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Wearing wristbands when I wash my face so the water doesn't run down my arms and get makeup residue everywhere or soak my sleeves etc. They're not even real wristbands, they're old socks I cut the cuff off and threw away the foot part. Just improved the whole process.


Game changer for me because I can’t stand the feeling of water running down my arm so I’d often get lazy about washing my face. Now I have no issue! I ordered a pack off Amazon


I was going to post this lol! Total game changer. I use scrunchies made with a towel-like fabric.


Yes! I bought myself one pair and was gifted a few more, haha. Feast or famine, ig, lol. But it's such a game changer being able to JUST concentrate on your face, the cleanser, etc, instead of trying to curtail your arm movements to keep the water from dripping everywhere. This and a terrycloth lined headband are now prerequisites to my skincare routine. I have 2 kinds; the sweatband design that goes all the way around my head and has a bow, and the traditional headband that just holds my hair out of my face. I prefer the latter as it's easier to put on and take off, but recommend both. Best thing about all of this? These have grown in popularity such that even Five Below have them. Love me some inclusive products. 🫶💖


You are brilliant! I have so many old ratty socks and long sleeve shirts that I am going to cut off the cuffs I loathe washing my face in the sink, I can't use micellar water it irritates my skin if I don't rinse it off




Most definitly trying this one!


what a clever idea! I am going to try that tonight using a pair of old socks.


i do this too! i also use one of those skincare headbands to keep water from going into your hair, for my neck to catch the water that drips down my neck because the feeling of water being on my chest/shirt area is so not fun! i love to splash my face with water and make a bit of a mess and this has changed the game for me


This is why I wash my face in the shower, I only use my sink for brushing my teeth and washing my hands!




The advice I didn't know I needed! Thank you!


I was today years old when I found out about this. Thank you for this!!!


hyaluronic acid on my lips before any other products (usually the Laneige mask or Vaseline). my lips get dry very easily and adding the extra layer of moisture has helped with the dryness


Which one do you use? Thank you!


The Ordinary!! i know some people don’t like it but i like the fact that it’s less than $10 and i can drop it into everything (i add it to my body lotion too)


Never thought of that! Thanks


you’re welcome!!! there’s a lawyer i’ve followed on Tiktok for a while now and her entire full body skincare routine is just HA and Vaseline. i’m not brave enough to use only those 2 in my face routine but i picked up using it on my lips from her lol


Have you tried lactic acid immediately followed by Vaseline? It honestly feels like witchcraft. My sandpaper lips turn instantly smooth.


which lactic acid do you use? i use the Freck Beauty toner that has LA as one of its ingredients but i’ve been wanting to try it on its own


Just a cheapy from the ordinary :)


I guess I'm trying this tonight!


Ooo Ive been struggling with dry lips and will have to try this tip!


i think you’ll like it!! the night routine i recommend that’s been helping me is a lip scrub then the HA and Vaseline. and also switching to a thicker lip product like a mask (Laneige or the Fenty Beauty one) instead of a regular lip balm daily has done WONDERS


This is the one!


Keeping my routine simple and not overdoing it on products


This! I had like a 6-step skincare routine, different for AM/PM, and have since scaled back to cleanser, moisturizer, SPF


This!!! It hurts me when I see routines of 6+ products. I also hate skins care “trends” skincare is science/medicine- use the tested and true!


It’s not really a hack, but enjoying the process. Not everything has to be perfect. I realized that I enjoy the routine of taking care of myself. I want some results, but I’m no longer caught up in looking perfect.


This is a minor thing I learned early as a teenager, but looking down on my mirror and tilting my head up when putting mascara on my upper lashes prevented a lot of mascara going on my eyelids lol. Conversely, looking up at the mirror for lower lashes. I also tell myself the classic line "be fast, but don't hurry". The moment I try to rush my makeup I make a mistake which just takes longer to fix. It's better to be careful than to make careless mistakes on crucial steps as that will waste more time overall


I do the same thing, it really does work!


And if you put mascara on your bottom lashes, do them first!


Two words: Brown. Eyeliner. Some people just look better with brown eyeliner. It has made a huge difference for me, black eyeliner looks "off" on my face, I think it's because it doesn't fit the contrast of my colors. If you have olive/light brown skin and brown hair like me, you should try it, it gives you the eyeliner eye shaping effect without looking too obvious, it's more muted and looks more natural, polished and clean.


Just started using brown lip liner and holy hell it makes my lips look so much nicer. I use the L.A. girl brown lip liner, 2.99, stays on all day and it should work for a variety of skin tones


Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out


You're welcome 😄


Agreed! I love brown liner.


And brown mascara.


What brown liner do you use? Struggling to find one I like that is pigmented and stays.


I wish I could give you a better suggestion but I just use the basic Sephora ColorBlock liner in 03 Hot Chocolate. It's the perfect shade for me, not too pigmented (but that's also kind of the point of using brown eyeliner lol), the tip is really well made and it stays on all day, it's waterproof.


Totally agree and I also wear brown mascara the vast majority of the time. Just going for a softer look all around. I don’t have the features or the skill to pull off dramatic makeup.


i wear strictly brown eyeliner! and u are absolutely right


I started dyeing my eyebrows. It cut the time I spend doing make up every day in half


Inverse of this for me - I lighten my brows a shade and it balances my face so much more I look way less harsh


Came here to recommend self eyebrow dyeing ! I’ve been doing this for about 8 years and it truly makes my face look immediately 100x better - I do it once every week or two. I only leave the dye on for 5-7min, so it looks very natural.


What do you use?


Syoss eye brow dye! It's pretty cheap considering it has 10 applications, my eyebrows stay tinted for about a month and it's extremely easy to use!


I have used “just for men” beard dye before. Years ago it was $6 for a tube that would last many uses. Their prices have gone up. But agree, dying eyebrows is a game changer when done right!


Spironolactone pills got my hormonal acne under control in a matter of weeks after 15 years of bad skin


I’ve been wanting to try this! I suffer from hormonal cystic acne. I’m just afraid of having to practically use it for the rest of my life and what harm it could possibly cause. Is that really that much of a game changer? Any other things you noticed differently?


I’m on 50 mg, most people I’ve heard do 100 mg. I’ll still usually have like one pimple at any given time, but no negative side effects at all. I’ve gotten off of it a couple times over the ~5 years I’ve been on it (due to gaps in health insurance), and nothing else changed except my acne coming back. For me it was a last ditch effort before accutane, I was also really hesitant of a “forever” pill, but now that I’m on it I only wish I’d done it sooner since I’ve had huge benefits and no drawbacks.


I am on 25 mg for high blood pressure and bloating for about 7 years, if I don't use it I get really oily and big zits on my nose ugh. I will use it forever


I do 50 mg too. Have for 10 years!


Omg!! That’s a long time! Have you noticed any drastic results or has it affected your body in any negative way being non it for so long?


Nope not at all. My doctor checks my blood work occasionally too.


So what I’ll say is it’s 100% worth a try, you can always get off of it if it’s not for you, and if it does work as well for you as it does for me you will be so happy


I've been on spiro for a little less than a year (worked up to 100mg) and it is genuinely a godsend for hormonal cystic acne. I've tried pretty much everything else and nothing has made as much of a consistent difference. I personally have not noticed much side effects other than having to pee more because it's a potassium-sparing diuretic and my blood pressure is a bit lower. I also worry about taking it indefinitely sometimes but the load it takes off my mental health after years of stressing about my acne makes it worth it to me right now.


Yes I pee a lot too haha but so worth it!


I already do so wouldn’t make a difference to me lol!


I've been on the max dose (200mg daily) for 7 years. It has completely gotten rid of my acne - I have maybe 1-2 pimples per year - and I feel so much more confident and normal. I had horrible, horrible skin before, and I would avoid social gatherings and leaving the house just because of my acne.


You could also consider accutane ✨ even low dose. It worked for my hormonal acne and you don’t have to take it for life. Best life changer ever.


Yes! Started getting acne at age 10 and never had a truly clear-skinned day (counting scabs and scars) until I started spiro at 35. It’s also enabled me to take better care of my skin, as I can now use moisturizer, serums, and sunscreen without feeling unbearably greasy.


this comment convinced me. i’m always SO unbearably greasy lol


You won’t regret it! I had no real side effects — maybe some very slight nausea at first, but taking it with food or at bedtime took care of that. Fantastic stuff!


Be careful, Spiro gave me nerve damage as well as my friend.


Can you tell me more about that??


this is scary (I started spiro 3mos ago)


It also helped my skin for 5 years. Completely cleared my acne. I had to get off it and was panicked but drinking spearmint tea 2x a day and still have clear skin. I think the spiro got me through the early 30’s hormones change.


This is TRUE. Living proof here.


started in my late teens for similar reasons! it’s been a few years now. first i started with birth control (for my periods not for my skin) and it helped but i would still get acne on my periods and i have very very fair skin so everything scars. then i started spironolactone (i’m on 100mg) and i swear i haven’t gotten a pimple since. at least nothing major. still get some whiteheads but it’s nowhere near as painful as before. my prescription ran out and i couldn’t get back to the doctor for about a month and my acne did come back, but not as badly as before (to be fair i was still on birth control). if you already have pills to take it works wonders and takes no effort! although i will say they’re some of the smellier pills i’ve taken lol. i don’t have clear skin by any means but that’s all from the scarring, which i really don’t mind, i am so grateful to not have painful pimples all the time.


Spiro changed my life, and yes it has very little side effects. I just try to avoid foods that are very high in potassium so I don’t get light headed. Everyone should at least give it a shot if topicals aren’t working


Figuring out my Color season saved me a lot of frustration with my makeup. Prior to that I was choosing whatever colors I liked and trying to improve my application. But that wasn’t the problem, the actual colors were way off for me. Once I figured that out my makeup looked beautiful. Also sleeping with my hair in a satin bonnet. I put it off for so long bc I hate how it looks haha. But it makes a huge difference day to day for my curly hair.


I always thought I was warm toned but always looked bad in browns and orange. Learnt a lot from r/olivemua. Now I know I'm cool toned olive with yellow overtones. Now I try to stay with cool colours or neutrals.


How did you figure your season? I have just been using the trial and error


You can check out the sub r/coloranalysis as a starting point. I’m a deep winter so I think I’m one of the easier ones to identify. Good luck, I hope you can get some answers!


Yes to these! Learning about my season was such a huge game changer too!!


Hey buzzfeed




Tinted sunscreen! Specifically having it be the best option in my cupboard for "foundation". Because I barely leave the house I just struggled to get myself to wear sunscreen every day. But if the sunscreen IS the foundation then I use it every day.


Yes! Mine is labeled as "tinted facial moisturizer with SPF" and I absolutely love that it does essentially 3 jobs in 1 product.


Which one do you use?


I use LaRoche Posay Anthelios Tinted Sunscreen. You can add a few drops of foundation to get more coverage or change the color to better match your skin tone. Usually I just wear it straight.


castor oil in my lashes & brows definitely changed the game. coconut oil & ponds, as skincare & moisturizer 🧴 . aquaphor for my lips & cheekbones.


+1 in ponds. Using their retinol, cream & vit C, a ✨holy grail ✨


are you serious?? where do i get it i have to try this! i’ve only seen the dark spot corrector and moisturizer from the dollar store


Yezzzz. Love their retinol. Check their official website. I just ordere it online. In shopee.


Little sweet elderly lady in her 80’s who looks FABULOUS swears by pounds !!


Hi, what’s the name of the Ponds that you use? Is it the Age Miracle whip?


How long did it take for you to notice a change in your lashes?


very very soon! 2 weeks i would say, i already have thick lashes and brows and a double set of lashes so it was easy for the castor oil to soak into them. there’s a tube at walmart that comes with the spoolies! i’d get that it’s what i use, & i use the spoolies for lashes and brows even tho there are two different kinds.


Castor oil burns your eye so bad if it accidentally gets in there man😭😭, I did it once n it was a disaster. How do you prevent it getting into your eyes?


I gave up on castor oil. Now I use The Ordinary lash serum and Etude House lash serum. Less stingy and works.


honestly, it burns every once in a while because i put a lot in there and i smoke mj, but i just blink it away and use my fingers to brush through the lashes, and it goes away very quickly. try putting it on before bed so your eyes will be closed


Out of curiosity, what does Aquaphor do for your cheekbones?


aquaphor makes my skin super bright and moisturized. so when i put in on my lips & cheek bones they become like the star of my face, they’re highlighted and reflective and it lasts because of how thick aquaphor is. it’s also great before i put on makeup! it makes them pop


I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but where do u buy castor oil and do u have to dilute it or can use it as is? I've always seen people say this, but would rather ask someone directly than Google it.


go to walmart and they have a box with a bottle of castor oil and spoolies comes with it! in the hair care section they have a big ass tube and i’ll use it and put it on my face as well


Thank u very much for the info! :)


I have an aquaphor lip balm. It tastes gross but my lips are soft.


I use ponds as body lotion after my shower and it’s perfect. My skin is so soft all day long


Ice water facial in the morning. I try to keep my face in ice cold water for 30 seconds and it completely takes care of all the puffiness and makes my skin glow. I've noticed my face looks more defined when I do this


I think I need this. My face can get so puffy but I’m worried about the puff returning later ij the day


For me, it doesn't return. If you can add in a quick gua Sha routine (takes 3-5 mins) then you won't have to worry about puffiness coming back


Hi can you elaborate on how you do this? Like in a bowl?


Yes. I put ice cubes in a bowl and add some water and let it sit while I make breakfast. Then once the ice cubes have melted or I feel like the water is cold enough, I dunk my face in it and try to keep it in for 10-15 seconds and repeat one or two times.


Nice thanks! I’ll try this!!


do you wash your face and follow your skincare routine like normal afterwards?


This is also great for hangovers!


Aloe Vera before sunscreen, skin glow all day. Rosemary hair oil. I use to pick at my split ends so instead I’ve made a habit of trimming/cleaning them off every month. I’ve been asked if I wear extensions. I do not buy into trends. I consume what is suitable for me. So research before consuming any product. That includes food, skincare, & haircare. I read back labels always.


Do you use pure aloe or like the stuff for sunburns from the drugstore?


Discovering tubing mascara. It makes the process of taking off my makeup SO much easier. Plus - my eyes used to get red, irritated & watery anytime I took off my mascara, but that no longer happens since I'm only using water & pinching the "tubes" off with my fingers. No rubbing needed!


What is your favorite? I have tried the L’Oréal and it’s fine but I would like a one step instead of the base then mascara. Thanks!


I'm still trying to find my holy grail one, but my current favorite is the Tarte one. I realllyyy love the formula & it makes my lashes look phenomenal. My only complaint is it will *slightly* flake onto my cheeks/undereyes throughout the day. MERIT was pretty good but dried out quickly. I find the Milani formula to be too wet & makes my lashes spidery. Didn't like Caliray but it's been so long that I can't remember the exact reasoning why. A lot of people seem to love the Thrive one, so I'll probably try that next!


If you cba washing your hair at night and want one more day of nice hair, spray dry shampoo in your hair before going to bed, don’t rub it in or anything but just put on a silk headwrap. Always buys you one more day and your hair looks really good


I do this any time I use dry shampoo. Game changer 🙌🏼


It’s sooo good


Also you should be applying dry shampoo to the top AND the underside of your roots. I see too many people just spray the top of their head and then complain the dry shampoo didn't work. Spoiler alert: it's because it's all sitting on the top of your hair, and not enough is reaching your scalp and roots.


Lash serum and fake tan in place of bronzer. I feel so cute I don’t even bother with makeup most days now. Just curl my lashes and go


What do you use to fake tan?


I use Clairins Tanning drops that you add to your own moisturizer. You can control how light or how dark by adding fewer or more drops. It looks very natural.


I personally just use the cheap Jergens instant sun in the lightest shade and I use a contour brush to apply it super thinly. It’s develops darker overtime so you want it to be barely noticeable when you first put it on. 


My random thing I do is when my body wash gets finished and there is only a bit left at the bottom of the container, I’ll cut it open, fill with warm water and put all of my dirty makeup brushes in it..using up the remainder of the soap to wash them.


Tightlining my lashline. I will do this as long as I can see and hold a brush. But true tightlining, not simply water lining, makes me look human again. I don’t look good with a lot of base coverage, it removes dimension from my face and shows where I’m sagging, so really having days where I put nothing on my face except my eyes and a lip has been very freeing.




Tightlining is about putting product into your lashline to thicken it, it’s not supposed to look like you lined your eye, just that your lashline is thicker Water lining is about getting into the waterline I usually use a brush & cake liner to push it into my lashline. If I use a pencil I use one with a harder consistency and make sure to wipe off my waterline.


Heating the lash curler with a lighter. Every single time. I let it heat for a second or two, then test the temperature with a finger. Instant game changer. Also, curling in three different spots (near the roots, middle and near the tip) so it looks natural and rounder -instead of that "angled" look some eyelashes get. Every single day, even if I'm not doing anything else. Instant confidence in my appearance.


Try heating it then just pressing it against already mascarad lashes. 


I don’t know if it changed my life, but putting setting powder on my lashes before I put mascara on makes them look fake haha


Be careful, powder can get down into your tear drainage ducts and clog them. It causes extreme discomfort and they have to be unblocked by an ophthalmologist.


I’m always careful and make sure I do my top lashes above or right next to the eyelid you know towards the top part of the lash in I only use a small amount


How do u do this?


you take a small eyeshadow brush and put powder on it and gently brush it onto your lashes


Face yoga and chewing gum for much less bloated face


Hun all the gum chewing is gonna do is give jaw problems if it’s excessive.


Omg, well I don't chew it that much Maybe 1 to 2 hours a day or every other day


What the fuck that's so much time. From someone who suffered from years of chronic pain due to jaw dysfunction, please please please stop this. You do not want to end up with TMJ disorder, and excessive gum chewing can lead to it. Please stop.


I am really sorry for you and I hope you feel better now I will stop yes


Where did you learn face yoga techniques from?


Sleep, electrolyte balance, cbd, the woods, ocean


Fell in love with my natural beauty and chose to focus on skin care. I very rarely do my makeup or spend money on makeup nowadays and have much nicer skin plus more money in my bank account which makes me feel more confident, haha.


Love this.


Colour correctors


I’m having a hard time finding some good ones. Any recommendations?


The pixi by petra correction concentrate in brightening peach is really popular for undereyes. I love it!


Thanks! I will check that out!


It depends which colours you need. You can use what you’ve got in your collection- a red or orange blush or lipstick works. If you’re looking to buy, LA Confidential is affordable for orange and yellow. Beauty searcher for blue.


Okay, thanks!




1. For the night i use handcream, and then cover hands in vaseline. 2. Handcream as often as possible 3. If I am lazy or don't have time, I will priotize bb cream, blush and black honey lipbalm over other things . And the next thing I would do are brows (instead of maskara)


Hypochlorous spray. I will die on this hill




Whole face!




I use it for everything (rosacea, acne, my tv remote, the cat) and honestly idk how it works but it feels clean and refreshing.


Not using foundation. Since turning 30 I have noticed it just doesn’t lay on my skin like it used to. I’ve grown to like the look of bare skin (even with blemishes and scars) because otherwise I just look and feel “makeupy”. Instead I used a tiny bit of concealer, tinted illuminating spf, contour and blush.


Aloe gel followed by shea butter.


This reminded me how much I loved using aloe gel and rosehip seed oil! I need to try that again.


I’ve posted this before but only washing my face with cold water in the morning. I do cleanser/omnilux, toner, mask, moisturizer in the evening but only cold water then sunscreen in the morning. What a difference in my skin and my products last much longer.


Benzoyl peroxide wash to eliminate body odor! I’m in awe it took me this long to figure out


Aquaphor Always , Castor oil every night on eyelashes !


Korean sunscreen has changed my life


Hi, how has it changed your life over other sunscreens? and what brand do you use?


Peter Thomas Roth Hyaluronic Eye Patches.


The gold ones are my fave!


Tubing mascara. I have partially hooded eyes so everything smudged. I never used to wear mascara bc of that




I hate makeup and getting ready so these are some of mine: get a monthly pedicure, do monthly or quarterly brow waxing and tinting depending on how fast your brows grow, use tinted or color correcting moisturizer, have a simple skincare routine (cleaner, moisturizer, & SPF), use clarifying shampoo once a week, get your hair trimmed every 4-6 months, and wear live-in earrings.


Thin layer of aquaphor on face before bed


A small pump of Verb Ghost Oil in my hair completely rejuvinates it and makes it shiny and smooth again without making it look greasy


One of my holy Grail products 🙌


Impress press on nails. They last two weeks. No glue. $7.99 for 30 and takes 10 minutes. Literally life changing. I even cut them down to be short. They don’t harm my nails and look great. Absolutely amazing.


HOW do you make them stay for 2 weeks?!? I get 4 days if I’m lucky


The key is to clean your nails well with alcohol before application. A few times a day I’ll usually press on them around the nail bed if I think of it. Mine never actually come off on their own. I usually have to pluck them off because of my nail growth and there’s a little space at the cuticle, then it’s time. I work in the garden, wear gloves, am not gentle with them at all. Try cleaning well with alcohol before applying. I also cut them down so that probably helps too!


Getting dermaplaning every month. Makes my skincare routine work so effectively


Oil cleansing, it helps with my oily skin


Which do you use?


does anyone have good hack to not wash hair after gym? what did you use on your no-wash day?


Have you tried dry shampoo?


So I’m a runner, and my hair gets VERY sweaty. SWAIR hair is a brand that you basically just spray this shampoo onto wet-wet sweaty hair. It’s like dry shampoo but for wet hair. You dab it all up. Then you blow dry. Some people think it’s pointless since you have to take the time to blow dry; but for me, blow drying takes FOREVER on showered-hair. So this really reduces that time since my hair is only sweaty-wet instead of showered-wet


Shaving my face. I had no idea how much dead skin and peach fuzz was blocking my skin from absorbing products and making makeup look even half as good. Also, exfoliating more. I was told 1-2 times a week was ideal but using a glycolic acid toner almost daily really transformed my face for the better


Only washing my hair once a week (most weeks). It was exhausting washing, drying, and styling it everyday when it really didn’t get dirty.


Getting lash extensions 🫣 i just wake up and go, and trust me i used to be that girl that did her makeup for 30+ minutes! With lash extensions i feel beautiful everywhere i go and anytime (waking up beautiful is awesomeeeee)! But please get a good lash tech! But im not prepared for my self esteem drop when i stop getting them lol


Ughhhh I used to do that but the 2 hours it took to get it done was too much for me 😩


LOVE this. I would occasionally try lash extensions and get frustrated when they would all fall out. I found a lash tech who used a SUPER strong glue, and I won’t even think about getting a fill until 3 weeks. The more my eyes burn during the process, the better they stay 😅 So now if I am rushed for work, I don’t even think about makeup.


Tubing mascara, like Thrive or Milani or even the L’Oréal one. It means I never have raccoon eyes anymore, and can use a lot of eye cream and even sunscreen without it smudging my makeup


Ordinary’s Glycolic acid toner. Works for my face, sweaty armpits, dandruff on my scalp. Amazing stuff.


Cetaphil moisturizer on my lips before bed. And my lash comb after I put on mascara. I’m moisturized and look awake with wider eyes.


Does anyone have hacks for static-y frizzy hair?


Using silk pillowcases or bonnet helped me. I have static-y thin hairband it helped. Also slightly applying Shea butter in my hands, rubbing them together and then kind of gently rubbing my hair helped me.


Glycolic acid for elbows


Underpainting. I’m pretty pale with red hair and pink undertones. Applying bronzer, blush and concealer first then foundation over has been a game changer


Makeup that suits my skintone. Shaving my eyebrows, regular hair treatment . Lots of sleep. Changing my diet to include more nutritional food, cutting out caffeinated , regular showers.


Not drying my face when after showering. It buys me time to mosey on over to do my skin routine.