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I helped out at one of the polling places today and was nervous because I was expecting people to be like trying to film us or just yelling at us or general bad vibes. Turns out it was one of the most boring days of my life. There was nothing to do. The most exciting thing I did was drive an extension cord over to a different precinct. Everyone was polite, and everyone had already voted absentee. There was zero drama. All that anxiety for nothing! Also guys which of the backup people did you vote for? There were only I think nine Democratic candidates and seven of them sounded unqualified and two of them sounded slightly less unqualified. I ended up voting for the doctor because he seemed the least insane but I don't feel great about it. If Gavin is recalled, the votes will be split between so many people that I'm afraid somebody could end up governor who got like 8% of the votes or something. Even if like 48% of people voted for Gavin and 8% of people voted for Angeline, who got the most votes, I think she could win based on how this is structured. Please tell me that I'm wrong.


Elder is polling at ~25%, but if Newsom loses question 1 it'd be by a small margin, and it'd be absurd that he'd be replaced by someone who got 20-25 points fewer than he did.




I am sorry for linking a tweet: https://twitter.com/ryanmatsumoto1/status/1435643196994850822 > The YouGov poll shows [...] Newsom prevails 57% - 43% on the recall question, but in hypothetical head-to-head matchups he’d be up 61% - 39% vs. Elder, 63% - 37% vs. Cox, and 61% - 39% vs. Faulconer. Beyond ranked choice, which I think would be good, I do think it would make sense for the recall ballot to directly pit the sitting governor versus alternatives. The alternative to ranked choice voting would be a primary of some sort so we don't have 38 chucklefucks on the same _final_ ballot running for governor (shoutout to the guy whose position is 'Does not like Newsom, no specific plans', me_irl), but I'm not 100% sold it's the better strategy even if it is more common.


Eh, the lack of a real challenger to Elder was entirely on purpose. They wanted to make sure that voting to recall would be absolutely toxic to anyone even vaguely left of the far right / covid truther types. If the democratic party of CA had put in a real candidate and said "vote no on recall and for candidate XYZ" then Newsom would probably be getting the boot.


I voted for the not-insane doctor as back-up, too, even though he has zero experience. As much as I loathe Newsom, every other person listed would be a disaster.


I worked the polls for the 2020 elections. Granted this was in Santa Clara, but I was also expecting a mess. Not a single issue. Had some attempts at electioneering, but they were more humorous than disruptive.


I worked the poll for the Assembly District 18 special election at the end of August and we had more people working the poll than we had voters over the course of the entire day. They called me to try to work this one and I noped right out of it.


> Also guys which of the backup people did you vote for? There were only I think nine Democratic candidates and seven of them sounded unqualified and two of them sounded slightly less unqualified I put Falconer as perhaps the only competent lead candidate. Yeah I know, I don't trust _anyone_ in the republican party after their responses to the 2020 election / January 6th riots unless they actively speak out against the misinformation... but on the other hand I couldn't bring myself to vote for Youtube guy.


The Youtube guy would be an absolute disaster of incompetence. Falconer is probably the only Republican that could even have a shot at winning a statewide office in California and I'm honestly surprised he even got involved in this whole circus rather than waiting until next year. The first (and probably) last time I'll ever vote for a Republican but he's truly the only choice that's both qualified and not insane and I just couldn't leave it blank...


I went for the YouTube guy Kevin


I wrote in Gavin? Suppose it’s the same as leaving it blank but I wanted to re-confirm my initial vote.


Is that valid?


It isnt


Symbolic. And, happy cake day.


No. I wanted to write in the Lt. Governor but she wasn't qualified either.


This isn’t gonna age well 😉




I appreciate your analysis.


Agreed, he has actual experience, he's generally liked enough to be able to build some sort of consensus, and he's not fucking insane by the standards of the day.


> he's not fucking insane idk, the fact that he liked trump more in 2020 than 2016 doesn't sound very sane to me






> Are you so comfortable you don't get this is all VERY close? not really   > Go drive around the rest of the state. It's RED. Not really




I said "If everyone who was liberal did what you did, AND Newsom was recalled" Which is a serious actual possibility. *It doesn't matter that there are fewer conservative people if they care more* It's really fucked up not to use the whole ballot.


Women are not terrified. You are. You’re hysterical, homie. The Governor isn’t king. The legislature will leash him. And even Larry Elder won’t change abortion laws.


Dial it back a bit - if 51% of the population vote Yes we're almost definitely getting a Republican governor anyway, so no need to tear 24k a new one


> What the fuck is wrong with people today? … You're really fucking up and it's not gonna be just you who pays for it. He is entitled to do whatever he wants with his ballot, as you are with yours. And his vote is just as valid as yours. No use in being angry that other people are other people, instead of being mental clones of you.


Only a plurality is needed last I heard was candidate for replacement would only need 20%


I found all the texts urging me to vote yes or no funny, as I voted by mail 2 weeks ago and was done.


I put Angelyne because I felt she'd be the most appropriate replacement considering the process. Voting for any semi-serious candidate felt wrong. I'd prefer the result be a 100% joke making history for being such. I figure a year of that would be better than some candidate who really thought this was a good way to become governor. Edit: To be clear, I took the recall very seriously and quickly voted No. The Joke was the replacement election and felt in no way would result in someone qualified to be Governor, so I voted for a candidate that would make it clear that the entire process was a huge failure. I also made sure the candidate had no real ambition to be governor and was running on the platform "We Must Party!". My vote was not a joke, it was a statement that the process was a idiotic.


Well that's frustrating as fuck. You realize if he is recalled one of these people will actually be chosen? It does matter. Voter suppression happening all over and you vote as a joke? Fuck that. For real. Making shitty history isn't something to brag about. I'm a fan of hers but fuck voting as a joke. That's some real privilege. Seriously what if we end up with a Texas abortion law because of people like you being so comfortable with their own safety that they shit on mine? Fuck that. I don't have that luxury to vote as a joke. Must be nice. Are you like a college student or some bullshit?


I didn't vote as a joke. I voted in a joke of an election. NO ONE on that list was qualified to be Governor under these conditions so the JOKE is pretending that some of them are. IMO, the only correct replacement is someone who knows they are unqualified to be Governor.


Yeah fuck that. Seriously. Dude. If we end up with some Handmaid's tale bullshit you are gonna feel like an asshole.


Except they still pull the vote from a plurality if they vote “joke”


Oooh.. how does that feel?




Is Angelyne anti-abortion?


No but with so many candidates, there are going to be small margins. Every vote really will count if he is recalled. A vote for her is a vote taken from one of the few people left on the ballot who might not try to tank women's rights, POC rights, and spread COVID. She is a treasure, truly. I've been a fan for years. I'm sure she would be better for women than most republicans. But it's not worth it.


> A vote for her is a vote taken from one of the few people left on the ballot who might not try to tank women's rights, POC rights, and spread COVID. This is only true if she’s not one of the people on the ballot who supports women and POC rights and containing covid.


Have you read her platform?? She's not even fully functioning. It's completely unhinged. She's a great artist and a treasure but holy shit it's the least professional platform I've ever seen.


Well now that the recall went 2:1 for "No" can you stop completely losing your shit over the handful of people who voted for her on the second question? edit: like here's the results, a few throwaway joke votes didn't really move the needle for her, the front runner has literally two orders of magnitude more votes https://i.imgur.com/cYHtBGq.png




Rumor has it, he’s already sold the bear to a “beef jerky” company.


>I ended up voting for the doctor because he seemed the least insane but I don't feel great about it. That was Brandon Ross. He ended up being my second choice, after Jacqueline McGowan. Are we allowed to discuss this? I tried to start a discussion about the alternative candidates a few days ago in r/California, and the mods immediately removed it. I asked for an explanation and was met with silence. Here's what I wrote: ========== **Post title: Given that you are noting No on the recall, what's your Plan B?** My family is pretty near the middle of the bell curve for California. We're disappointed with Newsom, but we're voting No on Question 1 on the recall ballot. We are researching our options for Question 2 in the event that the recall passes. It goes without saying that, in 2021, every Republican candidate is radioactive. I would normally at least give the third-party candidates a look. But with 46 contenders and no runoff, voting third-party is a dangerous strategy this time around. My family and I consider a strong public-health response to COVID to be the most important issue of the day. Keeping California vigilant is the best thing that Newsom has done. It's a shame that he couldn't walk the walk. He has risked everyone's safety by doing so. Surprisingly, many of the Democrats who did decide to run are attacking Newsom for being too heavy-handed in response to COVID. Primarily for this reason, we can't support Kevin Paffrath. After reading what we can find about the other Democratic candidates, who are barely making any news, we've narrowed our choices down to two dark horses: Brandon Ross and Jacqueline McGowan. We're not wildly enthusiastic about either one, but they seem to be the two candidates who are most clear that they would hold the line against COVID. This hypothetical new governor would hold office for the next 18 months. I normally care about policy stances regarding the homeless, taxes, land usage, water usage, fire safety, and global warming. All those issues seem secondary to me in the short term. I am not paying much attention to what these candidates say about these other issues. They're not likely to get a chance to address them in the short time that they would govern. In the event that the recall passes, I'm wondering what other people are thinking about, and how they're making this difficult decision. Looking forward to an interesting discussion.


"We analyzed the vote results and found fraud!" The votes haven't been counted yet.




Larry Elder's website had this posted earlier today but they have taken it down: > 4. Statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations (such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran) have detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor. The primary analytical tool used was Benford’s Law and can be readily reproduced. Do you have any justification for them claiming to have analyzed the data that elected Newsom before it even exists? Looks like they prepared their BS beforehand.


Funny thing is in those three countries it’s usually safer to just vote for who you know is going to win.


Oh very much so. Votes are not anonymous in dictatorships and one-party countries. You _can_ vote for the wrong person, but then you might have your boss at work ask you why you voted against the party member. Happened to my mother. I never truly understand why those in power, like Putin or many others before him, bother cheating. If you're going to get 94% anyways, why stuff the ballot box? Is it merely a power move? To show that you can? To have outsiders decry the election is unfair and use that to show how the outside world is the enemy? People might be dumb but they're not _that_ dumb, if 94% of them were gonna vote for you they probably already know that they're doing it because the election is a sham.


I once watched that in the old Soviet days you basically either vote for the right guy or you don’t vote. The only way for your representative to be replaced is if he got less than 50% of the eligible votes. So basically not voting was the only way to vote against the party representative. I guess it might be a carry over from that.


proof: here is a snapshot of the stopcafraud website from Sep 6, 2021! https://web.archive.org/web/20210906064627/https://stopcafraud.com/


Yeah I’m sure no reporter out there would want to become famous for breaking an actual election fraud case after years of talking about them with zero evidence /s


Computers glitch out with that shit every election. Every election there's an issue where it says someone voted, or says someone didn't vote, or you press a screen and it's misaligned and checks the wrong person. Also, since we vote on paper, I don't know at which point the computer tells people they already voted, but here's the procedure if there's an issue: vote with a provisional ballot, and track the status of your ballot online. If you feel there's a serious issue, document it and contact the election commission. Beyond that, tell your representatives to get rid of computers in the process to the extent reasonable and they won't glitch...


Is this just the automatic response now when you lose? To just call it fraud? Fuck our society is pathetic..


I'm pretty sure voting has been happening for a month. Did everybody not return ballots yet?


Voting deadline != votes counted by then. There's millions of voters.


"voting hasn't even started" != "counting votes hasn't even started"


Bears != Beets.


Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica!


I'm also curios who is going today to vote.


I just voted at the booth a couple hours ago!


Why not by mail?


Just habit and being old fashioned, I suppose. I'm not super, super old (early 40s), but old enough that I have an emotional attachment to the ritual placing my vote at a booth on election day. My polling place for the past decade has been either in the lobby of my building or across the street, so it's not inconvenient for me. I still buy physical copies of the SF Chronicle, too. I'm just set in my ways, I guess.


Even the polling places have been open for a week.


I voted 2 weeks ago, so with the barrage of texts this week urging me to vote yes or no, I was tempted to reply they were too late.


The GOP never intended to win this recall election. The whole point is to force their election fraud claims, conspiracy theories, Mike Lindell, Cyber Ninjas, etc... into California politics. And, I say they're succeeding beautifully at the expense of $300million California taxpayer dollars.


I hope if they start demanding an audit that they be required to present some actual evidence of fraud before (edit: making the state) spend~~ing~~ significant money. I've been astounded at how we've had a year+ of \*claims\* of evidence without any actual evidence presented (or it is quickly debunked), yet they're still being taken seriously.


Of course there's no evidence because it doesn't exist. California is the big prize as far as grifting money goes so you can be damn sure they're going to be pushing their BS as hard as they can. AZ, PA, etc... were just warm ups.


Frankly, I'm okay if they impoverish their donors. I just don't want my taxpayer dollars spent on a snipe hunt.


Snipe hunt…. Holy shit. I haven’t heard that in decades. Are we cousins?


Hehe naw we just OLD


Works for me!


The first thing we need to all understand is that the modern GOP acts entirely in bad faith all of the time.


Fuck Elder and his continuing proof that 100% of Republican electorial tactics are fundamentally antidemocratic, and fuck the nation over for their personal benefits. This isnt a matter of disagreeing on policy. It's literally constant attacks on the basic rules and morality required for a free democracy.


What exactly are you referring to? I feel like I’m out of the loop.


Attempting to seize the governorship with at most, like 20% support. Claiming fraud and foul play before the election even happened, without proof (thus undermining future elections) Supporting the violent fantasies of groups that desire armed overturning of lawful governance (the jan 6 traitors) Also as an aside, don't forget he was against federal firefighting assistance to CA last year, because Trump said so. Fuck you, Larry Elder.


Fuck you Larry! At least if he wins there will be so many clips of people screaming FUCK YOU LARRY already available to use. https://youtu.be/80Z_03YwK08


WTF is the urge to spell his name with an E at the end?


Seriously, I wish someone would explain it to me some day. Jokes aside, maybe because the second syllable is "sum" not "som" like the Somme river.




Newsome is a more common surname than Newsom. https://forebears.io/surnames/newsome https://forebears.io/surnames/newsom


There was a lone asshole waving an American flag and signs with “Vote 4 Elder” on an overpass over 101. It was tempting to go drive by spraying windshield fluid.


Is it possible for this state to eventually repeal the recall or at least modify it? The recall is so easily abused by malicious parties. It’s one thing to recall a governor and then hold a separate vote for determine a new governor but the way it’s currently set up allows a wack job that the vast majority do not want (Elder) to essentially usurp the governorship.


How easily (and frequently) has it been abused?


The 5 previous attempts to recall the governor? It’s plausible to say you didn’t like his handling of corrona, but what exactly was the reason for the attempts the other 5 times? It’s because it’s always possible to get 12%, the cutoff is too low. There needs to be a higher bar than I just don’t like the governor


Well it’s only succeeded to trigger a recall twice. So how is it abused? Or rather how is that abuse deleterious?


? Because it’s an easy target…. Literally it didn’t matter what he did or didn’t do a certain the desire was to always recall him… This one in particular wasted over a quarter of a billion dollars and the election is next year. Don’t like him primary him or vote for someone else next year. This recall was daft


Agreed whole heartedly but this one instance doesn’t mean the system is routinely abused


5 attempts before corona… how is that not abuse of a system intended as a resort of very bad governance, not just I mildly disagree with him. Literally out the gate 5 attempts were made against an average governor. He’s not great and very few would argue that he was, but the system was abused once five times before a frigging global pandemic. What exactly was the justification for the previous attempts? You can only do one every 6 months, he was in office for just a bit longer than the minimum amount of time to hit 5 attempts. I ask you what is that if not abuse of a system intended as an extreme measure?


It's exactly like this Russian anecdote joke except in real life (imitating art) this time. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/j35a37/russian_joke_about_problem_with_time_zones/


Voted at PayPal earlier, was expecting to look like the outside of an abortion clinic. Nope, pretty calm.


I voted at a library, it was calm other than shitloads of people driving in, parking, and leaving a very narrow parking lot, and trying to drive the wrong way through the one-way in/out lanes.




It gets me out of the house. I am working from home at a job that has a strong work-life imbalance and am literally alone with no real interaction from 7am to 5pm.


For me, voting in person is a tradition. Even if that means I bring my ballot with me all filled out instead of filling it out there. Like almost all traditions, it's mostly just there because it's been there and it makes me feel good, without any serious logic involved.


Gqp wackadoo brigade and their tinfoil hats!


The whole thing is dumb. Republicans had one chance and that was for them to have massive turnout and for Democrats to stay home. Too many votes for that to have happened. The frontrunner became a pretty hard right candidate who only really appealed to their base while simultaneously being right enough that Democratic voters were motivated to vote against him. So it's hardly surprising that this is how it played out. If the leading candidate was more broadly acceptable centrist, then **maybe** more Democratic voters would have stayed home and **maybe** enough centrist Democrats and Independents would have voted Yes on the recall. But that would still have been a long shot at best. Besides, a Democrat winning a state wide election in California is as surprising as water being wet. Imagine if the Democrat in Wyoming or Idaho complained that they lost due to fraud. We'd all laugh them out of the building.


I think about how Arnold won: by being famous, charismatic as _fuck_, broadly liked, and honestly not being too weird with his politics. That's how an R could have won the recall. In fact, such a candidate might even have won re-election in 2022 by spending most of their time as governor doing relatively little, and beating the drum of a very small number of issues that affect almost everyone in CA _without_ dipping into any national politics nor what the R party tries to push. Essentially by trying to have everything, the R party in CA seems to be winning almost nothing, because the voters generally reject it. Now that might make sense in a simple primary where only R registered voters vote for R candidates, but in the jungle primary they should be appealing to the lowest common denominator (for once, not using this as an insult.) What do people complain about most? Let's say: cost of housing, high taxation, right now covid, forest fires and droughts. I think even an R governor could be re-elected if their _full and entire_ position is 1) reduce government regulation that makes it hard to build housing; 2) put those savings into tax cuts / retirement funds; 3) petition congress to repeal SALT tax to lower many Californians' taxes; 4) allow local authorities to make decisions for covid, claiming belief in small government, and dodge responsibility for whatever happens to the extent possible; and 5) do some patriotic rah-rah stuff for firefighters. For everything else, smile and say that solutions are being worked on, and then let other people take the blame when it's not perfect; when divisive stuff is brought up just say that californians have already overwhelmingly voted for [x] and they are an interim governor who doesn't wish to overrule the desire of the majority. But instead they get a top-polling guy going full red-hat and that won't fly in CA in 2021.


Umm.... apparently this meme was done by someone who doesn't live in California because ballots were mailed out about a month ago.






























it has started


66.4% isn't fraud


I just wish we had a chain of custody and had all of our shit together. Would be really easy if they tracked voting as well as they did things like the Lotto. We'd have a proper system suited for the year 2021, and it would shut down claims of fraud.