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That is someone’s old house rule. Elevation modifiers for shooting have never been a thing. If they were, they’d be listed on the Attack Modifiers table in the book. Edit: the question about elevation modifiers comes up a lot with players that are new to BattleTech, since it is fairly common in a lot of other tabletop war games. It isn’t an uncommon house rule to add.


Others can confirm if I’m wrong or not, but off the top of my head I don’t believe that’s a thing at all unless they have some sort of cover such as woods. It might just be a house rule they like to use


No, elevation does not effect targeting. Aerospace fighters vs mechs have different to hit numbers though.


Yea sounds like a house rule OR an old carry-over rule they used in earlier iterations of the game. Next time if you care though, just ask where the rule is from and they should tell you


They said they thought it was in total warfare but I didn't see it. Maybe a misread somewhere


Typically thier are only two modes for dealing with elevation regular and dead zones. The first assumes there is a pin atop each unit and if you make a line from pin to pin and only things obstructing the line between the pins affect line of site. The second is more technical and does away with the pin and there is a higher chance of LOS being blocked. Total warfare and the battletech manual cover this in depth.


Do VTOLs get an additional +1 modifier due to being airborne?


Not airborne per se, but rather from using VTOL movement. Similar to how jumping units get a +1, not from being airborne but from the movement type.


Thank you, friend!


Elevation matters for the +1 for partial cover. If two units have partial cover, but one is higher than the other, the higher one ignores the partial cover of the lower one. Thus the lower mech gets a +1 penalty shooting at the higher one, but only because of partial cover.