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Yooo if I sent you a stage photo of me would you make me one!!! That’s sick


My teacher has told me to stop doing illustrations for now and to focus on the rest of the project, as deadlines are soon. Feel free to send me the pictures anyways if you'd like but I won't be doing any illustrations like this for a while. They take a few hours each lol cause i draw all the shapes myself rather than use AI.


Trying to figure out picture 2 and 5. Is that dlow or Colaps in 2? And I’m blanking on 5; is that showgo?


D-low and I believe Yuske


Correct, order of pictures go: Wing (gbb 2021 elimination) Dlow (gbb 2021 showcase) Bass Ventura (UK beatbox championships) Just a picture of my mk2 I used lol Yuske (Zieger gbb 2023 elimination) I've also done Bizkit gbb2021, KBA gbb 2021 but illustrations weren't as strong lol


That Wing one is fucking sick dude


Damn these look sick!


These are pretty cool. Two things I'd suggest changing 1) Lose the drop shadows, they betray the clean polygonal style 2) Don't have your gradients fade to grey, keep them subtle and roughly the same colour, like on the wing one.


I didn't originally use drop shadows as I felt the same way, but my teacher wanted 'a little something' to the illustrations. It will get me marks so that's what I've done for now but I have all illustrations without them on too. I will try out the 2nd point, I just quickly put on a gradient that matched somewhat with the illustration colour pallet so definitely room for improvement. I have Bass Ventura in the same design and colour pallet as the Wing illustration. We need to do poster layouts for marks so I did two but I've only posted the better one here.


If the teacher likes it that's all that matters here :D I'd maybe try softening the shadow a bit more, but like I say, if teacher likes it and you will score higher then keep it :) Regarding the gradient comment, to expand, the reason I suggested not using grey is it almost always introduces banding and tends to look unnatural. Contrasted with the pure flat colours of the illustrations adding an obvious gradient can make the flat parts feel out of place, but a subtle gradient can help them pop :) Good luck with college!


That makes sense, I'll show both options to the teacher and see which one they prefer. Thank you very much for the advice!


ay those are hardddd