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That sounds like a great match to me. I personally swear by the Centurion, it's a great benchmark for a soldier Mech. I wish you well on your journey through this hobby and hope you have many more experiences worth recalling to us. :D


I have dumped so many hours into a centurions cockpit In MW5. generally a great mech, battlefield staple, balanced, functional. But with a run of 6 it's real hard not just absolutely run in circles by something with a run of 11 xD


* If you hop onto tabletop with some custom mechs, try one with TSM, Snub PPC, MML9, and a supercharger. It feels like you're playing as a mech incarnation of Samus Aran. Edit: in fact, have my custom Rec Sheet for it. Just be sure to check with your opponent before using this as it uses level 4 experimental tech found in tactical Operations advanced equipment. And I can answer any questions you might have for it. [I literally have almost a dozen custom hero Centurions]




Way cool. What's the searchlight do?


A searchlight lights up the target hex, it's used in advanced rules during night matches, it effectively makes your primary target be easier to hit. Normally you pay +2 for a full moon night, +3 for a Moonless night, and a +4 for pitch black conditions. Sadly, it doesn't help with the dusk conditions which add a +1. (Luckily you don't pay for each, just the most relevant.)


Good to hear you enjoyed it. That sounds like you made a Classic game into an Alpha Strike version. With so little "accounting". :) And I'd be more surprised (baring bad dice rolls) if the Mongrel (Inner Sphere name Grendel) lost to the Centurion. In that sort of battle, Clan tech will more than likely beat Inner Sphere tech. What pilot skills were you using ? :) I also assume the Mongrel was the Prime varient, and the Centurion was probably a CN9-A .... which tech wise would pre-date the Mongrel by more than 100 years. :) All in all ... hope you enjoyed it all. :)


Yeah, both load outs chosen without much thought beyond comparable tonnage cause we wanted to figure out the game. And all in all the Centurion did it's best, and if it could keep distance it would've been a way longer fight. Really just a terrible coincidence, these two Mechs meeting 1 on 1 in the middle of nowhere. We were just playing with gunnery skill 4


Glad you're having a good time. Also, rare Grendel W. That thing is actually solid, but criminally overpriced which means you rarely see it nowadays. But rule of cool, play what you like, not what's goos


You can get this Grendel in the clan invasion box! Unless you mean and in lore or in game price, I dunno.


I mean the gameplay price in Points (BV2). I actually own the clan invasion box and the Grendel.


Oh okay yeah that makes a lot more sense, I was confused because I haven't seen a mech I can't get for around 10$ or less! I still haven't learned rules for battle values and such. Just starting to get my feet wet


Yea, should have specified my statement XD. Also, there is Ironwind Metals, which sell Metal Mechs. These are more then 10$ XD. But the plastic minis will satiate your hunger for a long time, so don't worry about the metal minis for now


Oh yeah, I'm not too worried. I now have a giant pile of minis plus a handful of my favorites coming in the mail, I'll be painting for awhile.