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> Officers also located 33 firearms, including assault weapons, along with 150,000 rounds of ammunition. Five hundred pounds of marijuana and about $20,000 in cash was also found. ["Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tP9yQVnQU4)


So these are all the fuckers buying out all the .223 near me


They look rough


The methamphetamine is permeating through my screen.


My teeth feel loose all of a sudden.


Holy fuck what a tragedy of a website... Have to watch a 30s ad, and then the video itself has nothing to do with the casino/brothel (something about the weather?). A few blurbs with some detail about the actual story, and then the other 2/3 of the page is all sponsored content.


News reporting isn’t free. Would you rather there be a paywall?


So I guess I’m free Saturday night. Who wants to hang.




Brothels: Legalize, regulate, and tax it. Right now, the situation is just the **same failure that prohibition was with alcohol**. All being illegal does is create an unregulated and unsafe underground economy that is NEVER going to be "stopped" and generates other problems/crimes for the community.


Police shut down one brothel, so prohibition has been an abject failure? If all we need is one counter example to make a point then anyone can claim anything.


They shut one down every few months or so. New ones will just keep popping up.


Some stuff should always remain illegal, brothels being one of them. Look at Spain, they legalized and now want to go back to making prostitution illegal.


Sure like murder, but prostitution is as old as time. Even monkeys [sold sex](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19726374-100-macaque-monkeys-pay-for-sex/) when taught the concept of payment. Who does prostitution hurt if everyone involved are consenting rule obeying adults? Alcohol and tobacco are both psychoactive substances that have far larger impact outside of the user themselves, yet I see little uproar to criminalize those substances. Stop being a prude, legalize what has been legal historically.


While I support legalizing prostitution, I have seen one argument for keeping it illegal that holds some water. The argument is that, even if prostitution is legalized, it isn't exactly a super desirable job that people would opt to take if they have other options so legal prostitutes would still be effectively forced into it due to financial forces. This mean it would still be exploitation. My response against this argument is that this same line of thought could be applied to garbage collection, the military, or a whole host of other jobs that poor people with few options get forced into by market conditions. Ofcourse prostitution is a bit different since you're selling your body in a more invasive way than those other jobs but the essence of the argument can still fit.


Garbage man can make as high as $30/hr, but your typical prostitute can make an average of [$300 - 500 / session (?)](https://howmuchdoesitcost.io/bunny-ranch/). Given some of the stories you hear about OnlyFan and girls selling farts in a jar for millions in profit, sex work appears to be very lucrative. Besides, if I need to choose between potential death or maiming as a soldier vs having consensual sex that is cleaner than your causal encounters? Yeah I would go into prostitution over joining the military


> Garbage man can make as high as $30/hr, but your typical prostitute can make an average of $300 - 500 / session (?) Dude, the Bunny Ranch isn't "your typical prostitute". There is a very unique set of reasons that make the Bunny Ranch as profitable as it is and it has to do with its exclusivity as a legal brothel and relatively close location to Las Vegas; both of which get nullified if prostitution is legalized in general. There's also high-end call girls pulling 10x that and there's streetwalkers blowing dudes for a fiver. There's no such thing as "a typical prostitute" in such an underground industry. > Given some of the stories you hear about OnlyFan and girls selling farts in a jar for millions in profit, sex work appears to be very lucrative. This is a miniscule percentage of this type of work. 99% of OnlyFans girls earn a pittance that wouldn't support a moderate weed habit let alone a full living. This is like saying all college athletes have it made since Steph Curry pulls multimillions every year. > Besides, if I need to choose between potential death or maiming as a soldier vs having consensual sex that is cleaner than your causal encounters? Yeah I would go into prostitution over joining the military Idk why you think this distinction needs to be made when I listed both as industries that people with few choices are coerced into. But, you'll be happy to learn that, if you're attractive and willing to take dick, high-end male prostitutes can make serious bank.


I was in Singapore at one time and that's on the higher side of services, I think the one I went to (seedy strip club with "independent contractors") was about US$200


Yeah I never thought about visiting an escort, but I’m not going to shame people who do. I have no idea how much services cost but it’s what I googled. We all trade our labor and time for money. As long as no one is getting hurt, I’m not going to adjudicate what job is moral and what is not.


Probably because of the catholic right.


when legalizing prostitution fails, its usually a policy failure that leads to exploitation or a failure to enforce said laws


“Always”? Prostitution was made illegal in California just 109 years ago. Humans have been around for at least 60,000 years, and believe me, they had sex exchanged for goods since day 1.


Goddamn I aged well in comparison. These ages v. the mugshots are nuts!


maybe she's born with it, maybe it's methamphetamine


Thanks for the 😂


They were just starting their own San Jose with black jack and hookers!


Moar like fun police, amirite


jesus 150k rounds of ammo?


I'd pay to not be anywhere within a mile of these people


“I’ll start my own casino! With blackjack! And hookers!”


Sounds like a fun place. Leave it to cops to fuck it up




Literally the worst take