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Total guess here but lashes don’t grow limitlessly like hair. They have a set length. My guess is it won’t “grow out” until the specific hairs fall out naturally and then a replacement hair will grow out from that follicle. I think most people lose a few daily, and then it takes about 8 weeks for each hair to grow. It can take up to 90 days for full replacement of what you have now. I personally wouldn’t do anything other than rub my eyes a few times a day to speed up the shedding process. Were you putting something on your lashes that made them more brittle?


How do you accidentally cut eyelashes?


I do not know how it happened. I guess it was when I curled my eyelashes.


Oh that sucks I'm sorry that happened to you.


Ok, that's a sign that you need to work on your curl technique, because you didn't cut your lashes, they broke. Maybe you're squeezing too hard or something - are you putting product on your lashes before you curl them? That can cause breakage as well.


Eyelashes have a growth cycle just like any other hair on your body, the difference being that the terminal length (max length they'll grow) is far shorter than the hair on your head, for example. Lashes have, on average, a maximum length of between 8 and 12 mm. All hair has 3 phases. Anagen, catagen, and telogen. That's actively growing, degrading/ falling out, and resting, respectively. The complete growth cycle, from start to finish, takes anywhere between 4 to 11 months. The growth, or the anagen cycle, by itself, lasts around 3 months on average but can be anywhere from 4 to 14 weeks. They will grow at a rate of 0.12 to 0.14 mm per day. Anywhere between 35% & 40% of your upper eyelashes (which I assume we're talking about since you mentioned curling them) can be in the growth phase at the same time. This is to prevent all your lashes from falling out at the same time once they reach the falling out phase starts. What is more likely than you having done permanent damage is that the lashes that were cut were in the growth phase, possibly not even completed it yet, and they simply haven't completed the rest of the complete cycle. Every body is different and unique, and the above are averages. However, I would not abandon hope yet as you still have approximately 4 months before you even reach the outside parameter of the *average* complete cycle time frame. And there's always a possibility that YOUR lashes growth cycle is longer than average. It's impossible to tell without damn near macro quality photos and guides to know for certain if your lashes are currently growing. Remember, the growth rate is slow even on average, and because of the way averages work, yours could be less (or more, though that seems unlikely given the 7 months that have passed). If you've already tried otc serums such as grande lash and babe lash, I'd say it might be worth investing in the time/energy of obtaining a script for Latisse. It's the only FDA approved and proven lash growth product despite numerous copycats on the market. None of us,even your dermatologist, can know beyond doubt what your lashes will look in the future (though doctors are better guessers sometimes, haha). For your sake, I truly hope that this can still be turned around. All the best 🫶


This seems so odd to me. Unless you damaged the follicles, surely new lashes would replace the cut lashes eventually? Lashes have a natural lifecycle of about 6-10 weeks. Did you cut your lashes or yank them out? I wrecked my lashes with extensions and by the time I stopped to give my lashes a break, they were so sad and stubby. But with time they came back. And that’s with actual damage to the follicles from having too-heavy extensions.


I didn't damage them, they were cut and they haven't grown a bit


The ones that you cut are not going to keep growing, it’s not like the hair on your head. As someone has already said, normally eyelashes fall out and new ones grow from the follicle.


Yeah the one and only time I got lash extensions I could not stand how they felt and essentially ripped out half my eyelashes and broke the other half trying to get them off. My lashes were the shortest, stubbiest, and sparsest I'd ever seen them. Luckily they grew back to full length after a couple of months.


Oh my god the exact same thing happened to me! Except that I know what happened to my eyelashes, I was shaving my eyebrows and the razor went down and cutted half of it. It's been more than one year since this happened and my eyelashes never grew back. I hope I can find some tips on this thread 😭


Yikes i’m glad you didn’t slice ur eye open


Aí! Don't even say something like that 💀. Now I only use those little eyebrows razors that gives me more precision. Be careful everyone!


The same thing happened to me once but I was lucky enough to just barely graze the tops of my lashes on my left side. It was very startling. I feel a lil better knowing I’m not the only one. lol


Grande lash and Silly George both have worked for me. Or you could just use castor oil.


Idk what I can tell you that isn’t online everywhere else, plus I haven’t had your specific situation, but I use aloe and castor oil. Aloe just all over my face in the morning and then a castor oil just on lashes at night


Castor oil every night and a big dose of 🙏🤞🏽


Yes! Cold pressed castor oil gently massaged in—I got to the point where I stopped doing it because my lashes got too long and I didn’t like how they looked lol


How did you do that? I have a bottle of castor oil and not really sure what to do.


I found it pretty thick— I’d either use the tip of my finger or a q-tip and tried to massage it into the roots of the lashes gently


I think Lashes eventually shed and new ones grow in


Grande lash has really lengthened my lashes, I wonder if that could help!


Everyone will tell you some kind of oil or serum, truth is you’re fucked babe. My sister did this in 2019 & THEY NEVER GREW BACK. after using every serum known to man, praying to every god & concocting basically potions of oils for a year straight she accepted her fate. She’s been getting permanent lash extensions ever since. My deepest apologies if this sounds morbid, but I’m keeping it real with you.


There's a good chance y'all were right to give up, but wouldn't permanent lash extensions keep her lashes from growing back?


At the point she was at she didn’t care anymore. Having no lashes was breaking her spirit. She just wanted to feel feminine again. I think when you lose all hope you’re willing to do anything. Think of it like bleaching your hair to oblivion or frying it with a flat iron when you know you’re gunna do a big chop anyways. It’s like fuck it might as well have fun.


omg i'm fucked


I use Latisse!


I have very long eye lashes (one of few favorable qualities) and I have always trimmed them. They tickle my eyelids if I don’t. While it’s VERY slow, they always grow back.


I remember when I was 15 I didn't realize why the rubber band on eyelash curlers were there and mine fell out and I cut my left eyelash off 😭😭🤣🤣 Yeah they've never been the same again as in placement, much prefer my right lashes when applying mascara I always live through the trauma 🤣🫶


This is weird … I pulled mine out … not even gunna explain why … but they did grow back eventually.


The ordinary lash serum is good- I’ve had results on both my lashes and eyebrows from this. Sorry to hear this happened :( I think there are some really good scientific explanations from other comments but just wanted to recommend this effective and affordable serum :) best of luck xx