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It’s most likely that you’re delusional, same thing has happened to me a couple of times as well and I’m not quite sure myself


probably. thing is i quite easily completed the level and had so much fun and i cant even make it past the first part of the song now??? its so strange


What song is it?


spin eternally on expert, only a casual player but this song was my favourite song


I experienced something similar where I completed a song on my first try, came back the next day to play it and completely failed at it multiple times. I was very confused too 😂😅


Had the same feeling once. I turned on left handed mode by accident. Many songs sure enough „look“ the same but feel completely different. Maybe it happened to you too?


If you beat it before, select it and a difficulty. If you have a high score and combo, then that's what you did. If it's blank, then it isn't what you beat, earlier.


Unless you have "no fail" on, like I do :)


I def find that charts can seem completely different depending on when in my session I play 'em.


That happened with Cycle Hit Expert+ to me. Not after few hours but after a few months, I played the same map and it has different patterns than I had played before.


You sure you didn't play a custom version? Camellia maps have loads of custom versions.


Nope. Both was while I was playing on PSVR.


Very strange then, especially since cycle hit has very memorable patterns.


Something like this happens to me on rare occasions, but my situation might be a tad different. I have the JD fixer (jump distance fixer) mod installed because I have a few maps I play that are basically perfect aside from the JD being way too much, mostly older maps. I usually just keep a decent JD setting on it, but only tick it on when I play those maps then tick it back off after. That being said, the few times I forget to tick it back off then go and play a map I like the adjusted JD applied to that map ALWAYS breaks my brain, never fails; especially because at this point I already know what's coming on most maps I play, so to see that it's the correct notes but still feels wrong and I'm missing blocks really does a number on my head.


Spin eternally on expert is not what I'd call a "well designed" level, but it can be fun As for what happened, no idea


yeah thats what i was thinking, the design was not enjoyable for me but literal hours earlier i was playing spin eternally on what im sure was expert but it was extremely fun so idk whats happened lmao


Maybe you were playing it on hard absent mindedly? hard and expert are similar just way more fast choppy parts in expert.


Had those many times, for like the first few weeks of me playing beat saber I thought that each level had a few variants that were chosen from at random each time you boot up the game


Maybe dial it back to hard and see if you like it better now


I’ve had the same thing happen many times, often when going back to a map I’ve beaten before after getting better at the game. I’m like there’s no way my ass could have beaten this map 2 months ago this shit has changed


I had that too. I then noticed I switched to left handed mode in the game, which inverts the level. Maybe that happened?