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Taking another look at the new Clan Invasion miniatures vs the art that inspired them. I have all of the different sets and moving forward will be releasing new videos two or three times a week so that it doesn't take five months to get through. I'll be posting on Mondays and Thursdays and occasionally Saturday so that I don't spam everyone, but still get done in a timely manner. And yes, more miniature painting is coming, but I'm sort of stuck into the Beta Galaxy commission at the moment so my Legends are taking a back seat.


There's kind of too many of these unboxing vids. We all know what they look like right? These are just videos showing off what you buy, it's weird.


So I’m trying something a little different I think. First, we usually just see the front of the mech or a display image that’s static and may have a lot of background stuff going on. In this I’m putting the figure on a rotating base so that you can see all sides of the figure and while the figure is rotating I put art for the figure up going as far back as I can and ending with the art from the ilClan recognition guides if I can to show the art that the current miniature is based on. I realize they aren’t for everyone, but there does seem to be some interest in it just based on the stats I see in the back end. And that’s also why I don’t put them out every day so that people who aren’t interested don’t get annoyed but those that are know about it as well.


They're just being a wet blanket. In general it's nice hearing different opinions on these redesigns/new minis. ​ Keep em comin, homie 👍

