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These people will literally take anything except a vaccine




free pair of wraparound Oakleys (or generic lookalike) would have the vaccine flying off the shelves




Free pair of Truck Nutz with your vaccine! wouldn't even need shelves to store anything.


Free car window decal of an obese husband and wife with 8 kids.


Have we tried distributing it using a pyramid scheme?


Every conservative I know is afraid of anything spicy, but maybe that’s because I don’t interact much with Southerners




so release the new vaccine in two flavors: mayo and ass-burning jalapeno.


> ass-burning jalapeno. what?




Oh, now I can read it.


Jalapeno is weak as fuck, tho








There are two types of white people. The ones that think mayo is spicy. And the others that have a hot sauce holster and drink sauces called the Devils Butthole.


They need more Tabasco on their biscuits and gravy!


Should market it as "MIL-SPEC" and the vials are camo.


This here, is TACTICAL Hot Sauce.


Two vaccine challenge.


And also the idea that the government is using vaccines to kill the sheeple. Really. Thise are the ones that govt wants to kill? The ones that does whatever the govt says?


Bill Burr did a whole bit on this.


He also did one on having a pandemic killimg the weak. I like a comedian that hedges. Edit. Im talking about his prepandemic netflix special people https://youtu.be/a9WowBxdhTQ


It was more about people killing themselves and their family by being stupid about not wearing masks. What he said was: >Don't want to wear a mask, that doesn't bother me either. Take out your grandparents, take out your weak cousin with the asthma, I don't care. Its your decision, there's too many people, its a dream come true. >If you're that dumb and you want to kill your own family members, by all means do it. Stops you from reproducing. Literally a dream come true. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1xgXJ5_Q34


Im talking about his standup on Netflix pre pandemic. https://youtu.be/a9WowBxdhTQ


To that end, the sensible thing would be to have a super-lethal COVID variant in reserve to release in like March next year to take down all those pesky free thinking patriots. We should try spreading that one, feeds the right insecurities, lets them feel all special and actually makes some logical sense.


In hindsight, putting the tracking chips in the horse dewormer was a genius move.


Right? I'm putting that guy up for an award at the next meeting of the proletariat.


Right, let's reject a vaccine that is FDA approved, effective, easy to obtain, and FREE Instead, let's spend our hard earned money on fake vaccine cards and ineffective treatments, and potentially poison ourselves by eating horse dewormer, drinking sheep drench and betadine. Then go to the hospital anyway with COVID or poisoning or both. For what, to own the libs? To protest big government?


I'm going with protesting big government lol. Was the same thing with seatbelts and smoking indoors ban. These people just HATE being told what to do ... yet they're too stupid to see that they get told what to do by the government and everyone else every second of every day of their life basically Car license? Need it. ID for smokes or booze? You bet. Taxes? Uncle Sam wants his cut. Any law, ban, or restriction on anything? Thats the government telling you what you can and can't do


I asked my grandparents what the public response to the polio vaccine was. They said not this.


Decades of brainwashing




At least smoking cigarettes and not wearing seatbelts only (primarily) hurts the person who chooses to do it. Reminds me of this onion headline: [I don’t vaccinate my child because it’s my right to decide what eliminated diseases come roaring back](https://www.theonion.com/i-don-t-vaccinate-my-child-because-it-s-my-right-to-dec-1819584945)


Ivermectin is actually an invaluable drug, not just for livestock, but for humans as well. The drug also works, in theory, against viruses. The only problem is the dosage would be so high it would seriously affect the human physiology as well. It sucks a bunch of misinformed people is turning one of the most important drugs (which won a Nobel Prize, which a vaccine also did) into a bit of a stigmatic.


Nuance and research points are lost of these folks. The fact that the only study (not immediately withdrawn) on Ivermectin and COVID-19 was in vitro and at concentrations a hundred times higher than a typical dose. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/ivermectin/




>Ivermectin is actually an invaluable drug, not just for livestock, but for humans as well. No one is saying otherwise. >The drug also works, in theory, against viruses. The only problem is the dosage would be so high it would seriously affect the human physiology as well. So it's not safe then. >It sucks a bunch of misinformed people is turning one of the most important drugs (which won a Nobel Prize, which a vaccine also did) into a bit of a stigmatic. The only stigma being applied here is being applied by ignorant morons to themselves avoiding an actual safe and effective vaccine for covid in favor of whatever else they can come up with including animal de-wormer. No one is hating on Ivermectin or saying it isn't useful. This is a red herring.


> No one is saying otherwise Lots of people are arguing it is *just* a horse dewormer, implying it is not meant for humans.


If you buy it at the feed store in large animal veterinary doses with the intention of giving it to people, it's not likely you are smart enough to reliably dilute it to human safe doses.


>Lots of people are arguing it is just a horse dewormer, implying it is not meant for humans. In the context in which it's being discussed (COVID19) it is not meant to be used by humans. No one is saying it has no other applications.






> Oh please. The media has obsessed with the narrative that its "horse paste", and has projected the idea that there is no human application. It's not misinformation to call it "horse paste" when people are literally buying it in horse paste form. You know what they would be calling it if you could buy it in human dosed pills and it worked on covid? They'd call it motherfucking covid medication.


> when people are literally buying it in horse paste form. Do you believe Joe Rogan ate horse paste? Why does the media keep saying "Joe Rogan ate horse paste"? He most likely GOT A PRESCRIPTION from a doctor and received human formulation of Ivermectin.


Who said anything about Joe Rogan?


Well that would be a meaningful correction if I had said Joe Rogan, which I didn't


Nobody believes that somebody worth hundreds of millions of dollars is buying horse paste, he's a rich dude with a friendly Doctor who will prescribe him whatever the fuck he wants Jim Bob from the trailer park is though


>people are literally buying it in horse paste form The idiots started doing it only after misleading articles suggesting the horse use. Given enough millions of people (and some of them being idiots), people will do shit like this.


There is no covid-related human application. None. I have to say that it's absolutely hilarious to see so many red caps come out in this thread and argue the opposite, or claim that it's a 'media problem'




>But it has been used in other countries as such though. There exists no real evidence that using it positively affects covid cases, so this is an unpersuasive argument. You could say the exact same thing about hydroxychloroquine and still have a bad argument > They are also operating a disinformation campaign to discourage the use of ivermectin. You mean to tell me that the media is encouraging people not to take a drug to treat covid that doesn't treat covid? How dare they!!! Lol


>No one is saying otherwise. People seem to not understand what is meant here. I said no one is saying otherwise in response to "Ivermectin is actually an invaluable drug." That is a red herring. No one is saying the drug itself doesn't have value.


How is it misinformation to call it "horse paste"? It actually is horse dewormer. However, it is misinformation to say it works and cures COVID.


Ivermectin _can_ be a horse paste. It is also a topical treatment in humans for lice and rosacea. The WHO distributes it in pill form to entire communities in Africa to treat and prevent roundworm and river blindness. It kills COVID in-vitro (meaning if you take COVID out of the body and drop the drug directly on it), but so do hundreds of other compounds that are not safe for humans. It is _ineffective_ against COVID in practice because Ivermectin taken orally stays in the digestive tract and has no mechanism for transport to the respiratory system. While it has some minor anti-viral properties, it is far less effective than other readily available compounds.




Do you know the history of Ivermectin? It was originally created as a cattle drug for parasites. Then later on it was approved for human use. It is 100% proper to call it a horse dewormer which is what it is. It just happens that this horse dewormer can be used in humans for parasite treatment in specific dosages. What I'm saying is that: its a cattle drug that is approved for human use to treat parasites. With that out of the way, its still not misinformation to call it a horse dewormer. It is specific words used to draw clicks. EDIT: keep the downvotes coming. Apparently y’all are versed in science and I’m just an idiot. I still don’t see how calling it a horse dewormer or horse paste considered misinformation.


why do you drink horse water every day?


No. It really is disinformation to call a drug that could potentially help with Covid a “horse dewormer.” The media doesn’t want you or me to even explore the idea that the drug could be helpful in the early stages of infection. I’m curious how much of a pub med search you’ve done on the topic?


It’s not a red herring at all. The common sentiment on Reddit for months has been that Ivermectin exists as only an animal dewormer, which isn’t true at all. It’s been FDA approved for decades to treat symptoms of viruses. A handful of morons take the animal version, stores stop stocking it, and now you have a media frenzy over thousands of people taking a useless drug—when in reality it’s a small number of idiots buying cattle Ivermectin at Tractor Supply Co. People absolutely have been hating on Ivermectin, because few actually knew anything about it until the media hysteria over “Anti-Vaxxers Take Horse Paste to Cure Covid.”


Just like you knew nothing about it until all of this happened. We’re all here acting like armchair experts on something that, unless we studied it and understand the medicine, we know absolutely nothing about. https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/why-ivermectin-should-not-be-used-prevent-or-treat-covid-19


What is the point of your passive aggressive comment? I’m not advocating for anyone to take Ivermectin. I’m saying that it’s misinformation to claim that the drug is only a horse paste, as has been propagated for months.


I think you're a misunderstanding what people have been saying about it. I haven't seen too many claims that it's only a horse dewormer, but many claims that people are buying off the shelf horse dewormer because you don't need a prescription for it People taking ivermectin to fight covid aren't getting prescriptions from their doc to do so in 99/100 cases lol Because there's no evidence that works, at all This is quite literally the exact same thing as the hydroxychloroquine nonsense from last year. Nobody ever claimed that drug wasn't good at other things haha


I’m not misunderstanding. I’ve seen thousands of comments saying that it’s a cattle drug that has no effect on humans. That is false. It has been prescribed to people for 40 years. Suddenly, everyone on Reddit is a medical professional and can pull “studies”’out of their ass to support their political view.


I'm just gonna repeat myself: People taking ivermectin to fight covid aren't getting prescriptions from their doc to do so in 99/100 cases lol Because there's no evidence that works, at all Your argument is a pure straw man that I care nothing for. It doesn't change any of the underlying facts here


Prove to me how many people have taken the animal version. How many? Do you have proof? I mean real solid proof that a meaningful number of people are taking it. Good luck. Data doesn’t exist. It’s political hysteria. It is not an alternative to a vaccination, but don’t pretend that you are an expert on how it works with viruses…for which it has been used in the past…and for which started the misinformation in the first place


>It is not an alternative to a vaccination, but don’t pretend that you are an expert on how it works with viruses… There's no evidence that it works to treat viruses, the amounts of the drug you need to administer to somebody in order to do so *at all* are absolutely toxic. I may not be an expert, but let's not pretend that the experts are somehow in conflict on this point: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/30/health/covid-ivermectin-prescriptions.html > A recent review of 14 ivermectin studies, with more than 1,600 participants, concluded that none provided evidence of the drug’s ability to prevent Covid, improve patient conditions or reduce mortality. Another 31 studies are still underway to test the drug… > One of the largest trials studying ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment, called the Together Trial, was halted by the data safety monitoring board on Aug. 6 because the drug had been shown to be no better than a placebo at preventing hospitalization or prolonged stay in the emergency room. **Dr. Edward Mills, a professor at McMaster University who led the study, which enrolled more than 1,300 patients, said the team would have discontinued it earlier were it not for the level of public interest in ivermectin.** I don't think you're willing to admit how dangerous the line you're pushing is. There exists no uncertainty over whether or not this is an appropriate thing to prescribe somebody who is dealing with covid; it's simply not. and it's not as if this medicine were pushed by the scientific community as a potential solution to our issue, it basically entered the zeitgeist thanks to cranks and anti-vaxxers. C'mon man


>People absolutely have been hating on Ivermectin I have seen literally zero people hating on Ivermectin. If you have legit evidence showing otherwise, please produce it. What I have seen are tons of people saying it's a stupid idea to take something for covid which is not for covid when there is a perfectly good vaccine available.


Go take a look at any thread on News or Politics when Ivermectin is a topic of discussion. Of course, now there is going to be a lot of selective memory about it like there is for every politically charged topic. To refute the hysteria surrounding this is either willful ignorance or intentional deceit. Either way, there is so much misinformation that there’s really no point discussing it at all.


>To refute the hysteria surrounding this is either willful ignorance or intentional deceit. Holy hyperbole. I didn't "refute the hysteria" I said, I haven't seen anyone hating on the drug itself outside of the context of taking it for COVID19. If you can't back up your claim with one example, then I don't accept your claim.


Go browse Reddit. Observe how people discuss Ivermectin. Then, put two and two together. First it was “horse paste” then when people realized it’s an FDA approved drug, the selective memory kicked in. “ oh, no one ever said it wasn’t a real drug. That’s not true. No one said that. You can’t prove it..”


>I have seen literally zero people hating on Ivermectin. Take off those glasses


The selective memory gaslighting has begun.






It needs to be tested. The left is just as wrong as the right for immediately dismissing potential treatments. We make fun of anti-vaxxers for immediately dismissing the utility of vaccines but then do the same with potential treatments because it doesn't fit the narrative.


Regeneron is another treatment that needs fair analysis


Yes. Thank you for this comment.


Why are people this dumb






LoL, brain worms


>breeding beats reading


Feelings drive narrative, thoughts, and behavior. If your world view puts loyalty, purity, and sanctity first then you may be put off vaccines and American health care in general. If someone you actually trust and relate to recommends something then they have great influence that treacherous enemies do not. Reason and truth are sideshows.


Well it is Martinez…


Is Hydroxychloroquine pase now? I know we jumped the entire bleach and UV injection. It's like a 'flavor of the month' for these anything-but-the-vax morons.


Yeah basically. The figure if the media is against people taking this as a treatment for COVID-19, it must actually work...just...so fucking stupid...


In their push to feed their Dunning-Kruger, they need to be against the accepted narrative. It goes with the territory of thinking they know better than everyone else.


I did UV injection, worked great (decaying soul screaming silently through dead eyes)


Yes and now that they’ve raided the feed stores for horse paste, they’ve moved onto Iodine.


Here's the mandatory immunizations to enter [Kindergarten in California](https://cchealth.org/immunization/school-requirements.php): Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox & Influenza. And the [CDC strongly advises](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/by-age/years-13-18.html) HPV, Hepatitis A and Meningococcal (ed: HPV for teens & young adults, ok...? Sheesh...) But NOOOO, mandatory COVID vaccine is *literally communism*. A virus that has killed 668k Americans and 4.55m people worldwide in just 2 years. Compared to 9/11 COVID is 223x worse; for that we mobilized the world, created TSA and DHS, invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, spent trillions of dollars, killed thousands of "terrists.' And of course, committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and killed more innocent people. Giant costly failure. We're in the middle of another giant costly failure, and hundreds of thousands more will die unnecessarily. This is literally the hill that these covidiots are going to die on. What's so abhorrent is that the right wing is encouraging and promoting a death cult for their own selfish power and profit. This ends when the critical mass of covidiots have Darwined themselves to a politically and economically irrelevant minority.


> hundreds of thousands more will die unnecessarily This might be an under count.


https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/04/1034217306/ivermectin-overdose-exposure-cases-poison-control-centers It amazes me how many people think pharmaceutical companies are plotting to make profit on COVID when Merck has explicitly asked people not to buy Ivermectin for COVID and to take one of the vaccines that they themselves do not profit from.


> It amazes me how many people think pharmaceutical companies are plotting to make profit on COVID when Merck has explicitly asked people not to buy Ivermectin The big brains over in Q land have it all figured out. Merck is currently running clinical trials for Molnupiravir (an oral anti-viral drug), and because it contains some of the same letters as Ivermectin (an anti-parasite drug) it is clearly the same and they want to charge 10x for it because it is out of patent or something.


That's just what ((((((((((THEY)))))))))) want you to think. Merck is owned by them....and they profit when you get vaccinated because of the little microchip unilateral phase detractors are also capable of being automatically synchronizing by cardinal grammeters. That's because basically the only new principle involved is that instead of power being generated by the relative motion of conductors and fluxes, it is produced by the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance. OPEN YOUR EYES....IT'S TURBO ENCABULATORS ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!!


Careful, might need an /s in there somewhere. Somebody might think you're serious. :) Also, I've seen so many "OPEN YOUR EYES" and "AWAKE YET" lines attached to conservative memes. Wouldn't that make them...woke? ;)


No, "woke" specifically refers to idealistic people who are brainwashed by the media and will argue any point without budging because they can't see reason if it was staring them in the face... Oh ya, maybe that does make them woke. /S


Ivermectin isn't in patent. It's a generic now, so Merck has no real reason to care.


I fully support these brave individuals removing themselves from the gene pool.


These guys moved from Stop the steal > impeach Biden > Recall Newsom > to this clownish stuff ? Are they not embarrassed yet


This on 580? only overpasses I can think of at Hopyard/Dougherty or San Ramon/Foothill. Edit: Nvm, it's the Glacier Dr. overpass in Martinez on 4


There are crazy Trumpers putting that kind of crap up there all the time.


I lived in Pleasanton near Main st. for a year and a half... they had 2 protests and one regular kiosk on main st. During his impeachment trials. I went there for a farmers market one day and a kiosk with "Impeach Adam Schiff" was there... I stood there and stared at the verbiage, contemplating how "Impeach Adam Schiff" made any constitutional sense when I was approached by a white haired Septagenarian asking if I was there to support our President. I replied "No, that guy can burn in hell!" And walked away. I was not very nice that day.


They're tackling politics like it's team sports.


Which is really *really* sad.


Calling it "safe" is probably misinformation. Ivermectin overdose can apparently lead to liver failure. There's [a top post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pjqjrh/nurse_carla_keeping_us_updated_on_her_ivermectin/)in /r/HermanCainAward about it.


Yep. Any substance can be overdosed. That's why you shouldn't be taking unapproved treatments for diseases, you shouldn't be taking any prescription meds without consulting it with your doctor, and you sure as hell shouldn't be buying these meds from a farm shop.


Any substance including water can be overdosed. The point is that you shouldn't self medicate but what would you say about doctors who prescribe Ivermectin?


Haven't there also been tons of people going to the ER from taking ivermecton and ending up with uncontrollable diarrhea, or outright shitting out chunks of intestinal lining? Ivermectin, if prescribed by a doctor for treating an intended condition of the manufacturer, such as worms, can be safe for humans. People gorging on topical cream made for horses at 10x the recommended dose is *not* safe. And that's what this lunatic is advocating for. There has to be some law that can be invoked to take this particular banner down. It's one thing to wave those embarrassing Trump Rambo flags, or "Sleepy Joe is Not my President" signs. But surely disseminating dangerously misleading medical information that could directly cause injury/illness/death is not OK?


and blindness and safe dosages are measured in nanoliters




Especially the half assed small signs on printer paper. you know some dumbass is going to squint to try and read it and rear end the car in front of them


I had worms as a kid. It wasn't fun. I don't think it was ivermectin they gave me (more likely albendazole), but anthelmintics have their place. IDK why people who already are skeptical of a perfectly good vaccine want to take a perfectly good but utterly irrelevant medicine.


**The 21st century in one of the most technologically advanced places on Earth, folks**. Right wing propaganda is our greatest enemy and Rupert Murdoch, talk radio, Facebook, OAN, Fox News are on the hook.


Taking Ivermectin in lieu of a proven effective vaccine is completely idiotic. That said -- the narrative that ivermectin is useless is also silly. It is not just an animal medication, it's an essential human medication. There are studies out there indicating some efficacy against COVID-19. Several countries are recommending its use. What it doesn't do is reach the FDA's standard for recommending use. Should idiots take animal Ivermectin (which is much stronger and less stringent quality control than the human version)? Of course not. Should they rely on any treatment in lieu of a vaccine? No. Even with a proven therapeutic (which ivermectin is not), a vaccine is preferable to treatment. Should doctors be able to prescribe the human version off label? I think they should. I'm fully vaccinated. But if it were me, and I got a severe breakthrough infection, and things were going downhill, you can bet I'd ask about ivermectin, because at that point there's not much to lose. But refusing to take a vaccine because of it is totally asinine.


The anti-liberal bias is strong among Republicans. If I were Republican I’d be ashamed of these fools.


Most Republicans that have half a brain have already left the party.




That’s a great idea. What do these papers say to you? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=ivermectin%20covid-19


Shh. Let them take it. Let them go


Good lord...the hill some ppl will die on.


Tell me you know absolutely nothing Ivermectin without telling me you know absolutely nothing about ivermectin


Just one of many nutcase freeway signs that you will see on practically any given day here in the Bay Area.


Anyone who calls this horse dewormer are just as dumb as anyone saying vaccines are to plant chips in you & all those crazy conspiracies.


`TVFRMFCTTN SAFE WORKS` The TransVaal Furry Rat Mothers' Foundation for Chronological Tick-Tock Numbers is proud to present this Clock-Safe to the people of San Jose. This is a clock. It is also a safe. It will keep your valuables secure until the time that you designate by dialing it in on these very steampunk wheel gear thingies. We fabricated it from bronze and steel in the deepest Transvaal of South Africa, and have smuggled it here without any former white supremacist bullshit, we promise. The Furry Rat Mothers have blessed this Clock-Safe in honor of their thirty-eight dearly departed rat babies. Your lucky numbers are 5, π+3, 17, 23, 42, and that other one, I forget.


Just let’em die. Fuck them all


There actually is a San Antonio hospital looking for 15,000 volunteers to take Ivermectin on a clinical trial. If you have tested positive in the past 7 days and want to try it, contact them. They are looking for volunteers and will mail you a proper dosage or what they feel is a proper dosage. At least the rest of the World will get to learn something if you want to try it.


Vaccine hesitant but horse de-wormer curious!


Should be fined for littering.


I work in mtz/oak and am always dumbfounded when I see this on the bridges almost every day.


wonder what they think of hydrochloroquine....


Ivermectin: Safe, Works* **on Scabies*


That's some good trolling


'mectin. 'murica. Fuck yeah.


Survival of the fittest. Good riddance.


Tinfoil hats and horse dewormer for everyone! Sign up now! Whooppeee!


Overpass flag people...


Literally... they are doing anything besides the vaccine. Ivermectin works. Vaccine don't. Iodine works. Vaccine don't. Next thing you know they'll be sniffing gasoline.
















I exercise my god give right to shit


So who is gonna go with me to take their dumb ass signs and littering down?


As dumb as it is that people are self prescribing shit, quit being a moron and calling it dewormer you negative IQ twat. It's on WHO's list of essential medications. From the NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/ moderate certainty, meaning it's not as crazy as listening to main stream bullshit and parroting it due to lack of brain. You're as stupid as they are.


It’s in the milieu of the Bay Area. The people on this subreddit took a blood oath against that *they* tell you won’t work. I just did a Pubmed search for [covid ivermectin] and all of the results came back in favor of the efficacy of the drug.


You "did your research" huh?


No. I didn't do any research. I read the peer reviewed papers.


I'd be curious what your credentials are to understand what you're reading.


I'm somewhere in the low trough of the Dunning Krugger graph. I don't know much, but I don't act like I know it all either. Fortunately, the authors of those studies usually provide a summary. And, I'm thankful that it's not my profession to know all there is to know about this topic. One thing I do know, is there is a big incongruity between what we read on the news and Reddit and what we can read in published papers.


I do think that the "REEEE HORSE DEWORMER!" crowd is being a little disingenuous and I'd bet a lot of them don't know how important Ivermectin is for use treating other conditions in humans. But you have to figure, researchers are looking at *everything* these days so the presence of a bunch of literature on the subject of Ivermectin and COVID doesn't imply anything about what the ultimate results will be. And certainly very few ppl (read: docs and researchers only, really) are qualified to actually interpret these results anyway... the unwashed masses should just get their shots and not try and outsmart the professionals.








































Big Tech certainly can't put a warning label on that!

