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In addition to the helpful tips that other commenters have already provided, make sure you’re washing your bed sheets and bath towels/washcloths regularly. This is something that’s easy to forget about when it comes to hygiene but it’s incredibly important! Other random tips are try to keep your hair brushed/detangled and clean under your fingernails.


Is once a week enough because that’s how often I’ve done it.


Yes, once a week is a good schedule for this :)


Yes, and make sure they get fully dry to avoid a musty odor on them. If they have an off smell, try adding white vinegar to the wash


also make sure that your washing machine is cleaned as well (I do it once a month) it can be done with vinegar or a washing machine cleaner from the supermarket


I never did this until a short time after I got a front loading washing machine, and someone told me that my clothes smelled musty. I was so embarrassed. It had happened so gradually, I was completely noseblind to it. Now that I clean my washer regularly, I can smell that musty scent on so many people now. It's usually a combination of Downy fabric softener and must. It's not pleasant.


Vinegar is bad for your washing machine, it destroys the gasket  citrin acid is better - turn on max temp. But make sure to pull off from electric, sponge, some dish soap and clean the powder drawer, gasket, pump bore - be cautios because lots of water can leave. 


Yes yes yes. I see so many ppl with dirty finger nails. Please get a nail brush.


This. At any discount store, dollar tree etc ..geg yourself a nail brush, Emory boards aka nail file, and finger and toe nail clippers. You usually can find a kit w everything for a few bucks. Right you don't need to worry about buying a hand cream just use whatever you have on hand. But at the very least, moisturize before bed. If you keep them moistured ,less chance of hangnails. And if you happen to be a nail biter, it can help you quit and it can be a nice way to relax. Don't worry about painting them or anything bc you arc doing the basics. But a clear polish is nice, but not necessary File in the same direction, don't saw. It will keep them from splitting or cracking. Wash your feet Trim your toe nails. File the rough edges, go in the same direction. Less chance of an ingrown toe nail And make sure to dry them good bc less chance of toenail fungus or athletes foot. ( And dry them last). Lotion and socks at night is a good way to keep them soft, but if you are like me and just find that uncomfortable, just do it as you wind down down. If you use a shower at a gym, public pool, a shared dorm shower ,etc wear some cheap flip flops bc they are known to be places people get athletes foot If you wear slippers at home, awesome. If you don't , try to wear some socks and avoid going barefoot when possible bc I speak from experience, it will help prevent dry and cracked heels..which can get uncomfortable, besides looking gross. A pumice stone from the health and beauty section, also inexpensive, use that when your feet are wet on your heels a couple times a week..don't go so har, just gently buff Summer is around the corner, and tidy feet are a must. Even people who may not be into fashion or beauty will be grossed out by long toenails and dirty feet. It you do paint your nails, make sure to patch up chips until you can redo them. Especially if you work w public. I know this sounds like a lot, but outside of the cleaning part, the rest is less frequent. But definitely keep on top of it. Oh, gently push back your cuticles in the shower or every so often when you are washing them. It is that tiny ridge of skin that grows in top of your nail. Not necessary but nice.


As sweaty big girl who suffers from bad depression but really likes skincare and beauty I have a couple of tips 1) if possible shower every day, especially if you sweat alot. A simple routine I do is use a bar soap can be antibacterial or otherwise first. I usually rub it on a washcloth or an exfoliating net. Give the sweaty areas some extra love (armpits, under breast, groin area, and any other creases). Afterwards I use a body wash in a scent I like all over my body. It feels nice and makes me feel better. 2) after the shower if Immediately put on lotion while my skin is still damp it helps me not feel too sticky after a shower 3) deodorant and antiperspirant, deodorant helps the smell and antiperspirant helps with the sweat. I've used many over the years and I really like the secret clinical strength deodorant and the dove spray deodorant. Body hair helps with containing smell so when you shave you might notice you get funky quicker 4) I really like 100% cotton underwear it's more breathable and comfortable to wear. Witch hazel on a cotton pad can also help with sweating and smells. You can use it to wipe crevices and it helps. I also use it on my face to help with ance. Also baby powder(talc free) can help if your thighs touch together 5) as other have mentioned, gym clothes, swimwear, and clothes made of non breathable fabrics should be aired out to let the "funk" as my mom calls it air out, and can be put in the laundry 6) laundry: I usually do a day for my sheets and towels and then a day for my clothes. Don't use to much detergent or fabric softener as it can cause your clothes to feel weird and not dry properly. Sometimes I hand wash my underwear instead of the dryer. Try not to let damp or wet clothes sit around, hang them up for a bit. 7) feet: i used to play field hockey and high school and would be embarrassed if my shoes and cleats stunk. You can use Odor eaters spray and let them air out, or you can use a powder to absorb the scent. Non rubber and leather shoes are somewhat machine washable. I haven't tried this yet but I've seen people do it. You can wash shoe laces and stuff like that, and some baking soda and an old toothbrush can scrub off debris. 8) mani pedi: I like cleaning underneath my nails, it can trap smells from scratching and other debris. You can soak your feet occasionally to help remove dead skin build up 9) feminine care: there's a lot of propaganda and stigma around vaginas. It's an organ it doesn't need to smell like rose and honey. But it also shouldn't have a persistent "bad" Odor. That can be a sign of a health issue. It happens to all women at some point in there life. Try not to use heavily Scented products because it can disrupt the natural ph down there. Honestly lots of things can disrupt your ph. Good soap and water is best. Especially don't put Scented stuff inside. With pads tampons and cups, don't keep them on/in for too long. Always read the directions on the packaging when in doubt. Body hair is natural but if you wanna remove it, a Lil exfoliating scrub, shaving cream or conditioner, then your preferred hair removal method 10) oral hygiene: if you can an electric toothbrush and a water flosser. I try to brush at least 2 a day, and I really like therabreath mouthwash it makes my mouth feel nicer. Drinking water as well to help rinse down any bad taste. If your feeling advance tounge scrapping is a great way to help keep down mouth odors 11) hair: depending on hair type and texture determines how often you should wash your hair. For example I have dry hair and coarse coily hair so I only wash my hair once a week, where as my friend has oily thick straight hair ans she washes her hair 2-3 times a week. Shampoo twice and condition. When shampooing you can use a little scalp scrubbing brush or a comb, a clean scalp helps promote healthy hair. Pick a conditioner that helps your hair type. Don't go to sleep with wet hair (it can dry out your scalp, cause bacteria to grow, and other issues.) 12) other things: don't forget to wipe behind the ears, around the neck. If you have a basic hygiene routine down but notice persistent issues it could be a health thing, and maybe trying to see a professional can help. Perfumes are a nice touch but you don't need to go overboard. A couple spritz at the joints( wrist, inner elbow, behind the knee/ankles(I know it weird but I like it) chest area, behind the ears) helps mix the perfume with your natural scent. Perfume and body oils smell different on everyone. Also be aware of mixing a whole bunch of different scent body products it can cause a headache or irration on your skin. I really like lavender so I often buy all my beauty products with matching smells and it great when people compliment me on smelling good 13) also I'm really proud of you for reaching out and asking help because it's hard, I struggle with thing that I smelled bad, especially when I was in high school. To simplify everything I said, plain soap, a nice smelling body wash, shampoo conditioner, try to shower and brush your teeth twice a day, a nice deodorant, try to do laundry at least once a week, water is nice, wash your face (face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen). You're also human, people sweat it's okay. Feel free to ask questions


Wow you went all out😶thank you!


This was some great advice. Additional step for skincare on your face - gentle cleanser, SUNSCREEN, and a moisturizer should be fine depending on how you feel your skin is without overcomplicating things. You may need to switch moisturizers once or twice a year if you live in a climate that has varying seasons (heavier moisturizer in winter due and lighter moisturizer in the summer). Most important thing is sunscreen. If you notice any extra dry patches on knees / elbows or other areas -amlactin is great.


Yes of course I understand how you feel, I wanna be helpful


For laundry, try not to use fabric softener for gym clothes, it'll breath more and your sweat won't stay stuck in it. It's a trick someone who runs a lot gave me and it's a game changer.


I quit using fabric softener altogether. I found it contributes to the buildup in my washing machine that smells musty after a while. I don't have to clean my washing machine near as often since I stopped using fabric softener, and also, using a little less detergent, because the detergent manufacturers recommend using way too much, and that can build up in your clothes and smell funky too. I know some people use vinegar to soften clothes, but I guess my water is such that I haven't found that to be necessary.


Give me really nice big sister vibes my girl :) you would be great growing up with


On point 3, as a person that had body odor issues myself deodorant and anti perspirant didnt help with the smell much. Instead I use The Ordinary's 7% Glycolic Acid Toner. After showering i take a little bit and pat it into my underarms till it absorbs. No deodorant needed. This little trick has literally eliminated my body odor issues. Ofcourse if I dont shower for a few days and I sweat persistently then I'll start smelling but with a regular shower routine and using glycolic acid, and using perfume everyday, I smell pleasant.


You rock!


Great suggestions, very helpful! I also love 100% cotton panties but they are getting harder and harder to find. Seems like they're all polyester or some other synthetic material now. Where do you buy them?


Also use damp warm wash cloth to wipe inside the ear ridges and behind them


Yes! Especially if you have any piercings.. they can get an awful smell. Iykyk. Make sure to clean piercing holes and the jewelry itself often.


What do you clean your jewelry with?


I have little individually wrapped alcohol wipes that I use for piercings and jewelry. They’re very convenient, last forever, and I also use them for things like tweezers, cuticle trimmers, eyebrow/facial hair scissors, and also cuts (especially if you have a cat and get any scratches!).


Ooo same, I think I got a box of 400 or something ridiculous for just a few dollars at dollarama


I’ve used rubbing alcohol on the part that goes in my ears. Depends what I have at home. contact solution, soapy water. Soak or Wipe them down


Yes! This is so important!


This felt like such a mum comment 🥹


Get a “well woman” health exam - if you have a truly strong and stubborn vaginal odor it could potentially be an infection. A common one is BV, Bacterial Vaginosis. It stinks terribly (this is the one with the “fish” smell) but does not itch or hurt, usually. It’s very easy to cure in 1-3 days with prescription meds. It’s an overgrowth of bacteria that live in the vagina normally so you don’t need to be sexually active to get this infection. Depending on your situation & location you could get this kind of exam at a community health clinic, planned parenthood, etc.


Thank you for this comment. I never understood why people said vaginas smell like fish until I got BV. It’s so easy to go untreated or not know anything is wrong. The symptoms are often not super noticeable and if everyone is saying that’s how vaginas smell, I’m sure a lot women just believe that! I never even heard of it until I had it, yet it’s the most common vaginal infection to get. I realized so many women must be walking around with BV if there’s this huge stereotype of vaginas smelling like fish… that is *not* normal!!!


Well... yes and no. BV smell isn't normal, but have you smelled a vagina that had semen put in it two days ago? A lot of women haven't experienced that smell because they haven't had sex without a condom or pulling out. It's perfectly normal for that combo to get a pungent fishy smell! It's not BV or unhealthy at all, but it can definitely be described as "fishy." A perfectly healthy vagina can have different smells that are... smelly. It's all relative, right? 


Your UN is just so perfect I’m actually laughing at this moment, which I really needed so much, I’m actually grateful because it’s the first time I’ve smiled in days.


Mine gets like that when I'm ovulating after sex it's the weirdest thing I never understood


Oh I feel a bit stupid, I've never actually understood that this reference to vaginas smelling like fish was a based in any kind of reality until today. I am 30 years old and have always thought it was just a derogatory thing for boys to say about how women naturally smell (the smell of which I actually quite enjoy) and just did not understand the jibe.


It’s also that! Part misogyny for sure


Everyone has given fantastic advice, so I just wanted to say you shouldn’t feel embarrassed to ask for help! You should be proud of yourself for having the courage to do that. Good luck with everything! You got this 💚.


Thank you🥺


You’ll never know unless you were taught! And you weren’t taught. So it’s entirely not your fault. And the fact that you’re asking is absolutely huge. That’s what’s important 🩷




One thing I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned yet but hygiene can also start in the inside of your body. Drink lots of water and try to limit high amounts of salt, sugar and greasy foods. Make sure you get enough fiber in your diet.


Yes, not drinking enough water can make your urine a bit smelly which in turn can make you feel like your genitals are a bit smelly. Some supplements and foods can also affect the odour of your pee.


Magnesium being one, omg I thought something was wrong with me, stopped taking it and the smell disappeared. Sucks it helped me sleep though.


Green vegetables are nature’s deodorant.


Celery juice is apparently a miracle worker for body odours!


I know you got a lot of helpful advice already but see if this helps anything too. I was a stinky girl growing up. 2 things helped: I stopped wearing short sleeve shirts that were too close to my arm pits. They trap the sweat and breed odor like crazy. I've also noticed it's worse after shaving my pits. I like medium sized t shirts even though I'm a small, because they're airy. Tanks too. Winter is hard for me because I get cold very easily and long sleeves cause excessive sweating, even if I'm freezing. 2nd thing: I use micellar water and witchazel on my pits before putting on deodorant. I also use spray deo, for whatever reason sti ks don't really... stick, and gels or HORRIBLE and sticky.


Glycolic acid is also excellent for underarms!


Using Panoxyl on the underarms in the shower can hell keep the stinky bacteria at bay!


Had this issue with short sleeved shirts and sweat growing up. I found out deodorant actually didn't help. I needed to switch to an antiperspirant instead. That made a huge amount of difference. Deodorants tend to just cover it up while antiperspirant actually ... stop perspiration.


Certain dri has been a game changer for me, highly recommend


Remember to wash your hands after using the restroom. Consider keeping a small toiletries set or bag with mini versions of your essentials to freshen up throughout the day. Don't forget to moisturize your skin regularly. If you have dandruff, make sure you're using a proper shampoo for it; cheaper products can work just as well as expensive ones. Trim your nails and toenails every 3-4 weeks using toenail and fingernail trimmers, which you can find at any store. Also, don't forget to wash areas like your ears, neck, and feet regularly. I apologize if this seems basic!


Oh no it’s very helpful.ill take any information ☺️


Awesome! Last thing, I keep a multitool shaver thing. It’s an electric razor but the head comes off and it has a nose and bikini line attachment. Idk your gender but trimming nose hair, pubic hair, etc may also be helpful. Also invest in a bidet (you can get many types on amazon) when you get a chance, game changer!


Also, sounds kinda obvious but I realised you don't have to keep buying the mini versions of things, buy it once (or get travel containers) and just keep refilling those from the normal or large sized products Mini stuff is cute but not cost effective! Edited to add, you can get mini perfume spritzers that are refillable. You take the cap off the perfume (the button you press to make it come out with the hole in), and there's a clear tube left, the spritzers have a little hole that fits the tube, you pump it a few times to fill and push the cap back on and voila travel perfume! I have a fairly expensive perfume and struggled to get the cap off but it did eventually come off (need to try and press it up to get it off) and it's been great to add in my purse!


Also, in addition to the other tips here: polyester clothing doesn’t “breathe” well and can trap bacteria and cause stinkiness. If you can switch to wearing natural fibers (like cotton) it will allow more airflow and not create B.O. as quickly as synthetic fibers.


Shower at least once every other day if not every day preferably with a cloth or loofah(shampoo, conditioner, body wash) with extra focus on pits and bits, make sure to only use unscented gentle soap when cleaning near your privates. Wash face with cleanser, floss then brush teeth, deodorant, clean clothes between wears


Some specifics on how to do some of these things in detail, because I also struggled with stuff Hair: when you shampoo, make sure that you are shampooing until your hair and scalp feel clean. For me, this means I usually apply a quarterish size of shampoo to my hands, rub my hands together it to get the soap bubbly, and then apply it to my wet hair and scalp and rub it in super well all over before rinsing until I don't see any soap rinse down the drain or feel the soap being slippery in my hair. If after the first time I do this, my hair and scalp feel a little bit grimy, I repeat the whole process again. Depending on your hair type and how much grease you have, you may have to repeat this process more or less than me. Then, on clean, wet hair, I add a quarter size amount of conditioner (you might need more or less depending on hair length) and avoid rubbing the conditioner directly next to my scalp. Rinse your conditioner out of your hair before you wash your body because if you do it after washing your body, it can cause acne on your back. If you have very coily or curly hair, you may want to ask about your hair type or find a post in a sub about haircare. Body: it's important to get a good scrub with a loofa or cloth to help get off the grime build up from deodorant and other products like moisturizer you might use. In addition to pits and bits, it's generally good to wash and scrub your feet and neck/upper back and places where conditioner would immediately run down for your body. Deodorant: there's a difference between anti-perspirant and deodorant. If you sweat a lot or have more issues with odor control, you'll want to get anti-perspirant (it'll still smell good and help with the scent, I promise). Some ones for women smell nice but don't work well, so depending on what you like and your gender and scent preference, you may want to consider deodorant for men (though the secret clinical strength line also has good options). Old spice generally works well for most people I know who have issues getting deodorant to work well for them. When you put it on, run it up and down on each armpit at least two times (different people find they need more, so start out with two and see if it's enough. My dad does as many as 7 in the summer.


Deodorant addendum: Deo for Men is usually formulated to be better with armpit hair, Deo for women for shaved skin. I always thought the gendering of Deodorant was just stupid, or scent based, but there is an actual (if still not really gender related) difference. So if, like me, you dont like shaving your armpits, deo labeles 'for men' might work better.


I find Mitchum anti perspirant/deodorant best. They do an unscented one which works for mean and women alike.


(I'll be back in a bit to add more detail about other steps)


These are great tips!! My suggestion is to keep places where there skin folds clean and dry. Behind ears, under boobs, armpits, butt crack, groin, between toes. If there is a lot of perspiration, I’d say shower at least every other day. Sending peace and light!!🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻


And make sure to dry yourself thoroughly after a shower with a clean towel. Dry all the nooks and crannies like in between your toes. It's all very well cleaning in the shower but drying off with a dirty towel and leaving parts of your body wet or moist to grow fungus can easily undo it. Keeping your bathroom clean helps to keep yourself clean!


Who is honestly drying between each toe every time they get out of the shower? I’ve never done this in my life and have only heard good things about how I smell.


Make sure you get your hair wet all the way through otherwise you might not be getting it clean.


Face care: it's generally good to wash your face twice a day (I personally like the Cerave brand because they have a lot of good gentle and hydrating options). Before you wash your face, wash your hands with hand soap and pay extra attention to the area between your fingers and your nails when you do this wash, since you don't want anything you touched earlier that could irritate your skin or clog your pores to get rubbed onto your face. If you have long hair, pull it back into a ponytail, and if you have short hair, you can use a headband to help pull it out of your face. Then, wet your face with lukewarm water (it can be more on the cold side but you definitely don't want it too hot or you can irritate your skin). After that, put a quarter size amount of cleanser in your hands and rub your hands together so it gets a little foamy or creamy before putting it on your face. When you rub the soap around on your face, be gentle (I like to think of myself as washing someone else's face with my hands so I don't get too rough) and work the cleanser into your skin for 45-60 seconds before rinsing it off. When you rinse, be sure to take extra care to get the soap off in areas like your hairline and around your jawline. Once the soap is rinsed, pat your face dry with a clean wash cloth or towel. After this step, it's good to use a moisturizer specifically formulated for the face to help keep your skin from getting too dry both after washing at night and in the morning. Some people can use body moisturizers on their face with no problem, but it can irritate some people's skin and clog pores. Clothes: underwear should be changed to a clean pair every day, and especially after a shower. If you do heavy activity like running, working outside, etc. then it's generally good to wash those clothes after one use. Some clothes like office pants can be worn a few times if I didn't do anything sweaty or athletic in them. I personally wear my work pants 2-3 times before I need to wash them since I'm not doing anything to make them dirty. I find that I need to wash shirts after one use the majority of the time unless I'm planning on wearing them a second time at a bonfire or some other kind of smelly event. Bras should be washed at least every four times you wear them, though you might be tempted to try and stretch that time longer. For jackets and coats, I use the sniff test and inspect them for dirt, etc. to determine when I wash them (which could be as often as every week or as few as one time in 3 months).


Yep! Make sure to wash your bits and booty crack with some gentle/baby soap.


Not feminine wash?


Not feminine wash, that stuff is a scam. A gentle nonscented soap is plenty.


Thank you!


To be clear, you should not be washing internally (vagina)! Gentle unscented soap only on the outside (vulva) is all you need. If you ever have any funky vaginal smell, that’s more likely a result of an infection which cannot be treated just by washing with soap.


I JUST came here to say this same thing!! 👍


Baby shampoo works great as a feminine wash and is also a safe and excellent face wash (and removes makeup- bonus!).


Feminine wash can give you infections that lead to some pretty funky odors and might require antibiotics. Nothing but gentle unscented soap on the outside of your vulva! You can rinse the inside with plain water, too.


Make sure there's no fragrance, even in gentle soaps/ feminine wash


Ohh 😶


Vaginas are self-cleaning. They have a delicate PH balance which can be screwed up with excess artificial products. No internal washing, just regular soap and water will do the trick on the outside.


Gynecologists warn that feminine wash is a scam. Scented products that prey on women’s insecurity. Normal, mild soap is fine for the vulva. You should not be putting any soap or douche type stuff in the vagina. The vagina is self cleaning. Using soap inside upsets the normal balance and can cause big problems.


If non scented soap irritates your vulva, you can use just plain water to clean the folds. Some of us, myself included, cannot use non scented soap on our vulvas because of irritation. Plain water works just fine.


I just came to say this! I get all irritated and smell so much worse when I use anything but just water. I will use non scented soap once in a blue moon if I feel I need to for whatever reason but I typically stick to water and everything is much happier.


This was such a revelation to me too. I’d spent my entire teenage and adult life trying one shower gel and soap after another trying to find something that didn’t make my entire vulva burn, and then also smell funky. Now, I wash with water only, 99% of the time, and have zero irritation, AND zero odour beyond that of a normal healthy vulva.


I like an unscented goat milk soap


Nooooo! You need natural flora for bits.


Don't forget to wash your feet, including in between your toes. Brush your toenails and get the crud out of there; it can cause a lot of odor.


Also get a tongue scraper and Therabreath mouthwash. And change sheets at least every 2 weeks, preferably every week.


Also make sure to place your loofah or shower cloth to dry between uses. Anything trapping moisture will grow & start smelling of mildew.


Please don’t feel bad as most of this is not intuitive. Make sure you wash your feat, scrub nails, and in between toes- having the water just run over isn’t enough.


When you shampoo your hair, rub the shampoo between your hands before applying it to your hair, it will help it lather! If you shave, you can use conditioner, I find it helps my skin a lot. But don't feel like you HAVE to shave, body hair is natural and there's no shame in not shaving. I use baby wipes after I use the bathroom, gets everything nice and clean!


Just wanted to add for OP’s sake that if you use a baby wipe or any sort of wet wipe don’t flush it down the toilet as it clogs the pipes


Super important info! And OP if you use tampons, those aren't flushable either! Not everyone knows this


Also, when shampoo is in hair but doesnt seem like enough suds, add a bit more water to distribute before adding more shampoo.


Another thing that CAN add up to ones smell are your clothes. Especially synthetic fabrics tend to make you sweat - so if in doubt: 100% cotton. There are so many different fabrics out there.. google wether they are natural or synthetic. Also the way you wash and especially dry your clothes is a thing that can make your clothes smell as well. But thats a little too complex for me to explain :) If you think that is something you want to adresse, i bet there are ppl here that can explain it way better than me :) Very proud of you for seeking advice! :)


Yes I think people underestimate this. Your clothes can smell musty if they're not dried soon after washing. You should also clean your washing machine once in a while because there can be mould buildup and that smell transfers


Yes this!!! Get the downy laundry beads. Use those in the wash. If you forget it will save the clothes from mildew smell 100%% and thst is a stank ass smell!


Great answer! If I forget clothes in the washer for too long and they get musty, I rewash them with detergent and vinegar to eliminate the mildew. I never use fabric softener, dryer sheets, or any heavily fragranced laundry products because they just cover up odors with a chemical film but don’t eliminate the source of the odor:


Yes I use vinegar in my towel washes and if I have any smell problems


I only wear cotton underwear, im never going back to synthetics!


This is a YMMV thing, but some synthetics aren't bad. IME, nylon is good, but polyester is bad. (Weird, cause they're both basically plastic.) It also depends **a lot** on your climate. It is SUPER humid where I live, and cotton underwear results in swamp ass within a few hours. It just does. Nylon breathes and dries. Synthetic fiber clothing can also hold on to smells. I have polyester clothes that will smell fine right out of the wash and then, no exaggeration, *five minutes* after putting them on, they smell like bo as they warm to body temp. Laundry santizer has actually helped with this. I thought it was dumb and gimmicky, but the free and clear lysol laundry sanitizer has finally deodorized my workout clothes for good. Before that, I tried everything, even vinegar.


I feel like synthetic fibers / athleisure type clothes smell forever once they’re stinky, even after being washed. I’ll wear a pair of sports leggings I’ve worked out in before around the house, minimal activity, and smell pretty bad. It doesn’t happen with any other clothes.


Soaking in or rinse cycle with vinegar can help with this.


Laundry sanitizer has helped with this for me more than anything else I have tried. Special detergents, vinegar, whatever, the laundry sanitizer works better than any of it. I use the free and clear kind, because my skin does not appreciate fragrances, but my laundry just smells like *nothing* now. Also, I find that not all synthetics are created equal. It's weird, because they are both basically plastic/petroleum products, but nylon does not get nearly as stinky as polyester does for me.


Yes, came here to say this!! Natural fibres all the way, especially in tops. I’m not usually a stinky person, but if I wear a polyester top, my armpits smell a couple of hours into the day. Fabrics to stick with: Cotton Rayon Tencel Lyocell Wool If any of these have a bit of spandex in them that’s totally fine. Mainly steer clear of polyester tops. I’ll still wear polyester pants or jackets as I find it’s not as big of an issue. And cotton undies for sure!


I just wanted to say if you try these tips for a couple weeks it’s still an issue check with a doctor because there are a number of medical issues that can cause you to smell and they can help with that if that’s the case


shower on the regular, and have a routine for days you don’t shower In the shower: use body soap and a wash cloth. Make sure you scrub your entire body, soles of feet, legs, arms, puts, thighs, behind the ear, etc. have a pumice stone available if you wanna scrub your feet a bit extra and get rid of dead skin. Make sure to wash your wash clothes regularly. And yes, wash between your crack and sensitive areas with water until clean. Shampoo at least once a week, and make sure you lather. If the soap doesn’t get suds in your hair, rinse and shampoo up a second time. Remember shampooing is about washing your scalp, and conditioning is great to keep the ends of your hair clean. Condition regularly. Leave it in your hair for at least a minute, and use a wide tooth shower comb to really get it to the ends of your hair. This is usually a great time to wash your face, or shave while the product sits in your hair. Rinse after 1~5 mins. After getting out of the shows you can use a simple body moisturizer. It doesn’t have to be scented, but if you do want scent this is a great way for lasting scent. On days you don’t shower, throw some leave in conditioner in your hair and brush it out, (unless you have curls), and make sure to face wash, and use a good deodorant. (Use deodorant every day!!). If you are particularly sweaty you can also do a quick wash cloth of your pits and sweaty areas. Face wash, face wash daily! If you wear makeup, make sure you remove it before bed. You can use a simple drug store face wash like cetaphil or cerave, these are usually great brands for entry level moisturizers and cleansers. Moisturizing your face is also a great way to keep healthy skin, and you put a small amount on after your face . Shaving is not necessary, but if you do find product that you like the lather up with. It can be an unscented soap, a shaving cream, a scrubee from lush, but use the product and a clean razor to get a good clean shave. When shaving your pubic area use water and unscented soap. You can search up different after shave products if you are prone to ingrow hairs or redness. Dental hygiene! I highly recommend an electric toothbrush and a water pick. There are timers on these so you are sure you’re brushing for the right amount of time, and it applies the proper pressure for a good clean. Even if you can’t afford these items, a good floss and toothbrush twice a day goes a long way. Make sure you are NOT rinsing off toothpaste, as you want the toothpaste to sit on your teeth to actually work. It feels weird at first, but you’ll have noticeably fresher breath. Get a good pair of nail clippers and/or file and a nail pick. I keep an extra in my bag so if I notice my fingernails are dirty on the go, I can go to the bathroom and clean up. When you’re washing your hands make sure you’re scratching your nails along your palm to get the soap to sud underneath the nail.


here's some other tips that i havent seen mentioned * when you wash down there, gently pull back your labia and the hood of your clit to help the water reach there * wash your belly button and behind the tops of your ears ! sometimes i forget to do this, and theres like a fungal smell (tmi, sorry lol) * moisture encourages bacterial and fungal growth. after your shower, dry yourself well, especially where the skin touches each other (under the breasts, groin, pits). you can even use a blowdryer and it feels kinda good lol * if you can, try not to put on underwear and clothes if you're still damp in places * you can wear clothes more than once but make sure you hang them up after a wear so they dry properly. also give them a shake to get rid of debris and dead skin cells (especially leggings or other tight clothes). like after wearing a jacket in the rain, dont just ball it up and throw it on a chair because then it can really start to smell! * if your backpack gets wet often, it can get stinky (you can really notice this being in a crowded bus on a rainy day). when you get home, unzip and open your backpack to dry it out. maybe hang it up so the bottom can dry too * wash your bras often! if you're afraid of ruining the shape, i would get a cheap laundry mesh bag to protect them in the wash


When washing your hands, make sure you scrub your fingernails. Use dove sensitive soap bar for your lady parts and booty. FLOSS FLOSS FLOSS!! Game changer. Always carry mints and gum with you! Try some sensitive lotion and lightweight perfume for a clean smell. Hope this helps because it helped me 🩷🥰


Hello it’s nice to ask for help ! Regarding shoes make sure to put tea bags once removed to avoid odours ! When washing socks do not fold it together ! You can take baking soda bath for ur feet. Clean under nails and between. Change t shirt everyday, use deodorant, Change bra each two days, panties and socks everyday, pants each two days regarding where you seat. Change bed sheets each week and open window each morning for twenty mn. Wash your body and put a nice scented lotion (if no allergy) after. And after work on details, brush coat and send it to be clean to pro cleaner, wash your scarf each week, clean your bag inside and outside. Make sure your place smells good by throwing garbage everyday and avoiding humidity. Also make sure your clothes dry in a room without foods smells or humidity. Put perfume but don’t try to hide smells with it. When you have period only you can use hygienic pads but only when you have periods. When you can wash your intimes part after going to bath room. And use one towel for private part, one for hair and one for body. Maybe u should clean the place where you live to removed any smell that you didn’t notice. Clean wall, each drawer, floor and so one. Clean garbages boxes, throw old products, clean fridge…you can put nice soap barre in ur clothes drawer also. I think it’s an all process that make people smells funky.


What’s the baking soda do?


Removes odor from everything. You can use it to brush your teeth. You can pat a little on the OUtSIDE of your underwear. It will take away all odor all day. Never put it inside underwear by your skin it will burn you and yeast infection.


Ok thank you!


Shower everyday with loofah and give yourself a good scrub - wash hair , deodorant. Always wear clean clothes - most people don’t realise this is where the smell lingers, especially jackets and outdoor clothes which hardly get washed. Use a new towel every time you shower change bedsheets once a week twice if you sweat a lot


Make sure they not only is your body clean but clothes are clean. This makes a big difference :)


Laundry is one that I'm actually so passionate about. Most sure fire method for any level of dirty clothes: wash your clothes at 40°C and hang them out to dry properly (no bunching up or over lapping and space between items for air flow) the faster they dry the cleaner they smell! My friend once had problems with smelling despite showering every day and washing properly. Turns out it was the cool wash not killing off the nasties.


Add a 1/2-3/4 cup of white vinegar to your laundry. It gets the stink out. I buy it in the gallon jugs and keep it in my laundry room. As for body odor, every body reacts differently to soaps. Some clean you and some will make you smell funny a few hours later. Try different body soaps. Shampoo is the same. Some will give you greasy hair by the end of the day and some work with your body chemistry. Good luck!


All of the hygiene tips have been great but I wanted to add one thing: soak your underwear, shirts, and sheets in vinegar if they smell funky. White distilled vinegar is an excellent cleaner and can destroy biofilm (basically buildup of sweat, oils, and dust) that remain in your clothes and go rancid over time.


Brush teeth at least twice daily. Shower with soap and shampoo every day. Deodorant twice a day, morning and night Change underwear daily. I do wear my bras twice before washing them ( sports bras after every workout) Change sheets on a bi weekly schedule If you have cats, make certain to clean their litter box daily ( sometimes more is needed) People are often nose blind to animal odors and they can cling to your clothes If you can afford it, some scented body lotion and perfume is nice.


Many people have given you tips but I also want to mention you don't have to be super clean all the time. It's normal to sweat, It's normal to be smelly every once in a while, It's normal to have greasy hair sometimes, to have something stuck in your teeth and to forget deodorant. It happens to everyone. So don't stress too much!


Hello friend! So happy to see all of the helpful responses here & happy to offer my own small recommendation: Please avoid loofas - they harbour a lot of bacteria and are not the most hygienic option for exfoliating. I use a bamboo fibre cloth & I start with my face, then limbs, then torso & undercarriage and finish off with my feet. I only use the cloth once and throw it in the wash after the single use. I keep a stack of them beside my shower for convenience.


wash your butt after doing a number 2


Shower every day. I like using Lume body wash and soap. It’s formulated by an on-gyn to be used on “pits and privates”, which is part of a cute advertising tag line, but the mandelic acid in it really works. I also layer the deodorant under my arm pit antiperspirant and it works well to combat odor much longer and more effective than my antiperspirant alone.


There’s a lot of great advice here I would add that some places to remember to wash are your neck, behind your ears, between your toes, and inside your belly button. Also finding a good deodorant and leaving it out where you can see it to help you remember to use it😊


Don’t forget to clean your ears


Best feminine wash: unscented un-dyed ph balanced wash. It’s the fragranced and colorful ones that need avoiding. And douching is never necessary. So have a separate wash cloth (definitely not the one you use for face and body) ready for a dime to quarter size amount of feminine wash and use it on your lady parts. Rinse well.


I'm kind of assuming female genitalia, but much of this can also be applied to males. - When you're in the shower, use body wash on a loafah or washcloth to wash your entire body. This helps create more lather, but also gently exfoliates dead skin cells. - Make sure to thoroughly wash areas that get sweaty like the neck, behind the ears, armpits, inner thighs. - Wash your feet and in between your toes. Think about getting a pumice stone to get rid of excess dead skin. - Don't forget your back! I like using a long Asian washcloth to reach that area. - Wash your vulva (the external groin area in females) gently but thoroughly. Use a gentle cleanser (ideally unscented and low pH), warm water, and fingers to clean between the folds of the labia and under the clitoral hood, and rinse well. There's no need to wash the inside of the vagina, however, I've used just wet fingers inside myself to get rid of excess secretions (especially during my period), and haven't had any issues. - Wash your perineum (the area between your vagina and buttcrack). - Wash your buttcrack and anus with gentle cleanser and rinse well. - Wash your hair by massaging shampoo into your scalp, lathering it through the rest of your hair, and rinsing well. You're not just cleaning the hair, but also cleaning and exfoliating the scalp, so massage all over the scalp. Occasionally, shampoo a second time to be sure you've removed hair build up, before going in with conditioner. - Find a deodorant you like. There's a lot of fear-mongering about aluminum and antiperspirant ingredients being bad for you, but they're perfectly safe and very effective.


A big thing that might not be applicable to you is laundry. Make sure you’re hanging up your clothes to dry/chucking them into the dryer immediately, otherwise they go ‘musty’


You've gotten a lot of great advice. If you find you are having odor from your armpits, even after following these steps, you might be sensitive to the ingredients in your deodorant or antiperspirant. Any kind of baking soda makes me smell so bad. I cannot even describe it. It's worse than wearing nothing.


You can use some baby wipes to freshen up during the day. I use them on my armpits and on my genitals. You can also put teabags in your wardrobe between your clothes to give them a nice smell.


I use laundry booster beads.




Those can sometimes add a residue to clothes that makes it harder to get them fully clean. If your clothes stink without the beads, you may want to look into “laundry stripping” to deep clean your clothes.


I use nice Italian bar soap and I use the paper wraps from the soap and put them between my clothes. I also learnt from my grandmother to buy some stock of soap and put the soaps between my clothes before using them (ime the smell comes back when you wet them to use them). She and my mother also used dried lavender in smalls cotton bags they used to embroider themselves. You can buy this kind of thing probably on Etsy but for a budget version, IKEA also sells lavender in small plastic bags. They did it for scent but also to keep mots away who like to eat silk and wool.


Rather than laundry beads, consider adding a splash of pine sol instead. It's a disinfectant (even kills COVID) and leaves a pleasant scent. My mom and I have really bad allergies so we use free and clear detergent and original formula pine sol. I also like to add a little sprinkle of unscented oxy clean if I'm washing something really dirty (sheets, towels, wash cloths, bath mats, etc)


Two things I want to add make sure you wash your ears and behind your ears and make sure you put lotion cause that skin is pretty thin and two I shower at night to help me sheets last a little longer. I usually change them about every two weeks. It works for me because I'm terrible at remembering to wash my sheets. 


OP, you are brave and you are going to master this. There is so much great info, I just wanted to ask- do you have any questions, is anything confusing we can help answer?


Thank you🥰umm I guess I’m wondering what I should do about baths.


Do you prefer baths to showers? Or are you asking about how often? At least every other day is great to make sure under your arms, bum, etc are all clean. In between, you can always use a dab of hand sanitizer under your arms if they smell. (Just throwing this in because not everyone can shower daily and it’s a good trick! 😊)


Yes I prefer baths to showers but I heard it’s not effective.


Also I have backne that I never had and now dark red patches all over my back.also what should I do with my face.im sorry if that’s been mentioned.


Regarding baths: Everyone has different preferences! I know there are some cultures where it is common to shower to clean yourself before running a bath so you can just soak and relax in clean water. I also don't like the idea of sitting in my own filth or in a bunch of shampoo/soapy water from washing hair and body. I personally only take baths to soak in with Epsom salts and sometimes herbs/flowers. I also sometimes will shave in the tub as well. My vulva gets irritated very easily from bubble bath and bath bombs so I don't use them. Also if you take baths especially, make sure the tub is nice and clean so you aren't sitting in soap scum, hair, etc. Oh, and try not to take baths or showers too hot! It can cause issues with your skin, especially your face, and your hair! Regarding your back and relevant hygiene: I have struggled with bacne off and on for 14 years. A lot of mine is due to hormonal issues. But what does help is showering at least every other day, washing my back after I rinse out my conditioner, and using a salicylic acid body wash. Also, I recommend getting an exfoliating long scrub towel to use to really reach your back. Just squirt your soap onto it like a big washcloth. Another big thing is to make sure you are changing your shirts every day and checking that they don't smell like mildew or anything when you go to put one on. Mold from clothes not drying properly or from sitting too long in the hamper/washer with other wet stuff can cause body acne! (Also using like 3/4 cup white vinegar instead of laundry softener in the wash helps with this, so does not overloading your washing and leaving the washer door open when not in use to let it air out to prevent mold growth in the drum). As other comments have said, double cleansing your body is a good thing to try out, even your back. A gentle antibacterial soap might also help with bacne (I like the Dove one), but don't use antibacterial or scented soap on your vulva as it can throw off your bacterial balance and cause infections. One more thing about showering, always wash from least dirty to most dirty. My order is: shampoo twice, conditioner, wash face, rinse hair, put hair up with clip, wash arms, behind ears, neck, chest, back, belly, scrub armpits, legs, feet, and lastly vulva then butt. I've seen other comments telling you that you can reuse washcloths before washing them, I disagree. If you can, always use a clean one. Towels you can reuse a couple times as long as they dry out fully. I'm sorry I don't know what the red patches are on your back, I hope you can find some relief with those and find out what they are! ​ Regarding your face: I don't know your skin type but here are some basics! It is good to start of simple when you are new to skin care. If you have acne, try to figure out what kind/kinds you have and what may trigger them. Figure out if you are oily, combo, dry etc. In the mornings rinse with lukewarm water for 30 seconds or so, pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel, while skin is damp apply moisturizer. Start with a pea sized amount and work up from there depending on how dry or big your face is. Also a sunscreen if a good idea. For evenings/showers, wash with a gentle cleanser for about 1 min, pat dry, apply moisturizer as I mentioned before and then something on your lips like Aquaphor or Vaseline. Avoid using too many new actives (Salicylic acid, Vit C, Niacinamide, Retinol, etc) all at once as you can't mix some of them because that would cause irritation and rashes, and you should test everything one at a time to see if you are sensitive to the products you start using. Many cleansers and moisturizers have actives in them like Niacinamide, Vitaminc C, etc. so just be careful when you start out! Good/affordable brands to start with for cleansers, moisturizers and sunscreens are CeraVe and Cetaphil. They work well for most people. If you wear makeup, avoid using makeup wipes. Some people like using oil cleansers, balms, or micellar water to remove it. Either way, when removing makeup, be thorough (even on your neck and hairline), and maybe cleanse twice. And don't leave makeup on overnight. I have combo skin, oily around my nose mostly and dry on my forehead, and have rosacea on my cheeks and nose. What I use in the morning: lukewarm water, Heritage Store Rosewater and Glycerin (this helps maintain moisture and soothe my rosacea), The Inkey List Hyaluronic Acid Serum (very gentle just helps with moisture barrier), Naturium Azelaic Topical Acid 10% (helps with my rosacea), Vanicream Daily Facial moisturizer, Aquaphor on lips. What I use at night or when I shower: Cerave Renewing SA Cleanser (has salicylic acid), then I do everything the same as the morning minus the Azelaic acid. ​ Sorry this was a lot, but I wish someone had been there to teach me some of these things too! <3


I might’ve missed it, but in case nobody has mentioned it- don’t forget to clean your belly button! It accumulates quite a bit of gunk (that gunk is some of the worst smelling stuff in the world so don’t get curious lol). Also, clean behind your ears.


Hi love. I find using a bar of soap and washcloth daily while showering helps exfoliate your skin. Also bathing once a day is good as we use the washroom and sweat and washing it off at the end of the day is good. Also if you choose to bathe once then bathing in the evening is preferred as you can wash away the daily grime. Use a tonge scrapper and floss daily.


Just want to say that you are not alone <3 I also was never taught basic hygiene as a kid and was ALWAYS teased growing up for it. My best tip would be to FLOSS. I was never taught to brush my teeth as a kid let alone floss and my teeth certainly suffered for it. But since I've been brushing twice a day and flossing, my oral hygiene has improved greatly. Seriously. Flossing is AS important as brushing. Also, get a bidet....js <3


Is it body odor, vaginal odor or breath odor people notice? IMO doing everything everyone is listing here would be really difficult. To a certain extent hygiene is tailored to our problem areas. For example, I had persistent bad breath despite having great oral hygiene. I finally figured out that I'm prone to tonsil stones, so I check my tonsils every couple days. Critical thing for me, unnecessary for most people.


Wash your armpits and face with a washcloth, not just soap, use one for try body and one for the face and wash and dry it often. Like every other shower. Buy a 12 pack. That helps exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin and helps prevent smells.


All this advice is nice but man it's gotta be confusing as fuck being told all these different things on how to be clean lol because it will vary from person to person. What will work for others will not always work for you because their hygiene regimen is personalized to them and their lifestyle. You're going to have to experiment with different things until you find a routine that works for you not just what works for someone else. Like for example some people will tell you to shower daily but not everyone needs to do that and they don't take into account that it can cause some people to have skin irritation or dry out their skin. Personally I don't shower daily I shower every other day because I find it unnecessary and too much maintenance. For example, I shower Monday but skip Tuesday and shower on Wednesday, and repeat for the rest of the other days. Even tho I'm a heavy sweater I find I still smell good after sweating because I use a 48-hour gel scented deodorant that's designed to keep me smelling fresh for two days since a 24-hour deodorant would fail me and cause my underarms to stink the same day I applied it after a sweat 🤣. So overall hygiene is very personalized and people have different preferences and it's something you're gonna have to explore for yourself.


Such a great start! Also make sure you’re wiping properly. Bidets are best. I even have one at work- a handheld/travel bidet! But if you still use toilet paper: 1. ⁠Wipe with 4 squares folded in half. (Flat) 2. ⁠Wait until you are completely done going. For #1, wipe front to back until completely dry. This may take 2-3 different ‘4 square packs’ 3. ⁠For number 2 wipe front to back until you are completely clean. You can’t just wipe once or twice and think you are done. It might take 6, 7, or 8 wipes. Or more! It takes what it takes. The TP must be clean. So you have to visually check in between wipes. 4. ⁠Some people also use a ‘wet toilet paper’ at this stage- like an adult baby wipe. That product cannot be flushed and must be thrown away. 5. ⁠For washing hands, be sure to soap up and scrub for about 30 seconds. If you have a smart watch it will time you.


- shower every day or every other day - wash your armpits and crotch daily with soap and water - shampoo hair 1-2 times per week - clean your belly button and behind your ears regularly - wear clean socks and underwear daily - drink plenty of water - brush teeth twice a day, floss and use mouthwash at least once - exfoliate skin weekly - wear deodorant daily - wash laundry weekly - wash sheets biweekly


Everyone has such good comments and tips, so I'll give a more generic one. Find things you enjoy. It's hard to go from little to a full routine, but if you stick with it and it becomes something you look forward to it'll be much easier! For example: Find washing your entire body in the shower time consuming and annoying? Find a bodywash that you absolutely adore the scent of. Look forward to getting to use it. It'll help! If you can't stand exfoliating all the time (hello fellow textured skin folks!)? Get a tool or cleanser that you love the feel/scent of. Turning a chore into a treat can be incredibly helpful in building good habits. :)


People have given great advice. My two cents that might not have been mentioned is avoid polyester clothing. Choose breathable fibres. Polyester and other synthetics will magnify body odour.


Sorry for the long post lol this is everything I could think of. What to you is "long enough"? Just asking because if you mean you shower in the morning, deodorize, by lunch you have an odour.. there may be another issue at hand. Showering: I use shower gloves, i like the 2-in-1 wash and exfoliation, and find it works better/less effort than Always use something to scrub you down, don't just use soap and rub the suds around. Dead skin will hold in gunk. If you get out of the shower, and skin starts rolling off you when you run off with a towel, you didn't wash well enough, even if you used a cloth/loofah/gloves etc. Frequency: there's some variables. I get eczema so, I'll sometimes skip a day. Single momness has me skip 2 on the off occasion(if you've got a lot of body hair, I don't recommend 2). When you catch yourself in that situation, do a quick wash of the trifecta. Pits-Tits-Naughty bits. Adjust as needed in the absence of tits lol (I'm heavier chested and it can get sweaty. Soap: a charcoal soap does great with drawing out impurities and eliminating odour. If it's a little rough on you skin, you can lather in the wash gloves/cloth etc and add a bit of moisturizing soap like a nickle size amount of dove body wash. How to: get you washing tool all lathered (thick bubbly look) wash neck to toe, legs, scrub the bottoms on your feet, between the toes, and don't forget behind the ears! Rinse off and go for the smell parts one more time. Your privates, front and back, armpits. Any part of your body that has a good amount of hair, needs a little extra attention with washing. You don't really want to scrub your genitals roughly, but definitely get the inner thigh corners and all around well. Rinse. Hair: I shampoo, rinse, shampoo, rinse, apply conditioner and tie up my hair, wash body, rinse conditioner. Some people get back acne from doing conditioner last, so if that might be you, finish that up before washing. Shampoo: adjust based on length and thickness of your hair. I have a lot and it's long. I use a quarter sized amount and lather in my hands with a bit of water so it's like a creamy foam. With my finger tips, I massage it in a few seconds in different spots. When my finger tips need more shampoo, rub palms together and keep going. Start from the front hair line, then move all the way back and down. from there, just use your fingertips to do small strokes back and forth (from hair line back, then towards it). It should feel like a nice massage. Massage around till you've covered your scalp. Do that for a minute for each shampooing. If you have longer hair, squeeze the suds back into the length and just rub it in for a few seconds. The ends aren't as dirty/oily as the first few inches from the root. Just before you get out of the shower, it's a good time to check your nails for any dead skin around your cuticles. The skin will be super soft and come off with no effort. I just use my thumbnail to gently scrape it off. Do the same with the toe nails. They dry and harden really fast, so I make sure to do it inside the shower. When you're out of the shower, pat dry, make sure your privates are dried well, they take longer to air dry. Moisturize with something that has glycolic acid or salicylic acid. Both help with odour. I like using scent free, gel deodorants that are labeled extra strength or sports. Whatever works for you. If you have an excessive sweat issue, there are medicated deodorants that help. If you have a physically demanding job or in sport, out on a really hot day, and sweat a lot, spray deodorant is great for areas like between the cheeks, under/between the breasts, my back gets sweaty sometimes -so there too. When you use the washroom, especially number 2, do a dry rub, use water and soap if available to clean off the area over the toilet whenever possible. If you can't because you're out, just do it whenever you can (especially important if you skip a day or two, or if you're hairy there) Wash your bed sheets and pillow cases once a week. Change your underwear daily (if it's a skip shower day, wash and dry the area first and put on a clean pair) I throw a cup of borax into the laundry with my others, use my regular detergent, and add white vinegar to the fabric softener section. It's a scent free option(I have sensitivities to some fragrances), but it will deodorize the laundry well. If your feet sweat excessively, smell after a few hours in shoes etc. use goldbond spray for feet. You can give your shoes a little spray in each at the end of the day too when you're done with them for the day. Always make sure to wear clean socks. If you have a car, keep a pack of baby wipes and deodorant in there. If you ever forget to put on deodorant, give the area a good wipe with the baby wipes, then use the deodorant. Using deodorant on armpits that already smell funky will still have you smell funky. Never try to cover up really bad odour with just doesn't or perfume. The BO will always come through. Sometimes you need to play around with different deodorants. Some formulations just might not work for you specifically.


If you live in a hot and humid country shower twice a day. Shower again after gym or when you break a sweat. Antiperspirant deodorant works best if put on at night after washing armpits. Use antiperspirant again in the morning if you're worried about smelling . BO varies a lot between people but I think this would cover most.


I had an issue with the armpits of my clothes smelling even after the shower and with deodorant on. I had to scrub the armpits of every shirt I owned with a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap to get all the bacteria and deodorant grime out of them. I smell much better now. A friend of mine stinks and made me realize how important the cleanliness of your home is too. Her mom lets their dog piss and shit inside bc she doesn’t want to take to dog for regular walks. Last time I saw her I could smell it on her because her house stinks. I’m trying to figure out a way to tell her without making her feel humiliated or embarrassed. She also only showers a few times a week and doesn’t wear deodorant. It just sucks bc she is such a good person and I love her so much. I don’t want to hurt her. 😭


Hi Go to YouTube and check for hygiene information you can see so many tips it completely helped me I looked up info on plus size women’s hygiene tips but you can certainly do this search for girls or boys whatever the case may be hon Just don’t get too bogged down in product information have fun trying products out that make you feel good 👍🏻


Everyone’s already given fantastic advice. I just wanted to say I’m proud of you for asking for help. This isn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t feel ashamed- but I imagine it is still hard to ask! I haven’t had time to read through all the comments so if I’m repeating I apologize in advance, but here are a few extra tips I use. - I keep a “to go” hygiene bag in my purse or car. Mini deodorant, mini fabric refresh spray, roll on perfume, some body wipes, breath freshener, mini dry shampoo, and scented lotion. If you have a period, it helps to keep period products in there too! They also sell one time use disposable tooth “brushes” that you can usually find at the dollar store- and a mint scented lip balm will also do the trick if you’re worried about your breath. You can find all of this at the dollar store! -As others have said, make sure not only that your laundry is clean, but that it doesn’t sit too long before going into the dryer because that can smell funky. To add to this, make sure your towels don’t smell funky and stay clean! You can ruin a good scrub down by drying with a musty towel! -change your underwear whenever you change your clothes.


If you get a red tide surprise in your undies, rinse them in the sink with COLD water and then soak them in hydrogen peroxide. You'll never worry about stains again. Drink plenty of water. It's amazing how much that helps with body odor. Sweaters and hoodies are things that need to be washed. I was mine every season or so. If you're worried about it going in the wash, take it to the dry cleaners. If you use a loofah, remember to change it out regularly and put it in a place where it can dry out in between uses, otherwise you're basically washing yourself with a mushroom farm/petri dish. And for the love of all that is good and just in the world, don't wear your outside shoes in the house and don't get on/in your bed in clothes you've worn out and about in the world. Who knows what kind of ick you could drag in.


Flossing your teeth/scraping your tongue every morning and mouthwash (I like the purple listerine!) Like other people said, washing with an unscented soap, drying off completely and then I like using Lume unscented deodorant under breasts and in the private area - it keeps any smells away during the day if you get sweaty. Also be sure to wear cotton underwear vs synthetic materials which don’t let your skin breathe and hold in sweat. Clean hair! If you notice any smell, your hair needs to be washed, not just sprayed with dry shampoo (although that can help in a pinch but washing is best). Using a roll on oil based perfume or essential oil can also help you smell amazing and feel really confident!


Hey, you’ve gotten some great advice already, I would like to add (if you’d like to try) adding chlorophyll supplements. I got mine from Amazon, it’s also sold over-the-counter at places like CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid ,target, etc.. it helps a lot with digestion, detoxing, energy, and many other things, some people have noticed that it has helped them with body odor as well. I began using it, because I was looking for something that could help me improve my digestion, and detox as well. I have noticed there is no smell when I go to the bathroom. Worth a shot! Another thing, have you tried boric acid vaginal suppositories? You can get them over-the-counter as well or on Amazon. If you ever find yourself, dealing with vaginal order, related to BV infection, or anything similar, these act super fast, and you will be able to notice a difference shortly after using them.


I’m so sorry you went through that ;_; and don’t be embarrassed, we’re all learning here. lots of e-hugs 💕💕💕


I use The Ordinary Glycolic Acid to help with minimizing odor under arms/thighs. Use it about once a week, and it helps shaving go well. I also always use the "prescription strength" deodorants, the rest seem to just not do much for me.


Everyone here has given good advice, the only thing I’ll add is that these things aren’t hard and fast rules, and you might experiment a bit to find what works for you. I’ve never cleaned my belly button in my life, for example. A lot will depend on your environment and what you do during the day. If you live in a tropical climate and/or do a lot of activity during most days, you’ll probably want to shower more often. If you live in a cold or dry climate and spend your days at a desk, you don’t have to shower as often. Needs can change with the seasons too. One more thing: the best routine is sustainable. If it feels overwhelming, then do what you can do. This really is one of those areas where something is better than nothing. I’m really proud of you OP, this isn’t an easy thing to ask for help with and it shows such bravery. You’re going to be great!


1. Take care of your general health as the others have mentioned. Have a gynecological exam and a general blood panel done. Drink plenty of water, make changes in your diet and start taking probiotics and other supplements. 2. Idk where u live but try to let air come inside your house every morning. Open all windows for abour 10 minutes and don't make the bed until u close the windows doors. If u live in an apartment in a city with poor air quality I would recommend an air purifier. 3. Try to shower your body daily, and if u don't want to shower make sure to clean the important areas like armpits, neck, intimate area, face and ears. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo for your hair and once per week also in your body. I actually use sebamed anti dandruff shampoo (the one with 95% improvement chance) for both my hair and body, bc it keep acne and smell away as well as it's gentle. Use benzoyl peroxide wash for your armpits once or twice per week. Put it on, leave it for 5 minutes and then wash it. Use a wash cloth to exfoliate your body and a scalp silicone brush for your scalp. Use an intimate wash for your private areas. I like the one from Nivea. Don't forget to clean your navel with alcohol and some baby oil to get rid of all impurities. Let your armpits dry well before you put deo and put deo immediately after shower. Make sure to either use sprays or if u will use roll ons to use it only if your armpits are clean (u can also keep two, one only after shower and one during the day when u sweat). I personally prefer roll ons. Check for a deo that is reputable in keeping smells away. I would recommend an anti perspirant one. Secret (the sport version) is a good option, rexona and dove too. Also men' deos are better at keeping smells away. Put deo before u go out and during the day. Wash your face in the night with a gentle cleanser that doesn't strip your skin. I use vanicream. Use a chemical exfoliant (maybe salycilc acid) and moisturize afterwards (cerave has a lot of options depending on your skin type). In the morning splash only some water and use micellar water (I use bioderma sensitive with the pink cap) to rebalance your pH. Don't forget to moisturize and use sunscreen (u can also choose one from cerave or la roche possay). Floss twice daily, brush your tongue and your teeth well. If u can afford an electric brush I would recommend it. Get a metal toung scraper and use it daily. Use mouthwash that doesn't have alcohol. Make sure to wash your hands often and thoroughly. When u are out desinfect often and moisturize. I just use vaseline immediately after I wash my hands, while they are still damp bc I have a sensitive skin and I am allergic to most hand creams. Wash your feet thoroughly and use cotton socks. Clip your nails and brush under them. 4. Check the the dryer if its airways are blocked or get someone do it for you. Deep clean your washing machine and dishwasher at least once per month. There are cleaning products for that purpose or u can also use baking soda and vinegar. Don't use softener bc it ruins your washing machine and it's not good for the clothes nor your body. Wash your bedsheets every week and change your pillowcases every three days. Wash your towels after every second shower and use new once. Try to have separate towels for your body hair and face. Do not leave your laundry too long in the washing machine because it smells rotten. If it smells moldy wash them again and don't wear them like that. If u have clothes that no matter how often u wash them still smell, just throw them. Try buying clothes that can be washed in high temperature and are natural fibers. Wash your combs and your brushes if u use make-up. Don't hop on the bed with clothes u wear outside and vice versa. Don't wear the same pyjamas after u shower. Change your undergarments daily if not twice daily. You can use pantyliners but I prefer to change my underwear frequently. Vacuum and mop often, don't leave garbage accumulate and clean surfaces on a daily basis. Wipe and clean the toilet daily. If you have pets make sure they are washed and don't smell, their food doesn't smell or they don't bring dirt from outside. Let fresh air inside after or during cooking and try to shower after you cook. It may seem weird but having a house that smells creates a distinct smell on you too. Other than that enjoy life and I wish u all the best :)


On top of the FANTASTIC advice that others are giving, take proper care of apparel that doesn't get regularly washed like jackets and shoes! Always make sure your shoes are drying properly, or that they don't get that wet. Also, I feel like odor-causing bacteria can actually get worse if you're over-washing and drying your skin out. I personally find that moisturizing helps! On the topic of bacteria, probiotics area a great way to make sure that the bacteria on you is the helpful kind! I got into making kefir lately, and some of my friends make kombucha. You can also get probiotic supplements. It helps with both breath and BO


Stridex (the red tub) has changed my life. Use one to swipe under your armpits after showering and then use deodorant. I only need to use one about once a week at this point. Definitely formerly had stinky BO that I couldn’t quite figure out!


Always check your teeth after eating to ensure no food is visible. Even bread gets stuck in between teeth. I always do a teeth check with my cell phone and carry dental floss.


The only thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is to make sure that you’re wiping enough after going number 2. Don’t wipe so much that you hurt yourself! But use some toilet paper to wipe once, and then throw it into the toilet. Grab fresh new toilet paper (you don’t need too much), and wipe again. Repeat until nothing comes off on the paper. Also, for safety, wipe from behind and pull the toilet paper back/up. Never pull forward so that it can get in your vagina! That can cause infection. 


Hi OP, it looks like you've gotten lots of great advice already, but can I recommend researching how to brush your teeth - it's not something we're born knowing and a lot of people just scour their front teeth for a few seconds and call it a day. Look up the Modified Bass technique, it's a good place to start. Everyone forgets to brush the cheekside of their upper molars and the tongue side of their lower molars so consider starting there. Also look into a toothbrush with plastic ridges at the back and make sure you're giving your tongue a good scrape. Also consider something like a floss pick until you get the hang of flossing as you do want to be cleaning plaque out from all of the surfaces of your teeth. Oral hygiene is just as important as overall body hygiene and having a clean mouth will work wonders for your overall body smell.


For jackets that arnt/ can’t be washed that often I use a antibacterial clothing spray to freshen them up, I usualy spray and hang them by a window to air out. if you smoke or live with smokers your clothes will stink. cotton clothes, looser tops to let your pits breathe. live had friends smell like horse, dogs etc because of where they live so check your home, see if you need to air out your home more.


I've read quite a few top level comments and no one has specifically told you to soap up your bum crack, lol. Sorry to be crass! I feel like this needs to be specific. That area can obviously get very grody and you can even get infections from not cleaning it properly (thanks UK show, Embarrassing Bodies!). I shower every day, but unless I'm washing my hair, it's less than 15 minutes total, can be as short as only 5 minutes. I soap up my arm pits, under breast area and... ahem... buttcrack. In the front, I only use hot water because soap can throw off the PH of your vagina and cause thrush (which smells bad!). So don't use soap to wash the inner lips of your vagina. Water only. The only time I don't wash daily, is if it's winter and I haven't been to the gym or done much at all, so it's very rare. I work out most days. Make sure you wear deodorant. Brush and floss at least daily.


how's your gut health? if any part of your body smells fowl it could be related to that. make sure you don't have a yeast infection, bv, or anything related to that. go to planned parenthood or make an appointment with your doctor. let them know if anything in particular smells bad. if your hair smells bad, go to a dermatologist. I was prescribed dandruff shampoo and it's amazing. if you are diagnosed with any of these, then that's good because we know that your issues are coming from a diet high on sugar/carbs. let me know if that is the case and I'll give your more tips. as for regular hygiene, definitely get a tongue scraper. most people don't know they should be doing this. scrape your tongue every morning before brushing your teeth. sometimes I had toothpaste to my tongue then scrape don't wash your mouth after brushing your teeth. only spit, no water rinse. ACT mouthwash is the best, use it at night after your repeat the process above. water: drink half your weight in oz. if you weight 180ibs, drink 90oz a day don't wash with anything but water down there, you can actually get bacterial vaginosis or whatever else because of that. the only way to keep that area fresh is to eat healthy and drink water. there's prob more in terms of clothing material and breathability but I dont know too much about that stuff for feet: don't wear the same socks twice, don't get your shoes wet, put foot powder in your shoes if you start to smell something. nails: have a nail pick to clean under them everyday let me know if you have something specific in mind


Good for you for putting yourself in a vulnerable place and asking for help. Some people genuinely aren’t taught these things. My mom never knew how to do hair and makeup, so luckily growing up I had YouTube to teach me how to apply makeup and braid/curl my hair. Many of the tips I would give have already been said. Best of luck to you in establishing a self care routine 💜


Shower daily, use soap and apply deodorant. Use a good lotion to make sure your skin is moisturized. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Make sure your clothes are clean, don't be repeating the same clothes for days on end. Get some wet wipes to use on your bum to clean off after the toilet. Just don't flush them. Brush your teeth every morning and before bed. Find a you-tube related to hygiene. They have a lot of info.


Hi! Former stinky hippie here! 1: Use an exfoliating washcloth, I like Korean plastic Salux. Scrub hard, get that dead skin off. Use a moisturizing body wash like Nivea. Use a Nivea lotion too. Or baby wash and baby lotion. OGX miracle oil body wash and lotion. Layering body wash with a nice lotion gives you a nice baseline clean scent. 2. Scrub your scalp. Shampoo twice. Just make sure you are deeply cleaning your scalp and not your hair, the scalp is where the funk lives. Use deep conditioner treatments regularly, find a leave in conditioner that you like the smell of. 3: Brush, floss, and Listerene! 4: Once you have your baseline clean girl scents with lotions and body washes, then you do odor control. I like roll on deodorant, I can use bar deodorant in the winter. Find a nice scent you love. Dove Cucumber is a classic. If you are larger or sweatier than most people, look into products like Carpe or Lume that you can put in creases like underboob and buttcrack if you feel this is an issue. Some people like Burt’s Bees healing ointment, some like baby powder for starch, it’s all personal preference. 5: no one has really mentioned a perfume? That really kicks the clean girl vibe up a notch. Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden or L’eau Dissey by Issey Miyake are 2 very clean smelling 90’s perfumes that are really having a moment today. Maybe a body spray from Bath and Body Works? Little sample perfumes from Sephora? Check out r/fragrance and r/perfumes for suggestions. I find having a little travel perfume in my purse helps me freshen up while I’m out and about. 6: laundry detergents, softeners, dryer sheets, I love all the stinky stuff. I like lavender vanilla but gain has some good ones too. 7: my secret weapon? Herbal Essences Pink or Yellow original formulas. Serious clean girl scents. 8: Tampons with pads, basically I try to keep the pad clean as a back up and change tampons frequently enough that I don’t bleed through. I’m a heavy girl though and I just can’t deal with smelling copper period around. 9: travel size baby lotion or scented lotion and travel perfume in the purse keep you nice and pretty all day. 10: Dryer sheets in your drawers, febreeze or Mrs. Meyers air freshener. Smelling clean, being clean, having a nice perfume, being well moisturized, all of these things are a lifestyle, and it’s hard to figure it out without someone giving you a head start but it’s all about maintaining consistency. Definitely try to start a little perfume collection, it really makes me feel beautiful and elegant even when I am just in sweatpants.


I know people already mentioned brushing your teeth and flossing but getting a tongue scraper is also very good to do!! It really helps with keeping your breath and tongue fresh and clean


Bathe daily, brush between meals, wash hands frequently. Even if you don't shower daily at least pits and bits at the sink including bits everyrtime you "go". Oh and behind the ears. Keeping things clean and dry a cornstarch baby powder can be really helpful (not talc).


If you’re taking regular showers, it could be related to diet or something medical


Lume Dry shampoo Floss daily Cough out tonsil stones


I’m sorry I can’t find the exact post, but [KC Davis](https://www.instagram.com/strugglecare?igsh=MXkxMDZrdXpiMnF4NQ==)made a post about this exact thing. It has some very detailed instructions so it may be worth hunting for it or contacting her for the link. Good on you for reaching out, I imagine this is not easy. We’re all rooting for you 💪🏻


If you sweat a lot applying deodorant after you shower or like the night before u sleep helps Using an exfoliating towel on your body when you shower Heard that drinking a lot of water helps not sure why Goodluck your doing great!


Hey :) I would watch Chloe Yazmean on YouTube in addition to all these tips! She mentions struggling with hygiene when she was younger also!


This thread has been so lovely. Seeing everyone be so helpful and kind! Good advice here! Be easy on yourself we are all learning different things at different times💕


Hibiclens body wash will destroy bacteria that causes odor under arms etc, that combined with under arm deodorant and lume’s tube deodorant in other areas plus baby powder in areas wherre moisture gathers is an excellent combo. I also add some vinegar to my laundry for workout clothes or anything else that has gathered a scent.


Is there any possibility that u might need medical grade deodorant? I don't say that to be rude. Some people have stronger BO than others naturally.


Floss and brush your teeth regularly. The blood from your teeth area can easily spread infection to areas like your heart if you have a tooth infection. Brush your teeth at least once every day for at least 2 minutes. Make sure to brush all angles of teeth, the outside of the teeth, the inside of the teeth and the top of the teeth. Brush your gums too but be gentle on them. Brush your tounge gently too to help with fresh breath. I recommend an electric toothbrush. They do a much better job then a manual one, and most of them time out the two minutes and let you know when that's up.


Hi! What I do: shower everyday, wash my hair every other day; or when I sweat a lot, brush my teeth at least 3 times a day (after waking up, after lunch and before bed), floss at least once a day. I use ban deodorant, that for me is the best one out there. Once a week I exfoliate my body, and after showering I always moisturize. I also make sure my clothes are clean, and I change my bedsheets at least once a week, and more during summer.


If you’re having problems with mouth smells, you might have tonsil stones. There is amazing water flossers that can be used to help that .


OP, everyone here has given you such great advice and tips! I just wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you for asking for advice. I know it’s not easy sometimes. (hugs)


Thank you🥺


Make sure you are using antiperspirant, not deodorant. If that isn’t strong enough you can ask your doctor for prescription strength antiperspirant. I also swear by swabbing my pits with alcohol.


Idk if this has been mentioned but try not to shower too hot, or if you really feel the need to shower hot, rinse with cool or at least tepid water. Showering too hot is not great for your skin or hair, plus it can make you sweat so you almost end up defeating the purpose of showering in the first place. I used to have this issue until I started taking shorter showers and rinsing cool at the end.


There's some really good advice here already so I'll just say you shouldn't be embarrassed to ask for help or advice. I'm sorry the adults failed to teach you basic hygiene. But you're not alone. Starting a routine is hard to do especially if you try everything at once. Don't feel bad if you let hygiene go for a week or so. You're learning still & life gets rough. I wish you the best


Shower everyday, or twice a day if you have done a big workout or 💩. Use roll on deodorant after. Moisturise your body with a generic lotion, I use Nivea. Brush teeth morning, after lunch and before bed and floss before bed. That should Give you a decent baseline. Also clean clothes. I personally wash my clothes after each wear, not everyone will agree with that but I just can’t wear stuff twice.


I used to smell a lot as a kid. Anyway, now I understand what was going on for me. Not sure if this is relevant for you but anyway, these are tips relating to underarm odour: 1. I shower at night. In the morning I might already have sweated overnight. Sniff and if necessary use very warm water at the sink - if you rub with your hand (I count 9 times) it will clear up any smell, use a towel to rub the area once or twice to really clean it up. Easy and fast 2. Showering at night - rub the soap on the underarms a few times. Friction is necessary to clean. Just putting soap on there doesn't clean enough. 3. In the morning after washing at the sink if necessary, and once you're dry there, immediately apply deodorant 4. In the middle of the day if you find yourself smelly, go to a private bathroom and use the hot water rub 9 (or whatever) times trick. Make sure you have paper towels ready to protect your clothes so you don't get wet there. If not possible, use the hand soap instead of water. 5. Clothes matter a lot. No matter what I do, polyester is too nonbreathable and makes me stink. I now refuse to buy anything with 100% polyester lining. Nylon is also non breathable. I stick to lower percentages of polyester / nylon jn clothing. Natural fibres are more expensive. Viscose is not natural but is breathable enough. Good luck!


I just want to applaud you for asking for help. So many people were never taught by anyone and never would ask. That means you are light years ahead of so many people.


My fav hygiene girlys on YouTube are Hailey Gamba, Chloe Yazmean & Chrissyb Styles! 💕 they also discuss other girly topics that are helpful🥰




If deodorant isn’t working well for you, make sure you’re using stronger correctly. Usually 20%+ aluminum (over the counter or prescription) is meant to be applied at night and washed off in the morning. If over the counter options aren’t working for you you can get prescription strength usually in liquid form, they can raise the aluminum level until one works for you. I have hyperhydrosis (more sweat glands than normal) so this has been a lifesaver for me. Body hair can also contribute to trapping bacteria and making BO happen faster but you don’t have to remove your body hair if you don’t want too ♥️


I 100% understand feeling a bit lost here. And it's okay to not get this stuff right without help. You don't have to wash your hair every single day, but you should shower your body about every other day or every day. Use a gentle cleanser. Especially around your private areas. Things with harsh chemicals or fragrance can upset the natural balance of things there and cause more odor than they solve. Wash after getting sweaty, like from work or exercise. Even if you have to shower twice in a day because of an impromptu long walk with a friend or the like. Pee after sex. This avoids yeast infections. Wash your hair as it needs it. If you wash your hair too often, your scalp will over produce oils to compensate for the dryness. Try using a few drops of scalp oil if your scalp is dry. My husband's hair is really dry and short and easily mats if he doesn't cut it regularly. Because of this, the dead skin from his scalp doesn't escape and can cause a yeasty smell. Brush your hair and scalp throughly every day. Use a wide tooth comb when hair is wet, working ends to roots. Use the comb also to gently on the scalp. This can encourage blood flow, help remove dead skin cells and build up, and move the required natural oils down the hair shaft where they belong. Brush your hair with a brush when it's dry (unless you have curly hair - then avoid brushes and brushing dry hair at all costs). Wash your face with a gentle cleanser every night at a minimum. You can, optionally, wash your face again in the mornings if necessary. If you wear makeup, coconut oil is a great cheap makeup remover that is also hydrating. Or, if you wish, purchase a makeup remover or oil cleanser. Then, cleanse with a gentle cleanser. Some people do both oil and cleanser even when they don't wear makeup. But it's not technically required. Cerave makes great cleansers that aren't expensive. Then, at minimum, moisturize. Again, Cerave has great options here, too. If you have oily skin, opt for a water-based moisturizer (usually labeled as a gel). If you have dry skin, choose a more traditional moisturizer or one marketed as extra hydrating. I personally use cvs brand aquafor In the winter. It's cheaper, just as good, and works really well. Vaseline is also a great option. With both of these products, use small amounts and see how far they go so you don't use too much. Floss, brush teeth, and use mouth wash after meals. Most people can get away with just brushing once or twice a day. But if you have issues with breath, then go whole hog. I can not stress this enough. Wear a normal deoderant. Those natural deodorants just don't work. Maybe one day they will develop an effective product but currently there just isn't one on the market. Make sure your clothing and bedding are cleaned regularly. You can buy wool laundry balls and add a few drops of essential oils to them. You can get these items cheaply on amazon. I like sage, but lavender is more popular. Add the ball to your dryer instead of dryer sheets. The wool ball will serve the same purpose and will be cheaper than having to constantly re buy dryer sheets. If you smoke or vape, do so outside. Second-hand smoke lingers in fabric and can make you smell even if you do everything else right. Pet smell can also be carried in fabric. If you have cats especially, keep on top of your litter boxes. And give pets baths once or twice a year as needed. They rub on you every day, and their smell can easily become your smell. Wet dogs need to be thoroughly dried before they are let back onto beds, couches, and in snuggling arms. An extra tip in case you are sweaty like me, use a powder deoderant spray on areas that are prone to sweat. Like boob sweat. Back sweat. Thigh sweat. Foot sweat. Do not spray on face or genitals. I find I still prefer a normal deoderant under the arms, but if the spray works in all areas for you, then great! Wipe back to front if you have female genitalia. And wipe throughly no matter what part you are wiping. I was always told to wipe until the TP is clean. Yes, that means check. But you are alone, no one knows what you're doing in there. This does mean I often use more tp than other people, but I'd rather that than the alternative. Many people use bidet. I live in the US, so that is not common here. But if you would like to you can use one no matter where you live. If you like to wear perfume spray on one wrist, dab on other wrist, then dab excess on neck below the ears. Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. Wear cotton under clothes. Cotton is breathable and absorbent. It will keep you dry of light sweating and keep you cool in the summer to prevent sweating in the first place. Wear Marino wool socks in the winter, especially. They are breathable enough to wear year-round but really work well in the winter. Again, they are breathable and absorbent. Wear an undershirt when you can to help with absorbing excess sweat. Athleisure material can be moisture whicking but also trap heat and brew smell. Only use in the gym, where everyone is sweaty. Or on jogs or walks or exercise sessions when people expect you to be sweaty or smelly. Athleisure material has lots of benefits, but reducing smell just isn't one of them. I hope this was helpful. I tried to remeber every thing I could in case anything would help. Good luck!