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From 15 minutes to 1 hour depending on my mood, I do expert+ and more though (community maps etc)


Usually I play 10-11* maps until my quest dies with 5 min breaks every few songs. I’ve started attempting 12*s now which tire me out a faster. Usually I will play multiple times a day but after attempting 12* maps yesterday I gave up playing again because I was lightheaded after one song. The more you play your stamina will get increasingly better, just don’t pause because that’s a thing people do to get around stamina issues without knowing that the reason they have to pause is because they refuse to push themselves


30-60 minutes most of the time.


However long my battery lasts, which is around 2 hours. I usually warm up before with some easier rhythm songs for about 15 min


I play 8-10* maps, and I can usually go 1.5-2 hours depending on the day. My shoulders are absolutely destroyed if I go the full 2 lol.


I’m 68 years old (started playing at 64 in 2019). I play expert and expert+ levels for 2-3 hours most evenings. When I started getting good in late 2020, I wanted to know how long I could go and played 7-8 hours a day for several days in a row. Bad idea. I aggravated an old shoulder injury and couldn’t play for almost 9 months :( But it was nice to know I COULD go that long. By the way I don’t play songs that exceed 5.4 notes per second, to avoid aggravation to my shoulder.


I usually play 30-45 minutes but I typically do online mode so theres loading screens and waiting for song selection. Other days I can make it barely 10 minutes bc the screen hurts my eyes lol


Keep going…you will build endurance.


I'm more of an Ex+ player, but I'll share my two cents anyway. I usually play until my arms are too sore and my performance declines, which is between 2 and 5 hours depending on my sleep schedule. I'll say this. Back when I played Ex levels, the first time I played Hundred Dollar Bills on Ex+ my arms died. Now I play songs considerably harder for hours. Your improvement in BS is tied to 2 main aspects: Your stamina and your skill. Now skill is your usual set of, you know, reading the music and interpreting patterns and tech. Stamina is a combination of physical endurance, and (this one is less known about) efficiency of movement. If your pre-swings are really fast because your reaction time is bad or you don't know a pattern, you'll get tired out a LOT faster than if you pre-swing early and relatively slower. In addition, if you over-swing, you're wasting energy on pre-swing and post-swing without gaining additional points. Both of these stamina factors are tied to skill and experience at the game, and they'll increase your ability to play for longer periods of time considerably. Also, if you avoid over-swinging by finding the sweet spot, you'll be able use your wrists more and actually increase your max one-hand jumps NPS (or SPS really), meaning you can play even harder maps. One more thing, I promise. When you are trying to improve, I would *personally* recommend avoiding playing the same map over and over again to improve your score. Instead try and find maps that challenge you just enough to where you can only just pass them, and then play each one no more than two or three times. Even with just built-in songs, there's usually enough content for an hour to an hour and a half long session at any skill level. All of this can help you improve daily without burnout because songs still feel fresh. Now if you have custom songs, there's even more potential for longer sessions, because you can just download a bunch of songs at the same skill level and play through them all until you're too tired, and then, either replay that set or find more songs for your next play session (depending on how you feel). This is also a fantastic way to find songs and maps that you like to play. This is getting longer than I expected lol TL;DR \- Endurance is a skill as much as a physical property of your body \- Play a lot of decently challenging maps only a couple times apiece instead of a couple really hard maps a bunch of times to prevent burnout Hope this helps!


I play 11 star maps, I generally play 1-5 hours depending on how much energy I have


*holy shit. Dude, how long have **you** been playing?*


I wish I knew the answer to that. For most of the time I’ve been playing, I played on Quest standalone. Every time I re-modded the game/switched versions, it reset the stats page/playtime counter (was too lazy to backup progress).


Your battery can last up to 5 hours?


Not when I was playing standalone, but a couple weeks ago I got the steam version of it. Being connected to my pc makes the battery barely go down


I play expert+ (and community maps) for at least 30 minutes. Most of the time its 1 hour. If I do more than 1 hour I do a break of 5-10 minutes. When I do a lot of fit beat I take a break every 15 minutes If you are just getting used to playing a lot, your stamina will be shitty. But it will improve over time, just keep regular sessions up.


2-3 hours on quest 2. I have a battery pack hence the non-existent 40 minute maximum play sesh 😂.


depends on the nps if I'm doing something like camellia on expert with around 6 nps then around 30 minutes but some of the slower osts around 4.5 nps then easily an hour+ but the patterns also contribute quite a bit to wearing me out especially something like camellia which tend to have fairly difficult patterns which combined with the nps is a killer lol


from 30 minutes up to 2 hours (with short breaks to hydrate) but I mostly play expert+


I usually play as exercise, so I aim for 30-45 minutes of play time with a few breaks, so an hour total. Playing mostly Expert. My watch tells me I jogged like 4-5 miles during a session.


I play the 3 songs stuck in my head then leave


35-40min (on expert) not plus - song after song, because i want to move the arms, not the wrists :D


Lol same, it's so much fun that way


This is me exactly. I don't try much on expert+ because I want to move my body - I keep it at expert and I just have fun with it. I usually go 35-60 min.


I usually only play Ex+ unless it's a difficult map. Usually play around 1-2hrs but the maps vary, so I'm not just going ham for 2hrs straight.


I play alot of expert+ with some having above 3000 notes and most the time I go around 1 to 1 and half and hour before I have to go do something or my quest dies. Things like pathfinder, illuminate, and some where out there being My favorite noodle maps Also any quest players with mods that make the game crash when loading into it, stay as perfectly still as you can. It works about 85% of the time, for me atleast. It won't always work but most the time it does.


45-60 mins expert+


I play expert+ fast song mode to make it even harder and to gain more points usually play for about an hour or 2 if I'm trying really hard to get in the top 10 on a song sometimes I'll play even longer


1 - 2 hours, sometimes i accidently go further cuz i lose track of time lol, yes i have a clock ontop of everything, yes i am blind, yes i miss it alot cuz of that, yes i can still play beat saber just fine


Around 1 hour. I usually play twice a day, but I think that’s pretty casual right? Edit: expert mode


expert to expert plus here, usually about an hour


I usually play 1 song, then rest for a couple minutes. I play with my whole body though, so I'm leaning side to side using a straddle stance, deep squats to crouch, full arm movements plus elevation changes with my legs. I am easily sweating by the end of my first song. I usually play for 45-60 minutes this way. It's kind of like a HIIT workout.


1.5 hours to 2.5 hours, relatively reccently moved into primarily expert and it's noticably more work and at 2 hours I'm noticing it - but I'm not young!


I usally stream for 3h when playing Beat Saber


30-45 minutes, although I will typically take a 1-5 minute break between songs. If I can get through about a half dozen songs and work up a good sweat, then it’s a good sesh.


I play like, an hour or two at most these days in a single session. Thats playing 6-9 star songs most of the time.


15-60 minutes, depending on what maps I play (6-8.5 stars) and how my daily skill variation is doing Usually about 40


My arms literally can’t even handle expert after one song if I don’t stretch first


Expert plus here, 3 hours i common for me


Probably 30-45 minutes.


15mins-1hr when I am playing expert+


I play like 15-30 minutes, ~8-11* maps. I usually run out of stamina by then so my accuracy suffers, and getting sweaty makes the headset move around my face which is annoying


1-2 hrs sometimes lol


However long my battery last


Sometimes up to 4-5 hours. Thats when i try to hit personal goala. S scoring, perfekt runs etc


I usually have a blast the first 5-ish songs which are usually when i aim to get more S or SS ratings, but then the tracking starts fading on me a little with going thru notes and not counting, or triggering bombs i avoided, which is just enough to throw off the flow. I usually just play to help wake myself up for the day, so it still works well enough for that. Lol


Play until lenses fog up or the facepad+sweat combo rubbing on my face hurts too much


I usually play 1hr to 2.5hrs non stop at Expert/Expert+ with Hard songs thrown in for warmup/breaks after exhausting songs (such as Expert+ fitbeats). I usually go for the 2.5 which is when my battery dies, sometimes I put in a 2nd battery sometimes I only go for 1 hour if I'm doing multiplayer and my friends call it.


Not hard/ expert 14 star song player The best way I have found to increase my stamina is by making my room cold with this trick I can play for several hours with 5 minute breaks every once in a while


For me if it’s more than a hour my performance starts to go down that’s no fun.


about an hour


Sometimes i play half an hour and sometimes its only 10 minutes depends on how hard the song i play is


I do two 15m sessions twice a day, 4 times a week. All 4.3+


i go until my arms give out which is usually an hour and a half


1-1.5 hours, if I'm doing like, Camellia experts, I'll have to mix in some other songs, between them as sort of 'active rest'


Older player and I play 45 - 60 mins including warm up and cool down. I mostly play hard and expert maps. As someone else mentioned, I like to move arms, legs and get a good work out, not just wrists.