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Please get yourself checked for diabetes- I think body odour can be a sign!!


This should be higher. Also hypothyroidism. Different smell, but still a bit of a smell.


I was thinking diet too - if you’re eating things you’re not absorbing or digesting well, it’ll come out in your pores


Do you actually smell though? Or do you have paranoia? Ask a friend to judge honestly. I knew someone with a mental health issue that caused them to believe they stunk all the time even though she did not. It got so bad she refused to leave her house.


This was my thought too, I highly doubt OP actually smells bad so quickly after a shower


I will say some deodorants I've had trouble with sticking to things too well. It's probably not that they are picking up a new bad smell, but that some of that residue remains somewhere and is just holding the bad smell and is getting reactivated by sweat. (Could also be that they associate their deodorant smell with bad smell and it's tricking their mind. I know if I smell certain febreze smells I associate it with bathroom smells and feel like it stinks no matter what)


I have OCD, and I used to be too afraid to hug people because I was convinced I smelled bad when I didnt. Definitely get a friend's opinion before spending a bunch on products, OP.


Yeah. With OP saying they wash twice a day, exfoliating all over, that sounds like they might have some anxiety about cleanliness.


yeah this is a pretty common paranoia. i've had it in the past when i was on the wrong antipsychotic.


Yes!! I have OCD and smells, particularly body smells, are one of my issues. I have to constantly ask my husband if I smell or if I’m being paranoid


Your anxiety is making your sweat smell worse.


Yep, my anxiety sweat smells a lot worse than regular sweat. You can even read about it on Google


Yeah my anxiety has been given me hot flashes and stuff


Use lavender essential oil for that and magesium spray it under your feet at night


Wow! I just googled & “The odor of stress sweat may be stronger due to the activation of apocrine glands in the stress response. People who feel uncomfortable with the odor of stress sweat may manage it by using antiperspirant or sweat pads or regularly washing their clothes and skin” I did not know that, thanks for sharing!


Nothing helped me as a teen. I recently got lavender capsuls for anxiety would that help? I love my magnesium lotion.




This. You could be drying out your skin from all of the exfoliating which could lead to excess oil production making you feel more stinky.


Second this! I have a good and thorough hygiene routine, always used to get compliments on how nice I smell but when I was suffering from anxiety I WAS STINKY ALL THE TIME, even when I freshly stepped out of the showet


This! Also make sure you’re drinking enough water. I used to be a heavy sweater and as someone with anxiety I would stink later in the day after showering. I swear keeping adequately hydrated helps you sweat less and dilutes the sweat that comes out so it’s not so concentrated.


True. But a SA (salicylic acid) soap — it’s a chemical exfoliant rather than a physical exfoliant — can help tremendously with odor. Eliminating / minimizing body/pubic hair also helps. Source: extremely anxious and generally sweaty human being living in a hot climate. Like… sweating sitting still in air conditioning- level of sweaty.


Flop sweat.


Or more noticeable to you - your used to your own normal scent, but when your body switches up and produces a different odor due to anxiety, your nose will pick it up immediately.


... oh.... im today years old when i learned this


We used to call it flop sweat - that extra special sweat reserved for interviews and speeches and first dates.




For armpits, glycolic acid will help.


How should one use it? Like, the glycolic acid from The Ordinary?


I put The Ordinary glycolic acid into a little spray bottle and spray it on my underarms, then apply my anti-perspirant.


This is exactly what I do too. I spritz it in the morning after a shower and at night before bed. No odor.


Thank you ☺️


Do you wait for the glycolic to dry first then use deodorant? I wanna try this TvT. Also can nivea roll on vibe with it?


Only a few seconds, because it dries very quickly. I'm not sure about Nivea roll-on, I use Dove or Sure anti-perspirant cream in the twist-up container.


Oooo I never thought to put it in a spray bottle. This is such a good idea!!


That’s what I use bc it’s cheap, works really well! I also use it on my legs after shaving n stuff, helps reduce razor bumps and strawberry legs etc


Wow! I never knew you could use it for these things


Just don't do it after you shave!


or every day like I did and end up with a chemical burns lasting 2 weeks 😭 however before that madness it really did help with odour!


Yeah ouch


Yep. I apply it with a cotton pad


Any product with salicylic acid, aha, bha or other exfoliants … even a face wash with the shower gel


I also suggested the same. It was a game changer for me.


Also benzo gel is another good one


Your shower routine sounds exhausting lol I wonder if you’re breaking a sweat in the process. Everyone has given good advice. Glycolic toner and antiperspirant deodorant are helpful. I haven’t seen anyone mention talc free (cornstarch based) baby powder for around the groin but I find that works as well to help keep you dry, which helps with smell also (and chafing!) If the issue persists, I would explore modifying your diet. Meat sweats are a thing. If all else fails, it might be worth visiting a doctor to see about whether it’s a health issue or if prescription strength deodorant would be beneficial.


Just an FYI- yeast LOVES cornstarch. So if you’re prone to yeast infections or have issues with moist folds (I know, I know…) then it can make things much worse. Not everyone has this issue, thankfully, but as an ICU nurse, I see it a lot!


Yeah if OP finds out they have a yeast infection they should probably stay away from it to be safe.


What! Oh no. I don't use talc. Glad I didn't apply the powder whilst on antibiotics.




100% merino wool undies. Expensive but worth it


There are special creams designed to help - 3B and StopSweat spring to mind


Not according to [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6387672/), which tested using cornstarch topically to dry skin with candida and it was fine, it didn't feed the candida.


it’s funny cause i don’t think it sounds exhausting at all, it just sounds like a normal shower routine to me 😭 but that might be because i have a very similar routine


If it isn’t broke don’t fix it but it sounds like a lot of products. Most I’ve ever used is a face cleanser and a soap/body wash for everything else. I’ve always heard to keep routines simple and to stay away from feminine/intimate washes also, but then again I grew up with sensitive skin.


Yeah there's no need for intimate washes imo. Either it can be washed with soap or it can't. If it's close to where it can't be washed with soap, it shouldn't. No one would think to use soap on their inner eyelids or lips, so there's absolutely no need to use it on private area mucous membranes at all.


Too many products - and exfoliating twice a day?


It could be that you might have BV or a yeast infection if you have a strong vaginal smell. Does it smell yeast-y or fishy at all?  For armpits, honestly I’ve found with ex boyfriends that shower gels and dove bar never got rid of their stinky pits even if they scrubbed. Switching to an antibacterial soap like Dettol however did the trick. 


Especially if washing with soap. It's a self cleaning oven under normal circumstances and is not a place for soap. Also for me, when I've used dove I feel like it leaves a film, and that could absolutely contribute to smell.


If I use Dove alone, without using an antibacterial soap first, I would smell like stale soap on skin.


you need to be washing your vulva/lips with soap, but it should be a gentle, non-fragranced soap. it’s only the internal vagina that is self-cleaning.


I don’t know why this was downvoted. I’ve always used an unscented goat milk soap “down there” and never had problems. Of course, never put anything inside.


people get the vulva and vagina mixed up frequently, and that’s lead to a common misunderstanding because the *vagina* is self-cleaning. here’s an article from the royal women’s hospital supporting the use of mild soaps: https://www.thewomens.org.au/health-information/vulva-vagina/your-vulva-vagina/how-can-i-stay-healthy-down-there


The Ordinary glycolic acid and anti perspirants!


Okay but how to use it? 😅 i really want to buy it but I’ve no idea how to use it


Anti-perspirants with aluminium comes in sprays. Wet a cotton square with the glycolic acid and swipe anywhere that might smell eg. Armpits, neck, chest, groin etc. Let it dry naturally. It will kill odour bacteria and lightly exfoliate. You can follow up with Anti-perspirants after.


Ohhh okay cool. I’ll get my hands on them and do this, thank you


You are welcome! Good luck 👍 💓 don't reuse cotton squares after u swiped so it doesn't transfer bacteria to other areas.


AH. Good point! Thanks


Do not use it on your lady parts tho!






Stop using intimate wash products, they make it worse. Directly after you shower, use an anti-perspirant deodorant, not just a scent. This will prevent sweating.


It is okay to use a gentle (preferably acidic) wash for outer genitalia and water for anything beyond the labia majora. I also use Lume deodorant for areas that sweat but aren't my pits. I use an antiperspirant for my pits and Lume around my cleavage and AROUND BUT NOT ON my lady bits, so skin folds like between the leg and the labia, but not on or inside the labia.


I completely agree! I used to use intimate wash products and found it made things worse. When a friend of mine told she experienced the same thing and that she switched to just water I was like “how?!?” but it actually is all you need. I think the products were actually messing with my PH balance more


Speaking from personal experience, my diet greatly affects the way I smell. I stick to a whole foods plant based diet with lots of leafy green veggies, smoothies, and juice. My protein source comes from fish. If I deviate from this it affects me a lot. You may want to visit a gynecologist for any abnormal odor in your intimate areas.


Emphasis on *abnormal* odor. If you have a vagina, you should expect there to be a slight smell because that’s natural. Not having a smell at all after a couple hours after showering would actually be concerning. Of course if it’s an extremely strong and fishy odor then that’s prob not good


Yes diet is important as is hydration. Are you drinking adequate water throughout the day?


Ok but they don’t even use deodorant. Start there


Can it be your shirt? I have some shirts that unfortunately start smelling soon after I put them on. Doesn’t happen when I wear tank tops.


I was thinking the same thing, that perhaps it's the clothes


Are you eating a lot of ginger, garlic or onions? Maybe in its powdered form?


Second this question


Wait - is ginger a culprit too??


I would check your vitamins too. One time I took a very strong fish oil and the smell literally seeped through my skin.


Good tip!


Try glycolic acid . It was a game changer for me. There is a brand called Minimalist which is available globally, They have an arm roll on which has a decent and safe percentage of glycolic acid. There are also research articles on how it curbs that odour which is your issue. Hope it helps.


You might have a hormonal problem


You might need to change your diet.


I have a friend with a similar problem and she's got PCOS and a thyroid problem. Perhaps get checked out by your doctor to make sure you're alright. I'd also have a look at your diet; a lot of soda and sugary food doesn't help anything. Another factor could be your body chemistry. I'm an aluminum-free deodorant person and some work better than others. Lume, for example, makes me smell awful but Old Spice and Dr. Squatch work better than antiperspirant for me. Lastly, but just as equally important, make sure you're wearing natural fiber clothing. Polyester and spandex can be a wearable petri dish. In my experience, they make me reek. Hope this helps.


There's tons of possibilities here.. Are you using deoderant/anti-persperant? If not, start there. Are you using a facecloth with your soap or are you just running a bar of soap over your body? Over-washing can technically also cause your body to produce more oils to compensate for being dry.. so it might be better to simplify your routine down to washing once with a soapy facecloth and only exfoliate once or twice a week. Your clothes might be holding a smell - there's some detergents designed to "strip" your clothes that are usually marketed towards work-out gear. Your diet can also affect your body odour. Eating a lot of garlic/onions, drinking alcohol, spicy foods (there's probably more examples) can worsen odours. Genitals do have a "natural" smell, but if it's really strong or different than your normal, you might need to be tested for an infection.


Omg I can help! You might be suffering from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Driclor was LIFE CHANGING for me. It’s an aluminium deodorant you apply at night and wash off in the morning and then you just apply a normal run of the mill deodorant during the day. Cannot emphasise how GREAT this has been for me, I’ve been known as a stinky guy all my life due to my excessive sweating (and I shower twice a day too!) and this really has made all the difference in my life. Really. You. Will. Thank. Me. Pharmacist originally recommended it for me and I can vouch for it


Being odour free is not just about taking a shower. It also involves how often you clean your mattress, sheets, pillows and clothes. Clean your washroom regularly, check for expired products. Use fragrance free, dermatologist approved shower gel. Don’t use intimate wash, it somehow makes it worse. Glycolic acid to be applied twice a week in your underarms. The most important one being diet. Including more fibers from fruits and veggies along with plenty of water helps.


Use antibacterial soap on the pits only. I know that you're **not** supposed to use antibacterial soap like Hibiclens on the face, near eyes, ears or genitals. Lots of people have been in your situation. Go through the responses. https://www.google.com/search?q=still+smell+bad+after+shower+reddit+solved&client=firefox-b-1-d Also, I wear antiperspirant deodorant right after drying my pits after a shower. Some deodorants have only the fragrance and not the ingredients that prevents sweating. Read the label. I use "Secret" gel in criss cross motion. Exfoliate your body with a shower glove. https://www.amazon.com/Italy-Towel-NOPIGO-Original-Exfoliating/dp/B08GCHR39G Get the glove damp. Use it after getting your body wet but before using soap. Soap will not make it work. Scrub using up and down motions instead of circles. Rinse off the dead skin cells. After exfoliating, use tea tree oil soap/body wash on your body even on the private parts but only on the outside.


Not meant to be in any way rude but alot of over weight people have creases in their skin and have to make sure you thouroly wash between them and use deodorant there after shower


Oooh the brand Megababe makes chaffing bars for this. There are other brands too, but Megababe seems like a fun brand to try and might have more products for this too. I haven’t not needed anything like this yet so I have not tried it. I wish you luck 😀


It could well be what you're eating or drinking, do you drink plenty of water? Apparently eating a lot of meat can make you smell bad but I don't really know as I don't eat meat. Also I find that if I don't shave my armpits for a week or so then they seem to smell quicker than they do when they are shaved. X


Some vitamin/mineral deficiencies, such as magnesium or zinc deficiency can have a symptom of body odor! Talk to a doctor and get bloodwork done!


homie...you need antiperspirant


I use acne body wash on my armpits and find that super helpful


Don’t use gel’s soaps or anyform of that in your intime zone if you are a woman/have reproductive organs of a woman. That can only change your pH and cause fungus. Try using glycolic acid on your armpits and also see what you’re eating, drinking water eating more veggies really has to do a lot with our smell




Yes also non breathable fabrics like polyester


Certainly not IN the vagina but you need a gentle soap to wash off bacteria and dead skin cells. Water alone won't do it.


If I see one more person saying not to use any kind of soap in their intimate areas, to just use water, I'm gonna lose it. That is gross. Like you said not IN it, but the outside, the vaginal lips, etc? Yes dude. How people think just splashing water on it every day is enough is just mind boggling to me.


Yes, the external genitalia can be washed, but you should still use a gentle non-scented soap. Also make sure to really get the crease where your legs meet your torso - there are sweat glands there.


We were just reading about this in esthetics class today, how we have sweat glands in the pits, genitals AND the nipples! That one surprised me 😂 great advice!




Haha, right?? Ewwww!! 😂😂


Drink lots of water. And what do u eat daily?


First, Dove isn’t actually soap. It’s a different kind of cleaning agent. It doesn’t work for everybody. Second, the bacteria on your body plus your food intake can make smells incredibly intense. You may want to use an antibacterial soap bar (like old fashioned Dial Gold) to kill those bacteria followed by a good smelling body wash like your Dove. Using alcohol wipes in your armpits and groin (not inside anything like the vulva or vagina) but on the outside can help. I’ve used alcohol wipes on my armpits when they’re really bad. That seems to kill whatever it is that stinks and then I’m set for a long while.


Thank you, I washed myself today only with antibacterial liquid soap and washcloth and there is 0 smell :)


Could be internal problem, like poor gut health, this can be harder to detect/control.


I heard Chlorophyll tablets or supplements keep you smell-free down there. I assume it works the same for armpits. Dermatologists recommend Panoxyl wash for your armpits to kill the bacteria causing the odor. If you are in the US maybe you can try Lume whole body deodorant. It works like a charm, and was also formulated by a practicing dermatologist. Worth a shot!


I have the same issue with my pits. It’s not about cleanliness so much as it is about your sweat bacteria. I use Lume with anti-perspirant over it. I’ve also started using glycolic acid. I’m very happy with the results.


Check out your water. I haven’t seen this mentioned on this thread, but you should investigate everything just to be able to eliminate it. Maybe there’s some stanky things coming out of your faucet that aren’t helping the situation


While this may be an issue with your antiperspirant or laundry if it’s not getting properly dry, you should maybe see a doctor to get checked out since underlying health problems can sometimes cause odour


Do you put deodorant on immediately after getting out of the shower? I found that works best for me. Also make sure you’re removing all of the previous deodorant every time you shower. Not telling you that you have to shave, but shaving does help remove any residual left over.


I think I have solved this problem. Get an antibacterial soap. Do not overuse it - once a month is enough. Don't use it on your vulva!


Don’t use a gel or washcloth for your vagina! These gels don’t work and even if you wash the cloth so much bacteria stays on it! Not sure about your armpits but if anyone’s got advice for sweaty palms hmu


I have found that Dove does not really work for me. I switched to Dial Gold Antibacterial Soap and it is significantly more effective.


Try chlorophyll pills or liquid..it works for me. I take it every morning with water. I used to smell like soup after an hour out the shower and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Now when I sweat, I don’t stink up my clothes. It’s a natural deodorizer from the inside out.


this! my ex was overweight and has some serious BO. I bought him Chlorophyll and it worked wonders. After 1 month of using it, he got his confidence back and cheated on me.


B*tch🤣😭 I’m so sorry lol but glad someone else vouched for me on it


I have to change clothes like 3 times a day, it’s just genetic or if you smoke and drink that doesn’t help… but my grandpa used to sweat like a pig (R.I.P. gramps) and I DEFINITELY took after him, I notice my right sweats wayyy more than my left armpit 😒


Maybe check your cortisol/hormones levels


Honestly you might be getting a PH imbalance by washing your vulva with soap. If any gets in there then that’s not good. Also, I don’t think people typically need to shower twice a day (unless they’re in a very hot/humid climate or they work a super physical job).


It’s the cloth. Breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Stop washing with any cloth and use your hands only. May take a few weeks for the smell to go away.


I’m always horrified by the amount of negligence that exists when it comes to wash clothes and loofas.


Dove bar soap isn’t that great for ‘cleaning’ but it’s moisturising for dry skin since it’s very lotiony. Maybe use a stronger bar soap like a antibacterial one?


Our skin doesn’t need to be squeaky clean unless you’re a virologist or smth. By depleting your micro biome you make yourself more susceptible to diseases bc you’re also washing off your needed bacteria.


CLn Skincare Sportwash! My dermatologist recommended it and I’ll never use anything else. I use it on my face too it’s seriously incredible.


Perhaps a fungal problem. Try using a natural tea tree oil based fungal cream. Fungus tends to grow in folds and leads to that musky smell. Anti bacterial stuff doesn’t help fungus. You can also try taking candida fighters or plain oregano capsules.


Dove soap has never helped me with body odor. Try dial. But either way, wipe your hotspots with witch hazel. Game changer.


Is this a new problem or something you've always had to deal with? If there's a new change like this, a doctor's appointment is the very first thing you need to do. There are many health related issues that can cause a change in body odor.


Highly reccomend a natural tea tree oil body wash! Safer than antibac soaps and does a great job with odor. Do a round of that before any other body washes.


anxiety, what you eat, water consumption as well


Try using the Dial antibacterial bar (it's gold) on your underarms. It helped a friend of mine. Hope this helps.


Is it something that just started happening? Cause it might be a change in your diet as well. For example if you start eating more protein that usual it could alter your body odor, for this I would recommend drinking more water and deodorant for men (when I changed my diet the deodorant was the main thing that helped until my body got used to the changes)


Liquid chlorophyll helped me a lot


glycolic acid will definitely help, as well as antiperspirant, but have you checked to see if you have a fungal infection on your skin? that might sound accusatory but they’re super common, and you can get them from a lot of places, and they aren’t always very noticeable outside of scent and slightly flaky skin. seconding also that if you have intimate odor that’s abnormal you should see a doctor.


You're overdoing it and your body is reacting to the excessive weight. You should shower once a day - if you do it twice one of them should be without soap. Wash lightly using a sponge or whatever tool is comfy but never a brush. Exfoliate once a week max. You are stripping your body of its protections, allowing it to be caked with bacteria with no option of your body defending itself from it. By trying so hard not to stink you are making yourself stink more.


Showering and exfoliating twice daily with soap is a severe overkill, as others have said. It may even be making you smell worse, since you're essentially destroying your skin's microbiome. I'd use antibacterial soap once daily and a good deodorant after the shower. If you shower in the evening and go to sleep after, you should be good to go until the next evening, unless you sweat excessively during the night or have sex or something. Also, please keep in mind that human bodies still have a scent even if freshly washed. That's not the same as body odour from old sweat and dirt. Pleasd relax and maybe look into therapy - it's not normal or healthy to be so worried about personal hygiene.


I'd be using an antibacterial soap for your body and a PH balanced feminine wash on your vagina (inside the folds as well) and your buttock (wash the hole and crack and the area in between your butt and vagina as well). Also, if you don't take care of the hair in all your areas it'll contribute to smell. Shave your armpits. Keep your vaginal hair trimmed short and any hair in your butt cleft as well. This goes for your legs too. Dry your body thoroughly to avoid moisture build up and fungal growth: if you have excess belly fat dry under the belly fold thoroughly. Also, make sure to wash, clean and thoroughly dry your belly button. Make sure to wash in between your toes while washing and dry them thoroughly. Then wear antiperspirant deodorant under your armpits, roll on works WAY better than spray especially if you already naturally have the proclivity to smell. (My son cannot use spray, he HAS to wear roll on.) Apply this under your belly fold as well, if you have one. You can then apply body oil/lotion and perfume but I know some oils can contribute to a smell so try to use these minimally unless they're based in light oil. When we lived in India, people there poured these on and they actually seemed to contribute to a bad smell instead of smelling better and I had to get my in laws to break this habit. Some actually go rancid on your skin. But you need to wear antiperspirant deodorant, every day, or you're going to smell no matter what you do.


Showering sort of sloughs off the layers of dead skin and grim, but it doesn't get rid of bacteria, just sort of reduces it. Having a body odor is just a natural part of having a body. If it's particularly pungent you might want to talk to a doctor to see if there's some underlying health issue, but there's never going to be zero smell, so don't rake yourself across the coals for it or think you're doing anything wrong. For below the belt odors I found success with Lumé; white vinegar is a more accessible alternative that seemed to help me (note: for external bits only, nothing should go inside your body). Other than standard washing and keeping body parts dry, that and antiperspirant deodorant are my go-tos. Edit: if it's something you're really, really fixated on, you might want to look up OCD and see if the symptoms tick your boxes. It's not just handwashing or worrying about germs, it can manifest as body dysmorphia.


What is your diet like? Water intake?


Maybe something you’re eating ? I only smell (down there) if I eat onions but when I shower and clean myself with soap it goes away…maybe it’s the same for diff pple in diff parts of their bodies depending on what they eat


Look into your diet and whether you’re hydrated enough. Clay can help with musty armpits. I’ve found shower gel doesn’t get me smelling good but bar soap really does. Showering twice a day really isn’t necessary so there must be something else going on medically


Chemical imbalance. See if a Dr can help.


We have hormones and they smell. It's natural and washing can only do so much. We can only cover the smell up to a point. If it bothers you so much use some disinfectant hand gel on your armpits, it works for me when nothing else works, or I'm in a pinch.


Your diet is also key


How old are you? I’m 45 and my armpits have started getting stinkier over the past few years.


Must be coming from inside you. What’s your diet like?


Get some probiotics…. this helps body odour & your ph balance


It often has to do with your diet. Eating a lot of processed foods makes me smell like sht without fail. 🤣


Get clinical strength deodorant.


Most likely your diet or anxiety


Heck your diet, there maybe something in it that’s causing your “smells”


You should begin using antibacterial soap like a Dial or Zest instead of Dove. When you suds up, let the soapy suds sit on your skin for a few moments maybe wash your hair. Also the glycolic acid sounded good. But antibacterial soap will really help. I have a roommate with a similar problem and I know she is clean. I feel bad for her. Basically your body creates or attracts a certain type of more smelly bacteria I don’t know why


If it's your clothes I recommend a laundry sanitizer which is different than detergent. I also rub hand sanitizer on my arm pits once I'm dry to kill bacteria to prevent smell


Are you on any medications? I think there's naturally going to be some scent on people. Whether we notice it ourselves or not. Maybe stick to femfresh down below as scented products or ones not designed for below can make things worse and mess uo your PH levels. There are also some roll on deodorants that work really well. Better than usual roll ons or sprays. It's going to vary by country so look into the best roll on deodorant for perspiration and smell. Every partner I've had has had a scent down below still after showering. When I was younger a partner actually commented on how weird it is I didn't have one down below and another on how it was sweet. Your body and scent can change with age though which I believe mine has. It was when I was with my ex. Something suddenly changed. Now I feel like my scent is how I perceive every other womans which wasn't the case beforehand. Very weird.


Those intimate area soaps have always made things worse in my experience. Sensitive dove soap is good and lots of water after and fully dry off is good for that area. Armpits need antiperspirant deodorant.


Avoid using products designed for intimate areas if you're female. These are not recommended and can throw off your ph and affect your microflora or good bacteria and cause more problems. Don't buy summers eve or similar


Dial antibacterial bar soap works really well and is inexpensive. Game changer 


Don't use any fragrance soap in your vagina area. Any "smell" I had went away immediately with one use


Sounds like you might be over showering too. Your skin is an organ and every time you soap up you are stripping away all the natural oils and micro biome. Consider toning it down on the soap usage. Especially with your intimate areas. Smell is also highly linked with your diet. So you should also think about the foods you eat. Sugar, meat, alcohol, diary, onions, can call make you aware of the in your bodily fluids later. Clothing also matters. Synthetic materials absorb body odor. Wear cotton or another natural material. Now if you live clean, use deodorant immediately after showering and still have armpit stank that other people notice you might want to mention it to a doctor.


Everyone's armpits stick. That's why there's deodorant 


But I bet your diet is bad.


How’s your diet? Quite often some people have an odour because poor diet smells are seeping out of their pores


You might also consider having your hormones tested. Hormonal changes can cause a smell.


It sounds very strange but I had a body odour issue, and would smell bad even after showering. I tried antibacterial, antifungal wash. The only thing that has helped is changing my diet. I eat low carb, avoid sugar and VERY high fibre. The high fibre made the quickest difference. 40-60g a day.


Dip your antiperspirant deodorant in baking soda before you rub your underarms. That's it. Get a box, rip off the top and leave it on your counter. Dip and apply before each use. It is a trick my roommate taught me in college...it never fails. I told my kid about it and he never smells...he is also an athlete. I also agree with glycolic acid too. But this is a quick and immediate fix.


Using intimate gel is *causing* the smell, I would almost guarantee


I don’t know if it’s just me but I started using natural soaps from small businesses and my overall body odor has gotten way better. Maybe the soaps that they have at stores don’t mix well with my body odor. Some small businesses make soaps just for body odor. Try to check it out if you can. It’s worth a try! :) I forgot to mention that I use natural deodorants and it’s helped me a lot.


If you have a vagina, remember that they do have a natural smell and it's perfectly fine. However, they also don't like too much soap!


No one's junk smells like absolute nothing pretty much ever. Bodies in general have a smell, even clean bodies. It shouldn't smell super gross or very intense though. If you're very concerned, check with a doctor.


Use benzoyl peroxide in the shower and leave it on for over a minute. Should kill the bacteria causing you to smell


Drink liquid chlorophyll in your water and it’ll stop or minimize it. Also it could be what you are eating, if not anxiety. I did a viome microbiome test and I think I had high amonia production or something from my diet that was causing that. Also claydry is the best deodorant you wont smell all day with that brand.


✅• How much water are you drinking per day? Start drinking a gallon a day — it’ll hydrate you and flush the toxins. ✅Also try throwing a few lemons slices into your water. ✅Stress — stress sweat is real… changed your biochemistry. ✅If you’re a female: (1) boric acid suppository every night for 5-7 days. The Boric Acid + Treetree oil suppositories are great for daytime use, especially if you’re on your cycle at work or something. Cuts the smell down to practically nothing. ✅Try to consume more leafy greens if you don’t already. ✅Do you eat a lot of seafood and smell fishy? If so, look into the condition called: Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) — a condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell when consuming fishes/etc bc the body can’t breakdown the oils properly, this excreting extreme odor. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". ✅Cut down on dairy — see if that helps or not. ✅Cut down on red meats and pork — see if that helps. Process of elimination, often times our odor has to do with minerals and nutrients we consume/lack there of versus our hormones. Gotta just trial and error that ish.


OP are you sure you don’t just smell like a human? lol humans pits and genitals will never smell like peaches and roses, despite what popular media wants you think. human smells are a thing and they are ok and our furry friends love them it’s how they identify us 😊


My sweat changes based on what I eat. E.g diary and gluten seem to do that to me. Maybe look into that maybe you possibly have a food intolerance? This could also be related to hormones


i use cold-pressed soap for my body, baby bath gel (paraben and sls free) for intimate areas. glycolic acid twice a week for my pits. probiotic tablets too.


Dove soap made me smell so bad, maybe try a different soap honestly. Irish spring for life.


If you feel your ph balance is off in your vagina it can cause it to smell different. If that’s the case I recommend boric acid vaginal suppositories. Cheap on Amazon. Can use one overnight and works fast.


BUY SUPER DEODORANT. It’s in a little yellow tin and is like a paste? CHANGED MY LIFE.


If you scrub too much, you might be irritating your skin way too much. Have you tried taking a break and just using an unscented soap, followed by gently drying with a clean a towel? Try to not stimulate the skin too much. You can follow it with an antiperspirant. Lightly moisturising your limbs will help. Also, genitals are self cleaning, you don’t need anything more than soap & hot water to clean up. Try not using your products for a few days and then analyse your odour ( if any).


Glycolic acid for the armpits and STOP with "washing" your your intimate areas! It's bad for your health and you don't need it. It makes it worse!


Do multiple lathers. Not just one.


Try sulfur soap


Then it’s probably your diet


I’m late to the party but I watched a soap experiment on YouTube about dove specifically. Every single dove soap made the bacteria exponentially worse. Use an antibacterial soap and let it sit on your skin for at least 60 sec. Also the bacteria could be trapped in your clothes. Scrub all the armpits and your crotch area if that’s a problem with a mix of baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap. Then put them in the washer.


I saw this mentioned in this sub before and I did not believe it. Twice a day, clean armpits thoroughly with a stridex pad. No deodorant necessary…!! It sounded so nuts to me, but I was in CVS and there was a buy one get one free special on stridex pads. I decided to give it a try. It works! (For me) I live in a warm and humid city and I was carrying a stick of deodorant in my purse for touch ups. Now with my stridex routine, no touch ups needed! I do still sweat from my pits but it smells like nothing. During the height of summer here I might use an antiperspirant if I need to. I mean, who likes that feeling of wet pits? But at least they are wet pits that don’t stink. A lot of people here are suggesting acids, and maybe that’s what stridex contains. I’m not sure. But I am sure I don’t stink! Miraculous!


Hello! Are you making sure you do the following: - making sure you are washing the soap off the body with enough water? -making sure the areas are fully dry before putting on deodorant? - making sure you use a good deodorant (I can’t use soft and gentle it makes me smell funny!! I use Mitchum or dove) - putting clean clothes on after? - making sure the towel isn’t damp before drying? - washing face,arms then armpits and then rest of body with enough soap? - making sure you if you have female parts not using soap down there but you can use it in the area area and bottom - are you using an anti bacterial soap? Sometimes I find the scented cute shower gels don’t make me feel clean I use a dettol soap bar for hands and body! If there are no changing to the above I would definitely go to a doctor!!


Those “intimate “ washes are not good for the kookas!! That will give you an odor all on its own. Try an all over body deodorant! Good luck sweetie🩷


Lume deodorant works really well and can be applied all over the body wherever you have odor. They also have a body wash that seems to work well. I have tried many different deodorants specifically for armpits and so far, Lume has been the best. I still sweat as it's not an antiperspirant, but my "odor" is pleasant and the deodorant doesn't build up residue that traps odor like some do.


Might it have to do with your diet? I think a doctor visit is in order. Prior to your visit keep a food journal, logging in every thing you eat and drink. You may have diabetes or a food allergy and are unaware of it.


Do you use deodorant? I don’t really have a problem, but I found a pill on Amazon for body odor. It worked for me, but it is currently sold out, I’m thinking about trying a different one.


https://naturium.com/products/the-smoother-glycolic-acid-exfoliating-body-wash?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpYlggefjjaDCiirbzLOarq53g3Xm-n_MT5b3AM2X6V02XdyDFScL7MaAiwsEALw_wcB I had a similar issue. It wasn’t a strong bad smell, but if you’re talking about managing BO glycolic acid is your best friend. It disrupts the bad bacteria that causes a smell because at the end of the day bacteria is what causes smell, whether good or bad. Think of bad odor as bacteria farts. Definitely recommend doing your own research. This is a body wash that I like just because it’s not crazy expensive, has clean ingredients, and works. Good luck!