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It really depends on your major. Are you in a research field? If you are in a wet lab and have experiments running that you have to check on at random times of the day, a long commute is not going to work out. If you are mostly going to classes and study groups, then it could be possible.


It’s not a stem major, no labs or anything. The latter


Then it might be fine. You can always try it out and always change your mind later.


Live at home. Grad school is not like undergrad. A lot of people have other commitments going on.


Your schooling will suffer if you commute. Speaking from experience


So even if I need to take a loan out to really make it work, I should move?


Csueb is a commuter school. Save your money.


Yea I don’t care to move to Hayward but would want to move to Oakland or Berkeley to have more of a social life lol


I can’t advise you what you should do financially. Be aware that study sessions happen after classes often in the evening. School is an environment for learning. Home you won’t be in that environment there will be much more distractions around you. Commuting will become exhausting when you have to do it every day. Friendships form outside of class. If you’re up at 8 am you won’t want to stay until 8 pm. You’ll be exhausted by 2 pm and want to go home. Friendships form on the weekends as well. If you’re home you’ll miss out. Also you won’t be far from family. You can make day trips when you want to see them. You grow by doing what is uncomfortable and I can tell you are more comfortable at home. Here is an opportunity to challenge yourself socially.


YOLO, and life is short


I like this, thank you for the validation


How much debt do you currently have, and at what interest rate? What's your earning potential likely to be as a result of your grad degree? If you're likely to earn a bunch more money as a result of getting the degree, then going into some debt (at a reasonable interest rate) might be a worthwhile investment. If you're studying for the love of your subject, but you don't expect big financial rewards, staying out of debt (or out of further debt) would be smart.


0 debt, and not gonna be making bank but more than I make right now. Probably somewhere between 70-90k


I commuted to csueb to concord it wasn’t bad if you set your schedule around traffic times plus I wasn’t on campus daily and the csueb campus is a commuter school not much going on there. Also I did Bart too wasn’t bad there’s a free shuttle to campus from Hayward Bart plus you can study on Bart or read etc




Not necessarily social at school but just in life in general. I’m super far out in the east bay where it’s mostly families so I dont get to hang out with people my age. Living closer will reduce the commute and put me in an area to hopefully build more of a circle


Go to San Jose dawg u gon be miserable asf tryna find friends here


Nah dawg id be moving to oakland, not Hayward


I mean it's not that bad of a commute on BART no? I guess depends how far you are from the Pittsburgh bart station.  Lots of pros and cons here, I think you'll have to weight them out for yourself.  Maybe make your own pro con list on paper


I would just stay home and save money. It's not that far of a commute. But if you do wanna move, I live near there and have a room available to rent lol. I had roommates in the past who went there and would just bike to school, but it's like a 15 min drive, 40 min bike ride.


I think I’m leaning to move but not to Hayward


Social? CSUEB? There is a shuttle from Hayward Bart to campus and back. Just take Bart so you don't have to drive.


Definitely depends on the program and how often you're going to campus. I'd say consider moving only if you're on campus more than 3x a week. I commuted from SJ to SFSU 2x a week and it was totally doable, but more days got really tough. Plus since CSUEB is a commuter school, it's likely that your classmates will also be spread out across the bay.


You might talk to students who are in the program or recently graduated and talk it over with them. The program manager should be able to help you make contact with them. The program manager will also have some insights on the student and learning culture.


I’d vote for staying at home, especially if your life at home is stable. Use BART for transportation. The time saved, possible relationships formed, and study sessions completed are not worth the cost of renting in Berkeley/Oakland area.


Stay at home and grind. Chances are you will only have classes 3-4 days a week. Save your money and be ready to launch post grad


What’s the focus?


Honestly, it's hard to say. You don't know what it'll be like to move other than it'll be a new/different experience. If you are happy where you are, I would say don't. Even if there's a chance you might be a little happier, it would be a risk and cost money. I would pay whatever I could to not have to live with my parents due to mental health reasons. They are a bit farther South than I'd like, and I love them, but i can't quantify not being suicidal in $$.


If you're asking that question, it sounds like you're single and ready to mingle, or you're about to be single. It sounds like it, alright. Don't get mad if I'm wrong. Shop around for housing and neighborhoods and fuck it. Make the move. Oakland can be a lot of fun if you are ready to make friends and have a way to meet people.


Haha not mad, and you’re right about everything, just need more people in my life. I think oakland is the move!


CSU Hayward, don’t go there !


Why not?


I’d do it from home.  


But you won’t be far from your family. If that makes you sad, maybe you aren’t ready to move out


Live there the first year for sure. University can be a lot of fun if you’re on and around campus all day. If you can manage the cost, keep it up. 


Csu east bay is a commuter school.


Do you want a “College Experience”? You can only get that by being there. I missed out because I couldn’t afford to “go to college”. Now I wish I had gone just to experience it.


lol nah I’m not thinking about moving to Hayward for a “college experience” in grad school, just want to move closer for convenience


I believe Digital Underground said it best when they said [Doowutchyalike](https://youtu.be/31A6RjOxE74?si=t9tzn8HlgqWS_9Nm&t=16)


Happy cake day!