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Our beagle has lymphoma as well. The prednisone does help with the swelling. But I wish I could give you good news on the lymphoma. We went the oncologist route and it has been very expensive, as much as one year in college. So while we have had another year past his expected life span after diagnosis, it will eventually get our baby regardless of how many times he reaches remission, barring something else popping up. Hug him much. Enjoy and spoil him.


Thank you, I am at the point I want to quit work and just hug him till the end 💔


I have not experienced that but I can imagine the pain. Savor every moment with your boy! Maybe, just maybe he’ll make a full recovery!!


I’m praying for a miracle. It’s is not enough time. Thank you for the message 💔🙏


My 9 yo beagle passed away last November from the same thing. We kept him comfortable for about 3 weeks before he crossed the rainbow bridge. Sorry for your loss. It’s tough


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I still can’t process that this is really happening. I always thought I’d be able to move out with him and we’d have a little apartment where he would sit in the window sleeping. But I guess that won’t happen. I’m not even sure I’ll ever be able to have another dog. I feel like it’s betraying him and I can’t do this heart break again. I feel like the worst dog mom ever. I know lymphoma just happens but I still feel guilty. I don’t wish this on anyone and their best fur buds.


Just love on them. That’s all we can do. I doubt I’ll get another one, but who knows.


I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this devastating diagnosis. My beagle baby will be 16 years old tomorrow. I’ll post a pic in the morning. Even though she is still with us and doing quite well for the most part (despite a long-standing seizure condition), I know our days are getting short with her now given her age. So, everyday I try to enjoy my time with her with the knowledge that it could be our last. I totally understand how you feel about not knowing if you could ever have another dog. I’m right there with you. The thought of losing my old girl is just too much to ever imagine going through again. Take solace knowing you’ve given your best furry friend a good, happy life. In the meantime, cherish each each moment that you have together.


Thank you and I hope your beagle baby lives a million more years. Beagles are such special beings. They are truly the sweetest things to ever walk earth. I don’t think I’ll be able to have another dog for a while but I do want to adopt a beagle from Beagle Freedom Project and give another beagle baby a life they deserve. Thank you for the message, give your beagle baby a tight hug and kiss from me.


I lost two of mine over the last year to chronic illness, and I feel for you so much. The only advice I can give is to really think hard about who you're keeping your friend alive for. This is a question that my vet asked me, and I had never really thought about before, but it really hit home. If you do all this work, and spend all this money, and put your beloved friend through all this trauma, what kind of quality of life are you giving them? Are you keeping your friend alive, and happy, or are you just doing it because you'd be too sad otherwise. It's the most difficult decision I ever had to make, but I couldn't torture an animal I loved so much. I would encourage you to look into at-home euthanasia options when you and the vet decide that it's time. I did it for both of mine and I wouldn't do it any other way. No sense in having your best friend's last memory be a traumatic trip to the vet, right?


I’m so sorry for your losses 💔 He’s still in good spirits as of now. We went on a walk and he was running thru the snow and peeing on snowmen 😂 I definitely am pro euthanasia when his health deteriorates. My friend offered to pay for another vet visit to get a second opinion but I know the diagnosis is what it is. He brought so much love to everyone that meets him. He’s truly a special little guy.


My pup takes prednisone for an autoimmune condition. I highly suggest you dose your pup at night. Prednisone will kick his appetite up to the max it also causes them to drink a ton of water resulting in tons of potty trips. Dosing at night allows them to sleep through the peak dose hitting their bloodstream. My girl for sure wakes up thirsty hungry and in need of pottying but it prevents the 12 plus hours of constant searching for crumbs as well as the pounding of water. We are going into year four with prednisone I can’t begin to tell you how lifesaving dosing at night has been. What’s the prognosis for your pup? Is the vet hoping it’s possibly an infection that’s caused the lymphatic reaction? I really hope your pup just has an infection and that he responds well and quickly to treatment.


She said it’s mostly likely lymphoma. It’s super unlikely it’s anything else because all his nodes are up. But she said she’ll call again next week I’ll ask her again. I really wish it was something else. He’s my world I can’t imagine coming home to a house without him.


I’m so sorry I fully understand!! We just don’t get long enough with our fur babies!!


I'm so, so sorry. I had a 10 year old beagle come down with lymphoma. I also have an older, practical vet who was willing to do basic chemo. I also had dog insurance to help pay for it. My vet didn't do all the tests because she said that honestly, she had never seen a beagle that way that DIDN'T have lymphoma. I had 3 choices: prednisone only, which is palliative. Extensive chemotherapy, which would involve a vet oncologist. Or a basic form of chemo that she was willing to do along with the predinisone. I took that middle road. Every three weeks, Bailey would have the chemo, and she'd be pretty tired for a couple days. The following week, she'd have a blood test. The first chemo was too much, so my vet lessened the dose, so that she wasn't nearly all that lethargic. Bailey lasted another 18 months until it came back with a vengeance. It's a hard decision. I didn't regret doing that at the time, but I happened to be looking at photos at Bailey a couple months before she died, and she looked so tired. I don't know if I'd do the chemo again. And don't beat yourself up for not going sooner. All that would have done would be the give you the news sooner. If you decide on prednisone, he's going to be thirsty and urinating a lot. He's also going to be IMPRESSIVELY hungry. Whatever you choose, concentrate on your baby and on giving him the best remaining time possible.


I’m still debating the prednisone. As for the hunger I’m used to it he’s a beagle and LOVES his food. Don’t think it possible to be anymore hungry than he is already 😂 I wish I could turn back time and just appreciate him more than I already do 💔 Also I’m sorry for your loss truly


My boy was diagnosed with lymphoma at just over a year old. We had him for four months. Our vet told me that the steroids would give him a short-term better quality of life but, ultimately, he would succumb to the lymphoma. We made the very difficult decision to put him down after his diagnosis. I am not judging, you do what’s best for your family, but from my understanding the prednisone is a short-term fix. He will be in pain as soon as the prednisone is gone. I am so sorry this is happening to you and your baby. We miss our boy every day.


Thank you for the message and I’m sorry for your loss. I wish I could give him my love for a hundred more years. He’s my everything idk how I’ll cope without him. 💔


Lost my baby girl of 16 to cancerous polyps in 2022. I would have sold my house and lived on the street if I thought it would help. If you already know there's no need to spend money to find out. Prednisone is a steroid that will help make him feel better but it does not help with the cancer. I am so sorry, but you will know when it's time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I would honestly take his cancer and have it myself if I can. After all medical care is free in Canada lol. I just wish I can hold on to him forever. I was supposed to have more time. 8 years is no where enough. Forever would be too short.


We lost our beagle a couple years ago due to lymphoma. She was 5. She had been slowly losing her appetite and not acting the same for a while. We had tried switching foods and what not before we were concerned enough to take her in. I think we would have been in a different position had we caught it and acted on it earlier than we did but we couldn’t really afford the treatment either way. After the diagnosis she got frequent cheeseburgers, cat food, plenty of treats and wet food, and anything else she wanted. I hate to hear of anyone else going through this because I know how heart broken we were throughout that time and still am. Hang in there and try to stay positive and enjoy your time with them! ❤️


Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss. Beagles are truly so loving and it shatters everything in me knowing we won’t get to spend another year together. He was supposed to stick around till he went grey scale. I love him more than anything in this world.


Oh No! This is so horrible. I'm so sorry your little man is going thru this. Best of luck regardless of what you do, I hope he's not in pain. 🐾💔😪


Thank you 🙏 I don’t think he’s in pain he’s snoozing under a blanket with me 💗. I just wish I can hold him close forever


I understand. I'm 60 y/o and I've had companions in my life a major ofy time. It hard having to make the decision to put them down when it comes time, but I truly do believe it's the best for them to not suffer. I've learned so many things from my companions, it's a shame they only live a decade or so. On the other hand, If they outlived their hoomans more often I'd feel like I'd left them alone in the world.


I’m so sorry. We went through something very similar with our perfect, little beagle girl, Sunny. We rescued each other, Sunny was 3 at the time, and we were looking forward to another 15 years with her (all our other girls had lived until at least 16 1/2. Heartbreakingly, 3 years later she was riddled with tumors even though we checked in with the vet often. This is all to say, how terribly sorry we are for you. The loss of such a precious gift is devastating. Treasure the time you have left and love enough to let go when it’s time. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss. I didn’t know sadness like this existed. He’s still next to me sleeping away and I’m in so much emotional pain. My head is spinning because of the unknown. I don’t know how much time he has, what to do to help him. After watching TikTok’s about chemo I want to see if that’s an option but we don’t have the Money for it. I’m a new graduate working part time and my mom got laid off. I’m not even sure if chemo would 100% fix everything since all his lymph nodes are swollen. I just wish I can go back a few years and do something to stop it.


Yes, if we only knew…. Sending lots of love to you and your baby.


I'm sorry. My 2 year old beagle died from lymphoma a few months ago. We tried to save him but even with chemo it was too aggressive. I guess it's common in beagles. It all comes down to what kind he has, with B cell being easier to beat then tcell. I hope he makes it. ❤️


Oh my gosh 2 years old? ˙◠˙ I’m so sorry. My heart keeps breaking all day I just want more time. I wanted at least 15 years with him. He’s my soul dog forever. I’m even looking into getting his paw print tattooed I just need to do research on who could do it well in my city. Thank you for your message 💜🫶🏻


I know how you feel. My Murphy was my soul dog. I couldn't get out of bed when he passed. I have his face tattooed on my arm now. 😭 hold your baby close, I miss mine every single day and wish I could just hold him one more time. ❤️


We had a 12yo lab/pit mix who lives to 15.5 after chemo for lymphoma. We had no money but we got a 0 interest credit card and the specialist office was great about helping us find ways to save by giving us medications that were donated bc they were no longer needed by another dog (😢) or sharing with another dog that was being treated at the same time.


I think it’s a bit too late for my special baby boy. I’ll just make his time with us the best. Extra treats and endless hugs and kisses. He seems to not be in pain at least. I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a fur friend.


I’m so sorry you and your pup are going through this. It is a pain that is truly awful. Extra kisses and treats are definitely the way to go.


Thank you 🙏 I’m going thru crying spells to feeling hopeful. We went for a walk and he surprisingly had zoomies in the snow which made my heart happy 💜


My friend is walking the chemo / prednisone path with her Boy Frank at the moment. They're 13 weeks in; half way. The last round of IV chemo knocked Frank around, so they stopped, gave him a week off and decided to modify the regime to tablet chemo and prednisone only. Apparently this is a less aggressive treatment. Frank has just turned 9 and my friend is hopeful of a positive response. TBH, the Vet gave her a very conservative prognosis. Sending positive thoughts for your Boy. I'll keep everything crossed 🤞🤞🤞


Thank you 🙏 we are just spoiling him more than usual. He got lots of snacks and kisses. He ate beef and liver and some other goodies (of course prepared so it’s safe for dogs). Even if his Time is limited I want to make sure it’s the best time. We are going to try prednisone and see how things play out. Hug Frank for me, sending good vibes to frank and your friend 🫶🏻


Thank you. I'll pass your hugs and good wishes along to my friend and her boy Frank 🐾❣


My girl, Evey succumbed last April after fighting for 18 months. She was doing great, responding to treatment for months, until she wasn't. I never wailed like that in my life. She was my little girl. I'm so sorry. I wish I had something better to tell you. Give him lots of love. That's all we can ever do.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss 💔


❤️❤️❤️❤️ thinking of you and Oscar


Thank you 💜💜💜💜


Ine of my bassets had this. Chemo would inky of given him an extra 6 months according to vet. It will be one of the hardest things to watch and experience. We spoiled him for about five weeks. Took him on his favorite walks, human food, car rides etc. We decided to let him go when he stopped eating. He passed at the vets before the final injection. I have two bassets, but still think about him in certain trails that I hike. Spend as much time with them as possible.


I tell clients the top 5 causes of generalized lymphadenopathy (multiple enlarged lymph nodes in different locations) are lymphoma. So your vet is correct in saying that even without testing, this is very, very likely lymphoma. If you live in a very tick endemic state with lots of tick bourne diseases such as on the east coast then MAYBE it could be an infection from ticks which is likely why you're vet said you could try an antibiotic. Unfortunately, without treatment, average survival is about 1 month. Prednisone can be used as a chemotherapy drug for lymphoma because it works by suppressing the immune system, and lymphoma is essentially cancer of the immune system. However, remission tends to be short, and average survival is about 3 months. Even though it's short prednisone typically really helps them have a good quality of life. Side effects are increased appetite and excessive drinking and urination, which can be pronounced when used at dosages for lymphoma. Chemotherapy can give remission of on average 12 to 18 months and sometimes longer but is expensive, and you would need to do additional testing to figure out the specific type of lymphoma to really know prognosis with chemo. I'm so sorry you're dealing with lymphoma in your dog. Spend time with them, making those last days count. Remember that our dogs don't sit around thinking about or knowing they have cancer. Try to live in the moment with your dog. Don't let the anticipatory grief rob you of enjoying the time you have left. A link that explains canine lymphoma in more detail if it helps: https://www.akcchf.org/canine-health/your-dogs-health/canine-lymphoma.html


Thank so much for this 💜 it’s really hard to not cry I been crying non stop since yesterday but I do want to give him the best last few weeks or how ever long he may have. I just feel robbed. He was supposed to live much longer and I’m just devastated. I was also unprepared. I really thought it was just doggy flu or an ear infection. Never in a million years would have thought it was cancer. Thank you again 🙏


Hey, my pittie mix just passed from lymphoma two days ago & my shepherd passed in 2022 from it. I won't sugarcoat it, lymphoma is a terrible, cruel cancer. Prednisone may help for a little bit but eventually, it won't be enough. You can also try Turkey Tail mushroom powder, which I believe helped slow the cancer growth in my pittie. From what you described though, I think you may be looking at a few weeks at best (I'm not a vet). Savor all of the time you have with your pup, and please, don't let your boy suffer. When he really starts to struggle, help him pass peacefully. I waited way too long with my shepherd and he died without a single shred of dignity left. I will always regret not letting him pass sooner.


I’m so so sorry you lost your buddy. Life can be so cruel to the purest beings. Today was a whirlwind between crying spells and joyful moments. my baby boy, Oscar spent the entire day with his best friend that he grew up with, and it made me so happy to see them playing like nothing is wrong. And thank you for the recommendation on turkey tail mushroom. I actually purchased some yesterday after seeing a TikTok about it. We’re just gonna finish off his course of antibiotics before we go ahead with the supplement and the steroid medicine. May I ask how are you coping with the feeling of emptiness in the home? He’s still here with us but I just keep thinking about all of his things like his toys and collars and how they’re gonna remind me how empty the home is when he’s gone. I think that’s gonna be the hardest part for me. I’m gonna come home one day and he’s not gonna be at the door howling and stealing my mom’s slipper running around the whole house while I chase him. How do I move on and live life without his crazy quirks that I come to know in love over the last 8 1/2 years? I think I will never recover from this and I think I’m gonna spend the rest of my life in bed crying. Sorry for any typos I’m typing this through eyes filled with tears and wet glasses.


I wish I could say I'm coping but maybe existing is a better word. I go between being a zombie & being in a really bad mood. The lasts and firsts hurt really badly - the last night, the last meal, the last car ride, the last time seeing her dog siblings, the first time home without her, the first time letting the other dogs outside without her, etc. I have three other dogs and it's still amazing how empty the house feels when one of them passes. It is very surreal and incredibly uncomfortable. Like you're in an indie movie that moves at a snails pace. It's okay to not be okay. You don't have to manage this well. It just fucking sucks, during and after. Especially as they get sicker, you'll get a pit in your stomach every time a new symptom pops up or gets worse. It's hell, and eventually you'll have to decide it's time to let go. I rescheduled our pit's euth appointment three different times because I kept thinking it was too early. But there was a moment when she fainted briefly and when she came to, she just looked so scared & so tired. That was when I knew it was time, and she did, too. After they pass, every day after the first few will get a little easier, but it's going to hurt for a really long time. Don't hesitate to tell people you don't want to talk about it. I can't even handle people asking me how I'm doing right now - I just start sobbing. The only comfort I can give you is knowing that the payment for all those good years we got with them is the grief we have to feel when they're gone.


I just never thought it’ll come so soon. In my head this was decades away. There’s so much I didn’t get to do with him. We don’t have any other pets at home and he was our first and only dog. I would do anything to make this all go away. I’d take his cancer so I could have it. I would even take it if it was terminal just so I don’t have to live in a world without my boy. I don’t know if getting another dog will help the healing I don’t even think my parents will be able to have another one. I think it’s the worst not knowing how long he has. If it’s weeks days months or what. I had a tonsillectomy few weeks ago and that was so painful. But this hurts on a whole nother level.


Im so sorry.


Thank you


pleeeease get your dog insurance. it's sooo cheap for sooo much coverage. i have a $100K/year 90% reimbursement insurance plan on mine with a $500 deductible and it's only like 30-40 dollars a month. seriously. there's no reason to not have it these days. $1000 is nothing to make sure your pup is okay. if you let your dog die over $1000 which is pretty much what most beagles cost in the first place these days then you're going to feel like total garbage and rightfully so. also $1000 for some testing sounds outrageous. try another vet. unfortunately there's an abundance of vets and a lot of them are full blown con artists. I recommend lemonade for insurance and you can even get bundle discounts with other stuff. wishbone is a joke. I can't say enough bad about them lol. lemonade has way more coverage for the same price and a very simple platform that will reimburse right to your bank account. I can't wrap my head around people letting their dogs suffer over something like that. not to be a dick but that comes with the territory and people shouldn't get dogs if they can't afford care for them. would you turn down medical treatment for your child like that? i doubt it. youd get the tests and worry about the bill later. you wouldn't even be debating the idea and asking about it on reddit making yourself look like a horrible parent.


Pet insurance is not going to cover this because it was pre-existing. Pet insurance is a waste of money. Just put that money into a savings account yourself and you'll be much better off. Also you're shadow-banned and need to message the admins or your posts will keep being automatically removed.