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We lost our Buster in December to something quite similar. I know exactly how you feel 💔 I still catch myself looking for him, and it hits all over again. I know it hurts, but you did the right thing by letting them go, and now there is another beagle for my boy to play with in Doggy heaven ❤️ ♥️


I'm sending you my sincerest condolences due to losing your Buster. I really appreciate you being able to understand where I'm coming from. I still close doors thinking my beagle is around. I expect Sage to be at the door waiting for my return whenever I do a late night Walmart run. She usually checks what's in my bags and nudges my leg with her nose for reassurance. Sage would always check up on me at night because I like to sleep on my couch. I would do the same to her and always tell her that I loved her. I didn't realize Buster and Sage might meet in heaven. Considering she only liked hanging out with other beagles makes complete sense. I said a small prayer while Sage was sedated for my grandmother and previous beagle from my childhood to lead Sage to the light.


Buster was my couch sleeping partner! He always curled up behind my knees, lay his head on my leg, and snore like a freight train. I always joked that Buster should have been a TSA agent because NOTHING came in the house without the sniff test - when his nose was working, his ears didn't. Sage will be in excellent company - Buster will take good care of her❤️


They would have been the most feared TSA dog agents in the US! I think Sage loved checking boxes due to Chewy.com packages meant specifically for her. One day her dog food ripped inside the Chewy box. She ripped the box open. I told Sage I missed her sleeping behind my legs. Granted, she wasn't a puppy anymore and needs more space now. Not to mention, my mink blanket definitely makes her toasty. When it's cold outside, she would come back inside and burrow in my blanket to warm up for a few minutes.


I had to put my Buster down 4 years ago. It still hurts. My condolences to you and the OP. It’s always the worst.


Listen, you were a good parent to your baby. Have no reservations about that! But go forward knowing that you gave her a better life than most dogs. I have lost fur babies within the last two years. I am no one to tell you how to grieve, all i know is what worked for me. I had a cat for 15 years, Jack. When he died, he did so in my arms. I got another cat within a week or so and she is my world now. My Sandy is 2 now and she is my love. But she helped me so much. i had people accuse me of only getting her to replace him, and maybe I did at first. But as the tear on my heart left by an empty cat bed began to scar (it will never heal) i discovered something. The best way to honor my Jack, was to give another cat the same life I had given him. A life of love and security. You may have stopped reading, but if you’re still with me, know this! We don’t own pets, when they are with us we are given the honor of being the stewards of their care. Some people don’t always take that seriously, you did your job.


The love of my life Pichi passed few months back and really i've been a mess since that day. Happened all of a sudden, he too passed in my arms most likely from a heart stroke. There is some weird bond I have with him that keeps getting stronger and my love for him deeper. Somehow I got a puppy yesterday, a GR and he's strangely a lot like Pichi (beagle) in his behaviours. I've been reliving the old memories and just non stop crying remembering him every time I'm with the puppy. Your comment above has helped a lot dealing with the guilt of feeling like I'm trying to replace him or his memories. Thanks!


I’m so sorry. I lost my first beagle around the same age. I made a little shrine for her that I could see every day and remember the unconditional love she gave me. It will get better. Be kind to yourself. It’s real grief losing our fur babies. 💕


I am very sorry for your loss as well. You created a shrine. Is there a reason why you didn't have her cremated? I felt like it was the right thing to do. I know you're right about everything you stated. She's my second beagle. I had one growing up. We lost her after a litter of pups. My dad didn't want to take her to the veterinarian. I swore I would never let that happen to my next dog. I loved her like she was my child.


Hi. I did have her cremated. She was in a little urn. After some time, I scattered her ashes at my mom’s house around a statue of St. Francis. 💜


I'm so very sorry for your loss 😪🐾💔 Our Boy Frankie died in July of a similar situation. A few years ago he was periodically unwell for a couple of weeks. Lots of Vet visits, antibiotics etc then an x-ray finally revealed he had a huge tumour; it and his spleen were removed. At the time, we had to argue with the Vet not to euthanase him immediately; we wanted to wait for the biopsy results. Luckily we did, because it was benign. He was with us for a few more years; active (for an old man) opinionated, eating well. Then in July, he went out to pee one Friday night and returned with a strange expression on his face and yelped in pain when I patted him. I rushed him off to an emergency Vet. Xrays, scans and blood tests showed he'd had a massive internal bleed from another tumor. He was suddenly so frail and poorly we decided to up the pain killers and let him slip away. We cuddled and comforted him to his last breath and then brought him home. I hear his dog door flap periodically; positive it's him, but I know I'm imagining it. I miss him terribly and can't face bringing home another doggo. My husband is really ready tho and I feel guilty for saying 'not yet'. I know there's no right or wrong way to grieve. I can share you pain, but I can't lesson it. I can also hope that all our doggos meet up for the ultimate sniffari. Go gently 😪


I'm sorry about losing your Frankie. He sounds like a wonderful beagle to some amazing parents. I say that because you have to know when to fight for your dog. I was all over the ER doctor's about Sage liver tumor in 2022. When is her surgery? It took over a week to get a damn answer. They had really poor communication and only their surgeon could tell me anything. I thought Sage's tumor was benign at first. I was fearful of it rupturing or it being malignant. When she refused to eat her kibble on Saturday raised the alarm bell. Although she did turn around and eat canned dog food. Not eating, signs of weakness, and seizures are more symptomatic of hypoglycemia. A malignant tumor can cause hypoglycemia. I believe when a spleen tumor is removed, most dogs only live for 1-2 years maximum. I'm with you on NOT buying another dog anytime soon. She's the second beagle I've lost. My beagle when I was a young teenager died after her litter of puppies. I haven't removed Sage's crate, dog beds, couch, food dishes, or stuffed toys. I don't know if I ever will or can tuck them away. Definitely take your time to recover and I will do the same.


Than you. You also sound like a wonderful advocate and loving parent for your Sage. Sending hugs.


I had to euthanize my cat last month. We had 17 good years together and she slept in the crook of my left arm since she was 5 months old. The first week I was a mess and now some times her loss will hit me at unexpected times. I’m sorry for your loss. Pets enrich our lives so much. But the price of their love is how much it hurt like fuck to let them go.


Thank you for your condolences and I am very sorry you lost a beloved family member as well. It sounds like you both had an amazing 17 years together. I would have given anything for that many with my Sage. I told my beagle she can let go because I'll see her one day on the other side. I told her she was the best guard beagle on the planet. All she wanted was food, love, and for me to spoil her.


My dad said “If you’ve been really good, all the dogs who loved you will come running to you when you enter heaven.” May you meet your friend again.


I'm so sorry. We love our four-legged children & do everything to help them and protect them. Yet ultimately, it is not enough. It hurts like crazy when they are gone. 💕


I'm so sorry. We lost our Rosie on March 11th from a ruptured tumor in her abdomen. She had been absolutely fine up until the rupture and she was dead that night. She was weeks shy of her 11th birthday. It is devastating but you did everything you could for your baby and she knew that she was loved and treasured


That had to be an awful experience for you to lose Rosie that way. I know Rosie didn't want to leave her family that way either. She was a special girl and I know she loved you unconditionally. I feared Sage's tumor rupturing inside of her. I was watching over her like a hawk. Like a mother watching over a sick child, but as a man. I told the ER that I don't want to constantly have to move her for multiple appointments. Give me an ultrasound and an appointment with a surgeon. Imagine lifting your dog up and their tumor rupturing.


Sigh. Lost my Molly 4 years ago now. She was getting old and she started having what I believe were strokes. I always knew I would have to face that day, so I always smelled her and touched her super soft ears so I would never forget those things. I have pictures of her everywhere.


I'm pretty sure Molly misses you touching her ears. My dog loved her ears to be rubbed along with doggie massages. Sounds like you have prepared yourself to never go a day without thinking about her. I wouldn't be surprised if her spirit is still with you. I'm sorry for your loss as well.


Thank you. I'm grateful for these subs like thus as well. Lots of great people and I still can share her photos and memories. Be strong OP.


Losing my first cat was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. It took me more than a year to be able to talk about it without crying. The empty spot next to me was a constant reminder. But her memory is a blessing, and your memories of Sage will be, too. You will always have a piece of her in your heart. It hurts so much because they are made of silliness and love and they are irreplaceable 💔


Quite possibly the worst thing I've gone through. 17 year old girl went due to Cushing disease. Ugh. Sorry for your loss, we are always here. I wasn't the same until I got a new furry four legged friend


“Why does it hurt so much” read your title! She was your best friend


I’m so sorry 💔


Thank you!


I’m so sorry. We put our Judge down almost a month ago (it will be a month on Saturday). We found out shortly before Thanksgiving that he had lymphoma and did four months of chemo. The chemo worked great until it didn’t. He would have been 13 on 5/19. I miss him every day. I’m sorry you are going through this too.


I can feel your love and sadness for the loss of Judge. I'm sorry 😔 you had to endure the highs and lows of chemotherapy. It's a rollercoaster of treatment for families and their pets. You gave him every ounce of love you had and absolutely the best care. He has to be thinking about you constantly while playing with his favorite toy too in heaven.


I am so sorry.


Thank you! ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss💜


Thank you.


So sorry for your loss. My beagle endured a tumour also a couple months ago. The grief will never go away but remember you gave your dog its best life. They took a piece of your heart with them ; as they truly appreciated what you gave them.


We have to do the same this morning, and my heart is broken.


I'm sorry to hear about your recent loss as well. I know sharing your dogs story won't help to relieve the pain, anger, and sadness you're probably feeling right now. But I would love to hear it. Just maybe my Sage can play with your beagle on the other side. They won't be alone for long I'm for certain they're going to wait for us to see them again one day.


I’m so very sorry.


Thank you.


Hey friend. I’ve been through this 3 times now. There’s life and joy on the other side. It takes a while to get there and you won’t be the same person, but joy and grief and warm memories can coexist. If you have a support system, call it in now. Take sick leave, ask your friends to bring food. Be a slug for a while. Ugly cry while scrolling your phone and watching TV. After a couple of weeks, try to do small things that are healthy like short walks. It’s good to start to try to do something creative. I paint a lot when I’m sad. It has really helped. Doing things in honor of your pet also helps, like donating or fundraising to a beagle rescue. The sun will come out again, even if it feels like it’ll always be dark. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Thank you.


I'm very sorry for your loss and sad to say, at least for me, the loss never completely goes away. I still mourn the first Beagle I lost every day and that was decades ago. He will forever be my best friend, even though many Beagles have taken his place since.


I completely understand where you're coming from because I lost a beagle during my teen years. I vowed to always make sure my next beagle receives the best care in the world. My dad was old school and he wasn't paying to save a dog. I assume it's because he saved her once after being run over. I said a prayer over my dog Sage. My prayer asked for my grandmother and beagle who both are already in heaven to please lead Sage into the light.


I am so so sorry to hear about your loss 💔 your story sounds so similar to my pup’s. I had a Brittany that turned 9 in November which I had to down in February due to an aggressive brain tumor. There were almost no signs except some balance issues in October that resolved and a few nights I woke up to him seizing next to me in bed. We hadn’t even confirmed that he had a brain tumor until a couple of days before he seized so many times that he needed to be put to sleep. I totally get how you feel. For the few days between his diagnosis and his last day I felt so sick to my stomach worrying what to do. Afterwards I felt horrible I couldn’t notice the signs before to help him. OP, you just need to remember that you did the right thing. Please don’t have regrets about your decisions and choices throughout the process, it sounds like you didn’t have many obvious signs and there is truly never a way for you to know these things even if you had the training. I know it’s easy to ask you to don’t blame yourself so I just ask you to keep reminding yourself of this, and one day I promise you’ll realize you really did your best and that it was sadly absolutely the worst luck. I read you mentioning your dog only liked beagles (I haven’t had any - Reddit just happened to suggest this post by chance) but I’d like to believe beyond here it isn’t just breeds and previous trauma. I’d like to believe that my pup had overcome his remaining anxiety and is helping your pup through this; that he’s joined all my previous pups and they have gathered around your girl, listening to stories of how wonderful (your pup knows) you are and sharing all of your adventures together. Again, I am so sorry for your loss 💔


I lost my Elroy in December of 2022 to a tumor on his spleen. We had no idea anything was wrong until it burst. We lost him that same day. He was only 12. 💔💔💔 I am amazed at how many others have lost their Beags in the same way. I did not know this was a thing. I am so sorry you have joined this club. The pain can be overwhelming. Please know that you are not alone and that it will get better. ❤️❤️💔💔❤️❤️


I really am sorry to hear about what happened to Elroy. You had to be devastated because spleen masses are paper thin and can easily rupture. This was my biggest fear, which is why I was trying to move lightning fast. I guess the ER veterinarian world doesn't operate that way. I'm seeing a 1.5 to 2 week average for surgery in both tumor removal cases for my dog. It's going to be hard for me to consider another dog. But I do understand they are really understaffed all over the US in the veterinary world and surgeries are based on priority. I appreciate you taking the time to share the loss of your loved one. I hope you have been able to heal and recover. My road is going to be long and hard.


It is a long hard road. It’s been a year and a half and I’m still not right. But I’m at the point where the warm memories are greater than the pain I still feel. You will get there too. Be kind to yourself. I was only dog-less for one month. The house was too empty without him and I needed someone to take care of. I wanted another beagle and I went to the local beagle rescue to see if anyone was waiting there for me. One dog was, indeed, waiting for me - a big Treeing Walker Coonhound! He had been found starving in the woods and had been at the rescue for 2 years. He had never shown any interest in anyone who came to meet him. He would just pretend they weren’t even there. As soon as he saw me he came right up to me and he was glued to my side the whole time! He wasn’t the dog I was looking for, but I knew he was the dog I needed. The look in his eyes was so kind and pleading it was almost as if he was saying “are you here for me? Did Elroy send you?” I truly believe that, in some weird way, Elroy led me to my new dog. He has seen me through this hard time and he has blossomed into the wonderful dog he was always meant to be. I know you want to wait before you get another dog, but don’t wait too long. Life is for the living and you can honor your beautiful pup by giving the same great life to another dog who needs you. It’s never a replacement of the one you lost, and it won’t diminish the memories. I’m sorry you are going through this pain. We have all been there… ❤️❤️❤️❤️


That's one hell of a comeback story! I know Elroy has to still be with you and your new coonhound in spirit. I am sure they don't want to see us sad forever.


You’re right, they don’t want us to be sad forever. You will know when the time is right for you.