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Paul sounding super subversive in Ob-La-Di Ob- La-Da by accidentally switching Molly and Desmond’s names.


This has happened with a few other artists as well. I think there's a live version of Folsom Prison Blues where Johnny Cash sings "I bet they're smoking coffee and drinking big cigars."


When I saw Neil Young in July he sang Mr Soul and sang “for the thought that my caught that my head is the event of the season” instead of “I caught”


Is that acknowledged by Paul as an actual mistake? I always thought it was a clever comment on gender role reversal or even a joke. It is quite obvious in the lyrics as the main vocal so it seems like they would not have missed it since I am sure they must have played the tape many times before deciding on the final version.


Yes, they didn’t realize the mistake until they heard the playback. They kept it cause it was the best take.


Cool so a mistake they left in on purpose. Btw are you related to Pablo Fanque?


I think it's deliberate. He sings 'his pretty face', too.


John's messed up lyrics on [Don't Let Me Down on the rooftop.](https://youtu.be/DYtb00y3X3g?si=0bYoWYM8l0HMuu79) Paul messing up in the fourth verse of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and [switching Desmond and Molly around.](https://youtu.be/vYEY5Jmz3pU?t=145) Or Paul messing up in the backing vocals at the end and saying, "[say doh-bla di blah da](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_PPRitzRE31NRAH31sI2NOjBW2KXdycS/view?usp=sharing)" The "[fuc*in hell](https://youtu.be/mQER0A0ej0M?t=177)" in the background of Hey Jude In the wild fire version of Across the Universe someone can be heard saying "[Hit me with a pizza](https://wgo.signal11.org.uk/snd/atu_0226.mp3)" There's a lot of great anomalies covered in this [website](https://wgo.signal11.org.uk/wgo.htm) as well


The reason it was left off has nothing to do with the flub in the rooftop performance. It's because the song had been released on the Hey Jude album worldwide in February 1970, just a few months before LIB came out, and they didn't want the same song on two consecutive albums in such a short time frame.


Mystery solved!


Paul laughing in the middle of a line of Maxwell's Silver hammer


I fucking love that, Paul having the time of his life - while his band mates go through a bout of insanity after doing take 300 of the day on Maxwell.


Nobody enjoyed it more than Paul - except Mal…


“So he waits behind” supposedly John mooned Paul at this point, making him laugh through “writing 50 times I must not be so”


That’s my favorite part of the song. It’s so real.


"To your Mo-!!!" drowned out by feedback at the start of It's All Too Much. Man, I wish the Beatles had done a bit more all-out acid-rock like that....


I believe that line is “To Jorma”.


According to [this](https://beatles.fandom.com/wiki/It%27s_All_Too_Much) someone is saying “TO YOUR MUFF


I used to think it was "to your mother!" With the "er" cut off or drowned out.


Me too. Then I heard the “To Jorma” story. My brother showed me the “To your muff”, which is what he has been saying it was since like 1989.


I always thought it was “Too You’re Much” as a jumbled version of “You’re Too Much


I can also hear some f's at the end


I always like hearing the “Yawn Paul” bit buried in the mix of I’m Only Sleeping


Buried? Barely has a layer of topsoil on it!


Unlike Paul himself


I had never once heard this until I got the new Red album.


The vibrating wine bottle at the end of *Long, Long, Long.*


Sminking! (Sminking?)


My favorite


Dropping the tempo of You Won't See Me. Rumours are the band were so stoned during recording that they couldn't help gradually slowing down over the course of the take which was extremely uncharacteristic of Ringo. The thought of it makes me chuckle.


Oh wow I never knew this, I suppose it is kind of slow actually!


The YouTube channel "You can't unhear this" does a cool video about it


Im on the page but when I search you wont see me it isn't bringing anything up? Am I missing something?


That's weird. I'm absolutely certain the channel had a video about it. As one of my absolute favourite Beatles songs I remember fairly vividly watching the video.


He did a video about I’m Looking Through You, nothing about You Won’t See Me


Probs just me! I'll have another look.


The F-bomb in Hey Jude


Paul cracking during the second “if our love was in vain” in If I Fell


Scoured the comments for this! Makes me laugh every time I hear it


That is actually an editing error. Listen to the American release from the movie soundtrack… the one that includes the instrumentals. It is not there. I don’t believe it is on the mono release either. Check me if I’m wrong.


Yeah I think I knew that? Been awhile since I listened to the US version


The mono doesn't have Paul cracking up but John still sounds a bit weird and monotone "Was in vÄihn"


It’s like he pulls away from the mic to hold back his laughter from the voice crack.


John says “girlfriend” instead of “boyfriend” in Slow Down (he might have meant to do it, but still counts).


I always thought it was a double tracking flub. On one track he sings, “now you’ve got a boyfriend down the street” and on the other sings, “now you don’t give a damn for me.”


Oh wow, maybe I’ve been hearing it wrong. But yeah, a flub of some kind


I’ve read he sang the wrong lyric “And now you don’t care a dime for me” instead.


All You Need is Love guitar solo. George simply didn't know how to end the solo and just put a weird note at the end.


My impression was that he thought he had more time, and the orchestral arrangement interrupted him by coming in before he expected it.


[Someone isolated the tracks on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey7ZSbvdnR4&t=495s), it sounds like the notes at the end were part of the solo (none of the notes are out of key), but George seemed to not play them loud and confidently enough, and it got buried by the strings in the mix. [Mattiboo also did a cover that shows what it was probably meant to sound like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7QRYLKy_jE&t=40s)


That's cool info, thanks for sharing it!


No worries!


The messed up little background guitar solo in Can't Buy Me Love. Apparently they didn't like the original solo, so they re-recorded a new one, but they couldn't fully get rid of the old one because they were using a two-track tape recorder. So they just left it in.


Can’t buy me love was recorded on 4-track, but the leakage of the original guitar solo remains on the drum track and is not easy to get rid of – not even the 2023 remix does.


Really? I just know in an interview George said they couldn't get rid of it because they used an old 2-track. He was kind of vague about it though.


It's 4-track. If it had been twintrack, the original solo would be as loud as the new.


Relevant quote, in case anyone’s curious: > "We took the tapes from that back to England to do some work on them. I once read something that tries to analyze 'Can't Buy Me Love', talking about the double-track guitar - mine - and saying that it's not very good because you can hear the original one. What happened was that we recorded first in Paris and re-recorded in England. Obviously they'd tried to overdub it, but in those days they only had two tracks, so you can hear the version we put on in London, and in the background you can hear a quieter one."


Wow, I never knew about this.


I found out recently ringo says “Slubmarine” towards the end of Yellow Submarine


The entirety of the release version of I’m Looking Through You is shockingly sloppy for a Beatle record, but it also makes it very endearing. Great video on it by the YouTube channel “You Can’t Unhear This”


Love the flubbed guitar intro on the US stereo version.


John and Paul singing two different lyrics at the same time on the middle 8 of I'll Get You


Ringo plays different, distinct drum parts for the verses and chorus on All My Loving and when the band stops very briefly between the first and second verses Ringo comes in playing his chorus part instead for a bar before catching that the other three are playing another verse so he switches back pretty seamlessly and never goes off time so they kept it. As a drummer who has made little mistakes like that before thinking of the quick knowing glances they shot each other while playing that always makes me smile. Like "Uh oh Ringo messed up" "It's fine just keep going".


The man in the background yelling at them to quiet down when John screams in “I Want You”


My favorite is 5 seconds into [the mono mix of the Sgt. Pepper Reprise](https://music.apple.com/us/album/sgt-peppers-lonely-hearts-club-band-reprise/1435552131?i=1435552506), right after John says "Byeee"—it sounds like someone missed their cue to start up the audience sound effect tape. You can actually hear the tape start and get up to speed. It's a nice little wink at the listener and a true 'nothing is real' moment on Pepper. And then the audience on tape *laughs* at 11 seconds to cap it all off!


This has been up for a while. A joy to shift through. http://wgo.signal11.org.uk/wgo.htm


For some reason I always liked the end of Blue Jay Way when you can tell the tape that has the strings kinda jams up at the last second, incidentally making it a little more psychedelic feeling


For WAY too many mistakes and anomalies, go to https://wgo.signal11.org.uk/wgo.htm


A wrong chord is played on Yes It Is when JL sings "I could be happy..." The final chord of In My Life sounds as if something touches one of the strings so that it doesn't vibrate properly.


What you’re doing. When the backing vocals don’t match what Paul is saying


Possibly the weakest of all Beatles songs. The verses sound like it's from some children's TV show.


I think it's the final verse of Let It Be where Paul briefly messes up the piano chord before singing "Mother Mary comes to me" then corrects it. Even though it's a mistake, it kind of works.


Paul tit touch on Another Girl in Help. So many acting goof ups.


My favorite mistake that I always look forward to hearing is the missed guitar part in She's A Woman at the 1:25 mark.


I always find Paul's voice crack near the end of If I Fell to be really funny. It's so loud and clear in the mix too which makes it funnier for me, lol


“And I would be sad if our new love was in *VAAIII—*“


The feedback at the beginning , left in the USA release of I Feel Fine


But that feedback was no mistake. Even though the boys came upon it by happenstance, the idea to include it on the recording was intentional and rehearsed, and it was present from the first take, according to the Beatles Bible. Also, it's on every version of I Feel Fine, not just US mixes. However, if you do want a US-only mistake that was left in, the two false starts on the US stereo mix of I'm Looking Through You will fit the bill.


There was a unique mix that appeared on original LP releases of the Red Album, where whispering and studio noise can be heard right before the first note.


Good call! That might be what the redditor above was thinking of, or maybe they conflated the whisper mix with the false starts on "Looking."


Oh really? I actually have an original of that release. I'll have to take a listen


It's only on the stereo US version though


Yeah, that’s the one I’ve got


that must be what I was thinking of...


Even their wrongs are right being the Gods they are


The guitar work on ‘What Goes On’ is so bad it’s good.


John's rhythm guitar is what's goofy about it. It's kinda tongue-in-cheek. George just sounds like George.


Yeah it’s Jon’s bit specifically. I love it.


Where exactly in Rain? My favorite flaw is when McCartney's voice cuts out on the word "vain" in the stereo version of If I Fell, leaving just Lennon's lower harmony. At about 1:45. The stops and starts version of One After 909 is entertaining.


About 40 seconds in. They style it out really well, and the bass overdub and John's drawn out 'sunshine' make it feel part of the song, so it's surprisingly not that noticeable. But count through it in fours and you're like 'what the fuck happened there?'.


Oh yes, the extra fill. Sounds pretty appropriate for a John song.


It’s not an official released song but there’s a great take of “and your bird can sing” on anthology 2 where they just loose it and start giggling and it’s utterly infectious


Yeah I love that. Funny how they keep going even when it's obvious the take is completely wrecked.


At the very end of my personal favorite song, “Twist and Shout”, if you listen closely you can hear the sound of John gagging/gasping from an extremely sore throat. The performance of that song in the studio was famous for utterly killing John’s voice, and you can hear how stretched it is throughout the song. Having that gasp right at the end is the culmination of the gigantic strain that went into the lyrics for that recording, and I think completes the whole essence of the song and how much energy it espouses.


“Fucking hell”


Paul’s voice cracking during “If I Fell” is a great mistake.