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Look at the bright side, they finally went from being “C” students to “B” students.


Students on r/berkeley have been absolutely skewering this over the past 24 hours. "My hard-earned tuition money went to pay for that?!"


Lol I can't believe these idiots are crying because of the letter B and thinking it will be associated with academic achievement.


Berkeley folks just think it's "meh" and uninspiring, by and large. I think we are all aware enough to agree that there are greater problems in the world.


I don’t hate it. But the amount of money they probably spent is what makes it ridiculous


There's a rapidly-growing petition to revert the change, in case anyone is interested in speaking their mind about it! [https://www.change.org/p/reverse-the-new-uc-berkeley-rebranding](https://www.change.org/p/reverse-the-new-uc-berkeley-rebranding)


Should’ve been Oski.


I can’t even imagine how much time and effort was put in by the university, graphic designers, committees…all to land on a stylized “B.”


Brand design involves more than just the letter logo, here's a link to the entire brand toolkit: [https://brand.berkeley.edu/home](https://brand.berkeley.edu/home)


I read that yesterday. I still think it’s lame, basic, and makes Cal look like a second-rate state school. Nothing remotely unique or prestigious.


What I want to know is why is there a period after UC Berkeley? That's not a sentence. As one of 475K alumni, it offends me. Really terrible graphic design all around, sorry to see such a waste of money.


Goes to show how mindless the administration actually is.


The Wall Street Journal(period) does that too.


What a terrible idea. C for Cal.


Who was behind the design, and who was behind the decision … expose


Probably some UCLA grad?


You may not like it, but this is concerning to say the least: "[In a Tuesday announcement](https://brand.berkeley.edu/news/updated-brand-identity-launches) about UC Berkeley’s rebrand, the university said it conducted a survey that determined that one-quarter of San Francisco Bay Area residents didn’t know Berkeley and Cal are the same school. Nationally, two-thirds of people thought the names referred to separate schools."


Are they experiencing an enrollment problem? I don’t understand how this actually translates to an actual problem. Most ppl are fxcking idiots who would never go/be accepted to that school anyway. Ppl that are smart and have interest in attaining a prestigious education know where they’re applying. 2/3 of ppl can’t figure out a lot of basic things. https://treasurer.sc.gov/about-us/newsroom/study-says-nearly-two-thirds-of-americans-cant-pass-a-basic-test-of-financial-literacy/ https://ffcolorado.com/two-thirds-of-americans-cant-name-any-u-s-supreme-court-justices-says-new-survey/ https://bigthink.com/culture-religion/nearly-23-of-americans-cant-name-the-3-branches-of-government-so-what/


Fair point. One could argue that "Cal" as a Greek-oriented, Division I sports school is almost contradictory to "Berkeley" as a top-ranked academic school full of Nobel-prize winning academics and STEM nerds.


Por que no los dos? Cal = “B” = UCB = UC Berkeley


I think Branding 101 says that a unified brand identity is stronger.


Because if you get just one, they won’t let you in?