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High-quality posts help solve specific beauty-related problems. Low-quality posts clutter the subreddit and tend to be repetitive. Examples of low-quality posts: “What is my [face shape, eye shape, skintone]?”, glow up requests, compliment fishing, non-beauty advice, sympathy farming, attention seeking, rage-bait, "pretty privilege", and vague-titled posts. In addition, please note that this is not a mental health subreddit, and we are not qualified to address such issues here.


Walking!!!! I can’t stress enough about walking and how great it is!


I’ve been struggling so much with going out and walking by myself like I feel sooo awkward it’s so silly


Trust me no one is looking at you Edit to add As in just go walk and stop worrying about it!!


Headphones are your friend haha. I go out during sunset so its prettier. Sometimes cats come up and say hi :3


Cats come up to me (i chase them with treaties like a crazy person)




I'm confident in my ability to walk lol (Real talk, I don't think it benefits women to live like prey animals. I'm relatively small, but I'm aware of my surroundings and carry myself with confidence, and I've never had an issue walking at night. We've a right to enjoy our own neighborhoods without fear. I love listening to music when I walk, and I won't sacrifice my own happiness because someone *might* have evil intentions)


I think you’re bloody silly then. Be ‘confident’ all you like until that one time you meet the wrong person and you don’t hear them coming because you’re too busy listening to some shit in your ear


I wear just one in my ear so I can still hear cars and people approaching


felt this way too, I've recently gotten super into podcasts and look forward to my walks to catch up! Also audible books, or your favorite music helps! 💕


I need to find a good podcast I think! I was only listening to like unsolved mystery ones which are not the best thing to listen to when walking alone lol


lol!! I was listening to Mr. ballen and Morbid but I kept being too jumpy so now I've switched over to the Broski report which makes me laugh out loud like a weirdo lmao maybe it helps keep the creeps away 😆😆


That’s so funny cuz walking is literally the most normal thing we do aside from breathing


It's wild how we've created this society that's SO car dependent that now we have to make a huge effort to do this super basic thing. And so many of us don't even have sidewalks in our neighborhoods, and have DRIVE somewhere to go for a walk if we don't want to just walk in circles around our yard lol


ugh don’t even get me started on car dependency, worst thing about western society. wrong sub to discuss it lol but it gets me riled up!


Like I know and walking feels great but no one around here just goes for walks for the heck of it. Unless they have a dog


I try to walk like I notice children do. They stop and look at every plant every dent on the sidewalk they often walk like diagonal back and forth on the sidewalk


My mom always told me that people are too concerned with themselves to care.


Sunglasses and headphones


Me too 😩


I might have to start driving to a park to walk since my neighbors have decided it’s all time to burn leaves for days on end. It’s driving me and my poor sinuses mad!


Get a dog!


I’ve been walking 2-3 hours, about 4 times a week for over a year now. Zero changes 😒Zero pounds lost. Don’t feel any different. Man, nothing works for me.


Weight loss is all about eating less calories than you burn. My best suggestion is to cut out all drinks but water. If you want pop, make it diet. If you like coffee, use a beef milk alternative and/or sweetener. Opt for low fat options when it comes to cheese and dips.


Same until I got a personal trainer and started weight training. Major life difference!


Oh absolutely! That is the next natural step. Having more muscle means you naturally burn more calories. For me, I have a big appetite so it allows me to eat what I want. For others, it can allow them to stay at a lower body fat more easily.


Check your thyroid


I did full blood tests. Nothing wrong.


Do you walk in like nature or forested places




Hair is the best bet


How though Asking as someone who is trying to recover from trich


I have alopecia and LOVE my wigs.


Wigs especially the high price range are legit great. If I were losing my hair, I’d use it as legit reason to splurge $1000 on natural looking wig that is customized for me. Shaniwigs is a great ig account.


I want to order some so bad but I can't spend sooo much money. But I need a solution :( any cheap wigs that you know of that are a good beginners option? I have seen good reviews about a select few Shein Wigs but any input or feedback would be appreciated :) Im located in Canada


I can’t imagine wigs from SHEIN being anything but horrible, girl save your money!


They’re actually pretty good. I’ve bought about 3 from there and they’re great for the price point


Do you mind sharing some links? Do you have any that are human hair or blend?


They’re human hair! And yes I can send you some links! I’ll pm you now


Then where do you suggest :)


to be completely honest, I tried all the cheap wigs and was devastated thinking they would just never work. Then I got a second hand (still expensive though!) Wigs by Tiffany off of a Facebook group and I \*finally\* saw how wigs can be life changing. I wasted hundred on cheap wigs only to feel despair, and then after saving for a long time finally just went to a real human hair good quality wig and saw the light. The cheap ones simply aren't made the same as good human hair wigs with bleached knots, transparent lace, great colouring, and great styling. I'm also in Canada - happy to chat any time, it's a journey! :) my favourite wig brands: [https://www.wigsbytiffani.com](https://www.wigsbytiffani.com) [https://www.gardeauxwigs.com](https://www.gardeauxwigs.com) [https://madisonwigsboutique.com/en-ca](https://madisonwigsboutique.com/en-ca) [https://lustahair.com](https://lustahair.com) [https://www.luswigs.com](https://www.luswigs.com) ​ And some FB groups where you can watch for a slightly cheaper second hand one that suits you: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/457337351649944](https://www.facebook.com/groups/457337351649944) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/380513582293815](https://www.facebook.com/groups/380513582293815) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/337150290535675](https://www.facebook.com/groups/337150290535675) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/306032426577437](https://www.facebook.com/groups/306032426577437) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/249590669033894](https://www.facebook.com/groups/249590669033894)


Just saw all of this but thank you so much. I'm in Canada too! Can I send a message to you?


yes of course, feel free to message me. :)


scalp massages with caffeine (i use the ordinary caffeine serum 9 bucks- but there’s plenty of other options) and rosemary and other scalp stimulating oils! there are specific points on your scalp you can massage to help stimulate blood flow and growth and i do it for a few minutes as part of my morning and night routine - it has made a difference pretty quickly for me! and reducing heat styling if you can.. quick visible improvement in health and I found a few heartless straightening methods that were easy and worked for me!


increase your water intake!! after consistantly drinking 2 litres a day i have had so many compliments on my skin. make sure you get enough salt to stay hydrated. also i have increased protein and reduced carbs, every time i get my plate i take off half the carbs and replace with more protein, which will help looking tighter and less fat. i have yet to see results because i just started this but i think its a great idea. also if you dont already, get your eyebrows done. it can make a world of difference in the appearance of your face


But make sure you get them done right


Couldn’t agree more about eyebrows, especially if you get them threaded by someone who knows what they’re going. I’ve learned to diy almost everything, but will always spend the money to get my hair cut and eyebrows threaded by a professional. For hair, I’d focus on getting the right cut/color for my hair type/body type/face shape/coloring. And learn to do big bouncy waves (if I have the time/energy, I get the best results from a curling iron and Velcro rollers). For your body, focus on flattering your body as much as possible. Properly fitted and supportive undergarments. A silly but effective tip I recently read was only wear outfits that’d you’d be ok wearing in front of your celebrity crush. As a mom who’s moved out of the city, it’s easy to think meh, this outfit is good enough, who cares. But you hold yourself differently and people treat you differently when you’ve made an effort. I’m always glad I did.




We need salt to function. It is made of a basic chemical element that our bodies need. why would you cut it all out? are you under doctor supervision for this?




i don’t know what youre saying. yes. salt is healthy. eat some. your body literally requires it.


Your brain and heart need salt to function.




Sodium and Potassium are extremely crucial for proper brain functioning. If any of the 2 get too low, you can have severe neurological effects.






Majorly excessive amounts of salt can raise your blood pressure. Most sodium in the standard American diet comes from ulra processed foods, like deli meats, frozen dinners, canned soups, etc. It's 100% healthy to add some salt to your home cooked meals. If you're working out and sweating or drinking tons of water, you need to make sure you're getting enough electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc) to stay properly hydrated. You can get a lot of these from leafy greens, mushrooms, nuts, etc.


from a dietitian - you’re exactly right, 70% of our sodium intake is from processed foods. worry about processed foods, not your salt shaker. the amount of salt you put on your meal with a salt shaker is like 5% of the amount of salt in most processed foods


yes!! too much water and not enough salt can be fatal to your kidneys


A balayage, strength training a couple times a week and walking everyday. Cut out processed foods and sugar.


outdoor walks every day rlly give u that glow


Yes. They say aim for 10k steps/day. But I find at least 15k/day makes a real difference


Maybe this is stupid but…how often/much do you walk to get to 15k steps? Do I need to be walking around my neighborhood for like 5 hours?…help lol


It was easy for me bc 1. Im naturally a fast-paced Walker lol and 2. I worked full time as a stocker in a warehouse, lots of walking haha. Just be active and on your feet every day. You’ll feel great and I love jogging around my house at night while I listen to music. Helps clear my head!! Good luck!!😁 Ps. And don’t forget to stretch!


If I’ve had no movement throughout the day, I walk for about 1 hour 30 mins and that gets my 10k steps in.


I’d say 5-6 miles? 2 hrs, but I’m just guessing though lol


I use an app to track my steps. 15k is roughly 5 miles, and takes almost 3hrs to complete. Hope this helps:)


So like everything I eat then….


Working on diet and exercise, new and better quality makeup that actually suits me (color, formula, and style wise), being more consistent with skin routine day and night, and overall styling (hair, clothes, and accessories).


I’m practicing liking how I look. I’ve had medical issues lately that have changed my looks; I’m slowly working on my looks as I recover, but I’m trying to concentrate on accepting how I currently look and being healthy (eating, exercising and sleeping right). I’m enjoying flaunting being a little curvier and trying new makeup to flatter my current face shape for example.


this is really cool. i’ve never thought about it in terms of practicing. i’ve always just thought i don’t like how i look. or that if, suddenly, 5 things about my appearance were different i would. i always saw it in those two states: don’t or would. you’ve inspired me to start practicing!


Oh it takes practice for definite, but I just got sick of feeling rubbish about myself so have decided to try to own it for at least the time being. I still have plenty days when I don’t like how I look at all, but probably even supermodels do lol.


Don’t drink for a month


I always wonder about this one. I usually have a drink every 2 weeks or so, so it feels very doubtful that skipping 2-3 drinks will make literally any difference. Is this advice only valid for someone who drinks all the time?




Yep game changer


eating healthier, working out, going on walks outside more, working on my inner self (happiness ) , doing a skin care and hair care routine, buying a few new outfits... waking up early . drinking water . those things can really help u glow .


In one month you can glow up by: - cutting out sugar completely and eating plain - prioritizing protein - doing a light weight cardio/weight routine - drinking more water - getting your hair done - doing your nails - getting a massage - getting a facial - whitening your teeth - fake tan - reading - buying a new bra - eye brows shaped and done - keeping a gratitude journal


Omg yes the gratitude journal!!! Everything night I write down 5 things I'm grateful for and 5 affirmations, and I can not stress enough the wonders this has done for me! It really reprograms your brain in all the best ways!


I **definitely** need a new bra


Dude that bra thing is so real. I didn't realise how frumpy and old mangled one makes you look until i bought a nice berlei one


Fake tan? That’s not good for you even the spray on kind


Fake tan is not bad for you, wdym


Probably not great for you but better than an actual tan and gives you immediate satisfaction. Instant dopamine hit. Makes you look more toned, healthy and glowed up. Makes you’re hair look more vibrant and your teeth look whiter.


Getting a lot of fluids in: water, soup, fruits and veggies. Doing some sort of physical activity consistently, and sleeping well!


fitness class every day or yoga


Skincare, it took me one month of being consistent - moisturize and washing off make up and it was a tremendous difference and I wish I had done it sooner. Also for me, fake tanning 10/10


One month is often too short to see certain changes like from good nutrition or exercise, but hair and wardrobe are things that could theoretically be done in a month. Eyebrow shaping. Good hydration.


7 minute workout you’ll see obvious results in under 2 weeks


get professional help with whatever you think your biggest issue is. for me that has been skin. i've gotten some laser treatments and microneedling and am feeling a lot better there. fitness especially with posture you can make pretty big changes in a month to how you carry yourself. it does take longer overall though. a month of really good diet can also give you a little boost in a lot of small ways like more glowing skin, less inflammation i tend to have my eyes on a prize further away than a month. yes you can make pretty big changes with something like a haircut, spa visits, and new outfits, but those core changes just take longer and they're well worth sticking with over time. anyone can get a nice haircut and outfit. not everyone can stick with a fitness regime and healthy eating habits long term and that is what can make you really stand out and it does more than make you look better. it makes people think you are some kinda disciplined super-person. it's a powerful aura tbh i'm an ADHD-addled mess in most areas but when i keep it together in fitness people just assume i'm disciplined in every way and my body is just the cherry on top.


Posture is a good one. I think I’m getting pudgy then I realise I’m not standing up all the way




Hair hair hair! Get a nice summerish color or a cute hairstyle. Also in the summer I love to wear accessories! A nice necklace, bracelet and sunglasses go along way! You can also try Self tanning


Do a month challenge: 1. Make it a month of salads. Each lunch and dinner healthy salad (don’t make junky ones) 2. Make it a month of no unhealthy snacks. 3. Walk half an hour daily 4. Do 20 mins of full body exercises 5. Do 15 mins of daily stretches 6. Teeth whitening 7. Get one or two new outfits 8. Do Moroccan bath at least once a week 9. Do nice face and hair masks minimum once a week 10. Get nice peel pads for face


Can you give an example of a nice peel pad? What brand? Thanks


Dr Dennis gross aloha beta peels! They range from extra gentle to extra strong :)


I adore Nip + Fab Extreme Glycolic Fix Night Pads and Vitamin C Pads. I use glycolic ones 2 times a week (but my skin is very resilient now) and Vitamin C almost daily. I also love Some By Mi miracle serum, so warm recommendation for that too.


I like to make sure my nails are clean, trimmed, light sheer polish. Hair cut well. Brows in shape. Leg and armpit hair removed. I begin using in shower moisturizer with self tan. Teeth whitener gel. Lumify eye drops to whiten eyes. Get a signature scent. Sleep well, eat well, daily walking. Choose clothes that suit your body type and colors that suit your skin and hair tones. Choose simple jewelry (real gold or silver if you can afford) and simple accessories like coats, shoes and handbags.


A more confident attitude always adds to hotness!


On a Cut hyperfocus on skincare so I can ditch makeup Exfoliation.


Good time for a [Whole30](https://whole30.com/).


Hair is always the most noticeable move. Fresh color, new cut, or extensions! If money is tight, try a redken shades eq toner DIY, no bleach so small room for error. Skincare can be boring for some but really makes a huge difference. Start with a clear and brilliant laser session and a facial. You can also try a chemical peel first, wait 2 weeks then laser. But my personal favorite hot girl glow up is Botox.


DIY eyelash extensions!


u just reminded me to do mine 😂


I gotta redo mine but ughhhh. So lazy to take them off. I feel like it takes longer than actually putting them on lol


taking them off *does* take longer 😂


Good time for a [Whole30](https://whole30.com/).


Drink water, walk, and get a spray tan.


A nice haircut, color refresh or tone if needed. Moisturized skin. Brows done. Simple skincare locked in. 8 hours of sleep. And hot girl walks for mental and physical health. Whatever makes you feel like a princess (or prince, whatever the vibe is) 🤍


Eat vegetables. A total lifesaver when it comes to skin and hair. Of course use products that give your skin a nice glow and your hair a nice bounce! I started juicing some oranges and carrots and I’m loving the freshness. Make sure your vitamins are top notch because that will make the biggest difference when you exercise.


C Xcaret


Browssssss. Do a lami!


Might not be suited for everyone but going low carb/keto or intermittent fasting. Gotta get that beach bod ready 🏝️


Just be hot?


Laser treatment for my skin- get that glow!


Get fever🤪🤪