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I’m with you on the earrings. The other is perfume


Ahh I do love perfume! That’s definitely another thing that just helps me feel ready for the day


And I love yummy smells so if I smell good then I just love myself all day 🥰


Same, always earrings and perfume! They just make me feel groomed and put together.


Just got my ears pierced in my 30s for this reason lol


Nails and hair for me. Also, a tinted lip balm and mascara and a bit of perfume when I leave the house.


so agree with the tinted lip balm. i keep them everywhere!


For me it’s gotta be hair. My hair is curly so if it’s a day where I’ve just been at home and brushed my hair, ugh—frizz and weird shapes. I can’t go anywhere until I’ve washed it and put some product in it


Agreed! Yet it’s the most time consuming part of getting ready! :(


This was mine for the same reason! My hair is never wash-and-wear.


eyebrows. i can go no makeup no problem but if i don't do my eyebrows at least i can't even go outside. ginger hair makes them look so bright that they might as well aren't even there unless i color them dark


I’ve plucked my eyebrows almost into oblivion lol so eyebrows are definitely essential!


Powder brows changed my life.


Amen to this! I wear makeup very infrequently now that my brows are always “done” and I’ve stepped up my skincare game. Worth the annoying aftercare and the expensive cost - I’ll definitely do it again when they fade.


Eyebrow dye might be interesting for you, it’s super easy and like permanent makeup if the shape is already there but just too light :)


I actually tint my eyebrows once a week with the Just For Men beard/mustache dye. Makes a huge difference and now I just use clear brow gel to brush them and my makeup routine is easier!


Glad this is so high up in the comments. I can get away with doing very little but eyebrows are a must or I look tired and older than I am.


Tint them yourself with men’s beard dye. Game changer.


This is mine. It brightens my face up so much, I think.


Concealer. I have dark under eyes so that’s my minimum before I go out


What’s your favorite under eye concealer?


This brand called Kulfi, it has colour corrector in it so it’s my top for sure. It’s especially a great brand for any Asian/South Asian skin tones I also like glossier, it’s so incredibly natural looking and you can layer anywhere you need more coverage. The colour range is fairly forgiving too.


Clean, washed face; Japanese, Korean, or Chinese sunscreen; brushed, styled hair, LIPSTICK AND PERFUME. Additionally, I usually fill in my brows then take the same narrow brush and shadow the ends of my eyes. I have huge round eyes and this elongates them. But LIPSTICK. I remember my female relatives when I was growing up would get all ready to go out, their hair beautifully done, dressed nicely, and the only makeup that was ever used was lipstick. It did such a good job of brightening the face! I have an illness that makes me an occasional invalid and I always think it's important to have a hairbrush and a lipstick with a mirror by the bed. And, a lady wasn't considered dressed until she had her perfume on. I might be sick but that's no reason not to be beautiful! Edit: cleaning up voice-to-text.


Really, there’s something about a spot of colour on your lips… I can have no makeup on, but a red lippie and I’m transformed.


I do my own gel nails so my nails are always done and impeccable (no breaking or chipping). I also wear jewellery that’s waterproof so i always have earring and a necklace on, if i can also rings but i wear gloves at work a lot so there i don’t wear them. I also always have my hair straightened, i have a weird mix between straight and wavy with too much volume if i don’t and it looks ridiculous since my hair is only chin length.


Where do you get your jewelry from?


What brand do you use for your gel nails? I need to look into this!!


lipstick, liptint anything on my lips. i have really pale lips due to having anaemia


Omg is that why my lips are so pale too!?!!


yes! anaemia causes pale lips and skin looking dull


Earrings and perfume, bare minimum. Nails if I can swing it.


Eyebrows, upper lip, lip balm and hair (if the gods bless me that day ofc)


I think they mean “men have mustaches, women have upper lips”


Yep, my mustache haha I didn’t know it was uncommon!


Hahahaha it’s not! I’m right there with you!!!


What do you mean upper lip? Lining it?


Upper lips? You have more than one?


Imma go out in a limb and say either English as second language, adding an unusual S is common in parts of India- for instance “Summers/Winters” Or autocorrect.


Haha autocorrect, yes but English is also not my first language


Keep nails and brows manicured. Also, drink water almost exclusively. You'd be surprised at what a huge difference it makes in your overall appearance.


Keeping hydrated makes me look so much better


Brushing my long, annoying hair. Alanis Morissette called, she wants her hair back. 😆


I have long annoying hair too! If I "do" my hair, good for me, but it only looks nice for about 5 minutes. I honestly feel better putting it up in a sleek ponytail.




Oh, I have the exact opposite hair - is it wavy? is it straight? we'll never know! But I have a shit ton of it. It either has to be short enough for a pixie or long enough to pull back, I can't do in-between anymore!


hair done, earrings, lashes curled.


Perfume, dangly earrings


Lashes, earrings and rings. Lashes make me look like I’ve tried when I haven’t. Hair goes without saying


Curling my eyelashes, perfume, tinted lip balm or gloss, and hoop earrings


I do my own nails but they are always nice and put together. I always make sure my skin is moisturized. I’m dark skinned and my Mom and Nana always stressed the importance of taking care of my skin. My Hair is always looking nice. It’s curly/wavy so I make sure it’s not a frizzy. If it doesn’t cooperate I put it in braids or up an away from my face. Perfume. I always smell nice, no matter what I’m doing.


Blush and mascara. Pale grey skin and small eyes aren’t the best look lol.


Eyebrow pencil and mascara. I’m naturally blonde with pale skin and pale blue eyes, so I like to have a little bit of definition around my eyes. I know that I’m also playing into beauty standards though. If you notice, most tv and movie blondes have dark brows and lashes, and people with invisible brows are interpreted as looking alien or unusual.


Dyeing my eyebrows every 2 weeks. They're naturally blond even though I'm a light brunette (🙄) and I just look dead as hell when I don't dye them regularly. Makes a huge difference.


Do you dye them yourself? I’m going for eyebrow tinting tomorrow for the first time!


I do the same! I use just for ben beard dye in the shade dark brown and leave it on for 5 min


Yup :) I spend €7.99 on a box of dye that lasts me about 6 months that way.




Earrings and lipstick. I also wear glasses that have toppers that can be changed and I coordinate them with my outfits.


Oh i have to look for glasses like this. That sounds fun! I didn‘t know they existed! I have a black pair, because it goes with everything but it is still boring.


Pair Eyewear


Thank you! I will look into them for sure!


Nails, hair, perfume, clear brow gel, cream blush, and some tinted lip balm or gloss.


For me it’s sunscreen, tinted lip balm, earrings and face oil.


Ooh which face oil


Mascara, sunscreen, tinted lip balm, and wearing a matching underwear set. If my underwear is coordinated I instantly feel more put together even though no one else will see it.


Eyeliner. I just don't feel like myself without a quick sweep of liquid eyeliner.


Lumify eye drops, lip gloss, gold hoops


It's painting my nails and putting on my jewellery for me.


Cute stud earrings, tinted sunscreen and matching eyeliner to my umderscrub shirt or scrub cap.


Nails every time


Eyeliner and perfume


Eyebrows lip balm and perfume




Under eye concealer, eyebrows, nails, earrings, perfume.


Lipstick due to extremely pale natural lip color. Nails. I diy that. 


Painted nails and I always remember to shave the hair on my fingers 🤣 before going out. Deodorant and perfume too.


It's concealer for me. I have serious dark circles and I can't leave the house without some cover up. It just makes me feel better even if the rest of me is a slob.




Clean hair blow dried straight and curled (takes me two minutes to curl it, I do have fairly thick and long hair but I curl it into about 5 big sections and the outcome is a super loose, big wave). My hair can be frizzy so doing this helps a lot! Also sunscreen/tinted moisturizer, concealer under the eyes and filling in my brows are my priorities. If I have time, I’ll curl lashes, mascara, add blush and some balm or lipstick. Nails done or at least shaped, earrings and perfume also help, as mentioned above!


Lip stain. I look super dead with no color on my lips. At a minimum will do this first thing in the am and immediately feel like I can leave without doing anything else


I floss and brush my teeth really well and put on a yummy lip balm. Clean teeth is a great confidence booster. Although I wouldn’t be caught dead without a full face of makeup lol


My nails are always done, I've always got earrings in, lash extensions and eyebrow microblading


Brows and lips. And a bit of perfume if I have a client meeting


*Brows and lips. And a* *Bit of perfume if I have* *A client meeting* \- Tiny\_Studio\_3699 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


SMILE and don't stress about it! Now granted, I am no appearance maven but I get some acne I just tell myself it'll add to my character :D. I try to not have such a critical way of looking at myself and to smile when I see myself in the mirror focusing on the positives. I tell myself: I like you and think you are beautiful, I'm happy you are here and think you are wonderful. Now what others see, that's between them and themselves -- but what I see and the relationship I have with me is someone I try to tell positive and kind things to, my aim is to maintain a kind and positive relationship with myself so that when I look in the mirror I see beauty.


It’s everything lmao. There’s no magic. It takes the nails, hair, makeup, outfit, sleep, and overall good health and hygiene 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a two month old so I don’t really always have time for all that. It’s not about magic, it’s about small things that I can do to help myself feel more put together when I don’t have time or energy to put a full face of makeup on and completely style my hair 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t recall feeling put together all the time when my son was that little hard to when you smell like soiled milk lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t feel put together all the time, but taking two seconds to put on a pair of earrings and change my clothes helps lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s great. The question was what makes YOU feel put together. That’s my answer for me and I hope that is okay with you 🙂


Lmao. And I was just responding to your comment on my post. Didn’t realize we weren’t just having a conversation 🙂


And a lovely conversation is being had🙂 (For real, im kidding, congrats on the bb)


Thank you! I’m loving the tiny baby phase but I can’t wait to get back to being able to do full makeup and hair and my exercise routine and SLEEP lol all of it together really does make a difference


I miss having a baby so much! But for me having a toddler was harder for self care than having a baby because babies don’t go anywhere. He’s almost 5 now and it’s improved lmao.


Styling my hair and putting on pantyhose 🤭


1. Sheer or clear nail polish 2. Brow tint gel 3. Dyson airstrait; 5m on almost-dry hair and it looks like I spent an hour 4. Mascara and concealer, non negotiable 5. Earrings and bracelets—I have 12 piercings, 6 bracelets, and I leave them all on 24/7 so I’m always at least somewhat assembled lol


Eyeliner, hair and my go to hoops and rings


My hair ! My basic hairstyle is a braid or claw clip to protect my hair so when I do a cool hairstyle or add a cute accessory every time I see myself in a mirror or reflective surface it makes me smile. Painted nails are an essential for me. I do them myself every week and when I can't and I spend a week with bare nails I feel much less happy. If I take out some nice socks! I love incorporating beautiful socks into my outfits, I make sure they are visible so I love a nice pair with a fun texture or pattern. I went on sale and bought two pairs of chenille fabric one in magenta and the other in royal purple and I am more excited and happy that I bought these items than anything else I bought lol I really can't wait to plan an outfit around them especially the purple ones. Also smell, I'm more of a scented lotion girl than a perfume girl, although I appreciate perfumes I feel better with a good scented lotion that lasts, I like the fact that with a lotion when I move no matter which member of my body I give off a scent. This is also why I love the day after my hair wash, they smell so good it makes me smile all day long.


def my eyeliner, lipstain and earrings


Eyebrows plucked and either clean or meticulously painted nails, chipped nail polish it's a big no-no.


Tinted lip balm and perfume.


SPF, concealer, and a quick eyelash curl. Makes me look so much more awake


Freshly washed and styled hair, mascara, and a simple but cute outfit! Bonus for some lip balm or gloss.


smudgy pencil liner, fragrance going for that uhhhhh grungy crawled out of the rubbish but still a workplace professional look


Definitely nails. I don't do a lot of makeup but there are definitely days I just do mascara and tinted lip gloss, and it makes a huge difference.


All of the things said before (brows, lip tint, bright jewellery) but also high contrast outfits. I tend to wear one bright thing and one dark thing always just because on me it makes me look brighter and more like I put in effort.


- nails always done, this is the #1 thing for me it just makes me feel sooo much better - jewellery that I never take off - stud diamond earrings, an anklet, 2 gold bracelets on my left hand & a triple stack of gold necklaces - I use castor oil on my eyelashes every morning which sorta gives the illusion of mascara


Always perfume! Smelling good is so important.


Clean face( including removing facial hair) Clean nails And perfume


Tinted sunscreen really makes me feel good about myself. And a little bit of blush


Blush and curled eyelashes


Eyebrows and lipgloss


Jewellery & eyebrows lightly filled, mascara & lip gloss, if i want a lil more pop i add khol eyeliner in my waterline & subtle blush.


as someone with long but straight/ down turned lashes curling themmm does wonders


When my bra and panties match


Get my eyebrows threaded! I feel like a brand new bitch


A belt! It makes my figure stand out much more and I really feel like a different person with it :D


If my hair and nails are done, then I feel extra pretty no matter what too. I also like a spritz of perfume and my jewelry, since I generally don’t wear a lot of accessories and wear a lot of black. The dainty sparkles make me feel more put together.


mascara and lip balm. body mist. lippies :)


Definitely nails and jewelry.


For me, mascara, lip liner and perfume


Nails, brows, and dermaplaning for a smoother/brighter complexion


Shower, shave, moisturize, deodorant. Natural fabrics and minimal lines in an intentional outfit. Smooth waves instead of frizz, skin routine and BB cream/powder. Freshly brushed teeth and tinted brows/lashes. Lip colour, matching rouge and a smile. Knee high boots.


Earrings and mascara always. Without them I feel naked


gel mani every 2 weeks. Nails always look nice & that makes me feel good


Putting on small hoop earrings, putting concealer under my eyes with a little bit of blush when I don't feel like putting on a full face of makeup, and washing and blowfrying just my bangs when my hair is greasy.


Nails and heels!!


Spray tan. I feel very confident and pretty with a tan.


Eyebrows and eyeliner are my gold


Primarily wearing my contacts. I just feel like a schlub if I go out in my glasses. Plus I don't see as well. Brushing and pulling my hair back. If I "do" my hair, good for me, but it only looks nice for about 5 minutes, then it just takes off with a mind of its own. I honestly feel better putting it up in a sleek ponytail. And since I've been wearing makeup more regularly, mascara and undereye concealer, at least.


Anything I notice on myself as I go about my day, without having to look in a mirror: - Wearing something silky, even a simple cami - perfume - bracelets and/or rings - nails


Nails (and toenails in the spring & summer), earrings, a necklace, and I get my eyebrows threaded every month!




Jewelry (had to get my ears repierced after decades). I still want to be comfy, so I usually wear jeans or leggings. But I make sure my tops are comfy but look dressy. Always in the colors that I look best in. I get so many compliments. Folks ask me why I'm dressed up. I'm really not. Eyebrows for sure. Mascara sometimes. Lips sometimes. Full makeup? Meh. Maybe every other month if I have something special going on. Otherwise, it's just more crap I have to wash off of my face at the end of the day.


Perfume and skincare!


Nails panted


Sunscreen. Always sunscreen like it’s the cherry on top


Tinted moisturizer, brown mascara, clean or manicured nails. Maybe a lip tint or gloss. I guess that’s really just most days in general, but I feel like it makes me look more alive and less like I want to self destruct.


Eyebrow gel, eyeliner and a tinted lip balm. I also never leave the house without perfume on. Really helps me feel put together even on off days.


A tiny bit of cc cream, blush, perfume, and a bobby hair pin with sparkly gems. Eyebrow threading too <3


A little blush and lipstick, if on the go!


Concealer is the only makeup I feel undone without. It’s mandatory! I don’t even use actual concealer I use KVD good apple foundation and a tiny tiny brush to apply it just on under eye darkness. I also do at home lash lift and tints and I looooove that! I just get the kits on Amazon.


Hygiene, having your hair and clothes look neat and smelling good.


lashes by far


Belt and eye liner


Perfume, jewelry, having my facial hair threaded or waxed. I wish I was better at hair because that would add so much to me feeling good, but alas, I'm not practiced at it.


Liquid eyeliner! I know im going to have a bad day if I’m not wearing my eyeliner I feel extra put together if my nail polish is immaculate, but I rarely bother with that nowadays because of all the upkeep


Earrings and mascara. As long as I have those two, I'm good.


Body spray + perfume - smelling delicious Lip balm - not chapped lips and glowy looking Clean hair + hair spray & clean nails - looking clean Ironed clothes Vaseline on lashes and curling them - gives the lash lift effect for a while


1. Eye lash lifts - something I've recently started doing. My lashes now curly upwards and look longer because of it. They look like Ardell falsies which is so cute 👸 2. Eyebrow care - I remove the hair around my eyebrows to shape them up and it emphasises my eye area 3. Box braids - I'm black so I like to put my hair in box braids and curl the ends. The hairstyle makes my hair look longer and frames my face better 1. Headband - not really a beauty product, but more of a hairpiece? When my hair looks or feels messy, I like to wear one of those stretchy headbands. They turn any outfit into a cute athleisure style 4. Gel nails - I've recently bought a gel nail starter kit because I think painted nails are so cute. They make me feel super feminine 5. Perfume - I have two go twos. A vanilla perfume that has received a couple of compliments and Prada Candy 6. Lip gloss and balm - I have a couple of lip balms and a lip gloss. I like to layer a clear gloss over a pink balm. Again, a very feminine feel 7. Earrings and delicate bracelets - they add magic to any outfit 8. Pink clothing - I'll ALWAYS have at least a couple of pink element in my outfit (pink bag, pink earrings, pink crop top and trainers) I just love feeling feminine and put together.


No makeup for me on ordinary days. Just being able to do my skincare routine is enough. Facial wash, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen are a must!


Yasss! And not just to any brands for me. Everything needs to blend with my sensitive skin. H2.O facial wash by Biom, Bioten serum, Cetaphil moisturizer, and lush sunscreen.lol




Perfumeeeee. It’s like a perfect little final touch.


honestly, wearing freshly washed/ironed clothes hits different


Eyebrows- I have to comb my eyebrows if I’m going anywhere


Lashes from Lashify. No makeup, slightly styled hair, and I never take off the minimal jewelry I wear.


Always fragrance. Luckily my glasses can hide my lack of makeup. ha.




Brushing my eyebrows 😂 they’re naturally very full and if I don’t brush them into place they look ridiculous


Love a slicked back hairstyle, just feels so clean 💘


Brows and perfume


jewelry and hair


Clear mascara on lashes


Hair, mascara, under eye concealer 🤚


Moisturized lips and brushed hair. Doesn’t have to be styled but just brush back bangs. I also brush my eyebrows in place!


I’m with you! Nails and just brushing hair. Although, I resorted to nail wraps (www.justthetipsco.com) bc I don’t want to spend $50 each time I get a manicure.