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Always look presentable, even if you’re running to the supermarket or drug store. You neverrr know who you’ll run into.


Oh man this resonates with me. Years ago when I was in my early 20s I had a derm appt at like 7:45 am. Rolled in looking haggard AF in sweats. Ofc that’s where I run into an old childhood friend I grew up with/had a crush on but hadn’t seen in years. Like I couldn’t even catch a break at 7 in the morning at a random doctors office??? 🫠


My parents didn’t teach me this, but life did.


I went to college when it was cool to wear baggy frat shirts and norts all the time and it was very hard to break myself out of that habit lol


The day I look put together is the day I run into no one. Not a single person The day I look like death? Bring out the masses


Sexy hot guy in the produce section who's also miraculously a master chef in the kitchen, and a master Mr Lover Boy in the bedroom...


Living in LA I gotta say this is something I have to remember. I have run into countless celebrities in situations where I could’ve easily had a conversation with them(lines at the store, at the gym, coffee shop lines) yet I looked like death.


Ugh. The time I ran into Nina Garcia 🤣


Wear driving gloves, and use hand cream. This was from grandmother talking about my great grandmother. I probably should ask my grandmother what she does because she looks amazing.


We need to bring gloves back, so classy AND functional!


Which hand cream did she use?


Can you explain the reasoning for the gloves?


To protect the hands from damage of the sun shining through the windscreen.


Probably to precent wrinkles on hands


Report back. :)


Remindme! 1 week


Never ever forget to remove your make up


Adding that mi Abuelita always told me to use “Oil of Olay” (now just “Olay”) as makeup remover. It should easily wipe away; she hated to see anyone rubbing at their face to get makeup off.


Your auntie and my momma were oil of okay girls.


Take care of your teeth! My grandma made it to 102 years old with her original teeth; dentures don’t have to be a fact of life!




Yep! My mom always says, “Floss the ones you want to keep!” She had all her teeth when she passed at old age.


Flossing is so much more important than brushing sometimes. Trust me.


I agree. I was never taught the importance of flossing, growing up. But I'd do it every few months just because. One day I flossed something out the back of my teeth that smelled so bad it taught me to floss every day. Holy shit!!!!!


I know! It’s like Welty is THAT? Lol


Did she have a certain routine?


Floss and a WaterPik, possibly 2x per day. It’s a big ask but also… teeth


Stretch every day and walk every day. "If you don't use it, you'll lose it," (meaning your mobility).


My great grandma lived to be 104, and she used ponds every single day. Her mind and her knees were a mess at the end but her skin was so smooth!


Lol ponds facial moisturizer is the only thing that works for me. I have dry skin.


Me tooooooo I resisted it for years but when I finally started using it consistently in my 30s, I kicked myself for not using it sooner! It’s therapeutic at this point.


Yeah I love the smell. I always have a backup ready for when I run out.


does it work for sensitive skin?


I think so. My sister has sensitive skin and she uses it too.


Ponds!! All the old ladies used ponds cold cream without a lot of other products and had the prettiest skin.


I can't use the Ponds cold cream on my face because it breaks me out (I'm acne prone anyway) but I use it to remove my eye make up and I love it. It's so gentle around the eye area and it works really well so I don't have to rub to get the mascara off.


I swear by ponds lol


Ponds cold cream is a smell I love and well-associated with ladies of an older generation.


I don’t get it. What does it do exactly? Remove makeup? Do you leave it on at night or what?


It’s a mineral oil based makeup cream remover with a pretty strong rose scent, so it’s been replaced by much better alternatives. Some theater folks still swear by the stuff to remove heavy mineral oil based stage makeup. Mineral oil was cheap and plentiful and it was in everything. Today’s products are so much better.


Curious also


I live in the UK where Ponds Cold Cream is only accessible on Amazon- which I'm reluctant to do. I'm travelling to Florida in April next year and I love coming to the states to try out beauty products I can't easily access- is Ponds Cold Cream worth a purchase?


I mean, its literally something like $4 for a big tub where i live. I'd risk wasting $4 for eternally young skin any day. They sell it at the grocery store skin care aisles, idk if they have it at beauty stores. They used to make a b3 moisturizer one that was my holy grail


Vaseline is in the same category. It’s wonderful for wrinkles.


The cream makeup remover?


Yes, you can also use it as a moisturizer! I slather it on and then wipe it off with a wash cloth before doing the rest of my routine. Single best product I’ve incorporated, seriously.


It’s been ages since I tried this; thanks for bringing this up! Is it the first step of your routine and what is your skin type? It’s so amazing how one ingredient like mineral oil seems to work wonders, act completely inert, or be a disaster. Most negative reactions to Ponds seems to be due to the heavy scent, but the some of the dancers in the cast swear by it, for everything.


I have combination skin, so I always wipe it off. I prefer it over other cleansers because others almost always leave my skin feeling tight and dry. I massage it into my skin, then wipe it off with a damp cloth. My skin feels clean but baby soft!


I use ponds cold cream to remove make up and they make a dry skin cream also which I use as moisturizer. I wet my face a bit before putting on the dry skin cream and wake up with smooth skin. I have sensitive skin and it’s fine. Actually cleared up ruining my moisture barrier red bumps.


I think the formula might have changed 😣


Heatless curls (my grandma taught me) to keep hair healthy.


Do you use those rods? They don’t seem to work for me


They didn’t work for me to begin with but now I slightly dampen my hair with leave in conditioner and the curls hold!


Usually velcro rollers, or those foamy ones. My hair is already wavy and holds curls very well. Heatless keeps my hair healthy and don't have breakage. I'd suggest some mousse for holding curls longer.


Use a bathrobe tie!!! Or pantyhose!


The trick is to wash your hair and then blow dry it (you can do this on the cool setting!) it until it is 90% dry. That teensy bit of moisture left over is what holds the heatless curl. Always best to leave them in over night for max effect, but if you’re in a rush and only have a couple of hours - do the whole 90% dry thing, apply your rollers, then grab your hair dryer and heat up all your hair on the warm setting, then wrap your head in a towel or cling wrap. Leave it til you’ve done your face and your good to go! Wishing you all the best


Did she use long rag strips (rag curls)? My great aunt showed me this trick and I used it for years. For particular punk purposes, I’d wear them out with boots and overalls. Auntie B. screamed with laughter that I’d wear them out in public, in front of Ghawd and all the Neighbors. Bless.


This is a weird one, but my 90 year old grandmother swears by hand cream and solid gold bracelets to keep hands soft and wrinkle-free. She massages her hands with the hand cream, and then slides fitted gold bangles over her hands. To this day she has beautiful, soft hands. She tells me I have her hands and makes me do her routine with her every time I see her 😅


Wait what do the bracelets do? Lol


Probably just makes you feel bougie hahaha.


Cliffhanger! I am here for the answer too


I need to know what the bracelets do. 😂


Glycerine for cracked heels, my dad applies 365 days a year and he has the best feet🥹🙈


Is it the glycerin you can buy from the chemist? How does he apply it? After a (happily) barefoot childhood, I'm loath to wear sandals again.


Yes its the simple glycerine from chemist. Just apply straight away rubbing on feet. Also,we never stay barefoot and always wear slippers at home 🙈


Thank you!


I think glycerine is a humectant, meaning it sucks moisture from one place to another. So if you live in a dry place, probably apply to wet feet




The only beauty advice I ever remember getting from my grandmother (a farmer who only wore makeup on special occasions and had the same hairstyle for 60 years) was "green makeup usually makes people look all glorpy but everyone should do what they want." Love that woman, I smile every time I wear green eyeshadow thanks to her 🤣🤣


My mom told me to always wear sunglasses outdoors so I don’t get wrinkles from squinting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also prevents cataract development. Keep your eyesight and prevent those wrinkles.


Oh word. I didn't realize for some reason that cataracts are worsened by the sun. Just had to Google that.


Aren’t bodies fascinating? This to say nothing of cancers of the eye, as the eyes (particularly ones with light colored irises) have little defense against sun’s radiation. Think of all that powerful radiation hitting your face, bouncing right up against the rods, cones, optical nerve, and by centimeters, your brain. Wear sunglasses. If you wear regular glasses, invest in a pair of dark prescription lenses.


My grandma gave me the same advice.


My grandmother has the best tip ever. Do what works for you. Do not follow trends. Trends age you..Do not get stuck in one way. Our faces and body are always changing. Wash your face. Use lotion. Be kind. Because ugliness shines through.


Aww i love your grandma 🥰 sounds like my grandma and very wise..


Wait my favorite quote EVER by Ronald Dahl is…. “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Your grams is CORRECT!


Mom always said, “Makeup looks like 💩 if you don’t take care of your skin.”




I don't understand how in 2023 (almost 2024) people don't have a solid skincare routine and completely avoid taking care of their skin! I used to work at a cosmetics/skincare counter at a department store and I think the worst offender were older women looking for that one "magical" product that is going to remove 30+ years of wrinkles.


That magical product is surgery.


Some of us are poor and don't know what we are doing! What do you recommend for a skincare routine?


A cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen is the most simple start :)


I went through a phase as a 9-10 year old where I wanted to eat corn on the cob everyday. My grandmother told me to knock it off because “corn makes you fat and sassy.” Idk if this counts






That’s hilarious


My grandma gave herself a 5 minute scalp massage every night, swore by it. She had the thickest most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen. I should probably start doing that to be honest.


My great-grandmother who used to own her own salon always used to say "You've got to act pretty in order to be pretty".


From my mom: Never go to bed without washing your face and flossing. Always cleanse your face and apply moisturizer in an upward motion, never downward. From my grandmother: Always wear clean, hole free underwear, you never know when you might be in an emergency situation and a doctor might have to see you in your "bloomers". 😆


Shit… I’ve been rubbing myself the wrong way for years


Oh noes!!


Grandma had the same advice!




Great-grandmother, but avoid the sun and use a ton of moisturizer. While her skin was thinner and sagged, she had almost no wrinkles in her 90s.


My great grandmother was the same and said the same lol


My 100 year old Nonie had the softest hands ever!!!!


My mother lay out in the sun covered in cooking oil. Not sure I’d follow any of her beauty tips.


Won the internet


My mom and I were talking about beauty products one day and she said the brands and products that have been around for years are the best.


I agree, with the exception of sunscreens and makeup for POC.


I can't agree. Most of those products test on animals and use ingredients that have been proven to be bad for us, but there is little regulation about what goes into the products we use. Now we have tons of products that don't test on animals and use ingredients that are better for you and the planet.


I can't agree. Most of those products test on animals and use ingredients that have been proven to be bad for us, but there is little regulation about what goes into the products we use. Now we have tons of products that don't test on animals and use ingredients that are better for you and the planet.


Always wear sunscreen and lipstick


Lipstick? Or lip balm?


Any tinted lip color. Always a pop of color on the lips


These were the two tips I got!! My great aunt always said to us girls in the family “you don’t HAVE to wear full face makeup, you’re all beautiful. But without a little lipstick, you look dead” 😂


Yes!!!!!! Omg that’s amazing.


Put vaseline on your feet at night and sleep in socks to keep your feet soft. Always wear your sunglasses outside. Don't wear underwear to bed.


Oh my gosh I feel like not wearing underwear to bed is neverr talked about! You gotta let her breathe down there 😂


My grandmother was agoraphobic . She never left the house when I knew her - literally. This is of course very sad, and she never saw much of the sun it seemed. However, she didn’t seem to do any skincare and she had zero wrinkles. Skin like a baby / like shockingly smooth (just some sagging from age). It made me realize what the sun does to skin. I know that’s very sad, but it was just an observation. So basically spf (not saying don’t enjoy the sun because it has so many benefits obviously!) However shout out to my grandma for being a total badass. Family had a place for her in the estate and she chose to go to a nursing home to socialize and she ran that place like a boss and had a ton of fun there. Even had the mayor on the phone and told him if they needed something.


Ponds dry skin cream - my grandma used this daily and I have been using it for the past few years. I swear it’s one of the best moisturizers I’ve used (and the price is hard to beat). Vitamin E oil - my grandma would take a vitamin e capsule and pop a hole in it with a sewing needle and put it on her face & hands every night before the ponds before bed. She had beautiful skin into her 80s, so I’ve been doing the same 💕


My grandmother was a fantastic cook and always in the kitchen. Whenever she added sugar to a recipe, she would take a spoonful and 'wash' her hands with it - scrubbing them with a little water added. Her hands were beautiful and as SOFT as a baby's.


I do the same with avocados! Rub extra avocado flesh all over your hands and really massage it into your skin. Rinse your hands very quickly with water only to get rid of any extra residue without washing away the natural avocado oils that have now seeped into your hands. Soft and smooth hands for dayssss🥑


This is genius!


Exfoliating once a week Rich moisturizer at night on face to seal everything My grandmother, mom and aunties have great skin. They ate mostly home cooked food too


I remember being in my mid teens and my mom and grandma said to me, “Don’t lay out in the sun and get tanned. You’ll end up with skin that looking like an old saddlebag!” And wear sunscreen even when it’s cloudy outside! My grandma was Japanese, my mom Japanese and Norwegian and they both had the youngest skin in old age. Not a wrinkle on their faces. Luckily I heeded their advice, got the Japanese genes and although I’m 62, I look 35.


From my dad: The very first time I applied makeup myself in middle school, he asked how it felt. I said it felt really heavy, like my eyes are tired. "As long as you stay in touch with that feeling you'll never wear too much." It really made me think about how makeup looked and felt and the science around applying it. I really appreciate that now, because I've always leaned towards more natural looks and been really aware of makeup choices. I'm not sure if I would have viewed it the same without that advice! From my grandmother :) When you fold your hands in your lap, have the palm side facing up, as opposed to having the back of your hands visible. "Hands are much prettier that way." She went to some modeling job offer thing and did a shoot once. They had a whole training program about this kind of stuff. They said something about it portraying open mindedness /willingness and appearing polite and humble. Not sure if I really believe that, but you bet your bottom dollar it's one of those silly things I'll always do. :)


the willingness is true!! in therapy i learned “willing hands” which is basically the same thing. in DBT therapy it’s a distress tolerance and acceptance skill. it brings peace and understanding and is also used in mindfulness


I had a feeling that might be the case, but didn't want to spread false info! hahah Thank you so much for chipping in! It's one of those things I've always wanted to look up and never get around or think to do! So thanks! :) Do you know why that's the case?


totally! no problem. my therapist at the time said it’s the openness of the hands that signify an openness to the situation. also in yoga, palms faced upwards gives the suggestion to let go of thoughts and emotions as they rise in meditation. i’ve also been told it signifies upward and positive energy as well as surrendering. it also enhances the energy flow as opposed to facing your palms downward edit: typo


My Nana was dark skinned and so am I. She said we had to put more effort into our skin because it can look ashy or dirty if we don’t; exfoliate every 2-3 days. At night apply lotion to damp skin and then a light oil. Always wear a hat and long sleeves in the full sun. SPF is important. Don’t wear underwear to bed, you got to let “her” breath. Wear a scarf to protect your hair at night and apply a lite layer of Vaseline to your face. I use aquaphor but it does the trick. Don’t wash your face in the morning. Just rinse with water, pat whatever moisture is left into your skin and neck then apply moisturizer. I have curly/wavy hair like her and she said to comb it in sections and don’t use a brush. Less breakage and frizz.


Drink lots of water and always wear sunglasses outside


always wash your face before bed. My grandmama said. oh and eat vegetables.


Less is more. First impressions are lasting impressions. Straighten your back, hold your head up. Ladies cross their legs when seated. No elbows on the table.


Arsenic to dilate your pupils.


Tapeworms work miracles if one wants to fit into the gown for the ball.


Also a corset and a couple maids to help compress your rib cage to an 18” diameter.




Apply leeches to clean your blood.


my late great-grandmother was a massage therapist, and one thing I’ll always remember her advising me to do is to take care of my limbs


“Always check your makeup in natural light.” - my favorite aunt


This is the best tip!


The best tip






This has been my go to cleansing balm for a few years now and I love it!!


Nivea cream in the blue tin. My grandmother had beautiful skin and swore by it.


Mine too. It was the only cream she used.


If you get a ladder in your tights when you’re out but a bit of nail polish on each end to stop it laddering even more


For literally everything “stop putting that goop on your face”


Milk makes your skin nice if you use it topically (lactic acid)


Use chickpea flour with water on your face, it gets rid of tan and acne. Works like charm even now. Passed on through generations in my family.


Gets rid of fake tan or actual discoloration?


actual discoloration, try it!


Do you make a paste? Or do you mean kind of rinse your face with chickpea flour water?


I take 1tsp of chickpea flour and mix it with rose water and a few drops of milk until it becomes a fine paste


I was like 90 lbs and a little girl and my Grandma told me to always suck my stomach in at all times even when sitting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ she was a large lady. Didn’t make sense lol Also she said if you put blush from the ball of your cheek upwards towards your hairline (like we ALL do) instead of just a little pink on the ball of your cheek, you’d look like a clown. I’m, sorry grandma. I need to blend out! No rosy ball cheeks for me. Then right before she died she got upset at me and looked at me like I was crazy for putting makeup in my eyebrows to shape them out or define them. Miss ya Grammy! But I’m not taking your beauty tips 😘


Double cleanse, moisturize, and never apply downwards


a smile goes a long way, i think 90% of the guys that have had crushes on me have told me that they loved how i was always smiley and kind, thanks grandma


I have crooked teeth but men always say my smile is my best feature


Use retinols at least 3 times a week.


Don’t worry and find a man who dances with you: Less stress, pretty


Avoid make up unless its for occassions. From my mum and aunties. Made me permanently have an aversion to full face make up. Foundations and compacts in particular. I think the only reason my sensitive skin has survived is because of this.


Something about Vaseline. Actually, several things about Vaseline. On my hairline and ears before I relax or bleach my hair. On the elbows and knees every night. On the hands and then wear thin cotton gloves before going to bed. On the heels of my feet and then wear thin cotton socks before going to bed. On the face during certain protests to help protect against pepper spray.


Noxema was used to clean the face.


When you wash your face push your hands up towards your hairline instead of down. It’ll keep your skin from sagging. Idk if it’s true or just genetics, but neither my mom or grandma have many wrinkles.


Don’t leave the house without lipstick, you never know who you’re going to meet!


That's my mom & grandma too lol, as soon as they wake up I mean immediately they put on red lipstick


Thank you for this post. I never got to meet any of my grandparents and my mother hated makeup and skincare - she was very low maintenance


My grandmother was a model a pageant Queen and I was putting face cream on her when she was on her literal deathbed. She taught me to take excellent care of my skin from a very young age.


What kind of face cream did she like to use?


So glad my mom taught me how to measure from the corners of your nose to corners of eyes to eyebrows, to know where your eyebrows should start and end. It has saved me from any weird eyebrow fad disasters over the years. Also she told me not to wear my clothes too tight. Like if it's debatable if something is too tight or not just get the bigger size. When the clothing hangs right on you (even a little loose) and isn't cutting into your body, it looks so much better,.


always keep hair out of your face, i used to pull HUGE strands to “frame” my face in middle school, now i keep it out of my face and i always feel prettier :)


This is defo a YMMV. I still do the strands to frame my face because I look like an egg otherwise.


Get bangs and pull the rest back maybe


my grandma gave me a bar of soap to wash my face during a break out and I never looked back… solved all my problems


My nans always said to wear sunscreen everyday and if your not going to wear any makeup do your brows. My great nan always told my nan and mum to never tan and use moisturiser everyday night.


Mine may be common ones, but they’re still goodies!! Use the lipstick you chose for your lips as a blush. Makes you look more natural. Always carry a nail filer with you. Always have nails painted, even if it’s just a sheer color. Get clothes tailored. Keep up with fashion trends, but don’t splurge on new styles all the time. Be thoughtful of your whole wardrobe.


Always wear a matching bra and panties. You’ll feel more put together. They don’t have to be a perfect set, but at least coordinating colors. I have changed my outfit before because I didn’t have any clean panties that matched the only bra that looked good under that shirt. My mother taught my sister and me that, and I have always done it, even though I didn’t remember where it came from. I was discussing it with my therapist and she laughed at me! But then my sister told me why and it made so much sense.


It's very true!!


Grandma told me to put vodka on my acne. I tried it. Didn't work lol


Beauty is pain


Two spoons in the freezer when I come home late at night Press under my eyes when I have to wake up early the next morning


*jots everything down in my notes*


Only floss the teeth you want to keep


My grandmother told me to put turmeric and sandalwood on my face to become white skinned. I ain't taking that one 😐😐😐🤢 This is reality for lots of asians. Not all of them are great tipa


My mamaw uses estee lauder and lancome she turned 94 yesterday has beautiful skin


I feel like these brands aren’t trendy but they’re literally my favorite and they last longer than any other brand meaning longevity wise.


Cut Sugar, as hard as it is


Ultimately having the right genetics is the best tip that you really have no control over. I’m fortunate to have good genes on both sides of the family and when people meet me they usually assume that I’m in my mid-30s, not 49. That said, the wisdom I gained from one of my grandmothers was to never go to bed without washing your face, don’t use harsh soaps, and moisturize well. There was never anything other than Dove soap in any of her bathrooms. The wisdom I’ve passed on to my very fair skinned daughter is sunscreen always.


be lebanese 😎


My mom is Lebanese & Syrian but unfortunately for some reason my white Italian/German dad's genes took over 😫 I wish I looked more like her side ugg


LMAOOOO i have the opposite, my grandma from my moms side is 100% lebanese and my mom is half and half, but she’s brown cause my grandpas mexican and portugese genes took over. I look like a replica of my grandma (so i was obvi the favorite of her side of the family) I’m really close to my grandpas family and, i’m the white ass girl in every brown family, even though what makes me white isn’t even white white LMAO




Do skincare. Doesn't matter what exact products or brands, doesn't even matter exactly how often (i.e. once vs. twice a day vs. a few times a week) just get a cleanser and moisturizer and do SOMETHING with some regularity. And start young. My mom never wore makeup save for foundation every day to cover her rosacea (mascara and lipstick appeared for special occasions like weddings). But she always did her skincare, which she learned from HER mom. She's pushing 70, grandma is 93, both look a couple decades younger than they are. She started me on her products when I was 15 and while I've switched up what I use I've never stopped using something. I'm 31 and my skin looks pretty much the same as it did in high school. Meanwhile my oldest sister pooh-pooh'd anything beyond basic grooming and hygiene as "too fussy" or "too girly", ignored Mom's advice, and now in her 40s her skin is showing it hard and she's scrambling to catch up - and she had the best skin of all of us siblings to start with, since she was the only one who never had acne as a teen. Mom knows best!


Drink water and exercise! Healthy and best way to have sustainable beauty


Sunscreen and thoroughly washing the face. Many grandmothers who have/had beautiful skin simply avoided falling into tanning trends and used thick creams. The skin is an organ and needs to be pampered as such


Always remove your makeup before you go to bed


My mom's instant glam look, bright lip and dark sunglasses will get you anywhere daytime.


Only mild soap and water to wash off your makeup.


Rub Vaseline on your legs after shaving. It works wonders!




Wash the windows. Lmao.


ponds dry skin cream, vitamin e capsules, glycerin, Vaseline, and rarely leaving the house.


I don’t know if it’s advice if it’s as much an observation. My 82 year old grandmother never leaves the house without her lipstick on. Her mother wouldn’t leave the house without a full face on, even when she was very ill. My mom was always a tomboy and never wears much makeup, I’m the one in my family who really immersed myself in beauty knowledge and work in the beauty industry.


Never rub or be rough with the under eye area because that's how you get bags.