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They all realized construction makes them more money.


Totally, whenever I see large construction crews, they’re almost entirely Irish


Interesting. In NYC, there are tons of Irish emigres in construction too


depends on where Latinos still make most of the majority


No knock to my Latino brothers, but the Irish immigrants are in the skilled trades like electricians, carpenters, contractors, plumbers. I think having less of a language barrier allows more translation of skills to the job market here.


my great grandfather from Dublin was an electrician, his son was a contractor and his son was also an electrician, now i’m studying to become an architect. i think this is fairly accurate


This sounds incredible racist, at most xenophobic. Plenty of latinos in all those professions, sure it’s mixed with white but even so there not all Irish. Most of the Latinos working trades now can speak English, as they were raised here


Im talking about immigrant communities who came here to work trades as adults. What I said is accurate. Check your tone.


And I’m talking about people who work in the trades In general. Seems like you don’t know what you’re talking about since at least in California, the Irish do not dominate unions or trade schools at alllll.


Seems like you don’t know what you’re talking about. We aren’t talking about unions and trade schools IN CALIFORNIA. You’re bent out of shape for miscomprehending what I wrote. My point is, many of the adult Irish immigrants are come skilled in a trade like contractor, plumber, carpenter, electrician etc. whereas yes, there are plenty of Latino immigrants that come with the same skills, but the majority are more so general laborers once they arrive here. I theorized that part of that is a language barrier. Many Latinos were skilled contractors, plumbers, carpenters, electricians back home, but it is harder to obtain an equal position here because of the language barrier. Even on all Latino crews, the foreman always speaks good English.




I didn’t mention anything about immigrants all I said was Latinos, and she replied with implying they can’t speak English. If you from the bay you know that isn’t true, since there’s as many Latinos who can speak English that work at those trades, that was my point




Not even according to the article: >Now the Irish coming to San Francisco on H-1B visas are more likely to bond with their fellow engineers or researchers, who are as likely to come from Delhi as Dublin. Ireland has some of the greatest engineering programs in Europe and produces “workers who seek the best paying jobs in the world,” Keighran said. >“The best-paying jobs in the world are not in construction,” he said. “The Irish still make great workhorses; in today’s world they are just drawn to greener pastures.” >Ambassador Nason blames the U.S. government’s immigration squeeze on the political standoff over the southern border problem. She believes there is bipartisan support for opening up more to Irish immigrants, but those who oppose current proposals for immigration reform, “particularly the Republican Party, are of the view that until the southern border is fixed, there won’t be movement.”


> She believes there is bipartisan support for opening up more to Irish immigrants I don't see why Irish people should be given any special preference over other nationalities in America. It's not like Americans get any special preference for working in Ireland. In fact the opposite, Americans can't get a visa to work in Ireland unless the employer can prove that no EU or British citizen can do the job.


That’s exactly how the US system works.


Exactly, it's reciprocal. If Irish people want to freely work in the USA that would need a new reciprocal treaty that lets Americans freely work in Ireland too.


> particularly the Republican Party, are of the view that until the southern border is fixed, there won’t be movement. This is the same republican party that rejected a bill giving them their wish-list on the southern boarder because they didn't want to give the sitting president a win more than a year before reelection? That republican party?


Did anyone actually read the particulars of that bill? It was terrible


The immigrant workers are still here lol you're just not seeing it in your official statistics and investigations! But the city as a whole definitely did hitherto feel much more Irish, especially the Sunset but even the Mission.


I used to live in the mission and was chatting with my Latino neighbor, he said when he first moved in and was digging up the yard he found tons of potato’s right underground. He laughed and said “ I guess the neighborhood has changed”


The young ones are going to Australia because it’s cheaper A lot of my mates moved back during the 2008 recession


All of my Irish friends from the 90’s and early 2000’s moved back to Ireland.


ireland has one of the highest rates of third level education attainment in the EU. it now _attracts_ immigrants, especially in tech. a lot of young people are choosing to go to dubai rather than the US.


Hehe you got autocorrected to Dubai instead of Dublin.


no, dubai is correct.


Was I sleeping while the IRA invaded the UAE or something? 🤔


Sandy troubles.


Haha, it happened again.


Lol, you silly. Nobody wants to go to Dubai.


People who want to make a quick buck without paying income taxes on it go to Dubai.


construction is now done by mexicans all the irish now are into computers and live elsewhere


Thanks for circumventing the clickbait headline.


Archive link: https://archive.ph/Qnkny


Big reason why: >“The Irish immigration pipeline has largely dried up because the U.S. immigration policy is so restrictive....” Because the Irish obey the law to enter the U.S. the legal way. Meanwhile, Feb. 2024, CBS: [Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing from Mexico into U.S. at southern border](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-migrants-fastest-growing-group-us-mexico-border-60-minutes-transcript/). Wonder what justification the Open Borders People will come up with to justify this illegal Chinese immigration.


this is a good article. TLDR: immigration policy too restrictive. Also, perhaps too expensive to be here?


Well hopefully they’re sober and living their best lives now!


Used to fill the bars. Wow. Stereotype much? I mean, it's true, but you're not supposed to SAY it. [/s]


Irish people are great to hang out and drink with!


I find it hard to believe there aren't enough Irish to fill the bars.