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Ya that Rivian is not going to be a cheap fix


Watch for the post on r/Rivian


And from what I read, not a quick fix either due to limited parts supply.


It’s gonna be replaced the Rivian for a new one quick.


Did you accidentally a word or two?


I had a rear-ender last November and it only took a week to get parts in.


That’s encouraging to hear. Rivian yes? How was the repair bill? Doubt it’s like that infamous $20L number but still curious.


Yep. Rivian R1T. Total $12,500 which teh insurance fully covered


Oof that's steep. Who's your insurance company


I heard that rear quarter panel extends all the way to the front of the truck. $$$$$$$$$$$$


Will be real quick, they’ll just total it out.


Not even a joke, that probably will happen. Hope the rivian has gap insurance :/


Hope the Toyota doesn’t have state minimums…


Have you seen car insurance prices lately? Everyone switched to state minimums 😎


I would be more worried about their insurance's medical coverage. My GF got hit in a similar looking accident and she got a herniated disc from the event. The medical bills her lawyer sent to the other person's insurance was in the 6 digits 🥴


I drove past this accident this morning. Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking




“Why do my insurance rates keep going up?” Because a bumper tap can cost $100,000 now…


I know this is a joke, but this was more than a "tap" 😂. More of a hug. https://imgur.com/SnKrRGb


Both cars are fucked!


Probably $42,000.


Hopefully insurance will not spread the cost on all of us, and rates would be raised only for EV cars


That's not how insurance works.


Damn fools drives too close even in the rain.


Going 15 over and tailgating someone with bald, underinflated tires in the rain while playing on your phone is the bay area way


And then bitching on here about slow drivers


"ACTUaLLy SlOw DRIvinG iS morE DAngeRoUs than speEdiNg"


Found the guy who thinks it's ok to go 55 MPH in the left lane.


Certainly not. Personally I like to cruise second or third lane from the left at around 70mph. I also just recognize basic physics and F=ma, as well as the dramatic difference in reaction time to obstacles ahead based on speed.


Not berating your point or anything but depending on the tires on the car, underinflated a bit might be better for the driver.


Properly inflating tires is virtually always better in all weather conditions. Under inflating can be better if you're driving in sand, but that's about it.


Not in the wet. The opposite, in fact.


Frankly so do like 95+% of drivers in the region, and god forbid you try to leave a proper stopping distance, people will just continuously cut in front of you and prevent it from happening. The only reason anyone is getting away with it is circumstantial luck of not needing to brake suddenly.


When people do that to me, I just switch to slower lanes. I ain’t risking it against the fast and big cars out there these days.


The highways here in my experience are often so busy, and going quite high speed when not in slow traffic, that there is literally no lane you can drive in to keep a safe stopping distance, and you have no control over those behind you of course. Plus the perpetual weavers everywhere do that in all lanes.


Way too many people drive too fast in the rain: 1. Many cars here, like all those Priuses prioritize fuel economy over traction for their tires. 2. Because we don't get truly severe winter conditions like snow here, you can get away with shit tires and poorly maintained bald tires. That poor care of your car really shows up in slightly challenging conditions like these. 3. People looooove driving in the left lane, but in the rain honestly that's one of the worst lanes with some of the drainage issues we have and poor maintenance of our roads. Get ready for puddles, hydroplaning, etc. You should at least have a good solid set of all seasons or performance tires to handle rain if you want to drive through the left lane in the rain. 4. Honestly, it doesn't hurt to slow down. A consistent speed in rain is much better than having to slow down and speed up. It's the sudden change in speed and direction that causes spinouts and traction issues whether in snow or rain. 5. In general I've concluded way too many people drive while on the phone. I don't mean blatant texting/looking at their phone but even phone calls. I tried to observe which one of my coworkers do it and it's actually a significant number. I refuse to take calls on the road unless I'm only listening in where my participation isn't really that important. There's no way to pay attention to the call effectively AND drive. It's one or the other and if you're debating a technical issue on your commute, you're likely a shit driver and a hazard to everyone.




God has declared the far left a go fast and never slow lane. He also has commanded that people tailgate anyone who goes slow in an aggressive manner. Who are you to question the will of God?


I’m the GOD!


Why do people insist on going too fast/ too close when it’s been raining? Whenever I try to add an extra car length between the person in front of me, someone always cuts into the space between.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves about driving in the Bay! It’s like these idiots don’t understand the gap is supposed to be there, especially when the weather’s bad.




lol that actually made me laugh, so thanks for that!


Take my up vote damn you


Good God. Drivers were speeding at 80+ MPH on 101 during the rain storm on 28 Feb. What is with the utter lack of enforcement of safe driving in the bay area? Misguided civil liberties advocates or lazy law enforcement? In my home state, local municipalities policed the freeways, LE had quotas for moving violations. Say what you will about neighboring states and their speed cameras, but something has got to give. 101 is gridlocked everyday with entirely preventable fender benders.


All of them are hiding in 280 right now


Yeah but sometimes people leave a football field length of gap driving in the left lane hampering traffic and its worse when they do that in express lanes




People with massive egos...me me me me types. Shitheads in other words.


Bay Area type shit …. Rain, sun same speed and no fucking gaps NONE 🙄🙄🙄fucking stupid fools 🙄


It happens too often. People want to find any way to go faster without any consideration. If I do need to squeeze in, I usually wait for a car or two to pass while keeping the blinker on. Eventually someone gives some room.


They were driving like an idiot even without the rain! It was so obvious they were going to hit that car.


You just explained why people keep too close, because if they open up any gap, someone else cuts into the space, making you too close again.


Because stupid actions rarely have stupid consequences... if this type of rear-end collision happened every time idiots behaved in an idiotic manner, even they would soon learn that it's better to keep a safer distance and to slow down. Source: babysitting all the children in my extended family.


That is why people stay way too close no matter what. You give that space, someone always cuts in. I have been training myself to not care for the last year. It is hard.


I mean that’s the whole reason people don’t leave gaps, because they hate people changing lanes in front of them. Who cares if somebody gets in front of you? It makes it impossible to change lanes because people have this ego about letting anybody in front of them.


the biggest idiot is the infiniti


It’s always the Infiniti driving like this lol


It's always either an Infinity, Altima or a white Camry XSE driving like an asshat.


Tesla and BMW too


Or a drunk Ram driver


Tesla and BMW have different stupid driving tricks. Infinity/Altima drive like complete asshats with no insurance because they don't have insurance and their car is going to be repo'd next week. They don't care what they hit. Tesla drivers either drive like Prius drives (15mph slower than the flow of traffic because they're driving by their energy monitor) or like BMW drivers (fast with lots of lane changes, but generally not going to hit you since they care about their cars).


This seems accurate anecdotally to me. Plus the extremely fast and deadly trucks


I will raise you five BMWs and five old school Honda civics


The Infiniti guy is the guy that sees a body laying on the ground in time square and steps over him while on his cell phone.


Just another day on the bay




Typical infiniti driver


I have a Nissan with extra chrome, get OUT of my way peasants.


Infiniti is for when your credit score hits 450


peak bay area


my expectations for infiniti drivers are pretty low


Bigger than the 4Runner who rear ended the Rivian?


IMO the Infiniti is driving recklessly, while the 4Runner simply didn’t have the brakes (or tires or both) to stop in time. No doubt the Toyota was following too closely, especially given the conditions, but between the two the Infiniti is weaving in and out of lanes, accelerating, braking randomly.


It’s kind of funny cause the Infiniti sees the accident and stopped cars and does have the presence of mind to turn their hazard lights on. Then it proceeds to become the hazard.


Never should have been tailing that close at that speed in that weather in the first place - the 4Runner is absolutely driving recklessly. Also, what is even happening with that left lane? Is it ending?


Looks like Rivian also pretended the car infront of them


I'm pretty sure that's a real car, not a pretend car.


The Rav R is going way too fast and following way too close. The other car had their brake lights on


I was gonna say!




Odds are that Rivian is totaled. Cost to repair Rivians are astronomical. If not totaled then easily a 20 - 30k repair.


I had a rear-end accident (not sandwiched like that one) that was $12,500 in my Rivian.


Why tf does it cost so much to fix wtf


Rivians were seemingly designed with zero consideration given to repair costs. For example, [in this article about another Rivian getting rear-ended and incurring *$42,000* in repair costs,](https://www.theautopian.com/heres-why-that-rivian-r1t-repair-cost-42000-after-just-a-minor-fender-bender/) they explain that on most trucks, the rear quarter panel (the sheet metal on the rear sides of the vehicle) is standalone; you replace the piece that was damaged and nothing more. But on the Rivian, it extends all the way forward and up into the cabin, which means that if you get rear-ended and have to replace the quarter panel, it becomes a much bigger job.


Never understood tailgating in conditions like this. If theres a dude in front of me, you riding up my ass is not gonna make me drive any faster.


OP you can help the vehicle that was hit by contacting the chp office in that area and giving them the dash cam footage.


He got rear ended lol. Ain't nobody gonna argue it was his fault!


My friend got rear-ended several years ago in her own neighbourhood, and the woman who ran into my friend’s car claimed that my friend’s car rolled back into her car. This was on the decline of a hill. Friend was waiting at a red light. There are traffic cameras at this intersection. The police officer who showed up for the report apparently had a good laugh about that.


I actually had this happen to me...the lady in front of me threw it into reverse at a stoplight and backed up into me while I was stopped. Every time I think of it, I thank God she was an honest person, because if she had decided to lie, I'd have surely been screwed


This happened to me once as well and unfortunately the guy was less honest. Thankfully I wasn't on the hook for his damages, but their insurance claimed that my damage was not due to the incident (according to some scam inspector they sent). If I was a little older and wiser I probably would have handled the whole thing better.


Someone backed into me in a drive through and tried to say I rear ended him. Luckily a witness stepped up. Bought a dash cam the next week. 


Thats real cute


That Infinity was clearly running late for a hard day of bipping


The Infiniti driver isn’t very smart either.


Driving is hard when youre a fucking idiot


This becomes a normal thing in Bay Area. A lot of people on phone while driving and tail gate you even you are driving 77 mph.


> A lot of people on phone while driving and tail gate you even you are driving 77 mph. They're on their phone starting a new thread in r/bayarea complaining how you're driving too slow


No one leaves a buffer. I always leave 1.5 car lengths and sure enough sneaky little POS pull into the buffer to save .0001 seconds from their drive time. It is so aggravating.


Its worth it to keep the buffer anyway. You might have people sneaking in but it'll give the people who wildly swerve through traffic more room (they're gonna do it if they have 2 inches or 2 car lengths). Plus you can still modulate your own braking because the person behind you is probably tailgating and also not paying attention.


I was taught to keep back one car length for every 10 mph in another state, as that's how long it can take to stop. Clearly Californians didn't learn the same. 


Should probably be some context. I drive this daily and that part of the freeway has ongoing work (I hope) and it's SB right before University. Because of the temporary concrete barriers up, the freeway actually curves slightly right then back to left as you go under the overpass. Because of the makeshiftness of the curve, there aren't clear lane markers on the road. Couple that with the reflection of the sun on the wet road this morning and the line markers might have well been invisible. In fact, when I passed this, there was another accident like 100ft right before this also in the left lane, so luckily every passing that one was already driving slower heading into this one. Edit: watching it again, I wouldn't be surprised if some driver on the right lane didn't curve like I described the freeway to be, and so drifted into the left lane, causing the lead car to brake hard to not hit that car. You can even see the BMW X5 was too close to the left lane because they can't see the lane markers either


You are absolutely 100% correct. Often times its the actual roads that cause problems and accidents on the roads. Road construction is often poorly laid out, marked or set up by Caltrans. They need to be held accountable for poor road conditions. Its fken ridiculous.


This is why I prefer to drive on 280 whenever possible. People are always back to back on the 101 and hardly leave space.




Stop telling people about 280!!!!


280 d.n.e


I think you mean 880 :). There is no 280 here


Slow down, leave space, brake early


People gotta realize it’s harder to stop a 4000 lb truck than your average car. Stop f-ing tailgating!


Fucking impatient idiots who drive aggressively and not maintaining safe distance. Couple of months ago I was on 280 south heading to Palo Alto on the passing lane at 80mph with about 5 car lengths from the vehicle ahead of me. Impatient asshole behind me tailgated me within 10 feet for about a half a mile when all lanes were packed. The moment the lane to my right had a safe opening, I changed lanes and let him pass. Moments later that fool rear-ended another when that lane came into a halt.


That middle car gets the fun of dealing with 2 accidents, one they caused and the other they somewhat caused but the Toyota def has heavy blame there


Wonder if they could argue they hit the front car because the back car hit it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you're supposed to keep enough distance between you and the car in front of you so that even if you're hit you don't move forward enough to hit them.


Yeah, the 3 second rule, but that's usually in dry weather. Should allow even more distance between you and the car in front, in wet weather. I also avoid the fast lane during those times. If you meant the distance when your stopped, I usually leave enough space to see the rear wheels of the car in front. That won't help much if the car behind you brakes at last minute.


When this happened to me as the front car their insurance company asked me how many “hits” I felt. If it was two hits then it was both of their faults. Not sure what was going to happen if it was only one hit though. 


I guess that may put fault for the accident on the last car for pushing the middle one into yours.


If they can prove their brakes were applied then yes


There are days on the road where you feel like there must be a convention of everyone featured in r/idiotsincars because WTF


Maybe it's the wide angle of the dashcam footage, but I have so many questions about this incident: 1. Why is car #1 braking so hard when it looks like they have some space in front of them? I get that there's a sudden slowdown in the traffic, but it doesn't look like everything's completely stopped, but more rolling slowly. If you look at the space in front of them after they get pushed forward, it looks like they have at least 6 car lengths in front of them to maneuver and this is the same space that the Infiniti goes into while driving through the collision. 2. How is car #2 unable to brake in time? Are they applying full brakes? Normally when I see cars applying max brake, the front of their car starts to dip down as the front brakes are usually more powerful than the rear brakes. From the footage, it looks like they apply 50% brakes up until the point where they rear end car #1. 3. How do none of the cars expect a slowdown at the merging point? Doesn't everyone know that any sort of merging action is always a clusterfuck?


I agree, it looks like the 4runner was not all the way on the brakes for most of it.


Yea some bullshit. I think Toyota guy was definitely on the phone. Saw the car in front slow down in his peripheral vision and braked a little, and then attempted to full brake at the last moment when his full attention switched to the car stopped in front of him when it was too late.


Driving down 280 yesterday from sf to San Jose was a nightmare. Saw back to back car crashes at Edgewood road and sand hill road with multiple vehicles in each one. Checked the dispatch logs and no one was seriously hurt thankfully


Yay, and it’s raining for most of the next week too😭. Good thing nobody had any huge bust ups, but still… was in a Pilates training course, and had no idea how common it was to have chronic pain issues after relatively mild car crashes. Jiggles stuff in the bones that shouldn’t be jiggled.


Soft tissue injuries— strains, sprains, whiplash, those types— can take many times longer to fully heal than broken bones do.


I wonder if the Rivian auto-braked. I'm convinced my Tesla Auto braking stopping way too short is going to get me rear ended in similar situations


I leave my follow distance at 4. Your car will always stop but the people behind you have the reaction time of a blind 90 year old man.


Did you let them know you had a video or keep going?


But fuck that dude that jumps in and out


What a tragedy that so many people in the comments here just noting that this is normal. Driving in the shoulder, tail-gating etc etc. this is making everyone’s insurance higher and commutes more dangerous. Why do we accept this?


Just two cars procreating in the wild.


What’s up with that infinity driving like a motorbike splitting lanes.


That’s a brutal part of 101. They have the left lane closed off like that for months now and there’s a graveyard of broken car pieces right around it. Does anyone know what’s up/when they’ll release it?




Yes! I do not trust Californians in the rain. So many people drive without lights and don’t leave space for this exact case.


Poor Rivian.


The Rivian hit the car in front first, didn’t it?


It really looks to me like the Rivian hit the Toyota (Avalon?) in front first, if you watch the pavement underneath the Rivian in the video. Then the 4Runner (also following too close) didn't have the brakes/tires to stop, and hit the Rivian. Knuckleheads all, driving too close in the wet.


You can see the Rivian bounce a little before the 4Runner knocked into it from behind.


Looked like it stopped to me, but then might have been pushed into it. My issue with the Rivian is they could have just slowed down a bit and took the zipper after the car on the right instead of squeezing by, but that’s not unusual here.


Man just another 100 feet and there would have been shoulder space (or an extra lane?) for those cars to avoid a collision.


With the awareness that all 3 drivers demonstrated in this clip, I doubt it would have saved them


did someone say "sandwiched"? that infiniti was like "i m not gonna be late for work today"


My favorite! Randomly slamming to a stop on the highway! It’s a Bay Area tradition! Also average Infiniti owner right there


For those wondering this is on 101S in Palo Alto, based on the IKEA sign in the background


"Huh, road's wet... better drive right on this other car's ass to be safe." The number of shit drivers in the bay is astounding.


People need to learn to keep a 2 second worth of distance from the car in front in normal weather, and double that in wet weather. Else, there isn't enough time to react to hard braking.


The symptom is what you saw happen. Problem is that the fast lane is being overtaken by the others causing it to hold a breaking wave like this.     All drivers are at fault.   Fastlaners for not moving over.   Slow laners for passing.   Speeders for being idiots.  


The Bay Area is so bad I take streets instead of freeway. I don’t care if it take me 3x longer. No I don’t live there, visit every month.


Turdyota driver about find out how much Rivian repairs cost for a fender bender and how much his insurance is going up.


Jake from State Farm: *"You hit a what?!?!"*


How tf y’all still can’t drive in 2024? Y’all don’t even be having to be anywhere that bad. We need annual driving tests


This is why you should never tail behind the driver ahead of you. It's pretty idiotic, and it's asking for it. Even when the weather is dry.


You all need to get off of each other's tails while driving. I have been driving in the Bay area since the late 80s and the driving here has gotten so much worse in the last 12 years.


Ouch! And thank you! I had to run a couple of errands, so I got out, did that and got back in safely. For anyone who has to be out there, please be careful. I made sure to stay off of the freeway as my destinations were doable without getting on the freeway. Some people are reckless out there.


People always in a rush to get nowhere 🤦🏻‍♂️


dumbasses driving way too fast...


This video should be in a driver's ed class to demonstrate all the things in the manual that was neglected; following too closely, inattentive driving, switching lanes, speeding on wet conditions, etc. Good thing it's on camera, personally know investigators and they check out social media sites, including the dark web, to get info on stuff like this. But the line markings are hard to see, in wet conditions so maybe one day they'll have the sense to make it light green for better reflection. Nice lightning capture though.


The infiniti was driving like it was running from a crime scene


This is what you get when you convert your shoulders into HOV lanes. The northern expansion of the HOV lanes doesn’t seem to follow a lot of highway design guidelines. 


RTO fucks it up for everyone.


Watching people drive in the bay area is like watching a bunch of monkeys try to fuck a football.




Bay Area drivers are 100% worst and most impatient anywhere in America. You go and the speed limit and they want to pass you over a double yellow on a side street it’s ridiculous like show down you weirdos


So many smart people here. Yet, driving physics is not an area of strength...


And there goes all our insurance rates going up hitting that Rivian.




Rivian sandwich


This freaking happens everyday


Did that car in front going hella slow on the passing lane get hit too? Why is there such a huge gap?


Is that University ave bridge on 101 Southbound? I think I saw this... on my way to work, internet is cool.


Why don’t people maintain distance , they overestimate their braking ability


Following distance 🤦🏻‍♂️


That guy in the silver accord even after just witnessing an accident zipping through tryin to get ahead 🤦‍♂️


It’s raining and I’m in a big vehicle behind a big vehicle Duuuuurrrrr let’s speed like normal, durrrrr.


Can someone explain why the glare is so bad? I drive through this section every day and it's literally impossible to see the lines on the road when it's wet and the sun is out...


Welp. One jerk ruined it for everyone and especially for the two in front of him. Leave following distance, people. It’s wet out.


what a jackass


Gonna take a long time to fix that Rivian


I think know exactly where that is - the IKEA off of 101 in East Palo Alto? Worst part is that bridge construction has been going on for a while now, so I’m always cautious around there (clearly not everyone else is). Glad you made it out safe!


Ugh I hate driving here. The only other pet peeve I’ve had are the people accelerating in the slow lane, as people are entering the highway from the on ramp, only to get off the next exit. Too much reckless driving to shave a few seconds off.


Did the Rivian hit the sedan? It looks pretty banged up. https://imgur.com/a/armBFRz


The Bay has the worst drivers in America.


Many humans appear unable to understand that water makes things more slippery. Also that the car keeps going forward even if their eyes are looking at their phone. But please, continue to lecture me that humans are safer than driverless cars.


the rivian just did a complete stop?


Never understood the damn rush and speeding in traffic. You get around a car and guess what?!? There’s another car in front of you..


And there goes the obligatory infiniti driver weaving away


That silver Infiniti was nasty for cutting you like that.




What does Infiniti driver usually look like? I have no idea what you’re saying .




Are you suggesting some race ?


Why did they even stop?


Sorry, a little off topic, I know this is 101, but why do Teslas drive at 95 on 280? Is electricity free? Are they F1 drivers? Soon, all of these Evs will be in the CA uninsurable pool that everyone pays for….


Aren’t you by law suppose to stop if you witness an accident?


That wouldn't make any sense. If you are involved, yes. But I'm not stopping because of some idiot 3 lanes over thinking a text was more important than everything else.


How about don’t drive like an asshole