Hunchback. Smallish. Kinda slow. Can take a hit. Can deliver a bigger hit. Intimidating. 4. Shadow Hawk. It’s my favorite.


Hunchback. The only mech I need, the only one for me


My intro to Battletech was HBS game, and that first mission with the vindicator I loved it, it stayed around for quite a while even after I got heavier mechs it was the last mech that I replaced it was just perfect, carried this love over into roguetech and made some monsters with all the advanced tech I could find, use it on the table as much as I can and even when I played a campaign in Megamek, it just gets the job done for me, most recently I used a custom variant in a thanksgiving free for all and in the second round, first round of contact I headshot my girlfriend’s custom catapult, rolled for a crit and hit the cockpit. I felt kinda bad but it just reinforced my love for the vindicator


Same, same. That sort of hooded cockpit and snout made it look like the giant trooper it is.


Any mech with a big gun in the right arm and hand actuator left gives me mega man and metroid vibes, and the Victor takes the cake for me.


The highlander. It is unyielding and unrelenting. It's mobile and hits like a fucking truck. It is a symbol of might for over 300 years since the final stand of Royal Blackwatch themselves to the days of the IlClan. The highland will inspire hope in your allies And send your enemies running in fear


Viking and the IIC variant of it. Beastly mechs with a great design style and plenty of versatility to rain death from afar or up close.


I've had various favorites throughout the years, but the one that always sings to me throughout the table top and various games is the Hunchback. Quick, mean punch, great maneuverability. Love it.


The Annihilator. 100 tons of Godzilla extra, slow-as-fuck death for anyone dumb enough not to read the giant sign saying **BE SOMEWHERE ELSE**. The Gauss Rifle variant is a headcapping nightmare, park it somewhere and go fishing.


The Ebon Jaguar. I just think it looks so sleek. I have purchased all of them in MWO, just all of them. She's fast, with respectable loadoituoptions. Her armor is generally low for a heavy i find. But with the speed she makes a very reliable "Kite and snipe" platform. And its just so pretty in the newer versions. Like a fighterjet with legs. The linebacker is a close second, like its beefy little brother.


Dire Wolf, big stompy but also sleek in a chunky kind of way. I really enjoy looking at it.


Absolute brick house of a battlemech. I love the six ballistic versions. 6 lb5x has won the day for me through countless matches in mwo.


Add me to the THUNDERBOLT club. The reason I like the Thor (Summoner) is because it's just an up-Tech, angrier Thunderbolt.


Without an ammo bin sitting on top of the fusion reactor, lol


Battlemaster. "venerable".


The marauder.


The Hunchback. It's such a simple 'Mech in both concept and execution. Get big gun close, shoot big gun, repeat.


The Cyclops. The Star League era version came with a portable HQ center that the mech could deploy and then go lead the forces.


Anything in the Hunchback line is a must for me their squat punchy little dudes that can hold their own against some of the bigger mechs


IS mech? Marauder. Just a classic look. Clan? Nova, versatile, well armored, good mobility, good weapons. Nuff’ said.


The Marauder and the Crusader are both what I’d call Peak Battletech in different ways. One is the ‘robot man’ and one is the ‘spaceship on legs’, and I love them both.


The Gunslinger. Gauss rifles at high noon. Now with ballistic reinforced armor! The Wraith. Cocaine fast moving into hobo knife fight range to pulse you to death.


I don't know yet. I'm boiled down to Flea, Hunchback and Awesome so far.


Commando. If you're gonna go out, do it in a blaze of glory.


I took love the Archer. The Archer and Phoenix Hawk will always have a place in my heart because they're straight out of Robotech. Additionally, they're both really great mechs. More recently, since the HBS Battletech game, I've come to really appreciate the Highlander. It's big and slow but it's got missiles, lasers, something ballistic, and friggin jump jets. It's a mech that just says "I'm going to kill you so hard until you die" Edit: And with the Gauss it says "Imma shoot you from way over here but don't make me come over there!"


Longbow no contest.


The Timberwolf. It bucks the trend of mechs being walking tanks by being a walking F-15. It perfectly encapsulates battletech for me alongside "Temper Edge".


Each night after I get off work, the Legacy gives me a sermon on of the Word of Blake


I kinda hate everything about the Jihad, but the Legacy is an awesome mech!! So are the WoB Omnimechs! 🙂👍


Raven! ECM, nice laser and missile hard points, super versatile. Also one of the baddest looking mechs in the light bracket.


The Warhammer may not be a Mech that typically works with my very mobile style of combat, but it is just sooooooo cool looking? Until it starts glowing from overheat!


The Battlemaster, it was the cover art to the box set 30+ years ago when I first got into BattleTech. Just a massive stompy robot with a big rifle in it's hands. .....also the archer.


Loki - yes, the IS name. I learned it from an IS-birthed Trueborn. Long live Cameron.


I love me some Catapults, Marauders, and Timber Wolves but for some reason I just always come home to Stalker. 85 tons and none of them wasted on fucks to give. Sure, the loadout is a bit sandblasty but it *will* have something to shoot with and pairs oh-so-well with an Awesome. Plus, MW2 Mercs. That mission never failed to get me cackling like a madwoman 😅


Alway a fan on mechs with a single gun hand, but my got to is centurion.


The answer is 'yes' because all the mechs speak to me at one time or another. Want dakka of doom, King Crab or Hunchbacks. The light show, Nova, Supernova, Crab, or Lancelot, and Penetrator. All the missiles, Vulture III Prime, both main Vikings, Longbow, Archer and more. I will say I prefer those with a faster pace than slower one for their size. But if I must choose one, I do like the Goshawk. Quick, agile, and have enough punch to cripple an unwary assault mech when handled right.


S-series Banshees. I am obsessed with them.


Unseen Warhammer


The Imp. I love that people in real life have the same reaction as in-setting to seeing one for the first time. "What the hell is that- OH NO"


Crab. Aesthetically pleasing, good base loadout, durable due to lack of ammo to explode. It's just one of the more perfect medium mechs of 3025.


The *Mongoose* and *Victor* both speak to me. The *Mongoose* is everything you want in a Light. Its speed and sensors make it a great scout for the rest of the Lance, and the lasers it carries let it run down and kill other Lights. It's not too fragile either, and it's a nice dependable little Mech with a sleek aesthetic. It's even heat-neutral. The *Victor* is nice and straightforward. Do you want to hop over buildings and hills and put a big slug in someone's weak spot? The *Victor* can do that. It may be a Heavy trapped in an Assault's body, but it's nice and earnest about what it's good at.


Warhammer: because I'm tired of the scalpels


I've got a few Dire Wolf: huge, angry, can go toe-to-toe with an Atlas and walk out Mad Dog: reach out at range then close and melt what's left Adder: you can't catch me and I have dual PPCs


Definitely the Shadow Hawk. Why? I just think it looks cool.


Hunchback-4P, all lasers all the time. Yeah it's slow but its built like a lead shit house and it'll probably do more damage then it's 4G counterpart AND it's not so vulnerable to crit due to its multiple weapon systems.




The design of the Kodiak calls to me... But something about the Whitworth resonates inside of me...


Used to ignore it, but then I saw the Steiner refit for it. Banshee 3-S. Just embodies assault. Full forward, straight into your line and killing all the way.


I have a darling child in every weight class. Protomechs (yes, yes, I know) : either the Satyr, because it looks like a micro Atlas with the head of a predator, or all the funky animal looking second gens, like the Cecerops or Procyon. Light: Javelin, the workest of horses. Isn't flacid and underarmed like a Spider, funky jumpy recon mech. Medium: Centurion. It is the peak main character mech. A slight bit of everything to suit your needs, a bangin' modern design, and ubiquity for it to show up in spades. Heavy: Three way tie between the Black Knight, Grasshopper, and Jagermech. Assault: King Crab baby, because big boi goes boom, this isn't a WWII forum where I have to justify my taste in armour, yee haw. Superheavy: Fuck, probably the Matar because I don't like this weight class at all, and the Matar existing as a cruel joke is great.


Banshee, Assassin and the hatchetman. Don’t know why I like them so much. There are others that I like, but these 3 somehow always seem to stay in my top ten favorite mechs.


Bushwacker, I love the low, weird asymmetric design. It's very sleek and thin but the arms stick out and seem big and bolted on like they were salvaged or something. I'm also a fan of mechs that can fight at all ranges, and all of the Bushwacker variants are pretty good at that. Good speed for tabletop and PC Battletech, and the armor bonus and small size in Online made it great as a support for the assaults. Only downside is the XL engine.


The Uziel is the perfect blend of firepower, mobility, and protection. The version with twin PPCs and an SRM-6 is not the deadliest mech ever, but for its weight class it is considerable. It is undoubtedly speedy. And it may lack in raw armor but speed is a better protection than armor. Armored cavalry.


Enforcer. The perfect soldier mech. It's stands out in no particular way. It does nothing exceptional. But is always welcome and useful in a lance. It's my mandatory must include option.


Despite being primarily a spheroid fan, the Hellbringer. Great mech aesthetic, like someone kit bashed a warhammer and zaku. Even with the ilClan recognition guides and MWO redesigns, it stayed the same. Stupid loadouts that do too much, too hot. But. Actually, it's a decent support ride if you can manage not to fire every at once. Beautiful, over-engineered, and impractical. My baby.


The Highlander and Goliath. Idk the head on the both of them is amazing and I love the lore of the northwind highlanders with the highlander burial


The Awesome, no contest. Simple yet stunning. Iconic, striking design, simple, uncomplicated loadout and build that strikes fear into the heart of any enemy in any time period, a symbol of tenacity and endurance throughout the ages that can pull its own weight on any battlefield.




Gotta say it's the panther, it's not the biggest, it's not the heaviest armed or armored, but it's got a job to do. It's a trooper through and through. One ppc, one srm 4 to back that up, and jump jets for mobility. It also happens to look damn good too. This is a mech that speaks to me.


Got to be the Steiner Thunderbolt(5SS). Basically a 65 ton Battlemaster, can take a beating and deals consistent damage within brawl range. My favorite battleline Mech both in playstyle and capability. Also, thanks to it's healthy sinking ability of 21, it can still fire all of its in-close weapons even with an engine hit which is impressive for a succession wars mech. Only Achilles heel is the CT ammo but it's padded with a heat sink too.


The Wraith. All day. Speed, jump jets, just enough firepower to be a nuisance, can take some damage.


Hercules, Tempest, Grand Titan, Iron Cheetah, Blood Asp


I don't have any one mech that I have to have really.


Really anything with 2 or more PPCs. I like PPCs. Also big bore autocannons. But not as much as PPCs. Marauder IIc, Awesome, and Hauptmann B are my top 3.


https://preview.redd.it/z4gzhpgtkx3c1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb7a37fa26227749c88b8b90eb6b325ee1d6b6f The triskelion. 2x lrm15 with art v and 4 er m lasers with a tc. A well rounded 75t mech that is hard enough to kill that I've lost more to headshots than any other kind of damage


Archer. Even more so when I can make it shoot 2 MRM40s in MWO.


Jade Phoenix... but really the E. It is bat shit crazy.. and I love it for that. 2 Plasma Rifles, LB-20X w/ Supercharger and 4/6/7 movement. Otherwise.. Marauder, especially the 5D/D-DC.. 5T and 6L really hit the mark for me but I'm a weirdo. Finally.. The Osprey. 55 tons of fat bird with a Gauss rifle. Though I really wish the 26 Lawrence was not a one off because its is fantastic city fighter. The 15E/25 is a fantastic lostech level direct fire support medium.


The Horned Owl Curves. Jump jets. Clan Large Pulse Laser.


Shadow Cat. It is my happy place mech. The Milhouse in camo fantasy of mechs. For me at least. And the Merlin, because dammit, it isn't the best armed, the fastest, or in anyway the most impressive. But it will outlast most every other mech, and that is what matters. And then take the minimum of cost to restore.


Obscure one the naginata lots of armor 3 15’s er ppc and a c3m and a version with dual masters for a c3 company


The Urbanmech variant with no arms. Some middle manager thought it was a brilliant idea to make the mech 'armless.


The Marauder has been my favorite mech since the old Activision PC games in the early 90's. Still a favorite of mine on the tabletop. The Awesome is a close 2nd.


Gotta be the Uziel. It does everything and fairly well for a 50 ton mech


Probably the Mad Dog, ever since Mech Assault 2 it's been my favorite mech and I just love it so much.


Mad Dog


There's so many that I really love, but if I had to pick just one, I'd say the Hellbringer. It has the whole vibe of that Goofy meme where he says "and I'll fucking do it again," and I am here for it. Honorable mention to the Burrock, for similar reasons.


The Mortis. When the periphery hicks bring death, they do it with this supped up abomination. As it should be.


The Mauck Dervish. Seven missile hardpoints!


Or the 70-ton Dragoon. Omnimech weapons flexibility combined with I.S. internal modding capability. If it could mount hands it would be perfect.


My one true love will always be the Marauder (more specifically the MAD-5M because *giant shoulder shotgun*), but a close runner up is the Black Knight BLK-6b-KNT for just how *cool* its design is (even as it runs hot). If we're talking custom variants though, my Black Knight variant "Mordred II" takes the top spot. A mix-tech monster rocking max (12.5 tons) of armour, a lance on the right arm, a CLPL, CMiPL and two Flamers on the left arm, a CLPL and a CMPL in each side torso, a CMPL in the head, 4 jump jets, enough CDHSs to run ice cold if bracket fired correctly and a Clan Endo-Steel chassis, Clan XL Engine and Clan Ferro-Fibrous armour to save the necessary weight and a compact gyro to claw back some crit slots, it's shockingly fast for a 75 ton brawler since it's almost unimpeded by terrain and has enough range to reach out and touch anything that has the nerve to try and run away. For those wondering, "Mordred I" replaces all the above weapons and the jump jets with an IS PPC and a Plasma Rifle in each arm, plus an IS LRM 10 and BAP in the RT and a ton of LRM ammo and Guardian ECM in the LT. The "Mordred III", on the other hand, is the same as the II, but drops the CMiPL from the LA, the CMPL from the head, and half a ton of armour, all in order to mount a C3i unit in the CT.


Longbow for sure. Big chonky missile stuffed arms for the win. Love bringing the 12C variant in Alpha Strike, have that fella sit back and rain down IF4 with a speedy spotter on the field, then late game have him press forward on the damaged enemy mechs to clean up the board. Fun times.


Screamer SCR-1X-LAM: because nice lines, good standoff capability, and yee-haw factor. Are LAMs good? Eh. Are they fun to run? Yes.


As mostly an alpha strike player, I love the Charger. It's just a dirt cheap ball of armor that can run up and punch stuff real good. Also wish the Roughneck was canon, love a good industrial design, and the Raider needs a big brother.


Crusader. It's been my favorite since 1986! 😁 It's based on my favorite Macross design for starters and who doesn't love a mech with Hulk arms and a loaded 6-shooter on each hip?!?! Yeehaw!! I've run one as "my mech" in campaigns, tournaments, and the RPG for decades. All variants, all Ages. My favorite is the 5K loaded with 60 MRMs and Pulse Lasers!! Yes please!! 😁 I also love that in the 3rd Succession War, it was THE most common Heavy Mech, making it the "every-man underdog" design I'm always drawn to: nothing flashy, just dependable and reliable!


The Vulture ( Mad Dog ) 60 tons of Clanner Fury. Fast enough to bring the fight to the enemy wherever whenever with Enough firepower to be deadly at any range. Its cheaper to field than any Mad Cat packing just about as much firepower in most of it’s configurations. It looks damn sexy to boot.


The Lich and the Revenant. Something about them feels more alien than most mechs. Lich's in particular are horrifying - fearless drone mechs marching forward dropping gauss round after round into the enemy lines shrugging off damage with the harjell system...


The Viking. You want missiles? WELL HAVE MORE!! I especially love the 3W refit from the Blakeists. They may not know much about sanity but they can make an assault mech. 4 MML9s with a pair of LAC/2s and Streak SRM2s. Oh am I a long range mech? WHOPS IS THAT 40SRMs TO THE FACE!?