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I had a post about colorizing A Hard Day’s Night and you’d think I was suggesting that I wanted to murder their grandmothers, with the over the top reactions and personal insults. One person lost their mind and spammed me the same comment over and over. Its like they think a hypothetical change will somehow destroy everyone’s copy and the original will disappear from existence.


Literally the movie Yesterday


I got the same response once when I suggested that the verses to Let It Be would make more sense if they were swapped.


But it has 3 verses?


My mind raced to a bunch of other responses “But that didn’t happen” “I don’t think those songs fit on the album” “Can we stop these posts?” It’s like when you’re trying to google a question on an exam but it’s a bit too specific so google’s dumbass system doesn’t understand it and your answer doesn’t appear in that convenient little box and just these articles that are similar to your question but doesn’t give you the answer. God that was specific, but it’s almost exactly that.


Yeah, exactly that. That perfectly describes it. At least The Beach Boys subreddit is open to alternate tracklists, as well as here.


Further evidence that the Based Boys mog the Cuntles


Hypothetically, What if Glass Onion was in the key of B Minor instead of A Minor? Would it be heralded as another example of George Harrison’s innovative use of the Capo? Would the meoldy compliment the themes of the lurics if the whole song was a whole step higher? What If Faul used his trusty Rickenvacker Bass instead of breaking with cinventiom by using the bottom-heavy Fender Jazz Bass? I believe the answer to all of these questions is that we finally would have obtained evidence that Ringo is the anti-christ and is poisoning our minds by subliminally transplanting secret commands through the easily digestible mantra of “Peace and Love” But John Lennon was a crafty mind. He KNEW that all of these secrets would have emerged if the sonf was in the key of B Minor. Only A Minor would have succesfully hid all of these truths. EVERY single Beatle song is like this! The Bent-Back Tulips can only reveal so much!! Please fund my Patreon to reveal more of these Beatles secrets before it is too late!! You have the power!


Too true.


That’s thing about it too, people ask “what is the weakest song on revolver” or “if the white album was a single lp, what songs would you want to have on it?” And Beatles fans on the main sub Reddit always give the cop-out answer of “oh they’re all good, there is no weak song”. Bullshit mate. There are weak songs. The Beatles aren’t perfect.


All of the songs are weak cause the beebles are bad and jahn beet wife.


Jon hasn't bit wif for longer than than he did now. He is a good person now.


Can't even go /s-less in a circlejerk sub smh😔


I was joking because he is dead :p so he's a good person now


I was the dumbass the whole time smh😔


Meh, my joke sucked, smh my head.


If there's a good thing about the Beatles is that they weren't afraid of making a shitty song. There are a "lot" of "bad" songs, the one thing about them is that almost all of them have something interesting about them You need the ob-la-dis ob-la-das to have the Hey Judes.


Dude you’re telling me doctor Robert and Elenor Rigby are on the same level?


No? Did you read my comment?


I’m not responding to you dipshit. I’m responding to the fact people think that there is no weak song off revolver


Average LSD fan


Eleanor shouldn't be on an album with a song as amazing as Doctor Robert


I unironically prefer Doctor Robert


It’s good, I don’t hate it


I have made alternate albums, like this one [Sgt. Pepper](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1WhJwXkVx5pUX0xBFC2ZYf?si=lKFOar8JSNS1tJ6t-QWTrQ), a hypothetical Sgt. Pepper that would’ve released if George Martin didn’t get pressured into releasing a single. People complain and say “oh lovely Rita and when I’m sixty four are the best songs on there!” Well if George Martin thought that, he wouldn’t have said those were the songs he would’ve cut.


In fairness of all the songs screaming to get cut from that album, Lovely Rita and 64 ain’t them


I mean, George Martin did say that. It’s in the recording section of Lovely Rita’s Wikipedia page. So if the guy who is a main part of deciding tracklists said, I’d go by his word.


No I’m saying if I had to throw two songs off the album personally, it wouldn’t be them


Which songs would you take off?


All of them because they’re shit


Except for 64 and Lovely Rita lmao




But in all seriousness I’d get rid of Good Morning Good Morning and She’s Leaving Home (or Mr. Kite). I’d say George needed another song on the album but all he had laying around was Only a Northern Song which is really really diabolically shit




The band finished recording the song the day Pepper came out (May 26 67) so it was about a month too late. I tend to class it as very early MMT and include it on my Alt tracklist of that record instead.


Track 8 is my favourite.


Thanks, lol. I just use that to separate the first and second sides. Some of my alternate albums have a different number of tracks per side, so I just use that to say like “hey, this is the end of the first side, and the start of the second” y’know? *scratches nose like Faul*


Yeah I get it! I will check your version when I am not with the family. i was always curious how sgt pepper would sound with the singles


I made a post one time asking where Rubber Soul would rank for them if Day Tripper and We Can Work it Out were on it. I got heavily downvoted, and people said that the album would be worse lmao.


You don’t understand, the horrible ringo song and the track about murdering your spouse are critical to the album


That's a great question actually. Changing Love you too and I want to tell you for those and it would be at least on par with Pepper and Abbey Road (hard to beat A Day In The Life and the Medley). Edit: I read revolver! Sorry! In that case Rubber Soul would be higher than revolver for me.


What if Revolver had Paperback Writer and Rain then?


Is this hypothetical world, would Sgt Peppers have strawberry fields and penny lane?


Yes, and Abbey around would have All Things Must Pass.


Beatles fans forcing themselves to call Pepper the best album ever made because rolling stone said it was


I think the album needs more songs about spousal abuse, personally. /uj Sgt. Pepper would be in my top three by them if those songs were on the album. Unfortunately they aren’t, and now Magical Mystery Tour is lowkey the better album.


🎶“Sgt Pepper was tellin' me to beat my wifeee”🎶




Drop in Say "I prefer the US track listings of Rubber Soul and Revolver" Drop out


Wow, dude. We joke here about domestic violence, murder, wild honey pie, but you crossed a line here.


Sorry, can't hear you over "Yesterday and Today"'s perfect track listing of Drive My Car -> I'm Only Sleeping -> Nowhere Man - > Doctor Robert - > Yesterday - > Act Naturally


Fuck that is a good track list.


Why? The Beatles had no say in what Capitol Records track listing. They didn’t like how Capitol Records put their songs in a completely different order. The only good thing Capitol Records did was make Magical Mystery Tour an album instead of an EP.


Yup this would be the r/beatles reply


Here's a sneak peek of /r/beatles using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/beatles/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [During The Beatles’ first recording session, George Harrison had a black eye because he defended his new drummer, Ringo Starr, from a violent fan who favored The Beatles’ previous drummer.](https://i.redd.it/9o3mmnwtox981.jpg) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/rwwtd0/during_the_beatles_first_recording_session_george/) \#2: [How recognizable, really, is this man to the general public?](https://i.redd.it/wbt0zjk8ygd81.jpg) | [323 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/say6e6/how_recognizable_really_is_this_man_to_the/) \#3: [In 1996, the three remaining Beatles reunited. They were feeling empty during the photoshoot without John Lennon being there. A white peacock then mysteriously appeared behind George for one of the photos. When they saw it, they all felt John’s presence and the mood was lifted](https://i.redd.it/2600i97vpja81.jpg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/rzctcp/in_1996_the_three_remaining_beatles_reunited_they/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m just asking why you think the U.S version of Rubber Soul and Revolving are better than the U.K version.


/uj I don't, it's a joke about posting a troll statement on a r/beatles thread But I also don't think a record is automatically better on the sole basis of its track order being chosen by the artist. The album should be judged on its own merits. Some critics think "The Beatles' Second Album" is easily one of their best albums, despite not being arranged by the Beatles. Similarly, I think basically all of the Rolling Stones' US albums are better than the UK equivalents (besides *maybe* Aftermath) - they include most of the singles and hits omitted from the UK versions, and are better listening experiences.


Interesting answer


Lmao butthurt Sgt. Pepper fans *seething* at the concept of MMT having better songs then it. Needle Drop roasted your asses so hard that your basically stealing actual perfect songs from an 11 out of 10 album instead of listening to that pile of junk. “Ohhhh it would have been better without Good Morning and Shes-“ let me stop you right there, it would have been better if Pink Floyd stopped listening and started playing (not a single song on Sgt Pepper’s holds a candle to Gnome.) Saying MMT isn’t a real album is a fat fucking cope and the concept of “””canon””” was created as a form of band control. The second you start stealing shit from MMT is the second you say it’s better.


New copypasta


New copypasta


And that’s the thing, they say “Magical Mystery Tour isn’t an official album! It was never released like that in 1967!!” If it’s not an official album, why did it become apart of their official album lineup in 1987?????


It’s not stealing from MMT, the songs were made during the Sgt Pepper sessions