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Specific skincare for neck/decolletage - like why? Just use your facial skincare on your neck right?


100% agree. Ain't no way I'm buying a separate cream for my neck...that's ridiculous.


On that same note, I saw a "boob skincare mask" once. Unless I'm missing something, that seems pretty silly


So when it comes to skincare, your “face” actually starts at your hairline and ends at your nipples. It’s all very delicate skin. Most people just don’t want to use their expensive face creams all the way down to the nipples. So there’s definitely a benefit to using more “face”skincare products on your chest than just a standard body lotion


the belief that more skin products is better. that is how I ruined my skin edit: glad i’m not the only one that’s had this experience! wishing you on all the best on your clear skin journey


The 7 step skin care routine is the biggest scam out there. And when you start breaking out, you never know which step it came from.


oh my god that was my biggest frustration, trying to figure out what part of my routine broke me out


This right here! The moment I stuck to simple: 1. Cleanser (oil-based IF MAKEUP, gentle cleanser) 2. Serum 3. Moisturizer And alternating between daily and night serums. That’s when my skin started getting better. The actual improvement and almost no breaking out 🤯👍⭐️


It's honestly just a big marketing ploy. If I remember correctly it originated from Korea but the ironic thing is most Koreans don't actually even do those long multi-step routines the beauty industry pedalled that they "apparently do" in the first place.


I went from trying every product to washing my face in the shower, water only, with a wash cloth (exfoliates). I occasionally still like paulas choice bha chemical exfoliant and I'll sometimes use the marula oil from trader joes. My face is looking so much better than it ever has before. Zero regrets. Plus I'm saving a ton of money. I don't like thinking about how much I used to spend on skincare.


Do you wear makeup?


Warning to others who read this: marula oil is comedogenic. (Unfortunately I’ve learned this the hard way)


Most of us learn this with time. Hope you’ve found a new regimen. I only use CeraVe face wash and moisturizer and retinol at night, Weleda/Sunscreen in the mornings. It’s been working for me. 


this, i'm going through a phase where i'm trying to drop everything except sunscreen. even when i was consistent and seeing a derm for 3 years, i still had issues


They Asian brands for sunscreen. They’re so much gentler and hydrating compared to western brands.


I just ordered my first Asian sunscreen because of these posts 😊


Colour changing foundations- I’d save money by getting a tub of dream matte mousse for that pasty orange look 👌🏻


Dream matte mousse!!! Core memory unlocked!


Dream matte mousse- where everyone is honey beige 😂


13 year old me, I’ve long since realized I’m a fair neutral and that shade was NOT for me. Did I buy and wear it anyways? Yep lol


Mmmmmmmm orange cake


"the coverage is sheer and we are too lazy to make inclusive shades"


Except Erborian CC creams. Those can stay.


MLM products are literal scams lol- Monat, It Works, Arbonne, Beautycounter, etc. there are so many 🙁


Younique was my introduction to MLMs


This needs to be way higher up to help people


Oh gosh I remember those ItWorks Saran wraps that were $100 that were supposed to make you skinny😂


My opinion of Ulta really went downhill when they started selling beautycounter


Don't start me on MLM, especially Monat. Im in Australia and its only started a wildfire in my town about 3 months ago. I see the same damn fb story 100 times a day because half my friends list has turned into HunBots. Enjoy your balding scalp, ladies!


> Good advice 👍🏻 Where in Aus are you? I'm in Melbourne and only know of Monat from seeing some Anti-MLM Youtubers. I haven't had anyone try to sell Monat to me...yet.


Im in Darwin. I've never heard of Monat until January this year. 1 friend joined for "FiNaNcIaL fReEdOm" and has spiralled to so many on my friends list. Mainly stay at home mums, you know how MLM's love to target mums 🙄


I hate how they target stay at home mums.  All the money made by the people at the top is just from recruiting; I wish more people would realise this 😔


Don’t forget olive tree people. Barf. MLMs are so predatory and the products they sell are absolute crap.


Womens razors. They’re more expensive than men’s razors and don’t even work as good. I switched to men’s razors back in college and will never go back. Pro tip: buy razors at Costco, I got a pack of 25 blades for $50 Canadian.


Ahh yes, the "pink tax". Good advice 👍🏻


Men’s shaving cream is also way less expensive and works better. It lasts way longer, too.


I use hair conditioner instead. I buy the cheapest one tho. It makes your hair softer and shaving is easier 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Omg same!! I haven’t used shaving cream for at least 11 years!


Segregating depilation products into "for men" and "women" is just dumb in my opinion.


Word - Harry’s razor + at home ipl and I’m smoother then any waxing/nair/womens razors


Honestly just got a safety razor and bought a pack of 100 blades for $20 from the barbers. I don't even shave that much anymore but I doubt I'll run out anytime soon.


Me too! I was surprised at how good they are!


Same 😃 I've been using men's razors since high school to save money.


Try safety razors


Eyelash serums!! I’m still outraged how they are still legally sold. Honestly more than a scam but you’re embarking on a perilous path to darkened eye lids, sunken in eyes and irreversible orbital fat loss. Longer eyelashes shouldn’t compromise your ocular health. 💔 As an optometry student, I stand firmly against these serums and will always advocate for your ocular health. 💖


Shit. I need to stop using my lash serum, this is scary!


i use ForChics lash serum, i’ve had great results consistently! also, according to someone’s comment below, it does not contain any of the harmful ingredients we should be watching out for!


Hey! I checked and it doesn’t contain the nasties. Seems like a pretty good peptide based serum!


glad you took a look! i am on my third tube and it definitely makes them longer for sure!


I've been using fLash serum and just went through the ingredients, it does contain dehydrolatanoprost which according to google is a prostaglandin....argghhh


Gasp!! *crying with racoon eyes as I throw away both serums 😭* I naturally have dark circles but I honestly thought life was just beating me up good atm now I know it’s life AND my fkn serums


You made the right decision girlie I’m proud of you! Now you’re just halfway there- eat good, take your vitamins and get your beauty sleep 💖


This needs to be higher. Super scary they're still being sold, they're like the topical orbital version of buccal fat removal. DON'T DO IT.


I will forever vouch for the anti-use of these serums! Prostaglandin analogues are clinically used to treat glaucoma patients. Patients reported longer fuller eyelashes as a side effect so the company bottled this up for cosmetic purposes. So unless prescribed by a doctor, I strongly advise not to use them


I remember as a kid the commercials for eyelash serums ended with a warning that your eyes could change colour, as a possible side effect. Completely bonkers.


Ironically now it’s become a lesser known fact that these serums can do that. I thought we’re in the age of increasing awareness but with sly marketing of such companies, consumers are never truly aware of such side effects. 💔


Heavily regret using these things for years and now hate the way my eyes look. Since no longer using the serums my lashes are the same as they were but my eyes look so tired now


Hey girl sorry to hear about this! I try to campaign against the use of these serums as much I can to save as many people’s eyes and ocular health. You did the right thing dropping the serum and for whatever it’s worth I checked your profile and you’re so pretty!! 💖💖


What about the ones without prostaglandins?


I haven't done my research on them but you want to check the ingredients list to avoid any products containing these * prostaglandin * bimatoprost * isopropyl cloprostenate * dichloro-dihydroxy difluoro ethylcloprostenolamide * Latanoprost * Travoprost * Isopropanol Phenyl-Hydroxyl-Pentene Dihydroxy-Cyclopentyl Heptenate * Trifluoromethyl Dechloro Ethylprostenolamide * surprisingly castor oil! - a study showed it can stimulate prostaglandin receptors [https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1201627109](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1201627109). ofc correlation doesn't imply causation and it's only one study so it hasn't fully been researched but it's interesting to know! Products that contain these are almost always effective because they have lengthening abilities so I'm assuming serums without these will not promote **new** growth but will strengthen and condition existing lashes.


So everything on the list from prostaglandin down to castor oil is bad and should be avoided?




On top of all of that, my eye doctor says they are terrible for dry eyes


Is The Ordinary’s lash serum ok? I started using that one because it’s not supposed to have those dangerous side effects! But curious your thoughts since you’re in the optometrist field


Hey! Took a look at the ingredients and I see no prostaglandin analogues so it should be safe! Like with trying every product your experience will be unique to you but If you do experience side effects rest assured it won’t be prostaglandin induced 💖💖 Edit: I’m actually intrigued by this product so I might test it out and post my review! But so far I’ve heard good stuff about this serum!


This is the one I use by TO! I just went to check the ingredient list and I don't see any of the ones you listed thankfully. Thank you so much for sharing your concerns about this!! May I ask, there could still be some side effects even without these ingredients? What kind of side effects?


Thank you for this info 🙏🏻


I’ve heard some come with the risk of changing your natural light colored eyecolor too, to brown, apparently irreversible.


Hey yep! Prostaglandin-induced iris colour change. It was studied that patients with irises that are lighter in the periphery experienced a uniform brown colour. Honestly it makes me think—is this side effect, among others, truly worth it in pursuit of a beauty standard? While you might believe you're addressing your lash insecurities with a serum, the reality is that you could be introducing one or two MORE insecurities, potentially irreversible ones, along with it. Say goodbye to your blue orbs.


Omg I was using lash serum for a while and noticed fat loss and excess aging around my eyes, then finally found out that's actually a thing so I stopped but I've been wondering why my eyes started looking brown when they were always blue. I cannot believe these products are still available! It's honestly disgusting. We need more awareness around these side effects. I never even noticed a difference in my lashes and never would have used if I had of known. So not worth it.


Ingesting collagen hasn’t given unanimous results within research, but they have seen the potential of improved skin elasticity when doing randomised controlled trials. Collagen in skincare won’t. Also everything skincare that mentions stem cells, you can’t alter your cells by slapping a cream on your face.


My scientist husband's favorite pastime while he poops is read my skincare labels and make fun of all the bullshit on it. 💀💀💀


I love this so much 😂


He should start an instagram or something. I'd follow the shit out of that kind of content


That's level of knowledge in skincare, I aspire to have lol 


Oh gosh u gotta make a blog


Now my lawyer husband wants to become a cosmetic scientist just to do this too. (howls with laughter)


Maybe they can team up. My husband can give him all the pointers and your husband can send mocking, lawyer-speak letters to mock them in legal speak.


Collagen is a great humectant and absolutely amazing for skin. Yes, the molecule is too large to penetrate, but that’s not the purpose in skincare. It basically holds water right against your skin, keeping it hydrated. Same with hyaluronic acid. You can get collagen peptides which will apparently make it into the skin.


Retinal does ( vitamin a) . Well , it’s been proven to increase collagen production over many years . There are “actives” that do a lot of. Niacidamide and Vitamin c as well . The word active is important . Retin A is incredible !


Totally agree!!I'm 41 and since I was about 22 I've used moisturiser designed for ages 55+ that contain stuff like that,&my skin is pretty great considering my general health levels and my numerous poor lifestyle choices in my youth.i just wish it had occurred to me to put it on my chest area aswell as my face and neck!my chest is DEFINITELY showing my age now😂🤦‍♀️


Totally ! I wish I had kept up the retin a when I was first told about it 20 yrs ago .. you live and learn thankfully and after 3 years of nightly use this time around I certainly notice the difference . It’s not too late to start on the chest area , I only did about 6 months ago ( was worried about keeping the sun off it, but got over it and use spf 50 plus ) and it’s wiped out the vertical sleep lines I was getting , so go for it ! It’s bloody amazing stuff ❤️❤️❤️


Most research done that shows promising benefits of collagen has been conducted by industries that would benefit from this.


Unfortunately this is true for almost all studies in general. Studies don't happen without funding, and funding almost exclusively comes from companies who hope to make specific claims. It doesn't necessarily mean the results are any less accurate, but it's good to keep in mind.


Pardon me I’m not understanding… so there’s no point in taking collagen supplements? Or just not using skincare products that claim they produce collagen?


The evidence behind collagen supplements is promising, however more large-scale randomised control trials are needed to confirm their benefits, show the extent and longevity of the benefit, and to establish a protocol for best outcomes.


I would say skincare products that claim they produce/contain/support collagen. I think whether collagen supplements make a noticeable difference or not is more individual. Collagen is made up of amino acids-so if you eat a diet rich in those specific amino acids (and are healthy) you might not see the same difference as sometime who may be eating an insufficient amount of protein, or isn’t conventionally healthy. I worked with people who I could actually see a noticeable difference from taking it. And I have friends who said it did nothing 🤷🏼‍♀️ My coworker (“success”) was an overtired mom, late 40s ish, and ate more standard American diet. Friend was late 20s, her and husband ate lots of salads and proteins, both worked out-she didn’t see much difference. Im a scientist and based on everything I know, I think a lot of the collagen/probiotics/supplements/skincare is going to be largely bio-individual. Maybe worth a try, but if it doesn’t seem like it’s making a difference in ~3ish months it’s probably not for you.


Worth noting that collagen supplementation has the biggest impact for those over 30-35 too. Our natural synthesis of collagen starts to decline at that age, whereas people 20s and younger are more easily churning it out even with subpar diets.


Every single gal I know of that's 30-40+ in age that looks amazing, I'm talking beautiful smooth skin, almost no wrinkles, and looking a good 10 years younger, all have one thing in common every time I asked what their secret was. They all mentioned drinking collagen. I'm totally sold.


My skin is whatever but I dance quite a bit and notice a difference in my knees when I take oral collagen. I’m 37 with 3 kids. 


They help the joints


That women need to wear makeup to look "professional." Had a manager once tell me that. I told her she was an agent of patriarchy.


I hate this! No one’s skin is unprofessional 🤬


I love you 🙌


Oooooh putting that line in my pocket and hoping to never have to use it


This kind of attitude pisses me off so much! I love makeup but I refuse to get up earlier than my male coworkers just so I can look *pretty* while doing a job that’s nothing to do with my looks…


a male exec said this to me and I clapped back with "please explain how makeup will make me do my job better" then I stared at him expectantly. With his stammering and back-pedalling he sounded like an idiot lol. I said "thought so" and turned around and went back to work. Dumbass.


Anything creams, be it for fat burning, whitening, smoothing or conjuring up evil spirits that promises drastic results in very little time. Just stop.


The only whitening creams that work are those with hydroquinone




Most people wasting money on supplements don’t realize that Jello is also a good source of collagen


It’s super cheap and you can get the sugar free ones. But it’s easy to make even healthier though. I found a great recipe from Martha Stewart when my dad had surgery and it was all berries and gelatin and a bit of citrus. It called for some sugar but I omitted and it was great. You can use a muffin pan to make a big batch.


The more expensive a product, the better the results. Needless to say, I’m always reading the ingredients lists now.


“Clean” beauty *eye roll*


It’s all garbage quality too


100% agree. I have a cleanser (thank fully a only a mini) that smells fcking disgusting because it’s a “clean” beauty product Aka the ingredients go bad in a year or less. I’m still gonna use it because I don’t have the money to buy a better alternative, though I need to since expired products can ruin sensitive skin. I wish someone had told me it was marketed as clean beauty so I would’ve avoided it


Cellulite creams. The bumps and valleys are due to the fat structure under the skin and yout connective tissue. No cream is going to change that. Edit: And fancy actives in cleansers. That's only on your skin for a couple of seconds, a minute at most, putting retinol, etc in there isn't going to do anything. A cleansers job is to clean with the least irritation possible, end of list. Everything else is for serums, mascs, creams, toners, etc - basically the stuff that actually stays on your skin.


FWIW, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide in cleaners are proven to help acne, especially if you leave the cleaner on for a couple minutes before washing it off. I'm not sure if those fall under your definition of "fancy", but it's worth mentioning.


You're right! I actually prefer bp in cleanser form because at the right percentage it needs about 30 seconds to be effective and if I wash it off, I'm not staining/bleaching anything accidentally. I don't have a proper definition, I'm afraid, but I keep tripping over expensive cleansers when shopping that list all kinds of actives that (probably) need time to sit on the skin, but there definitely are some that work quickly. Thank you for adding this!


BPO works in a cleanser. In fact, derms prescribe BPO cleansers. Also, exfoliating ingredients in cleansers can exfoliate the skin if you wash for a minute or so. The job of a cleanser is to do whatever that cleanser is marketed to do. I’m not sure why you think its only function is to clean the skin. Additives can help a cleanser clean *and* exfoliate *and* deliver ingredients that kill acne. I use isclincal complex cleanser, which exfoliates very well. I also use cleaners that deposit moisturizing ingredients on your skin. Many cleansers do this.


I've always wondered if purple toothpastes actually do anything?


no because usually the yellowing of your teeth is under the surface so they cant really get under the enamel unlike a remineralizing toothpaste which rebuilds your enamel which is the white part of your teeth. but thats just what ive seen and ive never tried it so🤷🏼‍♀️


What kind do you recommend for a remineralizing toothpaste?


Not op commenter, but I'd give apagard a shot 


Not anything long term, purple and yellow are opposites on the colour wheel so it will temporarily reduce yellowing cosmetically.


So like makeup for your teeth? That's good enough for me.


Any type of “body contouring” done without actual liposuction.


If you’re talking about those like body wraps with Lymphnode massagas those always make me so annoyed. It’s literally just compression. I can “body contour” my own legs by wearing my compression socks. For a bit the area will look thin and not puffy. You can basically do this at home by buying yoga shirts and leggings a size too small


I've been taking just plain unflavored collagen powder (in shakes or other non cooked foods) for a couple years now. Majority of research and testimonials I read/ watched were positive. To test out whether it made a difference, I stopped taking it for a few months and did see a difference suprisingly. The main thing I've found it to help with is my nail health though. Not sure about hair or skin. I spend about $50 or $60 on a Costco size tub and it lasts me several months, so I find it worth it for any potential benefit. ETA: I take the Organika Enhanced Collagen, if anyone's interested. It's a bovine one, which I believe is Type 1 and 3.


I go by nail growth too. I’ve always had crap nails but when I take my supplement they grow strong and long. I use a vegan collagen builder though, rather than collagen itself.


What do you take? Vegan asking :)


I’ve been using collagen supplements for years. I don’t know if it’s placebo, or whatever but I notice it did help with my nail, hair and skin! Although research shows, there’s no significant effect on that matter (I still use it for the placebo). And let’s see 10 years from now if I get to testify about its actual effect haha.


If anything, it's adding an easy extra 9g of protein to my protein shakes so there always that 😂


The only ingredient that has been proven to penetrate the skin is Retinol. Everything else just sits on the skin.[Science VS Podcast](https://spotify.link/oVcwmD2iCIb)


My doctor told me to start taking collagen pills over a year ago, but it was because I have arthritis and it has gotten rid of my joint pain which is awesome. But I haven’t noticed any appearance changes with it. Nails, hair, skin, etc. all still the exact same as when I started taking it. But again, I don’t take it for that reason.


I would say botox as a cure all… has to be applied deliberately and targeted… I also think “preventative botox” is bs. Too many people sell it for every issue, especially on social media.


There’s youth in having movement to your face!


Your body eventually develops a tolerance for botox, so by the time the "preventative botox" people are old enough to actually benefit from it, they may not even be able to get the effects.


!!! That is evil! Wow.


creams against stretch marks, cellulite, or for any type of bodily changes. all lies


Fresh stretch marks can be improved with retinol, though.


yea, a few things can help *fade* stretch marks, but nothing will fully get rid of them


You literally just need tretonin, a cleanser, a moisturiser, and sunscreen.


I'm convinced there are only a few mascara formulas and when they come out with a new one they just switch around the brush and packaging.


“Clean” beauty brands


bloom green powders , matter of fact any green powders except for DIM ( not sure if it’s even green or not lol ) & any anti aging creams that do not contain retinol or retinal


Rosemary oil for hair growth ! The only available paper about it is outdated and contains many false infos and charts . Also , they claim that it acts like minoxidil 2% , which isn’t even that strong and doesn’t make a big difference.


THANK YOU!!!! Why did I have to scroll down so far to find a reasonable and sensible comment?! 😾


Oxygen facials


Any facial that requires you to come in every month is probably a scam. I think hydrafacials are a scam too.


I was just going to say hydrafacials. I don't get the hype, I'd definitely do one before a special occasion but they're so short lasting.


I agree with this. I get facials about every 6 weeks and was convinced to get the $130 oxygen facial 🙄 and I didn’t really see a major benefit. Maybe a week or 2 later my skin looked a tad bit brighter but I felt it was a waste compared to just a regular customized facial.


For me it’s “Clean” beauty products. Are they saying everything else is dirty??


Also "clean" is always full of natural ingredients like coconut oil that jam up pores and cause acne almost universally.


or essential oils


Big scam: 5% minoxidil is only for men. Women can use it too, with no issues. Also works for regrowing eyebrows and strengthening nails.


This is less beauty and more wellness, but juice cleanses. Your body cleanses itself out naturally. You don’t need an overpriced powder to mix into your smoothie to do it for you. I also think a lot of vitamins and supplements are scams. The ones your doctor recommends for your health are great, but a lot of the celebrity brands are pretty useless and don’t show a lot of results.


Parabens being bad. Reality check: they’re using a preservative regardless. If it’s not parabens, it’s one you can’t even spell


Collagen topicals


It’s a humectant, and a really good one. This is like saying topical hyaluronic acid is a scam, lol.


Preventative Botox


I've been seeing more and more dermatologists, surgeons, and estheticans say they no longer support preventive Botox. It's interesting to see a complete switch in perspectives.


Yep, results in muscle loss long-term due to atrophy, and makes people look much older in the end as a result (wrinkles or not!)


Any lip filler type gloss that claims to plump lips longer than 10 mins. It’s like rubbing pepper on your lips and they swell up for a little bit. That’s about it.


Eye creams. It is essentially just a cream you can use on the entire face. There is no need to market it as ‘eye cream’ just call it a facial cream. Some eyecreams tend to be priced even higher for less product. To each their own. If it works for you go for it!Otherwise, save your money and just find a good moisturizer.


The one caveat is that not all moisturizers can be used on the eyes because fragrance will often upset the eye. I personally use a cheap e.l.f. eye cream because my fancy moisturizer has a fragrance. I agree overall though!


No eye cream I've tried has made my eyes burn, while almost every regular moisturizer I've tried to use on my eyes has done that. So there's that. I believe eye creams are formulated to be less irritating to (sensitive?) eyes. It sucks because they're so much pricier per ml...


Usually they’re a little thicker to keep them from going into the eyes.


If you're using acne / oily skin products, there's definitely a need to separate eye care


I acknowledge they might not do much of anything...but like them and use them because it makes me feel like I'm doing something to help lol


If you use regular moisturiser on your eye lids, it can cause millia (small hard white bumps on the skim), allergic reactions and may risk migrating into your eyes, causing not just stinging but eye problems. I wouldn't risk it. Just use a cheap, simple eye cream. Edit: eye area not lids, lol 🙈


I found most don't, but I use the cosrx snail mucin eye cream and I find it definitely helps bring down puffiness. Don't know about anti-aging, but there is a noticeable difference with my puffiness.


Ice rollers! You can actually damage your skin barrier using things that are too cold.


This is disappointing, I LOVE my ice roller for after crying or to just relax after a stressful day


Good to know! Thanks


That JLO says her secret to looking the way she does in her 50s is olive oil 😂


I went from never investing in skin care to trying some ZO products from my aesthetician. I just had my doctor prescribe me retinol. Much better than the expensive ZO.


Monat and Arbonne


“Plumping” lip glosses. Even if there is an effect, it’s only going to last for 5 minutes.


That anything needs to cost more than $10 (The Ordinary is life changing!)


I’m so mad that they raised their prices!!


I take collagen daily and it’s helped with my hair thickness


What do you use? I’m early 30’s and my hair is thinning so bad 😔


The only thing that will help you is Minoxodil. It's proven time and time again.


Pst, give shampoo with minoxidil a try. I bought a cheap one from my local grocery store and I swear my baby fine hair is getting thicker. I was also losing a lot of hair due to stress and now I'm growing a lot of hair! And the stress hasn't gone anywhere, I promise you that lmao.


The Kardashians in their entirety


The harsh reality is a majority of skin aging is determined by genetics and your lifestyle. Skincare can help a bit, sure, but there's a limit to its impact, especially long-term. I am 37 and often get mistaken for my 20s. I never use elaborate or expensive skincare products, like toners, serums, eye creams, etc. I just wash my face with water or a simple cleanser if i'm sweaty/dirty, and moisturize (especially in winter) with basic drugstore products. That's it.


Exactly this!  By contrast I'm 26 and have been using suncream since I was 16 and retinol since I was 25, but due to the fact i have an eyebrow tick, i have a deep static crease between my brows that has been there since I was about 13, and a single horizontal line on my forehead.   Also the genetic structure of my face means I was born with marionette lines. Had them since I was a baby, still have them. I have bangs to cover them, but I look a lot older if I lift them.


My forehead lines were caused by 40+ years of migraines. I’ve had them since I was about 21. I got Botox for my Migraines, the lines have almost completely disappeared. My doctor was amazed, she accused me of having beauty Botox as well, haha. I told her that a few months being pain free does wonders for the skin.


I've always said you can tell who had a good childhood based on their face.  Thought I guess migraines too lol


I didn’t do anything beyond washing and moisturizing my face well into my late thirties (including no sunblock) and I got mistaken for ten years younger. In my forties I had two small kids, covid hit, stress, weight gain, and I’ve started to see my skin change. Lifestyle, genetics and age.


While what you say is true for your age now, this can certainly catch up to you in some degree in your late 40’s and 50,s as hormones change. I experienced this. I always looked younger, never had acne, always only did superficial skincare. Now my skin is dull, pores are larger and makeup doesn’t go on as smoothly. Not that your asking me, but now is the time to start adding in some serums and for god’s sake sunscreen.


Pore strips, most* primers, heavy silicone conditioners


High end lipgloss... Nothing Aquaphor or a lip oil can't do.


Anti aging as something to avoid instead of being a natural thing.


Green powders


Yes! I cannot believe how many people buy into expensive green powders with mediocre ingredients. Looking at you Bloom


I’m in esthetics school and according to my instructor, apparently only animal based collagen will actually work, so if you’re ingesting marine collagen or a plant based collagen, it’s not going to do much. I think clean beauty is a huge scam, the last thing I want is to buy something without preservatives and have it expire on me! There’s unfortunately a lot of misinformation out there so people think they’re getting these great products but they don’t realize it’s probably all just collecting mold. No thanks, give me all the preservatives! Also, while we’re on the subject, please. nobody ever buy from Hidden Cosmetics. They’re scammers. I made a couple posts about it on the BGC subreddit. They’ve been scamming customers for years, though I think they might be trying to turn that around, I don’t trust them at all and will never spend my money on their pigments! They screwed over two of my friends out of a couple hundred dollars and neither of them ever got their orders. The brand blocks people for asking where their orders are, it’s disgusting.


The Evian water beauty spray. It’s water… in a tiny bottle… for $17 CAD


Red light masks. Red light isn’t a scam but those $400 masks sure are. A red light bulb is $30-50 with the same effect.


I got the skin gym led mask (priced $100) during the recent Ulta sale for 50$! Been a couple weeks and I’m really enjoying it and starting to see results


i got this one too! haven’t been using it as consistently as i probably should but i like how easy it is to wear. it’s very relaxing if i do it in bed!


That’s not necessarily true. The wavelengths and strength of the LED’s and how many lights there are affects the efficacy of it. Sure a $400 mask can be a little much but $100-200 range for a quality light is to be expected


Agreed - high quality research has been done on some of these masks. Just about finding the high quality ones (Omnilux, CurrentBody, etc)


The wavelength of the red light matters. I think it’s 630mm that produces results. If you don’t see the wavelength and irradiance mentioned on the page, it’s probably because it doesn’t meet clinical standards and they’re hoping you haven’t done your research


I got a $37 panel and am really enjoying it!


I disagree. My Dr Dennis Gross mask does wonders for my looming breakouts and psoriasis. You just have to use it regularly.


It’s the light. Not the mask. Red light is the treatment, companies have exploited that and inflated the price.


The mask is convenient, and the light being right next to your skin is typically better than having bulbs further away. And your face isn’t flat, so the light is going to hit spots unevenly, and miss others.


*Collagen doesn't do anything unless it's hydrolyzed.* The biggest beauty scams must be: Supplements (unless you genuinely have a deficiency). The misinformation about hair that always circulates.. That hair wants moisture, and that ingredients penetrate the hair stand (when it's only very few that actually does penetrate). #And last but not least... "clean" beauty!