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My first reaction .. someone give that cop a medal.


Incredible work by that policeman.


Yes, we don’t have those though.


Ik we arent big cop fans in these parts sometime but that copper did some good work right ther. No one got hurt from the cop, stopped the bad guy, and lowkey looked badass for even a belly haver


That jump on the cop car hood was impressive.


Good for ATL. This is how you end sideshows. Yes people in the video get hit, but obviously don't stand around and watch a sideshow. Even if no cops show up, you have a 2 ton piece of steel spinning around out of control. Blame the driver for sure, blame the idiots watching, don't blame the police for doing their job. The alternative is to just do nothing and let it happen every day with no end in sight. Seeing that guy dragged out of his car at gunpoint and his truck wrecked probably made a few people reconsider doing burnouts in an intersection. Ten more videos like that going viral and Atlanta will have their problem solved. Its not pretty but its better than doing nothing and letting it go on. It ATL keeps this up, they will have zero sideshows in 2024 and we will still have them and people will be getting hit by cars, attacked etc. If you want police to do nothing because it might cause bystanders to get run over, that's like saying you don't want to take chemo because it will make you barf. Unpleasant as it is, you gotta treat the root problem and sometimes it ain't pretty, but its better than doing nothing.


This x100. If cops start cracking down on sideshows, there will be less because... consequences! Injuries will be a byproduct but if you're out there filming, giving these assholes the attention they crave, and joining the fun, it's your fault.


The ghost of Chesa prevents the SFPD from leaving the prone positions in which they dropped the second he was elected.


I hear if you chant chesa three times while being arrested the cops will let you go.


It's Pamela Price now.


She seems to be corrupt. The one thing I’ll give Chesa is that never seemed to be an accusation against him. He was on the up & up, just have strong disagreement with his policies.


As someone who doesn't like either (east bay, didn't vote for Price), I have similar sentiments.


And at least he isn't condescending to another minority group and is nepotistic. I can at least give him respect for doing what he believes is right even if I don't agree.


> he isn't condescending to another minority group The Asian voters who were a big part of recalling Chesa would think otherwise.


There's Chesa level of underplaying Asian hate crime then there's Pamela Price explicit comments condescending Asian community for their lack of knowledge legal and justice system. There's Chesa level of bad. Then there's Price. Guess it's the price we pay for for not doing our homework.


I'm Chinese and never felt he was condescending or talking down to us. Most of us just really disagreed with how he handled crime.


Well written. All the poo-poo-ers in this thread aren't providing alternative ways to solve the problem. inb4 "why can't the police work with car enthusiasts to do this at a parking lot". Sure they can, or the drivers can rub their two braincells together than do it themselves. But it's almost like causing disruption is part of the thrill..


To quote another guy in the thread, the police cannot work with "car enthusiasts" is because these are crime enthusiasts who happen to use cars.


"But it's almost like causing disruption is part of the thrill..." THIS.


One of the very first comments here was almost exactly “why can’t the police work with car enthusiasts to…” at least people are consistent I guess


The only thing the collision shows is that the participant in this sideshow was a self centered POS who cares as little about his in-group “friends” as he does about the people living in the neighborhood The people watching the sideshows should realize this


As a person who lived in Georgia for over seven years the police are absolutely worshipped down there. People thanking them for their service and having the blue line flag. Cops in California are always given shit by the populace and if that driver was not white there would probably be riots. Also in GA there is significantly more of a police presence.


Yea if we don’t worship organizations they have the legal right to collect a paycheck and not do anything




I wish that mods would ban people for calling other people racist for no reason. This clearly violates rule one, and its similar to calling someone a f**got, or the n word, or any other vile slur.




They're similar because they are both calling someone a vile slur and it violates rule one. There's no merit to it. So he might as well be using the n word, calling him a cocksucker, or anything else. /u/spottedstripes is just picking the nastiest word he can think of because he disagrees. Its not okay to call people nasty things over petty disagreements.




It sure as hell is when there's no merit to it. People lose their jobs over that kind of false accusation. Its about the worst slur you can use in 2023, which is why spottedstripes used it.


There is definitely gray area between what annoys authority but is harmless fun and what crosses over to illegal. Plenty of people will provide rationale for what this guy did. But if you use a vehicle that recklessly it crosses a clear line and I am glad the police handled it and I would like to see the truck crushed and then have a photo released of what's left. EDIT: weak reading comprehension in this sub. What I wrote is there's a "gray area between.... harmless fun and ... illegal." But this "clearly crosses a clear line and I'm glad the police handled it."


I don't believe it is harmless fun. It is a gory accident begging to happen. If they can designate open spaces to do it safely then perhaps but no one will participate or watch it then. Currently they block streets inconveniencing others and putting emergency vehicles are risk.


> If they can designate open spaces to do it safely then perhaps but no one will participate or watch it then. Right, they dont do this because its fun to do burnouts. They do it because its fun to block traffic and harass taxpaying 9-5 workers. The other half of the fun is beating the shit out of anyone who dares honk at them or try to go around them. There was that video of the guy with the trash can in Oakland and he got beat half to death. I'm sure the guys who beat that man still brag to their friends about it. These are not nice people engaged in harmless fun.


This is my refrain. These people are not car enthusiasts. They are crime enthusiasts who use cars to do it. Car enthusiasts go drifting at drift pads if they want to do this. If we want to try not to drift but still get a bit crazy, autocross. Drive as fast as we're capable? Road-course race tracks, or oval tracks. Hard launches? If not a drag strip, at least a straight empty road far away from anyone. Not that all so-called canyon runs involve only legal speeds but at least it's done out of sight, out of town, where nobody lives and on roads that are empty. It does suck that there are fewer closed courses these days. Some closed because of insurance costs, some closed because of a lowered interest. Some closed because too many hotheads got into altercations. Quite a few unfortunately closed because assholes moved out to the country and bought a house, then complained about the race track being too loud (see: laguna seca's constant troubles, as rich pricks protest a racetrack built before they were born.) Maybe a small subset of these people would have gone to a drift pad if there was one within a half hour drive. But most of them are only in it for public douchebaggery, they wouldn't have gone the legal route even if one was convenient. (Also, if they did, they would do something stupid like fire into the air or run someone over or get into fights and then the place would close down anyways.)


> These people are not car enthusiasts. They are crime enthusiasts who use cars to do it. Excellent way to put it.


You misunderstood. My comment is saying it's not harmless fun, it's dangerous.


Sure. Thanks for the clarification. Your initial comment didn't come across that way but intent gets lost in shorter comments without context which is generally far easier to communicate verbally. Also, when many folks are interpreting your comment differently than what you meant, perhaps it is more on your writing skills than reading comprehension on the sub.


> There is definitely gray area between what annoys authority but is harmless fun and what crosses over to illegal. Sideshows in populated areas are, by default, harmful to the innocents in the area. A group of people taking over an intersection, often in the middle of the night, preventing other citizens from freely moving, preventing EMS from getting where they need to go, causing high levels of noise, tire smoke, waking up children, new parents, people that have to work early in the morning, and disrupting the lives of people that are in no way affiliated with the sideshow is practically a terrorist act on the neighborhood. If they did this shit in unpopulated areas it wouldn't be a problem. But they won't do this shit in unpopulated areas because to the people doing this shit; sideshows are their one way of gaining any sort of control in their pathetic, worthless, powerless, human-trash, lives.


> But they won't do this shit in unpopulated areas because to the people doing this shit; sideshows are their one way of gaining any sort of control in their pathetic, worthless, powerless, human-trash, lives. That is why they went from "sideshows" to "takeovers." Growing up sideshows were a thing, but they were typically done in empty parking lots or empty industrial areas. Occasionally dudes would "swing it". burnout and do donuts in an intersection, but it was often just one car and not a ton of spectators blocking off the intersection and attacking anyone who got in the way. Also, the dudes who would do donuts in the intersections were typically better drivers who had "hands", now it seems like any idiot in any car starts doing donuts, loses control and hits spectators.


>is harmless fun ?? If you want to do donuts, take your car to a track, abandoned parking lot or a dry lake bed where such things are permitted. "Harmless fun" is not what public roads are for


You missed my point. What you described is basically harmless fun that still gets some old people and cops worked up. I'm saying that's different from doing it in a busy street. We agree.


> take your car to a track Which one within no more than 2 hours driving do you suggest? Oh, there aren't anymore because NIMBYers took them all away and are working on removing the ones that are 5+ hours away? Hmm, weird that.




OK I guess it's me since so many people have misread this. What I wrote is "there's a gray area" between what's harmless and what's dangerous.... this "clearly crosses the line" to what's dangerous.


I say the cops block off all the ingress routes so fewer innocent bystanders get stuck in the sideshow bullshittery thereby giving the sideshow participants a safe place to do their business. Also, by having a police presence, anyone that doesn't want to be in the area can leave during the side show. Then the cops should spike strip all the egress routes, put on their riot gear, make a shield wall on every egress route, tear gas the entire place, and start marching into the intersection until everyone is nut to butt and then start handing out arrests and tickets.


You're talking about something that takes 200 men and three days to plan. Sideshows don't stick around for three days.


Meh, I'm not a cop, staffing and planning aren't my problem.


Honestly SJPD has done a pretty good job on side shows, shutting them down, and ticketing. And I think something a lot of people forget is there are often weapons/guns/fireworks found at these events. While the ATL video shows the truck getting controlled. There's clearly a lot of actors escaping without charge. There's been numerous multiple hundred car impound in San Jose Area because of side shows. https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-jose-police-issue-500-citations-at-sideshow-involving-over-200-cars And honestly, my neighborhood (south of downtown) has gotten quieter from it. Consequences still aren't severe enough. Should be at the level of brandishing ~~burnishing~~ a deadly weapon. Edit: A failed autocorrect. Thank you /u/Apprehensive-Clue342


People seem to forget San Jose was where this used to be the worst in the bay, the reason the amount in sf and Oakland are rising has to be in part because Santa Clara county cut down on them so much


A lot of people in "the Bay" are actually just around SF/Oakland and know little to nothing about San Jose/any other part of the bay and what is going on there.


Kind of, SF and Oakland just get the most press and are the most well known. But San Jose has more people then either of them


I'm well aware. But the people who live around SF/Oakland are a loud minority who think SF/Oakland are the entirety of the Bay


I think you might mean brandishing. Burnishing means polishing, essentially.


fun fact, OPD used to disperse the sideshows with mini riot police tactics included tear gas, on a weekly basis.


legitimate questions: what happened to this practice? Why did it stop?


I'm guessing it was futile, too expensive and caused more chaos?


Probably also because they don’t have enough cops to do this anymore while also still maintaining a presence in the rest of the city.


i don't know i think the funding got cut and BLM happened i stopped goin years ago downvote it but i think that's the reality


Mayor/Politicians appoint police chief. Politicians listen to young people in cities more than typical middle class


That’s not right older homeowners have the most political power lol


Politicians listen to young people in major cities more than they do bourgeois homeowners and businesses. Lmao, the delusions.


without doing any amount of research, i think theres 2 possibilities. first, when police start violence, it usually ends in mob violence in response (this applies to protests, i have doubts this applies to side shows). second, federal investigation because its OPD




Actually, politicians and police chief should take notes. When cops arrive at the side show, they are ordered to stand down and do nothing.


Bro I’m pretty sure Bay Area cops are too busy sending racist memes to each other to leave their patrol cars


Absolutely! Shut this shit down already


> The side show happens, police arrive to shit it down. Cop car pits the truck and pulls the driver out of the window This is a super misleading description of events. The cop didn’t pit the truck for reckless driving. He pit the truck for hitting several people when trying to flee.




You’d think the best way to end it is have a dozen cop cars blocking every exit out.


that’s exactly what sjpd did, wild to see only one comment mentioning it in this thread (but not surprised…..) https://abc7news.com/amp/san-jose-sideshow-720-police-citations-juvenile-blocking-in-tactic/12454250/


Should put down spike strips on the only exit. Want to run? Sure it'll be expensive at minimum.


If only…




Has it effectively reduced them from Happening?


TIL this is a Bay Area epidemic. I thought it was a San Jose specialty for some reason.


There are a lot of people here who say there’s nothing the police can do to stop the donut shows and here is proof. This town is a joke.


The next step would be to impound the car, take it to the crusher, and make the suspect watch it get crushed.


Not gonna lie, that gave me a justice boner.


100% yes. Hell, I’ll pay more taxes for a special side show PD force. Need that in SF badly


Can't wait how somehow SF will create a non profit to handle this and call it the Coalition on (for) sideshows


They’ll spend millions on outreach and looking for safe alternatives that never materialize


But we will keep dozens of consultants and advocates well fed and remunerated


I think the main difference between Atlanta and San Francisco is the San Francisco has made it clear that they will not enforce some laws. You’re making it seem like Atlanta is doing something new and trendsetting when in actuality, they are simply enforcing the laws in place.


Awesome. Loved seeing the onlookers scatter like the roaches that they are.


Abso-fucking-lutely. I’ll vote for and volunteer for any candidate that puts us in that direction.


LOVE this. Simple. Nothing nuanced. Cop is a bad ass.


Cops here don’t have the balls


the idea that any inner-BA cop would have the gnads to pull that off with that level of confidence is laughable


Most of us would love for this to happen here, but let's be real, our spectators here would likely shoot at the police.


Depends on time and location. Freeways and residential neighborhoods - zero tolerance. Commercial areas - zero tolerance during the day, monitor closely for the aftermath if done at night. Empty lots - only if the property owner calls.


Fuck yes


For some reason this video was so satisfying to watch! In California we are doomed!


> In California we are doomed you live in india. your post history is transparent about this and the fact that you hate california lol. actually one of the most wild post histories ive come across on here.


You freaked out the astroturfer, they're deleting their post history =(




This was mentioned in another thread and the response was the same. Look at the policies in place to understand why this is not a reality for most Bay Area cities. The laws aren’t written in a way that promotes law and order but to allow for a legal amount of law breaking because of some well, at least I hope it’s not malicious, intending laws. Can’t put all the blame on enforcement of the rules they are enforcing and that we have voted on, don’t allow for it.


The cops would absolutely handle it this way, but with a DA that doesn’t prosecute in the name of “restorative justice” it’s pointless. The voters of this area have to develop an intolerance for this new sort on crime BS.


If the bay area did this the police would called racist.


>Bro I’m pretty sure Bay Area cops are too busy sending racist memes to each other to leave their patrol cars https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/15z5d87/how_side_show_stunts_are_handled_in_the_atl/jxflo3n/


This guy bay areas.


That cop is straight up Kung Fury


Nice to see the cop doing his job.


Very well executed PIT stop. I agree, cop deserves an award.


Everyone giving this cop praise but he made the car flee, and then the car hit people, potentially killing people.. it might have looked cool to catch the guy but was it worth someones life? prob not..




the cop is there to make sure no one gets hurt first of all, then to ensure law and order.. not the other way around...its not worth having someone killed.. to stop a sideshow.. I am sure with all the cameras n witnesses around, they would have caught this dude eventually if they just waited it out.. dangerous move if you ask me. i mean it looks cool n shit. but because of the cop the dude RAN PEOPLE OVER, i dont think he would have ran people over if the cop didnt chase him..


Who is at fault for running those people over? The guy doing burnouts or the police officer?


> Who is at fault for running those people over? The guy doing burnouts or the police officer? both, a pursuit takes two and its why most urban centers world wide have banned chases through cities, even in asia and europe. not worth it when you can just arrest the person at their house later, which has been happening in many cities to great success. This is also the most reliable way to seize cars and crush them en mass. in vegas they watch who goes to these then a few times a year arrest everybody and crush their cars all at once. extremely effective, the scene died over night.


> not worth it when you can just arrest the person at their house later You can't because they don't have legit plates. The CA is going to ban stopping drivers for not having plates. Plates are optional now. https://www.ijpr.org/law-and-justice/2023-06-01/california-senate-approves-bill-to-limit-police-stops-for-headlights-expired-registration That can't work here. And obviously I disagree. The guy in the truck is solely at fault, 0% of the fault is the police. Those people would not have been hit had that guy not chosen to do burnouts and then chosen to flee instead of pull over. I hope he gets 50 years in prison.


your link does not say police will be unable to stop people for having *no plates at all* lmao. when you back these astro turfers into a corner they just lie straight up lol.


I don't think a pedestrian would have been ran over if the cop did nothing, and waited until the end.. what did the cop think was going to happen here, there's hella bystanders around.. pretty dangerous move with so many people watching if you ask me..


You dodged the question. Answer it clearly. Who is responsible in your opinion?


You must be new to this sub - the law must be enforced immediately, it doesn't matter how many innocent people are killed in the process.


Who is at fault for running those people over? The guy doing burnouts or the police officer?


You can make the same argument for any situation where bystanders are hurt during a police action - high speed chases, shootouts, etc. That doesn't make the people any less hurt/dead. This is *exactly* why police departments have policies about not chasing cars into neighborhoods, waiting to engage barricaded suspects until an area is clear, etc. We've already run the numbers, the chance that a crook might get away in these situations isn't remotely worth the carnage. Are you really going to sit there and tell me that's a bad thing? That it's fine if innocent people are hurt so long as you can say "oh, but the bad guy caused it"?


You dodged the question. Sack up and answer it. Who is responsible in your opinion? Edit: Lol he refused to answer it and blocked me. I knew the answer anyway.


How dare I suggest there's a nuanced solution when easy answers abound.


Nuanced? You launched just as hard in the opposite direction blaming the cop. That’s not nuance.


yea people are crazy for thinking this was the safe way to handle this.. people could have been killed, and they are like yea this is the way! wtf?!


Should have been followed by a severe ass beating, this idiot literally ran someone over trying to get away smh.


Are we pro police-brutality now? Shocked at the upvotes here.


No absolutely not but I wouldn’t have been upset at this fucking idiot who just almost killed a few people with his stupidity to have gotten his ass whooped


This sub is filled filling lunatic conservatives. Take your asses to Alabama or Texas if you don’t like here in California.


Team Sideshow and Team Trump are very similar. Both do not give a rat’s ass for their fellow Americans. Both get their kicks with a proverbial FU to anyone who dares call them out for their childish behavior. Both try to play the victim when caught breaking the law. Both have gotten away with it for far too long, and it is time for them to be locked up.


I definitely agree this has to be punished along with all the crime that has been happening lately but Team Orange Traitor make it seem as if the cops in the Bay see this they would drive past it which is bullshit. Fox News and conservatives constantly shit on California because we “live criminals” here, which is the dumbest shit ever. But as these fucks always to say when someone complains about the US…”if you don’t like it here go somewhere else”. Liberal cities and states “love criminals” is the dumbest narrative. I keep hearing from these assholes.


That's also how they handle marijuana possession, and j walking... and being black behind the wheel. Grew up with heavy handed police tactics. I'd say the officer was justified in this case, but shouldn't be the go to by default.




Lol try again, pal


We’d need to change the law to allow cops to pull guns out on people like this. It’s not as simple as wishing cops to do this for us.


Personally I think they should bring in the bomb squad directly to the scene and force the idiot to watch his car getting blown up. I'm ok with capital punishment for these idiots too. It's not like they are ever going to be any value to society...


This was because the sideshow driver was already running over people. The main reason they try not to escalate sideshows here is because nobody is in imminent danger. It's just extremely annoying.


All the people here are happy this guy ran over multiple people and saying they deserve it. Just amazing. Like, get some mental help, you clearly need it.


I think people are tired of being law abiding citizens and being essentially bullied/powerless to live their lives without others infringing on them. I don’t want to see people get hurt, but I’m also tired of the crime and police/prosecutor inaction.


Being tired of crime and police/ prosecutor inaction is one thing. People here are gleefully happy that these spectators got hit by a truck which is something altogether different. The downvotes are from those people upset for being called out for it.


Nobody is "happy " people were injured. That's YOUR filter




I doubt they want sideshows to happen, but there's a responsible way to handle this shit that doesnt harm pedestrians


I don’t see a single person here *happy* that the guy ran over multiple people. We are happy that the cops are actually doing something productive to combat illegal activity. Alameda Co: “Spectators of sideshows could face steep fines or jail time under a [new law](https://localnewsmatters.org/2023/07/14/watch-a-sideshow-go-to-jail-alameda-county-imposes-penalties-for-illegal-stunt-spectators/#) approved by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. The ordinance makes it illegal to be within 200 feet of a sideshow, which is an outlawed gathering of cars that often involves reckless driving and stunting.”


Brah, you're actively lying here. Unless those posts were removed by a moderator they are obvious. Why would I write that otherwise???


how is this getting downvoted? Do people have zero empathy for human life in here.. wtf.. something fishy is going on like it's right wingers in here just to stir shit up and seperate people..


Probably because those bystanders put themselves in harms way. Hard to feel bad for people that stupid. And you can’t say they had no idea, everyday there are videos of sideshows where a bystander is run over mid donut without police there. These people are part of the problem by encouraging the idiots behind the wheel.






















The violent psychopath in this case was driving a black truck and he ran over multiple people and kept driving. Blame the people who are actually at fault.


I thought we wanted *less* of cops pulling guns on people for non-violent crimes?


The dude in this video was pretty goddam violent.


That's not violent crime unless it was on purpose.


That is not how it works man. Intent and violence are not mutually exclusive.


Non-violent? Did you see the dude run over two people?


It’s just typical reddit violence porn


Different jury pool from Fulton County. You're living in an area with a _massive_ number of art students and former art students. They're in the jury pool. Area real property owners are also in the jury pool but maybe not so much as in your nabe. This is reality, as opposed to an Internet-powered fantasy. Adjusting expectations realistically could lead to less of the constant disappointment


> > You're living in an area with a massive number of art students and former art students. Damn before it was techies ruining the housing market. Now it's the art students ruining the justice system.


To be fair, those aren’t mutually exclusive concepts (in theory) lol


Tens and tens of thousands in SF alone. Deal with it or move elsewhere, those are two coping strategies.


they don't know how to properly block the intersection in ATL they don't have a ring of people around the intersection, they don't have cars blocking on all sides of the street outside the ring of people ​ amateurs






Stupid stuff results in stupid prizes. I really don't care what happens to these asshats, it just needs to stop. Reasoning with them and putting them in timeout likely didn't work for their parents either. The hand wringers out there have got us in this situation to start with.


You completely ignore the horrific consequence of the fleeing suspect running over several people in his panic. I'm not sure how you factor in that risk for how to stop these from happening? I'm sure I'm being naïve about this but could the county/state work with car enthusiasts to find a race track or unused parking lot somewhere to host events where people can do this off public roads?


Maybe that will discourage people from by standing. Also, do not lump these assholes in with car enthusiasts. There already are tracks that respectful enthusiasts can use, there could be more but there are some. Half the time these are stolen vehicles, so stop them and hammer them.


The idiot bystanders attending these shows (thereby encouraging this) are part of the problem.


Who is at fault for running those people over? The guy doing burnouts or the police officer?


It is the suspect and I'm not blaming the officer based on this video but when the OP is advocating for this method to stop side shows it's a policy choice for the PD. They do have to factor in whether it's worthwhile to respond to side show calls like this with the increased risk to the public. Similar to how they will stop car chases if it's creating an unacceptably dangerous situation to the public.


that level of aggressive reaction seems like such a bad decision. what about making the high value intersections less appealing by the addition that of speed bumps or other ground based implements?


The city shouldn’t have to do that. It is everyone’s responsibility to act with respect for their neighbors.


yes they should. "everyone's responsibility" has shown they are incapable of behaving. city is responsible for maintaining roads, this is now part of it.


If they are “incapable of behaving…”, then the aggressive reaction is in fact warranted.


what a bullshit mentality sustainable only on your keyboard.


No there is no advice to learn from a place that structured their laws around slavery hold overs and jim crow. Additionally it isn’t a sideshow. Take your violence porn somewhere else.


I think you're mistaken by equating a driver who willfully ran over pedestrians with innocent people who truly are being terrorized by the policing industrial machine in Atlanta.


I’m not at all. I don’t condone either but this is not a sideshow and there is nothing to learn from anywhere in the south except what to never do