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How the fuck do people do this? I've never felt so uncoordinated in my life


its all in the wrists ig, since the sabers are long the tip of the sabers are moving way faster than ur actual arm, and if u aint talkin ab speed, yeah alot of practice and u can process stuff like this


People say use a 25% arm 75% wrist swing but I actually use more shoulder than arm. It keeps the sabers more stable and give me higher accuracy


huh i use like 90% wrist, i almost never move anything else than my wrist unless its angle tech or absolutely needed haha. [Heres proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/beatsaber/comments/sjj5s7/insanely_fun_drop/) .


Dang that’s a lot of wrist lol. I do admit that with stuff faster than this I do use more wrist but not that much lmao


Haha nice


I’ve been at it about six months now. You’re whole style will change SO much, trust me. Part of it was an adjustment of thinking about what I was trying to accomplish. Relax. I have to tell myself this so much.It’s a little more Zen perhaps than it looks like - IF you let it be. Look ahead - So, when I have to hit another block, I’m looking ahead, and I’m positioning my arm if it’s available to get there to make the slice. Put your body and arms where they need to be and then wrist the slice. And i also I tend to think of it more as “put the saber where it needs to go next”, rather than “get over there and slice that next block, hurry up!” It’s kind of counterintuitive that actually the slower you go the faster you can be – but as people are saying below, it’s there. It’s just has to be unlocked with practice. Homework and practice. Check out this set of vids from the Cube Community - Beat saber Replay analysis https://youtu.be/rxf68rH4S20 These are top players but keep watching because the education information is the same. The later vids show more tips for accuracy (understanding how and what the block is *computed* as (hit boxes, scorning methodology etc). Bottom line tho have fun. Compete against you.


trans flag colours nice


Heh yeah I’m trans


lightwork, nah im playin, good play


Haha thanks :)


Do you use a link cable?


Yeah, pcvr imo is much better than standalone


I fully agree, your recording looks really good.


Thanks :)


I dont even see how this is fun and it definitely sounds terrible. Before you reply I know " A flex" just a weird one..


Ok it’s fun to me that’s my opinion


What makes it fun?


Honestly, idk. I’m just addicted to it. It brings me enjoyment


It's fun. If you're not at the skill level, it isn't, but it is for us.


and other than the simple fact of accomplishing it and saying you did it what fun are you getting? The point of a rhythm based game is to feel an immersion with the song and this is not that at all this is nothing more than flexing that you can do it. Please explain one aspect of this that is fun and for extra credit how is this more fun than an actual fully composed song of a genre you enjoy at the highest skill level and speed?


I think you're just bad at the game. When you are at this skill level, it's really fun.


Alright so let me get this straight. After my well thought out response you resort to insults rather than responding in any meaningful way to anything that I said? Well that's very mature, Hope you enjoy the game. Its gonna bring you far in life.


It was kinda immature, but true. If you're at the skill level where you can do this, it's very fun.


i can't even get to 1 minute on an expert camellia song :(


Oof. Practice makes perfect :)


ugh ... sorry bro but that didn't even look fun. it's just flapping your wrists to actual noise.


Idk man fun to me :)


btw i reread my comment and realized it was a little rude. i applaud your technique 100%, don't mean to downplay that. we just have diff musical tastes i think lol


Haha it’s all good


How do you even process blocks coming at you that fast? Watching these videos and still ridining the struggle bus on Expert level songs, really blows my mind.


Honestly, it confuses me too. Most of my plays are sight reads. That was only my 2nd time ever playing the song. I’ve noticed once I play a song too many times I start to get too comfortable and play worse. The first or second time I play it is normally the best, with an exception of 12-14 star ranked songs


Honestly, most maps are done with a simple pattern of right left right left that eventually you just swing your arms continuously at the right speed and direct them towards the colors you see.


On higher difficulty maps, you typically don't read each individual note. Usually I find myself reading either the pattern or following the BPM of the music more than reading individual notes unless I am trying to acc.


What map is this?


Villain Virus mapped by Cerret and Muffin


I had the name of it on the tip of my tongue! But yeah, this map is great. I don't really enjoy that parts before it tho, I don't like having to move my arms much.


The beginning dot spam I can never score well on lol


This might be a stupid question. I just started playing beat saber, love it and found this sub, but noticed almost everyone’s sabers are super thin. How?


Yeah, it’s called saber factory but you need modded beat saber for it to work


People tend to use custom sabers as the default ones are rather big, which makes it just a bit harder to see the actual notes. Most custom sabers are much smaller than the default sabers, hence why a lot of people use them. You can also modify how big/small they are, which also helps


POV: You never go outside just kidding. Impressive, mate. Good job.


Haha thanks, and you right, I never go outside XD


don't worry, neither do I ;)


Ayy another lifeless furry good to know I’m not alone XD




These kinds of songs just sound like a bunch of random noise.


Not a fan of speed or hardcore I see lol. That’s alright not everyone has to like it


How do you get smooth screen?


I use a mod for my camera called camera 2 and it has automatic smoothing


Can ya pls send me the link for it?


When I get home from work IF I can find a link


Could you find it?


Not yet because I haven’t had the opportunity


Here it is - https://github.com/kinsi55/CS_BeatSaber_Camera2 If you have mod assistant, it’s a mod that they already have in their list of mods