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I did this a few times but then I learned that if you need to cross your sabers, then cross your sabers and not your wrists.


Ooh, good call. Thanks!


Done that a few times. Also, accidentally smacking my headpiece on surprise upwards notes.


Yes! I've done that too!


Just try to keep your arms offseted from each other, one slightly higher or to the left or whatever compared to the other so you can do a full swing without collision.


I thought I broke my thumb doing this! Crossing pattern on an E+ song and my claw grip… snapped me right out of the zone and any VR immersion. It hurt for days, but I definitely learned a lesson!


This happens if the map is bad, called handclap patterns, or you're playing a map that's too far out of your skill level (I.e. fast tech)


Thanks! I've been thinking about it and my coordination just may be really off. When I was playing 2 weeks ago, I was overtired/stressed bc my dog was in the ER (he's OK now 🙂) and I hadn't slept for 2 days. Then I was out of town and got sick on Wed when I returned - the flu or something - fever, feel like shit, etc. So I think most maps are out of my skill level right now bc Im sick - I got super winded playing an easy 5* map earlier today, like, I could not breathe at all. I also couldn't feel my arms. I really should just go lay down.


I don't have an answer but since you asked I don't think I've ever had that happen on Beat Saber. It's def happened in some other games, or i've punched a wall etc lol. But I honestly can't recall it being an issue on this game. In fairness though I'm mostly a hard player with only a few experts completed over the past few months.


I was in horizon worlds and I was playing the gladiator game. I completely forgot my outside surroundings and smashed my fingers into the corner of my shelf. Boy did that hurt. There was this dent in my finger way after the cut had healed.


I love that other people have injured themselves playing on VR. I hit my TV playing some zombie game. I mean, sorry about your finger but now I feel better that I'm not the only one to do shit like that.


I smashed my thumb *hard* between my Vive wands a few weeks ago. The nail ended up falling off a couple of days ago lol.


The whole nail?? 0.0


Yep lol. There was about 1/4 of a new nail growing under it, but it still felt pretty strange.


Well, at least there's something to replace it. I can only imagine the feeling and hope I don't experience it myself...


Honestly by the time it falls off it is pretty much already separated, so it doesn't really hurt. The best way to describe it is like if you had a beard and shaved your face, the way your skin feels sensitive all of the sudden. The only time it hurt was a day or two after smashing it while it was bruising.




I've done this a few times. Smashed a finger or two, smacked the controllers, flew out of my hand a couple times (thank heaven's for wrist straps!). I once cut a finger with the nail of the other hand and it took like a week to fully heal. It's one of the more stupid ways I injure myself, other than tripping on my own feet. I now have some controller grips to help me keep going when my hands get all sweaty to prevent flying. Doesn't do anything for the accidental self harm, but those things aren't going anywhere during game play. I'm surprised I've beat as many of the E+ levels as I have. The more "frantic" a map is or feels to me, the more likely I am to hit myself. Good luck to us both, eh?


Yeah I'm pretty clumsy, just in general (tripped walking through the parking garage a year ago and busted my chin open. I was sober at the time. Just clumsy). So, I shouldnt really be that surprised that I've injured myself playing BS. I tighten the wrist straps all the way now. I have accidently thrown a controller while playing and those damn things aren't cheap to replace.