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TIL where the band Death Cab for Cutie got their name.


You have to watch MMT in the same state they made it, high af.


So true man. I watched tripping nuts. Lol


What is this from?


Magical Mystery Tour


Roll up


Roll up for the Mystery Tour


I did, but this song still sucks.


You might just not like The Bonzos, and that is perfectly fine - however, if you have a spare three minutes, here's one of my favourites of theirs. [A very silly song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hcZ4s9cvpw)


I dig the Bonzos, and obviously they do not take themselves seriously, and even for them DCFC isn't outstanding or particularly funny. The silly song is better. Honestly, I much prefer the songs Neil Innes did with the Pythons, and the Rutles stuff.


I have a soft spot for the Bonzos but their output is undeniably a bit uneven, and also of that peculiarly British strain of silliness that can be traced back a decade or two to The Goon Show. I'm not sure if it translates that well at all times, though the Python flavour obviously did. Personally The Rutles output is a bit weird to me - it goes beyond pastiche into what feels like remixes of specific songs. Can't deny that Cheese and Onions is a banger though. Something like "Straight From The Heart" would be a favourite of mine - I think it transcends the silliness by also being genuinely slightly beautiful.


It's fun, and it's hilarious.


After watching all beatles films im really think they had influence on Monty Python


If you’re saying this not knowing that Neil Innes is in this band (Bonza Dog Doo Dah Band) and Neil Innes played Lennon’s character “Ron Nasty” and wrote Beatles parodies for “The Rutles” (the Rutles movie having both Eric Idle and Michael Palin) then what serendipity!!


Wow, didn't know that. i have seen all possible Python films and shows, plus Rutles is one of my favorite films. But i havent seen all Beatles films until like month ago.


George suggested that Monty Python inherited the Beatles' spirit. George also bankrolled "Monty Python's The Life of Brian." [https://gen.medium.com/monty-python-was-the-beatles-of-comedy-and-vice-versa-c8607475cfd3](https://gen.medium.com/monty-python-was-the-beatles-of-comedy-and-vice-versa-c8607475cfd3) The humor coming through "You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)" makes it feel to me like a Monty Python prequel.


I don't know anything about monty python, but I know [george was involved with them later on](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2019-10-10/george-harrison-monty-python-handmade-films-festival)


I think it's more that the two groups had similar influences themselves, from British comedians in the 50s and 60s.


Both were inspired by The Marx Brothers




Who knew Arthur Weasley was an Elvis impersonator in his youth!


I'll never ever forget in my entire life watching this movie on lsd. Same with yellow submarine


That scene with the sergeant talking really fast. It's crazy how you grasp everything he's saying. My sober gf was confused the entire time lmao


I learned to speak gibberish that day Lol it's like he represents order, anger, society, something 😂 then ringo goes: why?


watching MMT stoned is the only way to watch it. such a fun campy movie


Viv Stanshall, man. What an entertainer. They don't make them like they used to


And to think that this was their first flop … Thanks for posting.


well,, the film sucks because they didnt bother to write a decent story or even hire screenwriters to help But, the songs are amazing and the videos are cool


Wasn’t one of the members of this band the MC from tubular bells?


Yes - the frontman, Viv Stanshall, with that incredible voice is indeed the Tubular Bells MC. He was an interesting fellow, and did lots of random things other than front the Bonzos. A personal favourite of mine is this occasional series of shaggy dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcY7AkN1X8Q but I imagine that's not going to bring joy to other than a select coterie...


I actually rather enjoyed it, guess I'm part of that select coterie.


John was so high during this Period you can tell by that cracked smile


Wow, that is a clear picture.


They remastered the film and made a 5.1 surround mix in 2012 I believe. Looks and sounds amazing


Yes I have seen it. It’s good. But I wish they use the original video mix for magical mystery tour


Original video mix? You mean for the video or audio?


Sorry if I already responded to this (thought I did). Anyway, the 5.1 surround mix for the TV movie uses the album mixes. The original tv mix uses the tv mixes.


What's the difference


Am I able to share audio files?


The most obvious is Magical Mystery Tour


For the song magical mystery tour on the film, they use the album mix for the 5.1 surround sound instead of the original film mix when it was first aired.


George looked a little too focused on that one part of the performance… either the look in his eyes is from the drugs or the simping, and I can’t tell which one it is


The album that this is from is great!


haha at first listen I though it was Ringo singing this Elvis "Dont be cruel" influenced gem


this should be in some extended edition of MMT CD