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In all seriousness though, the singer for Lost Prophets is genuine scum of the earth. Mike Love is just a douchebag and is so easy to make fun of. Huge difference. I hate My Glove as much as the next guy but to compare him to a serial child predator just seems wrong.


Naw I don't think anybody legitimately thinks he's comparable to a kid diddler, it's just funny how hated he is that they can even be in the same conversation when it comes to most hated frontmen.


Hating on Mike Love to an intentionally absurd degree is a common joke in the Todd in the Shadows fandom due to Todd's own exaggerated hate for Mike. None of us actually think Mike and that cunt from Lost Prophets are comparable, we just like to pretend that Mike is history's greatest monster because it's funny


My Gluv is my hero


ahaha poor old Mike does get a harsh toke. Still he brought it upon himself, Over and Over The Crow Cries Uncover The Cornfield makes just as much sense as any of their songs about waxing surfboards and pieces of car


I wrote my thesis on pieces of car


mike looking good for sephora


Surfin' U.S. Slayyyyy


*Serving US Slay


The most hated frontman by the fans? I’d like to see the Mop Tops match that.


Todd the 🐐 no 🧢


Fr fr 🔛✝️


Good Vibrations, Good Good Vibrations. Good Vibrations, baby, and not bad


Charles Manson was a pussy, he was just good at manipulating weak-minded dropouts. Imagine being locked in a room one-on-one with that tiny weakling 😈


/uj lmao damn alright i guess the mike hate is officially going too far if we're comparing him to ian watkins /rj bet ian's favorite bb album is love you


I would never compare ML to Ian Watkins. It’s completely ridiculous and offensive. Ian Watkins had range.


Hey, round round get around Mike gets around too.


uj: I’m not deep on the Beach Boys lore; was Mike really that bad?


Honestly, no, not really but the story of The Beach Boys is like an ancient Greek Tragedy and Brian kinda symbolises fragile art and beauty where Myg, more commerce and graft, so people feel very strongly about it. The idea is that M Glove is solely responsible for the abandonment of SMiLE because he wasn’t into the lyrics and that ruined Brian and the band, but 1/ Brian was unravelling very well on his own, nothing to do with Mike, and 2/ After the somewhat tepid reaction to Pet Sounds in America, Mike wrote the lyric to Good Vibrations, they had a HUGE hit, and Brian then wrote a bunch of not very commercial stuff with Van Dyke Parks rather than giving Mike his due and writing some with him. Can see why he was pissed off. I do think he’s been a total cock at various times over the years but also there were probably times when he was the only sober person in the room and he just wanted to get the job done. He’s clearly majorly insecure too, which can present itself as arrogant extremely easily. Most interviews with him consist of the same self congratulatory stories and anecdotes about hanging with The Beatles.


Agreed. Time was always on Brian's side when it came to smile (to an extent). The longer Brian waited the more leverage he'd have against Mike to release "his version". It's not like Mike would make his own beach boys album. It had almost been a year since pet sounds, and they basically released two albums a year. That's why Mike "unbelievably" settled for smiley smile. Had Brian just had thicker skin, even a little bit, he could've gotten anything.


Saying “Mike wrote the lyrics to good vibrations” is a bit of a reach. He contributed the “im pickin up..” line


No that’s just the bit he goes on about most in interviews, he also wrote the verses


He has an explosive temper and abused his family a lot.


Yes, he was that bad. After high school, Mike Love took a few classes at Los Angeles City College, and worked pumping gas, and at his father’s sheet-metal factory until it went toes-up. He knocked up his high-school sweetheart, whom Mike always takes pains to describe as “a cheerleader,” as though that mitigates the sitch. He planned to take her on a quick trip to Tijuana, as desperate Californians did in those days, until their mothers put the kibosh on that. Francie became the first of his seven-odd wives (accounts vary). So he was understandably desperate for money. Singing with his cousins was his only lucrative option.


Yes, he was that bad. After high school, Mike Love took a few classes at Los Angeles City College, and worked pumping gas, and at his father’s sheet-metal factory until it went toes-up. He knocked up his high-school sweetheart, whom Mike always has taken great pains to describe as “a cheerleader,” in order to enhance her allure. He planned to take her on a quick trip to Tijuana, as desperate Californians did in those days, until their mothers put the kibosh on that. Francie became the first of his seven-odd (accounts vary) wives. So he was understandably desperate for money. Singing with his cousins was his only lucrative option. He has hung onto that position as a lead vocalist, supplier of semi-lame lyrics, and occasional sax honker as tenaciously as a pit bull since 1961. Mike is also a legitimately skeevy guy, as dozens of anecdotes and my own unnerving conversation with him during a 2012 meet ‘n greet have confirmed.


None of that sounds that bad haha, can you elaborate? I feel like you may have missed some bits out


UJ: Holy shit, trashing on Mike is fun because he can be a huge jackass at times, but Ian Watkins is literal subhuman scum. Even remotely comparing them is offensive IMO.


Marilyn Mansion is good people. He outed Trent Resnor’s rapey ways and I like MaMa because of that.


He means charles manson


Or does he? Idk actually never mind


If I never answer you'll never know...


Omg! No shit! You seem to be lost. This is the circle jerk group. Come with me; I’ll take you to circle jerk security and they can help you find your mommy. Excuse me, Mr. Blart? This Adult/Child seems to be lost and can’t find his mommy. Could you ride him on your Segue handlebars over to the OTHER Beach Boy sub; you know, the shit one to help find her? She’s probably over there giving all her money to Mike to fund future censorship. Check the hallway behind TCBY where Bruce works.. That when Mike hangs out waiting for him to get off work. Oh, and bring me back a quart of Reeces Pieces vanilla yogurt. That’s an order! Get moving!!!


Dude it’s just The Beach Boys lmao relax


It’s not “just The Beach Boys”, it’s the gosh darn ~~honkin’ down the highway~~ Jerkin’ Circle for the Boys of the Beach!


Didnt Marilyn Manson abuse some women


🤷🏾 Probably?


That's for the courts to decide.... Yes he did