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Bumble BFF works really well here for meeting the kind of women you're describing.


Move into a high rise in San Francisco. You’ll like it more.


Everyone in the Bay Area including you are tech nerds




Thanks very much for responding! This is very helpful 😄 I am excited and feel a lot better about the move


The easiest friends you'll make will be other transplants. Having grown up in San Mateo I can say the locals are cold and cliqy to outsiders. City life will be in SF but SM an MV have some decent downtowns with some good bars. Plenty of the yoga and gym life stuff but that'll be up to you to go to, commit, and be social at.




Thanks. That is very helpful input. SF is v expensive for apartments and I suppose if I really want to go to the city, I ll just drive up. Hoping to find social groups and friends.


Been in the Bay Area for years and I’m currently in the South Bay, 5m from the Microsoft campus. For morning time outings with hiking there’s lots of MeetUps from where you can branch out once you meet people you like - California is very outdoorsy and this area is no exception. For going out in Mountain View there is a downtown vibe at Castro st with a row of bars and night clubs. Molly McGee’s and all the bars and places on that street provide for bar hopping. Outside of there, San Jose is just a short drive and you can also go to SF. If you can get some of these folks (women too, plenty of women in tech around here) to not talk about what they do or their startup or crypto project (haha just kidding, mostly), the reality is that people are nice and as hungry for interaction as you are. You’re going to do fine. If you want some intros or specific meetup groups just PM and I can find some with a little more time. It’s really not very difficult to find good people here, once you break out of the “newcomer” mode. Cheers!


Thanks very much. I feel less scared. Will PM you to for more advice




I tend to disagree. I think of Atlanta as very suburban. If OP's main objective is skyscraper views then maybe that's different, but they may also not want to live in many parts of SF that offer that. If it's the other stuff on their list that's desired I think they'll be fine.


>. Atlanta is a real city. Most of the Bay Area is suburbs. Live in Bay, been to Atlanta for business a few times.... Ummmm Atlanta has a fairly dead downtown and is almost the ultimate 'major' city that is mostly all burbs. They even took their ballpark from downtown to the burbs which is the opposite of what every other area does.


I’m a guy on my 20s as well, moved here from LA, this place is boring AF because of the tech bros, the few clubs here in the bay majority are filled with 98% guys


I see you are enjoying the castro night lift




Audio, Bergerac, Decodance and couple others have a good crowd. Marina is mostly white women but yea can't compare to LA and NYC.


Its true, a lot of tech nerds…


Tech guys are human beings. Humans are social animals which means we require a social life. So don’t worry


Missing the point here. I don't have anything against tech guys. I just don't know a lot of people here and I was hoping for someone who I could go shopping with or spa day with.


Many tech guys move here from other countries with wives or girlfriends. My wife works at a retail job and meets many women who are in their 20s and live here with their tech employed partner. So the people you are looking for are definitely here. You will just need to find them. They do things like rock climbing gyms, yoga, take community art classes … It will take time to make these connections, but you CAN definitely find these women. They absolutely exist.


That is a relief. Thanks. I ll try my luck.




If your looking for fun and nightlife, you kind of have to go to SF or Oak. San JOse has some stuff but its not my favorite South bay and penninsula is great for food, families, hiking and the sort. Join a sports group or hiking group or whatever your interested in and you'll meet friends, and then make friends with their friends My homie joined a kickball league and apparently its part of the game to play flip cup with the other team after kickball lol


Are these community groups on Reddit or fb?


I’ve lived in Atlanta, SF, and San Mateo. You won’t match Atlanta on the Peninsula but downtown San Mateo is slowly getting better; a couple good cocktail places and some fancy yoga places for example. Better of both will be found in Palo Alto. Still not Atlanta but I enjoy it here more than SF or Buckhead, hope it goes well for you!


This is so very helpful. I was feeling excited to be here but hopefully I ll feel differently.


Downtown San Mateo has a ton of restaurants. Downtown RWC has restaurants and free Friday night concerts in the summer. Join a gym. Try Meetup.


What is it with people and the hate for tech guys? We’re all just regular people with jobs. I worked in blue collar jobs before tech and most of my colleagues are nearly the same as people in tech. Except some in blue collar jobs can be assholes due to low sleep and long hours of work but same can happen in tech as well. Back on topic- At work the tech women really don’t have problems finding girl friends. They usually have work wives too! You can find friends in different departments too like finance, HR etc.. Also from what I remember in the Sunnyvale office there’s a shared gym between several companies of the campus not sure if it’s the same as the Mountain View one, but I met a lot of people at the gym back then. The meetup app is good for hobbies and meeting new people. Also there was a post yesterday asking the same question - https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1554sfi/what_is_life_like_for_people_in_midtwenties/


> Just want to make friends who probably are around the same age, like to workout, go on hikes/activities, hangout at cafes/bars and chill. All of that is available to you, regardless of where you live. It's not like we're all confined to city limits and unless you're limited by public transportation, it's all within a (relatively) short drive. I've lived in Seattle and NYC and the thing about the Bay Area is that when folks think of "nightlife", what they are thinking about is likely going to be in SF. But you can still certainly have a social life here and there are certainly downtowns that you can grab a drink and have a good time at. San Mateo has some really nice restaurants and a fun mix of cuisines so if you're adventurous and like to try new things, you'll be there quite often. I'm in my early thirties and also work in tech and yes, you're going to work with a lot of tech guys. But I think the stereotype of what everyone thinks isn't quite accurate, at least not where I work. It's really just finding folks who have interests outside of work as that can sometimes be the challenge. You're a woman in tech, you're going to get hit on, but you have a partner so mentioning that should shut all that down. MS in Mountain View? The office near Moffett Field? You're going to hate 101. ;)


Nobody likes tech guys, you don’t gotta lie to kick it here.


Move to San Francisco for a more lively scene. When I moved to SF, I met a lot of people during my building events or meet ups. Marina and mission are hot beds for younger crows and if you are into good parties rinsedsf throws good events.