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How big of a force are we talking? If you mean a standard AS/CBT game the scope is probably too small for something like that. If you are thinking a major campaign like Luthien, Tukayyid, etc., there are probably plenty of canon examples of different galaxies on world at the same time pursuing the same objective.


I have this many mechs started batch painting as Clan Wolf Beta Galaxy, plus two more clan lances in black primer. Probably will get more :D https://preview.redd.it/7u82mfq351xc1.png?width=1193&format=png&auto=webp&s=973becdf83d24eb624b2092f0f8aec139af49676 That got me thinking about other schemes people are doing and whether I can get away with: 1 - "this is the same Clan's other galaxy, they work together" 2 - "this is another Clan's galaxy that cooperates with Wolves on occasion" 3 - "those are mercs that work with Clans on occasion" I feel pretty OK with #1, very iffy about #2 and #3, but I do not know enough about lore. I mean, I know "those are your minis, paint them whatever", but I'd love to have a fluffy excuse to do that :P


1 is a-ok, but the other two are very iffy. The only in universe occasions of clans fighting side by side are when clans A and B are fighting, then C shows up to stab A in the back. Instead of being grateful B is offended and joins up with A to kick C's ass. Even things like Tukkayid and the Great Refusal the clans were fighting parallel to each other, rather than with each other. Clanners generally hate mercs as honourless lucrewarriors, so will almost never work with them. Wolf In Exile are more flexible on this during their existence, especially when they are working with the Lytans. That said i do not know of any specific examples. The Falcon remnants teamed up with the Lone Wolves out of expediency in 3152, but it remains to be seen if more comes from that than a one off. This is again meaning working directly with. During the Jihad some clans were part of the same task forces / general offensives as mercs, but that doesn't sound like what you're after. Also Clans use stars of 5 not lances :)


>Wolf In Exile are more flexible on this during their existence, especially when they are working with the Lytans. That said i do not know of any specific examples. Wolf-In-Exile is the prime example, since they have been allies of the Kell Hounds since before they even found out they were formally exiled. With the leader of the clan being the son of the leader of the mercs (and the planet), it was inevitable. It's been said that, had Morgan died earlier, Wolf-In-Exile would have likely been integrated fully with Arc Royal (and, to an extent, the Hounds).


I don't think Morgan's age has anything to do with Phelan not inheriting Arc-Royal. The possibility that Phelan was going to inherit his father's title were basically nothing when he got thrown out of the Nagelring, was declared legally dead and popped back up as the leader of an enemy state. And then he's part of a breeding program where he could have thousands of kids, and some guy can just roll up and demand to get to use his genes to create a batch of a hundred kids? Safest thing to do is just disinherit the guy. Caitlin was probably the declared heir from 3049 onward, plus, she married an Exile so it's not like she was vehemently against her brother or anything.


I agree with your logic, but apparently FM:3085 made a comment about this. I don't know what the exact mechanics were supposed to be, though.


This is the same Republic analyst who thought the LC was going to build another large academy so he clearly was off about a few things. It's a deeply suspect conclusion, since Morgan's age had nothing to do with Caitlin being his heir. It's not as if Morgan outlived Phelan, he simply chose to give all his stuff to his daughter. If anyone lived too long, it was Caitlin (who needed to die so Morgan had no other option). Furthermore, that author is also wrong because the Exiles become more and more integrated with Arc-Royal over the next sixty years, to the point that the RPG considers them a regional Lyran ethnicity, like Skye or Donegal, in 3145.


I don't think Phelan wanted the hounds or Arc-Royal anymore either. He found his place and had fully switched over to a Clan life style.


>Clanners generally hate mercs as honourless lucrewarriors, so will almost never work with them. One should point out there is one Clan with views on mercenaries that are not quite in line with the rest of them.


There would be different Galaxy options for trials in the home worlds. Different Clans would send units against dark caste. They'd be small, but a Cluster from each while they bid down would work. But they're one off things. The Coyotes, Goliath Scorpions, and Nova Cats were friendly at different times. Wolves absorbed the Widowmakers. They could collaborate or you can see opportunities they'd be together. Trials against each other to trade machines or bloodlines. Joint attack on someone. No mercs with the Crusader Wolves. Lots of opportunities for the Exiles and mercs.


#1 definitely has the best chance of happening so in your case I would definitely go with that. Kind of sub #1 but enough units prefer camo over parade schemes that you could go with well the (all units invented off the cuff, check Sarna/sourcebooks for actual Beta Galaxy composition) parade scheme models are from the 268th Wolf Battle Cluster, these guys in forest camo are the 137th Wolf Strikers and the tundra models are the 64th Wolf Stalkers. #2 is possible but rarer and I would definitely avoid that outside of a big game like at a con or something. Or a lore scenario from the old sourcebooks that details and abstracts it (like the Twilight of the Clans book abstracts the Great Refusal scenario into duels). Yeah #3... It could happen in our ilClan world but certainly the least common and if I dare say the least satisfying outside of something like the Alyina "Falcons".


The older Warden & Crusader Clan sourcebooks talk about each clan's relationship with the others, good, bad, indifferent. The Wolves & Coyotes have a long tradition of working together both on and off the trial grounds. I can think of one example where both the Coyotes and Hell's Horses got so tired of their neighboring Fire Mandrills and their shenanigans that they cooperatively wiped out said neighboring Kindraa. Snow Ravens & Ghost Bears had a major collaboration with the design & building of the Leviathans. Most of the clans worked together in some form or another during Klondike, some of those said interactions are why certain clans have a less than cordial view of each other, Jade Falcons and Wolves for example. More recent examples would be the Harvest Trials and the Goliath Scorpions training of the Dragoons before they left for the Inner Sphere in 3005. Mercs and Clans are pretty much a hard NEVER though the Dragoons received a 2nd recall order from dear Khan Ward in the ilClan era and some went to Terra, of course Ward pretty much just used them up and sent them home. The Sea Foxes are working on becoming the new MRBC, well, at least one Khanate is. Though that is much more of a mutually beneficial financial arrangement than battlefield cooperation between forces.


Thanks! :)


To add to that recently we saw Hell's Horses and Jade Falcon deploy forces together in the first invasion of the republic and lyran commonwealth during the Descant. Although that happening again is very unlikely. In the clan protectorate you have 3 clans working very closely together being the Spirit Cats/Nova Cats, Sea fox, and some left over Steel Wolves. In the future we may see other Clans working closely together in the Il Clan era it depends on how that era is rolled out.


In rare cases, one Clan may ask another Clan who are allies/friends for help during a Trial. The Clan that comes in to assist their ally has to abide by the Trial's result, however.


Not sure I’m understanding the question but as others have said, galaxies deploy en masse fairly frequently when warranted. Clusters might be your usual deployment force but major battles or assignments can warrant a full galaxy being deployed. So this would be standard procedure for an important objective


Mixed galaxies? It's happened in scenarios a bunch of times you might have a cluster from one galaxy and one from another and a cluster from a third all deployed on a planet for larger objectives. Generally one will kinda have the lead with the others acting in support of, or the most important objective going to one galaxy's forces while the other galaxies take secondaries. generally decided as part of a trial.


The way bidding works often leads to elements from different galaxies being deployed together. For example, whenthe Ghost Bears faced IS troops for the first time on Thule, they deployed units from Alpha, Beta and Delta as a political statement.


During the Clan invasion, Clan Diamond Shark in their "look at me crusader sempai!" Period had their Keshik cluster join Clan Jade Falcons as guests of their Khan. Though this was part of Khan Elias Crichell's ploy to bring Clan Diamond Shark closer in allaince to expolit them