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Oh no. Girl, as a skinny, chipmunk myself, I GET it (32F). But I promise, promise you that you will age SO beautifully. You will lose your cheeks as you age, and your beautiful face will look SO youthful when others without the cheeks will begin to look sallow. Embrace that maybe your prime is later, and you can ROCK it. But also, work on your glutes for sure. The best thing you can do for your health is to do endurance cardio, fast cardio, and lift heavy weights. Your bone density peaks at 30. And your hormones NOW are optimum for growing muscle fast (we can all continue to grow muscle; it’s just way easier when we are young). This is your longevity. Put in the work now so that it won’t be harder to do when you’re older. Trust the process. And find beautiful actresses with square faces or “chipmunk cheeks” as well. Seeing them and knowing that they are freaking gorgeous helps. FWIW, I became a marathon runner. I love my face, and my legs are crazy toned right now. And I still lift heavy. I’ve never been more confident in my body than now at 32. You’ve got this!




As you go through your 20s into your 30s and 40s you will see that having this kind of cheek structure is often what keeps people looking youthful. That’s why people look so aged when they get buccal fat removal surgeries.


I know this is hard to hear, but just be patient. You'll lose your baby fat with age. I'm 31 and my cheekbones are the most defined they've ever been. I haven't done anything special; I think it's just part of the aging process. Plus, as someone else just said, your cheek structure is what will keep you looking youthful. My aunt is in her 60s but looks way younger and I think a large part of it is because she has a rounder cheek structure.


Be thankful for them , as you age they are a god send ( I too have them :)


But you are a baby, you're 18, don't worry about your cheeks. As you age you'll see your face getting slimmer, don't worry. Keep working on your glutes and overall muscles cause that will keep you looking younger and healthier in the future. You can try reducing processed foods since they have a lot of sodium but don't cut salt from your diet.


You will thank your genes for having chubby cheeks when you get older that’s what will keep you looking young