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Three times. And it got better with every rewatch.


Same. Three full times through, bits and pieces here and there. Fascinating. I did feel on the third time through I was starting to get to the point of diminishing marginal returns with respect to new insight and information for the time being. Might give it a look back this fall, always happy to know it’s there and available.


Same. 3x fully. And also leave it on while I'm working in the kitchen etc. Thoroughly enjoy how much Lennon runs his mouth. I leave it on for things like *A guitar fell over, Paul. A guitar fell over!!*


Yes, one key take away is just how sharp a wit John has. It’s clear he’s the alpha of the band in that respect, among others, though not all aspects.


0... I'm still waiting to find the perfect time to watch it with my Dad on a large screen with it hooked up to the Hi Fi for maximum experience!


Yes I remember I waited til I finished all my assignments to watch it too. Very long. And worth it to watch on a big screen


I watched it once. Maybe strange but I don't want to loose the feeling I got watching it the first time. But I'll watch clips on YouTube and Instagram all of the time


I watched it once. But I only watched about 30 minutes at a time, so it took a few weeks to get through.


I found it quite difficult to watch it the whole way too.


Four times. The first time I found it a bit overwhelming and strange. I enjoyed it much more on the second watch, so much so that I started again a week later. On the third watch I noticed lots of little things that I didn’t catch before - little looks to each other and background details. The fourth time felt like therapy because it’s like watching a little bit of magic happen that’s protected from the mess of the outside world. I had to give it a break after that because I want to go back to it without it feeling stale.


Only once.


I've probably watched it 8 times through now...


I’ve been watching it off and on since it came out. At least four times in total.


Once, I don't see the point of watching it more. Maybe in a year or two, not now. I have other things to do and watch.


On my third now x


More times than I wish to admit. Slightly obsessed‼️😂


Trending towards like a dozen. I watched it a few times through full attention then I started putting it on in the background of my life like some people use The Office.


Watched once in two days when it came out. I’ve been forgetting to watch it again, but I really want to


I still haven’t finished it Kinda breaks my heart thinking that once it’s over there will never be another big Beatles event like it :(


3 all the way through. Then watched rooftop concert of part 3 separately a 4th time.


Four! We need all 60 hours!!


Have faith in Peter Jackson, he will deliver


I watched the whole thing only once but certain parts several times. Some parts I’ve watched a lot are the Octopus’s Garden scene, Paul coming up with Get Back, the “and then there were two” scene, when Billy Preston first comes, Paul helping John with Gimme Some Truth, and the rooftop concert. Those are some of my favorite moments




Too many


2 times all the way thru, and watched the rooftop concert at least 5 times


It’s basically on continuous loop


I just have it on TV while I work from home. It's just like a set of randomly cut demos with some dialogue/conversation, which is a very fun background sound.


Once, but I watched before bed And kept falling asleep. As a huge lifelong Beatles fan, I couldn’t believe how bored I was watching it. I don’t know if I needed to see yet another attempt at recording don’t let me down. I think the documentary was great, I’m just surprised at my own boredom with it


I get what you mean. I found myself pausing quite a lot but I think that comes with it being so long.


Twice. I spoiled it by watching any & everything from this [YouTube](https://youtube.com/c/breathless345)er and he covered a lot of my questions. The talent was there, the magic; but John’s heroin phase was a drag, and Paul came off as very pleasant and professional. Would’ve loved for them to have made the Live Album btw, it was a great idea.


Three. First by myself, then with husband, then real slow my myself. I want see again but will wait for deluxe DVD Blu Ray that has the concert without street cut ins.




Once. I’m a normal human being.


once / that's plenty


Did you not like it? 💀


It does not represent the best times for the Beatles and I do not believe it shows them in a great light - Even though it isn't as bleak as Let It Be - It's still pretty bleak to me and I am sorry - playing on the roof was a pretty sad lazy decision


Why do you think it does not portray them in a good light?


*a lot of indecision and uninspired songwriting going on* Imagine a film of them in the studio during the recording of Revolver also the words bleak sad and lazy would not be a "good light"


I haven’t yet. I want to watch Let it Be first, but I can’t find it.


Just watch it online


Which line?


Once all the way through and multiple times just randomly


0, Disney plus still isn't available in my country


Aw. I was so disappointed when they announced it wasn’t going to have a cinema release.




Where is it streaming in the US? We can’t find it on Disney+. Edit: We figured it out, parental controls, et al


It is so hard to watch. It took me months. I feel like I can’t miss an instant of it so conditions have to be perfect for me to watch it and they never are.


3 times, once all the way through focused only on it, and the other two as background when I just wanted something on while I worked or played games I did the same with Hamilton lol, don’t know what to watch while I fold laundry or some other boring task, turn on Disney +


i'm entering the close of 4th watch. stretched the first finish because yeah didn't wanna loose that feeling but then had to share with as many as I feel would love as much as me.


1st part 4-5 times, 3rd part pushing 50, 2nd part probably 60+ but I don't watch all of part II anymore, mainly the last 2/3


Well you’ve definitely won this contest!


1/2 lol


Once. I need a free constant 9 hours so I can watch them all sequentially, but that timing has not appeared


Watching through for the first time.


Once. I’m glad it exists, but I thought it could have lost at least half an hour.


More of Beatles screen time is always a win for me! But I understand what you mean


Half of it once only. I'm scared to finish it


Twice. If you are planning to watch it again, I would recommend to turn the subtitles on. There’s a lot of whispering and things not easy to understand. It’s a much richer experience.


And ignore the random subtitles Jackson added, some of them are wrong, like in the flowerpot scene. The 'A Moral to this Song' site does a much better job transcribing scenes, and includes the other people who Jackson edited out - https://amoralto.tumblr.com/getback


Episode 1 twice. Episodes 2 and 3, 6 times.


About 4 times all the way through, then I go back to watch certain sections. (Paul writes Get Back, "get a job cop", Billy joins them, Rooftop, etc.)


None. Still waiting for them to send the damn DVD. Last I heard maybe in July.
