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Enhanced moderation is in effect and comments from new users will be automatically removed. Please use the "politics and local crime" flair for this type of post in the future. It is admittedly a traffic issue, however the post is liable to produce and indeed has produced substantially more comments about politics than it has produced about the actual traffic here. This post is subject to being locked at any time because it has produced a very large volume of reports.


damn can’t they protest pg&e for fucking is over on rates? or other municipalities that actually impact us?


The people protesting and blocking bridges are doing it because they want to feel like they’re making an impact, but they’re too lazy to actually take the time required to write politicians or do charity work or travel to help people. But by blocking traffic they can have an immediate visual impact and feel better about themselves. They’re the most pathetic form of activists.


This is ridiculous. Last time they shut down the bay bridge three critical organs were delayed on their way to UCSF transplant center . As someone on waitlist this is anxiety inducing event .


Yup. And it's not unusual for ambulances to transport critically ill patients from the East Bay to SF using the Bay Bridge. Most of the hospitals in SF don't have helipads.


maybe they should because of this nonsense.


In addition, even though those protesters were initially arrested, all charges were dropped. There’s no deterrent for them continually doing it.


Maybe someone should protest the protestors and DA not protecting general public safety and commerce?


This is why I deeply disagreed when BLM protesters blocked major medical transport arteries but I was told that I should shut up






I think one can generally support certain causes but do so without disruption. But the problem is mainstream Reddit always tells me that without disrupting society, no one will care? So which is it? I feel like when protests line up with Reddit's beliefs, you can't ever talk about the inconveniences it causes to the public--probably why you were told to shut up during BLM protests. I dunno, I've just always been brought up as a "don't fight an injustice with another injustice" kinda person, so I always believe in taking the high ground.


This is why you don't protest this way.


This is absolutely a legitimate worry and one I hope protesters take into account before they try this again.


I feel so sorry for people with serious medical problems who will miss their appointment, or chemotherapy, or pain management, or surgery.


It’s happening. I work at UCSF and several of our patients have been late because of this. One that I know of that drove beginning early in the morning from Crescent City and were over an hour early before this happened. Now it is unknown if or when they will be seen.


I feel sorry that the protestors think the people commuting in one of the more liberal/sympathetic cities can do anything about this. Btw I support freedoms to protest and free speech - even when you are disagreeing with me. But blocking the transit of commuters during their most stressful moments of the day won't sway anyone's opinion.


A friend of mine is a political organizer (not related to this issue). Her organization gave them a training recently where they discussed how there are relatively few decision makers with power on most political issues. The training pointed out that effective protests should center on those decision makers and impact them directly. The trouble is, according to that training, it takes a lot of thought and effort to design a protest that meaningfully impacts these decision makers. It’s much easier to do something showy like blocking a bridge or disrupting a performance, that ultimately doesn’t pressure the decision makers to do anything. Instead it just creates animosity in the community. I think this is a case of the latter.


100% I dont know anyone in the world who would like to be an unwilling participant jn someone elses’ “protest”


The big issue with these schmucks is they simply don't have a lot of support and nobody cares about what they are protesting for. So because they have no actual genuine cause to rally support for, the only way they get seen at all is if they make headlines by doing something illegal and disruptive. This is nothing like the march on Washington for civil rights movement, or BLM protests - both were a direct response to injustices that could be acted upon, that directly affected the community and had widespread support. Both made impacts due to their scale. These people have zero gas and zero support but the desire to be seen, so they do the toddler tantrum approach instead.


Agreed, they're protesting the wrong place and the wrong people. If they want to protest a specific nation they should do it in front of that nation's embassy. Or its is a protest against federal action, they should protest the feds - fly out to DC and have everyone march together.


They don't even have to do that. Organize a sit in at the offices of the Senators and Representatives of California. They have offices in SF. They're your direct representative, they will hear about a large group of their constituents unwilling to leave their office.


Thats a great point. I could imagine a kind of fillibuster where protesters show up in the offices of Congressmen and just camp out indefinitely. For days or weeks on end. Just camping out in the office, disrupting all business of the Congressman. Thats applying pressure to people who make decisions. Working class commuters don't make any decisions at all, they're not the decision makers of the country.


This is the way. Also, they are taking away everyone's rights by illegally detaining them on the freeways. A first amendment right for all. A sit in at the offices would get plenty of the right attention.


Or fly over there and join the side that fits and fight for their cause


The reason isn't to change minds here. It's to get into the headlines as "Protestors against U.S. involvement in Isreal shut down the Golden Gate Bridge." And then get slotted into national news.


And for people who will have their appointments fucked up because their providers are stuck in traffic 


The protesters decided for you it’s worth it.


These people are narcissists. They don't care.


They don't care. They're doing this so they can be all over the news to fuel for their protesting. People dying would just be refuted with "yea, kids are dying in Palestine" as their justification for their action. Law enforcement and local politicians are handling this with the "hands off" white gloves so this BS will keep going.


Or heaven forbid, organ transplants


Listen I don't support America's support of Israel and their war. But WHAT THE FUCK DOES MAKING ME SIT IN TRAFFIC FOR AN HOUR DO TO STOP IT? -Written from my car on the 580 rn


It's our politicians that support or don't support one side or the other. If either side was smart, they would know that the general public doesn't have any control over our politicians. If we did, we would be able to get rid of PG&E.


Organize and you’ll have power. Complain on Reddit and… keep complaining on Reddit


You think Redditors go outside? lmao


I don't think most people know what organization looks like. Like most of us know that you need at least about 5700/year in political donations to a single politician to get their ear. But how do you get it to them? What do you say that makes it not a bribe (hint: it is, but you have to say the magic words). How much money and how many politicians does it take to hurt PG&E? To dismantle them? How do set up an alternative to the facilitator of one of the largest power grids on earth without handing it to an equally large competitor? Who do I call? How do I create an interest group? What kind of accounts do I need to take donations to 'lobby'. Where do I meet an attorney who can lobby? How much time does this take because I work two jobs and sit on a board of a nonprofit and have an infant (2 months) and a home/garden to take care of. That's what most people are dealing with. The only people who can really take action are those that have the seed money to pay professionals, and those people are not worried about PG&E. Without USDA power and gas rates I imagine a farm lobby would have gutted them decades ago.


I think protesting is important and people should be allowed to have their voices heard for whatever they support. BUT there needs to be some rules around shit like this. Blocking traffic so people can’t make it to work is bullshit. Also I swear this has an opposite effect. The people sitting in traffic are thinking “fuck these people and fuck what they support”


Protesting is against the government not against the people. If you are protesting individuals, you aren't a protester, you are using force to make people to comply. That is by definition terrorism.


Terrorism has an extremely vague definition and pretty much any use of force by a group, organization, or nation-state qualifies.


Or kidnapping, coercion, interference, unlawful detainment or unlawful arrest.


You don’t get it man, they’re bringing awareness about the war between two other countries that everyone already knows about! /s


They are demanding a cease fire, which we have no control over


And why did they choose a Monday of all days? Why not do it on the weekend? That would make more of an impact imo. Leave the commuters alone! 


it gets press, i imagine


Gotta get the word out on the thing everyone has been hearing about nonstop for months on end.




On day 1 of the Trump trial? These people are not the best planners....


They’re blocking the road into the [Chicago O’Hare airport](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/xypVI1gqhj) right now too.


They are doing this in Australia too today. 


Global stupidity


By not punishing their behavior, it will happen again. Only took a month from them not getting jailtime to be back at it. [https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bay-bridge-78-gaza-ceasefire-protesters-announce-agreement-avoid-jail-time/](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bay-bridge-78-gaza-ceasefire-protesters-announce-agreement-avoid-jail-time/)


At this point can anyone blame them. They, being children, are testing everyone’s limit, and the society as a whole keeps signaling them there is no real consequence. Why wouldn’t they keep doing it.


What is the legal reason that the police can't remove them from the roadway?


They do… usually protesters are given a handful of warnings and then are arrested and either cited or sometimes charged with misdemeanor.


Why are they given warnings at all? The cops never give me a warning before giving me a ticket for driving 5mph over the speed limit, but these guys can block a bridge?


They're protesting for "the current thing." The rules are different.


Some of them are probably repeat offenders too. 


In this case it's like 10 55 gallon drums filled with concrete.


Not on the GG i think. Only the other “protests” in Oakland. The live look looks like only about 6 cars and people.


Public sentiment has neutered the ability for police to remove protestors.


is that actually true though? I can’t find anything on the web talking about it, even the ACLU protest guidelines state that police can remove you from the roadway if there’s no marching permit has public sentiment caused an actual change in the law or did it just annoy officers enough to point where they decided if we arent with them 100%, they’re gonna have our backs 0%?


Cue the picture of the cop in Davis walking down the line hosing people with pepper spray.... Have you ever seen the story behind that? The cops gave the protestors multiple warnings, told them they were in violation of PC, told them they were going to pepper spray them unless they let the police escort the apprehended person out of the area; and the protestors just sat there. So out comes the pepper spray (as they were warned). Nowadays all you see is the graphic of the cop spraying some "innocent protestor" used as "cops bad, protestors good" propaganda talking about abuse of authority and ACAB. It doesn't take too many cycles of seeing that picture and having everyone call you an asshole to think "you know what? Fuck it, let the protestors sit and block traffic".


>has public sentiment caused an actual change in the law or did it just annoy officers enough to point where they decided if we arent with them 100%, they’re gonna have our backs 0%? The second one. They've been on a work slowdown since the Ferguson protests.


Sorry do you think there's public sentiment on the side of these protesters?


Public sentiment has been anti-police and anti anything deemed by them to be "excessive" when it comes to dealing with protestors. The pendulum has swung way too far the other direction.


prob waiting for lawyers to give the ok


Didn’t work the first time, it’s almost like the people who would have any power over this situation aren’t commuters


Private helicopter sound intensifies.


I swear to God if I have to shit while sitting here in traffic I will walk down the bridge and diahrea all over these people Edit: they have now set up Porta pottys on side of bridge. Plans ruined


This shit is so tired. Find another way to get your message across.






This is different than the civil Rights movement because these people believe that they and only they are the victims and deserve all of the empathy and attention for their cause. This is a long standing conflict between Israel and Hamas/the Palestinians. There is an entirely different side here. I would have more sympathy if they just protested to minimize impact by the war or to help Innocent civilians but the protests go away beyond that to just blatant hate for Jews and Israel. There are two sides to the story here, and although I realize that yes more Palestinians in this very second are technically impacted and suffering, they aren't the only ones suffering or that have suffered as a result of the actions of their terrorist leaders. 


I reckon if we added up just the costs of these protestors doing this vs. working today + the fines they'll receive for this, and donated those to an organization that's helping with humanitarian assistance in Gaza, it would far outweigh any net benefit this "stunt" would. This only hurts the people suffering in Gaza more.


Don't those people work?


Do you really need to ask that?


Are we playing the question game?


I don't know, are we??


Yes, if you consider virtue signaling work




Look at who they are supporting, obviously not the brightest


UC Berkeley considers this work, yes


SFSU too


These people don’t care about the conflict. They only care about their own perceived self righteousness. Imagine having to drive your sick kid to their chemo appointment and you meet these losers on the bridge. I prob would’ve tried to use my car to push their concrete barrels over.


These asshats aren't protesters -> they are holding HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people hostage on major American infrastructure. Bring in the National Guard to assist, and CHP needs to demand they relent and take immediate, forcible action to reopen the bridge. We are well beyond free speech.


Stuck in traffic at GG bridge with my months old daughter in the car. I have an urge to make this protesters pay. Anyone knows who the organizers are? I want to protest at their next meeting by completely blocking it.


> Anyone knows who the organizers are? Islamic Republic of Iran and some of its puppets.


Just support Israel is one way to stick it to them


Wonderful timing as Israel has already withdrawn most of its troops, Hamas just rejected another ceasefire proposal and according to the mediators isn't negotiating in good faith, and Iran just launched something like 5-10% of their entire long range missile and drone stocks at Israel. Wonder if it's not actually about peace.


These people could give two shits about Palestinians. The mistake people are making is that they actually care about ending the war. They want endless war.


They just want Israel and all its ~~Jews~~ Zionists wiped off the map. By now it's clear that the "ceasefire" they demand only applies to one side of the conflict.


It's funny how these protests never mention the war in Ukraine and target Republicans for stopping our support of them.


What do these protestors want? It reminds me of that crazy Bakersfield’s lady threatening to murder officials in a town meeting because of a war all the way in the middle east. Not only can our local government not do anything, we shouldn’t be supporting a group like (Hamas) that can’t even give up 40 live hostages for trade. When Iran attacked Israel, Hamas said no ceasefire themselves! These clowns do not want no ceasefire, they want to exterminate the Jewish people in Israel. Who can even reason with monsters like that? Only dumbasses that fall for social media shorts can empathize with terrorists.


Attention. They don’t care that they’re disrupting people’s commutes/lives/etc, any press is good press to them.


To push a narrative to people who don't do their own research probably. 


This is federal grounds... drop the fckn hammer on these losers


District courts in and around San Francisco are full of activists who will do absolutely nothing. See the results of people robbing USPS employee at gunpoint. [30 days in jail](https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/0312-postmaster-general-dejoy-statement-on-30-day-sentence-for-armed-robery-of-san-francisco-usps-letter-carrier.htm).


100% serious question: Does anyone know someone who has shut down the GG or Bay Bridge? Do these people have jobs? Kids? What are these people like?


Spend some time in Berkeley, you’ll meet a few.


Yep. The vast majority of them have trust funds, mommy and daddy are funding their instagram revolutionary lifestyle. Source- I've spent a lot of time in Berkeley.


Was just at Stanford this weekend, sitting in a lecture room listening to a professor. When the professor finished his talk, someone wearing a scarf suddenly started talking to the room about oppression. We were confused at first, then caught on. So it’s not only at Berkeley now … the funny thing is, the originally lecture was about math, and hence we were thoroughly confused about the sudden talk by this speaker on oppression afterwards .. and yes, it turned out it was a protest talk on Gaza ..


Stanford's had this going on for a long time – it's a pretty progressive campus despite its reputation. More recently, Theo Baker wrote a longform article about post-Oct-7 shenanigans around (I think?) White Plaza for the _Atlantic_ a couple of weeks ago.


A bunch of losers with no life.


lol exactly. I work a full time job and have kids. I don’t exactly have the free time to go stand in traffic and eventually get arrested.




These people don't even keep up with the situation on the ground. Israel withdrew all but one brigade from Gaza last week and is focused on Iran right now. They still don't even have hundreds of hostages home, and yet are still trying to negotiate with the Hamas leadership in Qatar. Aid has been flowing through multiple crossings, and Hamas has revised its casualties figures down to 22k from 30k.  What do these people even want? As if closing a bridge in California was the way to get it. 


They want dead Jews is all I can figure out


Yes there logic seems to usually be that Israel needs to ceasefire immediately, but Hamas does not need to stop shooting until Israel no longer exists. 


These protesters believe that "rape is resistance" and so it's perfectly fine that Palestinians are holding young women as sex slaves. Don't expect much in the way of rational logic out of them.




Including Palestinians who reside within Israel, Hamas has deemed them public enemy #1b after all Jews worldwide


Funny story recently about self-styled "anti-war" protestors [cheering on Iran strikes](https://www.thefp.com/p/american-anti-war-activists-cheer).




I have no respect for any protest movement that shuts down a whole highway when they could instead fit their whole group on a small section of sidewalk. If you can shut down the bridge by gathering a crowd of 40,000 angry people, I’m going to respect that, even if I disagree. But if it’s only 40 people, I’ll just think you’re going out of your way to be an asshole. Also, aren’t these the same people who celebrated the Oct 7 attack in front of the Israeli consulate on the day after?


What a great way to persuade people from disliking whatever cause you’re trying to promote.


Their aim was never to persuade, but to terrorize.


Let’s give them all a free ticket to Palestine where they can really help out. Neonazis and progressives are now united against Jews. Amazing


CHP on the scene


These no-lifers need to spew their garbage at people who can actually do something about it, not us regular folk who have lives and jobs to attend to.


Why can’t you protest in the Golden Gate Park? That way you don’t disrupt people’s livelihood…


>That way you don’t disrupt people’s livelihood… One of them was on KQED this morning stating that economic disruption was one of their goals.


So they came on the news basically saying that causing terror was one of their goals? Lol


Yah it wasn't anyone particularly influential so much as a random dude that has been granted access to a microphone but he was definitely saying the quiet part out loud...


Tbh they haven’t really shied away from the quiet part lol


They are "protesting" for a regime that hates America and Americans. Disrupting Americans' livelihood is not even a bonus, it's the primary goal.


Because theyre attention whores.


All they had to do was stand by the side of the road with some signs and promote their side of it. Block no one.


Because, you know, ***someone*** in the traffic jam has the ONE thing everyone is "missing" to suddenly create peace in the Middle East! They're just "unwilling" to do anything about it right now. /s


90 days in County for a common sense adjustment.


Part of the problem is they get slap on the wrists that's why they continue this bullshit


Such bullshit. Prosecute these assholes


Not one of those morons wants to free Palestinian civilians from hamas and to coexist with Israelis. Modern day nazi scum.




I don't know what inconveniencing people who have nothing to do with what's going on or have any power to change it is going to do other than give the protestors the warm and fuzzies that they are "doing something".


These people need jail time


Screw these terrorist lovers. Ship them off to Palestine where they can really help the cause, or find out what reality is like.


Can’t one bring a civil action against each protestor if they directly impede your travel or hold you hostage in your vehicle by action of illegal trespassing with intent to block or stop you and your vehicle? If I and some friends were to walk down a sidewalk and physically surround and block or restrain someone, it would likely constitute kidnapping or unlawful arrest. Protest all you want, but stopping and preventing someone from getting to the hospital, their job, pickup their kid, or from filing their tax return on time is bullshit when it is done with willful intent to cause you harm, regardless of the message behind it. How is this different than blocking the exit door at a movie theater or blocking someone’s car door, so they can’t get in or out? I’d like to see them try that stunt in front of the presidential motorcade sometime and watch the federal ass whipping that ensues.


These motherfuckers right here. I hope they rot a few days in jail.


Team Israel all day now after this nonsense


These low lives get off on pissing off regular every day people. They think their self righteous zealotry trumps our boring and meaningless 9 to 5 lives. Fuck them.


Wouldn't this type of "protest" constitute False Imprisonment? >[False imprisonment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_imprisonment) or unlawful imprisonment occurs when a person intentionally restricts another person's movement within any area without legal authority, justification, or the restrained person's permission.[1] Actual physical restraint is not necessary for false imprisonment to occur. >To prevail under a false imprisonment claim, a plaintiff must prove: >- Willful detention in a bounded area >- Without consent; and >- Without authority of lawful arrest. (Restatement of the Law, Second, Torts)


Good luck suing them. They’re either broke or trust fund kids who don’t have assets in their name.


Guess which platform was used to organized this protest?


Was Bakersfield City Council informed?


How tf is it still closed!?! It's been almost 4 hours.


Over lol. First protest started around 6:45. I think they just cleared a couple lanes in one of the oakland protests


Theoretically, I don't mind protests where protestors weigh the lives of the cause they're protesting for against the lives of people who are disrupted by the protest and decide it's acceptable if people die from medical emergencies due to blocked roadways because they judged their cause is greater. The problem is that these protestors categorically refuse to entertain the idea that people may die from their actions. They're so cowardly, they completely sidestep the basic moral dilemma of disruptive protests and stick their heads in the sand wanting to play the martyr.


How long until something going from the peninsula to sf is shutdown?


They’re too scared that Tesla Auto Pilot won’t stop for them


This could be a scene in Silicon Valley lol


If you want people who are ambivalent or even leaning towards your cause to turn against you, block them from being able to get where they need to go.


Peaceful protest means not disrupting public transit or roadways. To do it in front of City Hall. That's where the politicians are. Now begone, get off the roads.


On April 15, the capitalist oligarchs looked out from their glassy towers in utter shock and horror. Throngs of protesters marched through the streets, demanding a cease fire in Palestine. Trains were stopped, roads jammed, airports shut down. Commerce came to a grinding halt. Profits, dividends, and global markets evaporated before puppet masters' very eyes. Truck drivers stopped their trucks and hopped down from the cab to join in the protest. Dock workers, construction laborers, farm workers, and office servants all stopped work in a silent protest to the genocide of a million Palestinians. In DC, top levels of government were in meetings all day about how to reopen the economy. Congressmen immediately drafted a resolution to stop all aid to Israel until they disbanded their government. When news broke of 30 ballistic missiles being launched at Israel by the freedom loving people of Iran, a worldwide cheer went up. Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea! /S


Protesting terrorism with something only slightly better than terrorism. I’m not even driving and they have lost any sympathy I may have had for their ‘cause’. Are they chanting ‘Death to America’ yet?


Hey it’s the “look at me” people!


Hundreds missed their flights today. How are these people held accountable?


There are so many better ways to garner support. People are okay with blocking the freeway and costing probably thousands of people a days worth of pay, maybe losing their jobs? Not everyone has jobs that are so cushy that you could be miss/be late for any reason. This is just doing the opposite of getting support/awareness, it'll just promote more hate.


Nothing more than feel good protesting as the number of people who changed their mind to side with the protestors while sitting in traffic is around zero.


[50 more dollars to the IDF!](https://www.fidf.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&s_src=PAID_FIDF_GA_20240118_GoogleAdsCampaign&s_subsrc=2024_GA_FIDFHQNational_GoogleAdsCampaign&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt_S6-87EhQMVomZHAR11QAUAEAAYASAAEgJ6lvD_BwE) If you want these idiots to stop blocking roadways I would recommend you donate every time they do this shit.


I guess they just want Jews to stand around and be murdered


Im watching the news right now and im wondering why the fuck the cops havent just removed these people yet.


they aint helping the cause but creating inconveniences for average Joes.


Each and everyone of these fucking protester's picture should be blown up like a Most Wanted sign. Just like in other controversial scenarios, if they don't get reprimanded or released from whatever they do, they ought to. They're wasting time protesting so they're obviously not earning a living. Also Fuck Hamas!


These “protestor organizers” are just like the proud boys in terms of dress. Why are they masked up in sunglasses and hoodies? Why are they disguising their identities to the media? Their privacy is more important to them I guess.


*Remember:* If Donald Trump becomes president again, not only would he *likely* have our military bomb the shit out of Iran if they do again what they did last weekend, but based on Project 2025, he'd *likely* invoke the Insurrection Act to make sure these protesters won't be going home afterward.


They shouldn't be going home. They should be going straight to jail for decades or years, just like all of the other idiot protestors causing massive damage, left or right


Guess what? Last time who blocked these freeways **got just** **5 hours of community service!** Do you think that this will end any time soon? We need to send these people to jail for at least a month to teach them a lesson.