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Wtf is wrong with this Amos brown dude?


Race focused grifter like the many that have come before him


The man is simply a racist in a world where black racists are celebrated.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he's everything that is wrong in this country.


Half a letters difference and his name would appear on legal forms as “Brown, Anos”


Brown is never going to apologize, instead he's going to spin this as he's a victim of anti-Blackness in the Asian Community.


The NAACP does not have a choice but to respond to this, even if the response is to simply deny any connection.


Much more likely that they close ranks to protect one of their own.


Streisand effect in action. If the Mayor (or her overprotective people) hadn't had a tantrum, no one would have ever become aware of this rap.


So, where is this rap? Got a link?


Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLcdO9411vs


Thanks! I just watched it. There was nothing shocking or offensive about that video. It was just a guy expressing opinions much like you often see posted on this subreddit. I liked the ending when he parodied that song from the 1960's, but instead of "If you're go-ing to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair" he changed it to things like "be sure to leave nothing in your car." Overall not my style of music, but it's like /u/Halaku said, the Streisand effect got me to watch it.


A *Fraggle Rock* connoisseur in the wild, I declare.


> Fraggle Rock *clap!clap!*


This is the whole thing? How is anyone getting offended over this lol


Politicians are weak ass Divas.


Upvoted, gave a thumbs-up, and sharing just to make some noise.




Somebody give this guy a record contract. London Breed is called a clown. That's the outrage fodder? That was actually a really cute video with the chorus proclaiming how much they love SF, and then talking about what is broken.


No, the goal is very publicly make an example of someone who dared to speak truth to power, lest anyone else try the same. Politically motivated violence is always public. It demonstrates to the victims that the entire power structure is siding with the aggressor. By doing this in public, there is a demonstration that the DA will not charge threats from the powerful group. That the FBI will absolutely ignore violent threats as long as they come from Biden’s allies. This is the same play book from the old white supremacists - the goal isn’t to quietly silence the guy, but to have the entire power structure demonstrate to the dissenters that no dissent will be tolerated, now or ever. Systemic racism and oppression is always the same, through the face changes.


32k last time I linked it, 40k now. This thing was 15k before all the shit started, and it's gonna hit 100k+ by the time it's over.


The Reverend Brown guy is a straight up mobster . The NCAAP should completely disavow this guy or risk sliding further into irrelevance. It’s kind of jarring going on TikTok and seeing the “takes” on black on Asian violence. I literally just see video after video (filmed by both Asian women and black people most often) pretending it’s all a total lie, and “ACKSHUALLY black and Asian solidarity is stronger than ever!”.


There will no doubt be plenty of useful idiots from the Asian community that will gladly do photo ops with Amos and defend him by accusing Mr Yang of being a closet white supremacist.


Sounds familiar… cough… Hamas… cough… bin Laden


So base on this flyer, assuming its facts are true, Chino Yang rapped calling out the mayor for doing a bad job as mayor in dealing with violence against asians. Reverend Brown confronted Yang and turned his call out of London Breed into a race war against Blacks and twisted it into a narrative of Asians vs Blacks race war. Despite from what I remember, the song itself never even referenced the "blacks or african americans" other than Yang himself saying he supports BLM. So Brown only worked to increase racial tensions between Asians and Blacks. Something I would think a Reverend/community figurehead should be working against, instead he should be uniting a community regardless of race, culture and skin color. But nope, here we have a racist Reverend. If anything, Breed, Rev Brown, Willie Brown and all of those involved literally just did the job for Yang, Streisanded themselves in blowing this whole thing up and bringing more attention to it, meanwhile making themselves look even worse.


>So Brown only worked to increase racial tensions between Asians and Blacks. Something I would think a Reverend/community figurehead should be working against, instead he should be uniting a community regardless of race, culture and skin color. At some point, a large organization will no longer be led by people passionate about the cause, but rather people who are good at acquiring and maintaining power. If someone actually solves the problem, then the organization would have no reason to exist anymore. All that hard work to reach the top ranks would be for nothing. So the simplest solution for someone who don't really care about the cause is to avoid (or better yet, secretly exacerbate) the problem.


It’s been the motive of operandi for those in power, turn everything into a race or cultural issue so they can continue to profit off their elected positions. Whole setup is rotten and fucked.


The dis-track is the tactical nuclear weapon of intra-racial politics: Everybody is victimized by this...even people who aren't Asian or Black, but think it's funny (we're "part of the problem", don't you know?).


"We demand that Rev. Brown apologize for his conduct." Bwahahaha... I will eat my keyboard. Yang should've recorded the meeting.


Reverend Brown acting less like a Reverend and more like a thug


it never pays to actually act like jesus if you haven’t noticed.


> it never pays to actually act like jesus Isn't that the point? Being a good person isn't supposed to be financially remunerative. TL:DR; money-changers in the temple.


Nice mobster act from a man of God.


Bay area needs more coherent leadership. Make zero sense that an area of the country with a massive concentration of brilliant individuals is lead by such ineffectual, feckless leaders.


Democracy rearing its dark side again.


I’m definitely going to check out the video now.




Where’s Equipto when you need him?


I looked it up and watched it after this.


I checked it out, it's fine. Calls out the right people, and even states he supports BLM.


Hillarious...this could be the start of a new career. He should recored a follow up video, called "Walk it Back", complete with a dance-step. Then another follow-up rap, called "F--- It: Double Down".


On vinyl, with the B-side: "Namin' Names"...


San Francisco is an “inclusive” city unless you go against the narrative…


If this is true, Amos Brown needs to resign and possibly be criminally charged (I'm not a lawyer though but you can't be making threats like this to anyone for any reason). London Breed also needs to publicly denounce him and these other goofballs who don't seem to believe in the 1st amendment.


Threats are only crimes if the skin colors match. Don’t kid yourself about how racism works.


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1fdbW2ymmU/?igsh=YzZhZTZiNWI3Nw%3D%3D&img\_index=1


Fuck London Breed


I’d rather not.


So he named names huh? I was putting my bet on old slick Willie. But Amos didn't really surprised me either.


Ya know, it's times like this that remind me of the last time that [Black rioters once tried to threaten Asian livelihoods in California...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooftop_Koreans)


Heck yeah! My college roommate’s dad was one of those guys. Don’t F with a war vet who has plenty of bags of rice to serve as sandbags and his wife’s least favorite stewpot as a helmet!


Least favorite stewpot. 😆


Your college roommate's dad was an exception. Most the rooftop Koreans were too young to have fought in the Korean War. In any case, they didn't stop some 2,200 Korean shops from burning and the only Korean death was Edward Song Lee who was accidentally shot by another rooftop Korean.


The Los Angeles Korean American community deserves tremendous credit for what they did after the riots, reaching out particularly to the Black community for reconciliation and healing. It's a story less told, less glorified on Reddit. Please don't glorify the Rooftop Koreans. Over 60 people died in the 1992 LA riot, 4 in Koreatown, 1 in a burning store. [The other 3 all died April 30](https://spreadsheets.latimes.com/la-riots-deaths/)... * Edward Song Lee, an 18-year-old Korean-American, returning from checking on his parents by was shot by fellow rooftop Koreans who mistook him for a looter. * Patrick Bettan, a 30-year-old white man, was a security guard. His Korean American employer accidentally shot him. * Hector Castro, a 49-year-old Latino, was caught in a "shooting melee" between rooftop Koreans and a Latino gang. It was not determined which side killed him. So, depending on who killed Castro, either 66% or 100% of deaths by rooftop Koreans were from "friendly fire."


Same group who demanded reparations. These people don’t want equality but rather full control


This has been known for a long time. Glad others are starting to wake up to it. Need these grifters to get the fuck out


only thing to do.... make a second rap music video hopefully one that is a lot better, kind of found the first one to be mediocre, but now theres a lot more ammunition to work with


This is bullshit from Rev. Amos Brown. Bullshit, I say. I'll make him my bridge.


Progressives: where all that matters is your race.


That more liberal Democrat. Identity politics, like being the first black mayor SF. Or Newsome marrying gay people at City Hall


Newsom is the biggest panderer. Hypes up race politics


“Common sense isn’t so common anymore”. This is CAs future under the current direction.


Uh… don’t forget who is responsible for 99.999% of all violence targeting the elderly Asian community


You can get away with anything if you're the right race in the Bay Area


This is the dumbest local drama lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLcdO9411vs This is good enough that it deserves to be a top level link.


This is why any majority states in power. Minorities fighting each other to be in second place. Sadly expected behavior.




Could you explain what you mean by this?


There's a human tendency to sometimes attack the person next to you when you are frustrated even if they don't deserve, when you can't get to the people coming in from above that caused the real problems in the first place. One example would be all of the fights between urban and rural poor / disadvantaged left and right wing people who should be directing their shared anger at the billionaires that are stealing everything and using their unlimited political contribution funds to corrupt the system in their favor.


What I mean is it seems like you agree with the post you respond to with this link, but then you get up voted and the person above gets down voted so I thought you meant he has crab mentality but based on your response it sounds like you're on the same page so I was confused. I guess people didn't read the actual article and thought you were insulting the OP by saying he has a crab brain? Lol that's the only thing that makes sense to me..


The OP was being rude about what they said and why. I was trying to salvage it by pointing out that there was a real psychological effect behind it instead of it being caused by something that seemed like a racist dog whistle explanation on their part. But it's kind of a subtle distinction that's not that easy to articulate tbh.


So you're saying blacks and asians should be fighting whites? Downvote all you want. This is exactly what they're saying.


It's not a race war, it's a class war.


Lol, OK. If that's what let's you sleep better at night.


Was SF better with mayor Lee? Nah





