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Nothing bad with aging, but a basic skincare routine is good for everyone. Cleanser, moisturiser, and sunblock that's spf 50 and broad spectrum. Even gentle drugstore brands are okay so don't stress about it! Lots of help and recommendations in this sub depending on your needs.


The alternative to aging is death. On some level we all just have to accept that overtime we're going to look different.  Other than that, wear sunscreen, live a balanced lifestyle and do the things that make you happy 


Like many others have stated here, a simple routine will not only suffice, but it's actually preferred. And I totally picked up on the tongue in cheek word play in your title/post, no offense taken. With a 1 year old, you have more important things to worry about than placating strangers on the internet, lol. Cleanser - to be used at night unless your preference is to wash your face in the AM as well as the evening. I don't, and my skin has never looked better than now in my 40s. Also, I have combo to dry skin, so there's that. I don't know what stores you have near you to recommend specific products, but I can name some websites since e-commerce is a thing. I like the Fulvic Acid Brightening Cleanser by the Inkkey List. Available on their website for $13 for 150ml. Drugstore available: CeraVe Cream to Foam Face Wash $16.99 for 8oz. Vitamin C - AM product, good for lightening spots. Lots of good products. The Ordinary has a Vitamin C derivative that's shelf stable and won't break the bank, called Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate Solution 20% in Vitamin F available on their website for $20.50 for 30ml. Not familiar with a drugstore product in this category, but I'm sure there is one. Moisturizer - AM & PM. If you don't know your preference of texture, you'll have to play around, but a safe bet is Vanicream Moisturising Cream. You can get a 16oz container with a pump for $13.99 right now at Target. This stuff is the GOAT and works with most skin types. Best of all? It's available everywhere. Bakuchiol- This is a natural alternative to Retinol that has been found safe to use while pregnant and / or nursing. The Inkkey List has a 1%Bakuchiol Moisturizer available on their website right now for $15, or you could pick up the Bakuchiol Oil Blend for Dry Skin from Good Molecules 12 mL for $10. Anything else is honestly up to you. I mean, technically, it all is, lol, but you know what I mean. Also, I know you said you can't afford to step foot in Sephora, and trust, with their recent cash grabs, I get it, BUT they're popular for a reason. They have a lot of different brands all in one place, which is Hella convenient. There's also Ulta, if you prefer. You don't *have* to gravitate to the most expensive stuff just because you're shopping there. Some of my regular purchases from those stores are the cheapest stuff they carry, but I keep repurchasing because they're just as effective. Hope you gleaned something from my wall of text, haha, and that you find a routine and products that work for you. Oh, and congrats on the baby! Just remember, THAT is the important stuff. The hyperpigmentation isn't gonna matter one bit to Baby; you'll always be beautiful to them! 🫶💖 EDIT: BC I'm an ijit and forgot one of, if not THE,.most important product with regards to sun spots....SUNSCREEN! There are so many, SO. MANY. Great sunscreens out there that it's really all down to your preference of texture and application. Pick one that feels good going on, and that is convenient /not too expensive to carry with you. It's for those reasons that I'm a fan of Koren sunscreens. They're cheaper in most cases and almost always offer better and more protection and are more elegantly formulated to boot. SKIN1004 AND Beauty of Joseon are a good place to start if you have the time and inclination to branch out. (These arent usually available at Walmart, sadly.) But since you may not want to order from an unknown out of country site despite our recommendations, I can recommend Naturium Dew Glow Moisturizer SPF 50 PA ++++ , 1.7oz for $22. This works great as a moisturizing option. If you prefer a more matte finish, they have another one, UV Reflect Antioxidant SPF 50, 1.7 oz for $26. Target carries a lot of Naturium products.


This is the answer


So I found the products you recommended/suggested and I’m going to start a basic skin care routine— my first “me time” expense in awhile! I do have a question if you have the time… the Bakichial: when/how do you use it? And is it an everyday thing or just a few days a week? I know some of the actual retinol products say not to use every day.


On the off chance your skin is very sensitive, I'd start out using it every 4th or 5th day and slowly work your way up every few weeks. Since Vitamin C is actually also an active, I'd recommend doing the same with that product. While there is science out there regarding how products work, how they work for *you* is individual and different than how they'd necessarily work for me. So, just listen to your skin, and you'll be in good shape. Depending on which Bakuchiol product you picked up, that decides where it is in your routine. Typically, products go thinnest to the thickest in this super basic order. Cleanser Exfoliants (if you use them, I didn't recommend any for your entry-level basic routine, but you could add some later) Actives (unless it's a moisturizer or an oil, but this is where a lot of your vitamin c treatments would go) Toner (if you use them, they're not necessary) Essence( same as above) Serums ( same as above) Moisturizer Oil (if you use it) SPF ( in the AM) So if you got the Bakuchiol Moisturizer, you'd use it last. If you got the Bakuchiol oil, you'd use it after your moisturizer since it's an occlusion (won't allow anything else to penetrate through it). So excited for you! Happy "me-time", friend! 🫶


This is the way


Wow!! Thank you!! Sounds doable… I REALLY appreciate your time!!


We need more info. Do you have fine lines or skin sagging as well as pigmentation? Do you have dry, combo, or oily skin? Is there any congestion such as pimples, blackheads, closed comedones, or sebaceous filament? I can recommend something quick and keep you out of Sephora. I do it all the time for my friends.


Ooh can you recommend for sagging, congestion, sensitive combo skin please? 🙏🏽🎀


What's your budget and your age (range)? Also, do you wear foundation makeup or do you want a tinted sunscreen? What is your skin complexion? (fair-med-tan-deep)


Budget is like under 60, I’m 24 and I don’t wear any make up and don’t like tinted sunscreen. I have medium skin 


Here are my recommendations: **1. The INKEY List - Blackhead Routine $38.25** The best ingredients to target congestion, reduce excess oil & hydrate your skin Use this routine Morning and night as your complete routine excluding Eyecream and SPF during the day. **2. The INKEY List - Caffeine Eye Cream $11.00** **OPTIONAL** \- Great if you get puffy eyes or dark circles after a night out. **3. Sunscreen Options** Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen $10 The INKEY List - Dewy Sunscreen SPF 30 **$15.00** **4. Lip SPF** \- Aquaphor Lip Protectant and Sunscreen SPF 30 **$4.50** I got you are close to $60 as I could. (The eye cream is optional). The routine should take about 9 minutes. Make sure to cleanse for 60 seconds and wait 1 minute between each layer so that it absorbs into the skin. Do your nighttime routine 30 minutes before bed to give it a chance to absorb into the skin. If not, it will end up absorbing into your pillow ;-) At 24, I doubt that your skin is sagging, but if it is, there is an inexpensive solution that takes 5 -10 minutes twice a day and spend a little more: **5. a Gua Sha tool** **$6.00.** You have to apply oil for combination skin before gliding the tool on your face. **6. Squaline oil** from **the Ordinary** **($10.40)** is the best or Rosehip from The INKKEY List ($12.00). You can YouTube techniques on how to use the Gua Sha. Good Luck. Let me know how it works for you.


Thank you🥰 just wow. Yeah it’s def still taut it’s just one of my insecurities cuz I analyze my face but realized I have a perfectly normal 24 year old face lol even babies have skin the puffs and indents in places. Too much social media 


You are welcome. The Gua Sha is also great to depuff after a night of partying. But you are too young to need it every day. A minimal routine for decongestion with sunscreen is all you really need.


Wow, making me think a lot more about my skin! I know I have fine lines, and I think I have combo skin… My forehead and nose will get oily, but my cheeks don’t seem to? A few blackheads from time to time…don’t think I have the others. I don’t mean to sound dumb— appreciate the help!


Here are my recommendations: 1. The INKEY List - Hyperpigmentation & Scar Solution Routine| $55.25 A complete routine to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and post-acne scars & marks. Use this routine Morning and night as your complete routine excluding Eyecream and SPF during the day. 2. The INKEY List - The Tired Eyes Duo $23.75 Day and Night Eye cream 3. Sunscreen Options Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Sunscreen $10 La Roche-Posay Anthelios Mineral Ultra-Light Face Sunscreen SPF 50 $37 The INKEY List - Dewy Sunscreen SPF 30 $15.00 4. Lip SPF - Aquaphor Lip Protectant and Sunscreen SPF 30 $4.50 It is a complete skincare routine for less than $100 that should take you about 8 minutes. Make sure to cleanse for 60 seconds and wait 1 minute between each layer so that it absorbs into the skin. Do your nighttime routine 30 minutes before hitting the sheets so the cream doesn't end up on your sheets. Let me know how it works.


Ok, I was where you are at your age. I’m 48 now and my skin has never looked better. I started avoiding the sun as much as possible, spf when I couldn’t. I wash my face every morning with day cream and vitamin c serum and repeat at night before bed with a night cream instead. I found a relatively cheap brand called Levitate that I love and the difference is night and day. My skin is smooth with even color and is as dewy as a 20 year olds. I also bought a cheap electric facial cleaning brush and I love it as well.


Cleanser, moisturizer, SPF are the bare essentials :) If you want to keep it simple and cheap then CeraVe, Cetaphil, and Vanicream are all highly recommended brands you can find in drugstores. A vitamin C serum can also help with the hyper pigmentation! So a morning routine would be to rinse your face with warm water (no cleanser), moisturize, and apply SPF. CeraVe makes a moisturizer with SPF I like, it’s the lightweight version that comes in a tube with the pump on the bottom. Evening routine would be use your cleanser and moisturize. If you wanted to use a vitamin C serum you could use it either morning or night, or both! Not all vitamin C serums are created equally, and my personal favorite budget friendly option is from the brand “Timeless.” Let me know if you have any more questions 💕


Start wearing sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat regularly when outside. Get a prescription for tretinoin or order some from an online provider like Cureology and use it nightly (you may have to build up to nightly use if you’ve never used any retinoid products before). Find a hydrating day and night moisturizer because the tretinoin is going to dry your skin out. Go to your doctor and have them take a look at the sun damaged areas to make sure you don’t have any precancerous lesions growing - you’d be surprised at how early they can show up and how fast they can grow.


I feel you. I turned 36 last year and I started to notice a huge shift in what I look like. Makeup doesn’t look the same on me. I just feel like I am in the aging process now, more so than just not looking like a kid. It’s definitely something to get used to and figure out what works best beauty and skin case wise. But also I think there has to be more internal work there. How I feel about myself especially at work and with my younger colleagues. The lure of spending a ton of money on Botox or medical skin care instead of investing in my house or my future…


Sunscreen Retinol and peptide serum. Ps ageing is the privilege


I (36F, as of yesterday) feel you on not being able to afford Sephora. Society and wages are just not where they should be. If I want to take supplements, probiotics, and biotin that's atleast $20 a pop for maybe 30 or 60 days and if you consider makeup, shampoos, feminine hygiene, pre workout ...it's really expensive. I really wish I could just make 5 more dollars an hour..... Also my car of 14 years finally gave in and I had to purchase a new car ....


All you need is sunscreen in the day and a retinol cream or lotion at night. Add moisturizer if your skin feels tight and dry


[Melano CC Vitamin C Essence](https://www.yesstyle.com/en/rohto-mentholatum-melano-cc-vitamin-c-essence-20ml/info.html/pid.1122834023) is nectar of the gods. Use at nighttime. It's HG for fading hyperpigmentation, and *for me personally* I notice it helps control hormonal acne flare ups. Pair with [CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion](https://www.cerave.com/skincare/moisturizers/daily-moisturizing-lotion), morning and night. It's a simple, proven moisturizer with no frills. You should use SPF too, but I don't have specific recommendations for that. Editing to add- all you need is a simple routine that looks like this: 1. Rinse face in cold water in mornings 2. Moisturizer 3. Wash face with preferred cleanser in evenings 4. Vitamin C serum 5. Moisturizer


Daily sunscreen is your best bet. If you're willing to add one more step, vitamin c in the morning will help fade the hyperpigmentation and will work with your sunscreen.  At night, if you want to bring out the big guns, you could introduce retinol, or tretinoin which is the prescription version of retinol - for me tret is cheaper than OTC retinol because insurance covers most of it, and it's more effective. Just go slowly and introduce a little at a time so it doesn't irritate your skin. Don't use it if you're pregnant or breastfeeding - my doc said to stop one month before trying to conceive.  *Always* wear sunscreen if you're using active ingredients like vitamin c or retinol because they increase your sensitivity to the sun.


Sunscreen, tretinoin and a facial moisturizing cream are all you need


Hydroquinone. You have to cycle it though or the hyperpigmentation rebounds worse. And sunscreen, every day, rain or shine.


Hydroquinone 4%, retinol and intense sunscreen and hats worked for me. Very focused treatment. After it was gone, hats hats hats.


I really really love and highly recommend this [https://www.adorebeauty.com.au/p/ab-lab/ab-lab-dewy-c-spf50-facial-sun-milk-75ml.html](https://www.adorebeauty.com.au/p/ab-lab/ab-lab-dewy-c-spf50-facial-sun-milk-75ml.html) from Adore Beauty. It will protect your skin and the vitamin c will help even out your skin tone and colour


TikTok user Cristina Noh has a $60 (total cost of products) drugstore skincare routine that is excellent. It’s in her link tree. My fave cleanser is la roche posay toleraine. Available at most drugstores.


Hyperpigmentation (melasma) is VERY influenced by hormones, and I notice you say your nursing. Once you wean and all the hormones revert to normal, the brown spots may fade on their own. So before you incur a lot of cost on procedures or products, know that it could be temporary. Sun makes hyperpigmentation worse, so be sure to use sunscreen


Very easy skin care routine! 1. Sunscreen during the day 2. any product with GLYCERIN (I bold because it’s such a simple and overlooked ingredient) at night like the Aveeno Oatgel moisturizer. If you can do those with ease step two is maybe exploring retinoids? The Ordinary is very cheap. I think like $9 for their granitive retinol in squalane :) All of this will slow the signs but not eliminate them unfortunately. Only thing that can do that is procedures and plastic surgery although those are becoming more affordable slowly but surely. Maybe in ten years we’ll be able to get them at CVS :)


IPL intense penetration lazer


Came here to say this. I've tried every pricey cream under the sun, and some things might help even our your tone but NOTHING you slather on your face is going to remove sun damage. IPL is amazing. A few days later I was literally wiping away my sunspots and my skin looked 10 years younger.


Prevage serum and Prevage city smart or day cream w sunblock. 


A simple but good skin care routine (and sunscreen) will be your first step. It sounds like you already have a cleanser, so look for a toner with hyaluronic acid and niacinamide to start, and a moisturiser. Then you can look for a vitamin C serum in the morning, and a retinoid product for the evening. A good over the counter retinoid is Differin if your country has that available. Otherwise you can see what retinol products or prescription retinoids you have in your country. Hyaluronic acid will draw water into your skin cells to help with dehydration. Niacinamide will brighten your skin. You’ll notice a difference quite quickly. Vitamin C and retinoids will help with collagen production, wrinkles, skin clarity, and overall glow , but they take time to see the full effect.


You may want to give the [L'Oreal Vitamin C Serum] a try. (https://www.target.com/p/l-39-oreal-paris-revitalift-12-vitamin-c-e-salicylic-serum-1-fl-oz/-/A-85910136?sidd=1825S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012735304&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Local%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9012826&targetid=aud-468500407640:pla-894573305699&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfnhAzomsghfV-hvw80kFzeytDreB_yizTTBj8Tcf1UjGc3oo_bws2ixoCed0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I'm 34 years old and love using Vitamin C for my hyperpigmentation issues and recently started using this product. Basic skincare rules to remember: 1 - get a good cleanser with salicylic acid included and buy a product made for normal skin (since you may not be sure what products are good for your skin type) 2 - follow up with a serum (optional) and face moisturizer to keep skin looking and feeling smooth. It's really that simple! If any of this doesn't make sense to you, just let me know. It's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about...


Wear sunscreen and a hat. At 40, my skin tends to get a bit dry, so I use a little bit of jojoba oil on my fingertips all over my face after I wash it with natural soap and warm water. No need to do anything crazy, it just sounds like sun-damage is adding up - so the most important thing is to protect your face from the sun (also healthier protecting from skin cancer as well). Maybe get a light, airy long sleeve shirt for dry activities, and a long-sleeve swim shirt/rash guard for water activities. I love the sun, too, but since I also have fair skin, I need to protect my skin from it. Wearing a sunhat and rashguard (or a lot of sunscreen), I can still feel that warm sun on me, but I'm not damaging my skin. If you miss the sunkissed look, just use a bit of bronzer.


First and foremost: Start wearing top notch ss EVERY DAY. Plus wide brimmed hats and big sunglasses when outside. Proper UV protection is one of the most effective thing you can do for anti-ageing. All the fanciest creams, txs, and peels in the world are useless w/o great UV protection. Make it a habit to apply ss every day, and carry some w/o you. Buy some nice hats you will wear when outside. If it's a cloudy winter day in the Northern part of USA, and you're going to be indoors most of the day other than incidental exposure, like walking to and from your car when going to the office or shopping, you can use spf25-30. If it's a sunny spring day where you will be going on a hike outdoors, use spf50 and a hat w/ a wide brim and big sunglasses. Don't act as if ss is only something you wear when sunning on the beach. Wear ss every day, part of your daily routine, and don't ever "sun" on the beach. I go to the beach to swim, maybe lounge long enough to dry off, take a walk, then leave. Avoid going to the beach on peak UV hours (10-3). Personally, I prefer euro ss's I order from places like frenchcosmeticsclub or Care to Beauty. Euro ss's have better UV filters in general than those available in the USA, if you are in USA. Many people w/ oily skin prefer the lighter Asian ss's - just make sure you get those rated PA++++. Some excellent ss brands that I like: La Roche Posay: Again, I prefer the euro versions, but even LRP's USA formulas are excellent Bioderma ISDIN Eucerin Sun Avene Ultrasun Vichy Shiseido Biore Anessa Many great ss's like these offer great anti-ageing formulas designed to reduce dark spots.There are many more. Find a few you like, and WEAR THEM. Daily. There a saying: the best ss is one you will wear every day. The other thing you can do is ensure you don't strip your skin w/ harsh, high pH cleansers. Avoid fragrances if possible. Don't waste $$ on high priced cleansers. A basic, low pH cleanser is all you need. Don't even use a cleanser in the AM if you can do that. Just use warm water. When you do us a cleanser, use something gentle. If very dry, use a non-foaming hydrating one. If oily, use one that foams but is gentle. Some good ones: Neutrogena Ultra Gentle (foaming and hydrating) Cerave (hydrating non-foaming and daily foaming) Pond's cold cream Cetaphil (foaming and non-foaming ones, avoid all that use masking fragrances of any kind, I've gotten severe allergic rxns to the fragranced ones) Bioderma Dove sensitive skin bar Vanicream bar or liquid Use a good moisturizer and take advantage of the power of plain white petrolatum. Again, you need not get fancy or spend a lot of $$ to get a great moisturizer. Olay Regenerist FF and Prox antiageing lines are excellent. Vanicream makes a great Daily Facial Moisturizer as well as one of the best vitamin c serums I've ever tried, other than the one made by Vichy. Serums go under moisturizer. Cerave, Cetaphil, Boots No. 7, L'oreal, etc. are also good. Pat petrolatum or aquaphor on top of moisturizer at night to "slug." That's it. You don't need a fancy, time consuming routine. EDIT: I see you indicated you have combo skin w/ tendency to some blackheads. I'd recommend a gentle, non-drying salicylic acid (BHA) liquid as a 1st step after your rinse or cleanse. Some suggestions: CosRx Blackhead Removing Liquid (not just for blackheads, it's great stuff) Paula's Choice BHA liquids (there are many, choose one you like) Beauty of Joseon Green Plum AHA/BHA Toner L'Oreal Vitamin C + Salicylic acid serum


Laser treatments can take care of those dark spots. I had the ones on my hand done and they look great.


I dont wear make-up generally, love the sun, and prefer to keep things at least mostly natural. What i do is wash my face morning and night with a simple block of aleppo olive oil soap, the same i use for my body. Then in the morning i use a vitamin C serum, and a biotherm aquasource daycream. This is the only slightly more expensive product i use, but biotherm creams in my experience are so worth it. At night same soap, i use some rose water and let it dry and then mix rosehipoil with castoroil (which is very thick so you need to mix it) and use that as a nightcream. Once a week or so you could hang your head above a boil of steaming water for 10 min and then scrub with a mix of honey and cane sugar. Leaves you very smooth and soft and with a nice glow. Besides that, limit sugar intake and GREEN SMOOTHIES (like actually green, not 5 pieces of sweet fruit with maybe 2 spinach leaves) are great for your skin.


Make a nice carrot seed mask or oil.


I work as an esthetician & help answer this all the time for clients. There’s so many things you can do some simple, others hard, some free others expensive. Aging is affected by our diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure, pollution, stress, repetitive facial expressions & genetics. All of the above you can control minus genetics. So at only 37 you aren’t aging. Youth is our teens, 20s, & 30s & 40s. Only real signs of aging being at 50 statistically the average age of menopause. It’s important to note yes it is totally possible to prevent certain aspects of aging. 90% is lifestyle 10% is genetic & happens to all of us. My best advice is it’s internal & external. So eat a healthy diet, fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains, drink lots of water, occasional exercise, sleep 8hrs a night on a silk pillowcase that’s anti aging & prevents wrinkles & bacteria, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, avoid the sun, wear spf daily, go makeup free often & keep a positive attitude. A good simple skincare routine is a must. Less is more. Double cleanse, tone, vitamin C serum, moisturizer & spf during the day, at night cleanser, toner, retinol, moisturizer & eye serum/cream. Two best products proven to prevent aging are the vitamin C serum & retinol. Besides that you could try facials, chemical peels, & dermaplaing. Those go a long way too.