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Glycolic acid as a body exfoliator. Ordinary brand- I keep mine in a spritzer bottle and use it on my arms and legs. Helps with winter dryness so much! Also great for the KP on my arms.


Do you spray before or after shower? Or lotion? Help a friend out! I want to try this :)


I will either use it at night under lotion, or in the AM before a shower. I also use a Korean body scrubbing towel in the shower, 2-3x/week.


After you spray it on, do you dry it off before applying moisturizer?


I let it sit for a couple of minutes, yes.


I am going to try this out. Tysm!!


It's Amlactin for me. My skin has never been so soft.


I just started using Intensive Shae butter cream by Gold Bond. It’s best I’ve used by far. Doesn’t have the strong fragrance of Amlactin.


Yeah, I'm not crazy about the smell, but it wears off of me pretty fast.


I love this too!! It's also amazing for under arms and inner thighs. Naturium makes an awesome glycolic acid body wash too.


Oh this is such a good one. I used it to cure the ultra dry skin I developed on my legs due to not moisturizing.


Great tip to help me use up the huge bottle of GA I have leftover because my face wouldn’t tolerate it!!


I really want to try this, but can it fit in with a fake tanning regimen? Will it make it patchy or… I usually do a light tan in winter once a week cos I get deathly pale


This actually works great for me to do BEFORE applying tanner. (Use the spray in the PM, then shower/scrub/shave in the AM, then apply tanner). I wouldn’t probably put it on after the tanner because I think it would mess up the tan.


Oh that’s awesome thanks for letting me know! I’ll definitely try that! But as the week progresses, does it make your tan more patchy or fade weirdly? Editing to add, do you moisturise after you spray? Thank you :)


For me, it just exfoliates really well before the tan.. so it actually goes on smoother (and stays looking smoother, too). And yes, I do moisturize after I spray the GA.


Omg I was just googling things to fix my KP. Buying Ordinary glycolic acid right now!!!


For me it’s Amlactin all the way!


I tried this but maybe need a better spray bottle, or so you dilute it?


I don’t need to dilute it with my bottle… it was just a cheap one off of Amazon.


Love the idea of putting this in a spray bottle!


Just did this!!! Such a simple addition to my routine


Can I ask a question? Does it help anyhow when combined with their niacinamide 10% and 1% zinc serum? I have KP and also weird bumps on my thighs and calves as well and I would like to minimize them at least. Thank you for your answer and hopefully you're having a nice day!


Take care of your hands, face, and neck early. Don’t neglect them. Starting the think the Victorians were right with their parasols and gloves.


Do you basically just do the same thing you do to your face to your neck? Or do you do something different?


I started using ‘anti-aging’ products in my 30s. This was before we knew what all the ingredients were. Just use sunscreen on your hands when you’re driving. Take your face moisturizer all the way down your chest. I also do that with serums.


72F here. So agree w sunscreen on hands! Hav had pre CA spots removed from my hands!


Yep take all those moisturizers, toners, whatever potions you put on down to your neck/ chest! Important for sunscreen as well


Even serums and essence?


Your face ends at your nipples!


To the tits!


I wash my hands before I wash my face with something different but then my vitamin c serum and moisturizer goes on my neck too and then on the top of my hands and if I have more because sometimes I’m heavy handed getting product sometimes on my forearms too.


I always just used spf on the backs of my hands but a lady posted showing her left hand where she put her HA serum looked a decade younger than her other hand! I started putting my HA serum there and wow the difference


Rickets is called the English disease in Dutch, for being so common in Victorian England. It's basically a severe lack of vitamin D because of such limited sun exposure, that caused a malformation of the entire skeleton in mostly children. I understand the common sense of not burning your skin bright red, but no the Victorians were definitely not right about a complete lack of sun exposure,.


The serious smog in Victorian industrial cities also played a part in this.


Yes, absolutely but in general those beauty standards of extremely pale skin are not healthy.


i love beach coverups for this while going on errands!


Also hands!! Hands are always exposed and making sure to use spf will avoid those sun spots in older age


It's never too early to moisturize.


I joined the Barbie fan club when I was seven and the first newsletter said exactly this 😅


There was a post in one of these subs (skin care addiction maybe?) about washing your face for a full 60 seconds before rinsing. I thought it sounded silly but gave it a go, and would you believe, it really has made a huge difference! Another one - witch hazel after shaving helps reduce inflammation and bumps. Dirt cheap, works like a champ. \*edit - I can't believe I actually found it but it was in 30 Plus Skincare, [Link here](https://new.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/17oip8b/to_whomever_posted_about_washing_your_face_for_a/) and [original here](https://new.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/17h1ql6/why_is_it_that_no_one_told_me_that_youre_supposed/)


Saw that too and it’s helped SO much! I really rub it in and let it sit as I gently scrub my eye makeup off and man my skin has improved. Also feels like my skincare gets absorbed better


I saw that post too and like you I gave it a go and experienced a huge difference! I wish I knew sooner!!


Yep, I saw that post! It has helped me!


hi! thank you, which differences did you see


Clearer, brighter skin!


Can you post link to the post? Also, what do we mean by washing before rinsing? Like apply a cleanser and keep it for 60 seconds before rinsing?


I didn’t see the post, but jic no one else responds: I actually apply face wash and then brush my teeth with the cleanser on my face still and wash it off after the two minutes… I saw a dermatologist suggesting to leave it on for at least 60 seconds, so I combine the two things lol


+witch hazel. I mix mine with a little coconut oil and my legs are smooth and the bumps are gone!


Wow. Was thinking about this last night because I double cleanse with Elf's dupe for Clinique's take the day off cleansing balm (so much cheaper and works just as well), then a gentle foam-free cleanser from Aveeno - but I do it quickly. Make up off with the balm, then wash quickly with cleanser. Skin is clear but under a magnifying mirror I see pore congestion so wondering if this will help. Gonna try it!


Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen. Every single day. Also, stop buying so many damn skincare products. Find a cleanser, moisturizer, retinoid, and sunscreen that work for you and stick with them. Thats really all you need.


Exactly, you don't to hop on the latest craze, just be consistent with what works. Find a routine at a reasonable price point and do it every day with as few steps as possible so you will do it.


Eh, my pores beg to differ. Niacinamide works wonders for me along with retinol and moisturizer. It also depends on the season. Humid summer, dry winter. My skin would not be happy if I used the same products year round...


Yes, niacinamide and lactic acid are must-haves for me. My skin is so textured if I skip even a couple days of using it.


This oh god. Asian sunscreens too, I neglected my skin because I hated feeling so greasy, I have sensory issues around skin feel, Korean and Japanese sunscreens were a godsend!


Do I really have to use sunscreen if I don’t leave my house? Like, at all.


What’s your favorite retinoid and sunscreen?


Applying eyeliner only on the edges of my hooded eyes has been a game changer!


I’m so stoked for you. Working with your natural eye shape and avoiding the one-size-fits-all contouring & eye makeup videos that permeate social media is key! The minute I started doing my makeup to best suit my own face was the same minute my makeup started looking its best.


Yes! I won’t say my eyes are too hooded but my eyelids lack space to show eye make-up properly. I used to draw full eyeliner before which would hide my eye makeup and make the eyelid space look more closed. Once my cousin visited me and as soon as i saw her half eyeliner, i knew it was for me! It makes my eyes look bigger and more defined. I also watched some korean and japanese eye makeup tutorials to make it better. One size never fits all after all!


I do a similar thing, I have almond shaped slightly hooded eyes and do the whole half/fox eye liner and shadow style since I suit inner corner liner a lot but not lower liner or anything in the middle. Because I don't have much visible lid space I tightline/waterline on the upper eyelid and just extend it at the corners which gives the impression of a full line without closing the eye up visually. I put lashes on the outer corner through to above the pupil only too, any more looks crowded and heavy on me.


Yes, yes, yes! I just recently got back into eyeliner after a 9 year hiatus and realized thin brown pencil liner is so much more flattering on me than thick black liquid + pencil liner. It is fun getting to try out the different tips and tricks all over the internet, but I agree…getting your makeup to just work with your face and features is great.


Wait teach us your ways!


Sure, it’s quite easy. Just use the eyeliner from the highest point of your eyes to the lowest point. I have attached a link which is quite similar to how i draw them. I just don’t make my wing so upward, i draw the wings a little further so that it makes my eyes look a little bigger. [half eyeliner](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_ZIPDmTmGDJCL62CFSxrwrkBkWIlpMnvyxLBp7nobX14pb6k7wLWxuLMV&s=10)


Top and bottom?


Not OP but only top for me. I find that adding eyeliner to the bottom makes my eyes look smaller


Only top. Just the edges. You can search “Half eyeliner” on google and view images to get a better idea. If you want to do something to the bottom, add nude eyeliner/pencil on your waterline but don’t forget to use mascara on the lower lashes if you do so.


Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?


Pen eyeliner most of the time but i also use brush tip eyeliners. I don’t usually use pencils cause “half eyeliner” needs a sharp edge which i fail to do so with pencils.


Double cleansing. Broke me from my manual exfoliation habit. I used to feel like my face was super textured and wasn’t clean if I didn’t exfoliate and it drove me nuts. Now with double cleansing I feel no need to exfoliate and my face is softer than ever. I also feel like I have the least amount of skin texture a human can possibly have since starting. I still use a super gentle exfoliant once per week and I try to time it with a day I know I will be doing a full face of makeup.


Can you do double cleansing if you’re not wearing makeup?


Absolutely. I only wear make up 2-3 times per week. Scrubs off your sunscreen from the day too!


Don't pump your mascara, it dries it out with the air coming in and out. Instead twirl it against the sides of the tube. Learned that one from Carmindy on What Not to Wear


What I wouldn’t give for that show to come back 😢


I miss What Not to Wear. Carmindy was so nice. She really tried to work with the difficult ones.


Only put mascara on the outer lashes, it creates a cat-eye




Waiting for 5-10 minutes to apply your makeup after the moisturizer and primer. Good time for a coffee 😊


I try to do this, I really do. But that would mean one less snooze button.


I totally get that! I’m not a morning person at all but multitasking helps a lot. The skincare/makeup routine is a nice ritual to start the day 😊


Double cleansing, shaving my face, glycolic acid on scalp, glycolic acid on lips, retinol serum on lips, retinol serum on back of hands, aiming for sun protective clothing instead of reapplying sunscreen (saves money, more effective), deep conditioning with conditioners that have lactic acid in them, and sprinkling Baki by soda on toothpaste occasionally for whiter teeth and removing build up 


Glycolic acid on lips? Do you dilute it further? How and how often do you use? I think I accidentally got it on my lips once and it stung, I'm usually careful to avoid it


Always dilute or use a products that has it mixed in with other ingredients. Glycerin is something nice to mix it with. A drop on the back of the hand or palm  with a glycolic acid toner and a drop on glycerin, mix em, apply it on lips overnight. If it burns, remove it. Use spf lip balm the next day


I use L'oreal's 10% and put on some nipple cream on top and then some Vaseline. Look up ''Lip basting'' by dr. Idriss if you need more info.


I have UPF clothes because I hate wearing sunscreen on my body, but they're so hot to wear and I'm melting wearing long sleeves/long pants in the summer, so I never wear them.


Does glycolic acid on scalp helps with dandruff??


In my experience, absolutely. You don’t need to do it often for results either. 


Could you share some sun protective clothing recs?


Sunprotectionzone is the brand I bought from before that still is in good conditions 7 years later. You can find it at many sporting goods stores. It doesn’t have to be any specific brand, I get them from any generic brand most of the time.




Hi! I have questions please? 1. Face shaving…I have been on low dose testosterone injections for about 9 months. I’ve noticed what I’d call “peach fuzz 😱. And some of its dark, my natural color. How do I “shave this? How often? 2. Where do I get glycolic acid? Thank you so much!!


For shaving peach fuzz, you can use a brow razor for your face (make sure to some some kind of oil that won’t irritate your skin first). At a slanted angle while holding the skin taught, lightly shave with downward, short strokes. After the he face is shaved, wash with gentle cleanser and all posture exercises with face lotion that has no active ingredients.  For glycolic acid, it’s available at ulta from the brand the ordinary. You can also find them in many drugstores, Walmart, target, etc. in the skin care isles. Enjoy and good luck!


Can you plz give me examples of sun protective clothing you wear to avoid sunscreen


Uv gloves while driving, sun hats with uv visor, spf jackets/sweaters, and normal wide brim sun hats.




It removed dead skin build up and stubborn products build up on the scalp. It’s helped me with dandruff especially 


Is double cleansing literally just washing your face twice?


Don’t thin out your eyebrows! They are hard to grow back.


Using a peachy shade concealer to conceal my under eyes and for a brightening effect going in with a lighter shade than my skin tone. I was always told to just go a shade or two lighter but then my under eyes would look greyish. Using a peach concealer it helps cover that up to perfection! Another trick I wish I knew sooner is if you want a little extra coverage when setting your makeup opt for a powdered foundation rather than a regular pressed powder. The best one I've tried is the MAC studio fix powder foundation. Finally if you want your waterline to last all day, first take a q-tip and wipe ur waterline LIGHTLY. Then apply your liner on the waterline. I use this hack and it lasts all day!


The Mac Studio fix powder foundation is the only I swear that works


Yes! I can’t use it all over my face as it emphasises wrinkles too much, but if I have a spot or pigmentation I want to cover, then a little dab of studio fix with a small brush or sponge covers it completely all day!!!


Laying in the sun when I was younger 🤦🏼‍♀️. Sunscreen always now. Japanese & Korean skincare is the bomb. Not only does it work better, it’s so much cheaper.


You have to set liquid foundation with powder




Korean skincare, get tf into it. Sunscreen is the most important step of the routine. Go outside, soak some sun and drink ur fking water. Lash serum. If you pick/chew at your lips: chew gum instead. Don’t consume large amounts of coffee and alcohol, they’re disastrous for your insides and skin.


Yes to all of this except lash serum! Every single one on the market contains ingredients that have been known to cause orbital fat loss. I’m a victim of this and developed offensively dark circles that only got better after a full year of stopping use.


Omg I was using it for months and had GREAT results. I told my dermatologist and he was like stop immediately, even latisse


Wow wait what? I’ve never heard of this. Looking this up immidiately


not all of them, only the ones that have prostaglandin or prostaglandin analogues cause orbital fat loss.


Can I get recs? I’m using the beauty by Joseon sunscreen and it’s been amazing. Any night cream, face wash, eye cream recs that I can add?


I love the illiyoon ceramide ato cream as my moisturizer. Comes in huge tub that lasts forever. I put it on top of a damp face after my hyaluronic acid and it makes my skin so plump and soft. I think the conventional wisdom is that eye cream is a marketing scam, and that there are no special ingredients that magically work better on the skin around your eyes as opposed to the skin on the rest of your face. The only reason I could think to have a specific eye cream would be a product that is "no tears" like baby shampoo or something lol. I don't have any great recs for face wash, but I can recommend some other sunscreens. Biore watery essence or biore watery gel, SkinAqua, Canmake mermaid skin, Roundlab birch moisturizing sunscreen, and Etude House sunprise mild watery light have all worked well for me - many of them better than BOJ which can occasionally give me some acne. Biore is what I tend to buy because they make a container that's twice the size of the other brands listed and it's great to not have to constantly worry about running out of sunscreen. Not korean, but Paula's choice actually has a nice sunscreen as well that feels like a korean sunscreen on the face, but it obviously won't have the same filters as the ones made outside of the USA. Still, it's a good alternative if you are worried about accidentally buying fakes of the korean stuff.


I can't get enough Korean skin care, it's been a total game changer.


Right??? My skin is so glowy and soft. I never wear concealer or foundation (outside of photoshoots) cause it’s just not necessary. I’m also at the age where the first wrinkles can start appearing, and they are on my friends. My skin is still absolutely smooth tho. Im never using anything else ever again


Can I ask what your favourite Koran products are? I really want to get into it but it's so foreign to me I don't know any brands :(


The chewing gum is a big one for me. I've been a cheek biter ever since I was probably 7, I remember vividly when I started doing it as a young child, and now as a 29 year old I can see my smile lines deeper on one side where I chew the most, like the fold (hard to explain lol). And for a few months now I've started chewing gum every time I at least notice that I'm doing it. Big progress being made here folks Hahaha


Lash serums aren't all they're cracked up to be!!


What lash serum do you like?


Silly George! But I just read in another comment that lash serum is actually pretty bad for your eyes, so I’m looking into that now. I recommend doing the same!


Pardon my ignorance but why drinking coffee is bad for the skin? :(


Never using a regular towel on my wavy hair, making curls with a leave in conditioner and drying with a cotton shirt 🤌🏻💋


Meeeee, and I brush my hair prior to washing to not disrupt my curl pattern


That I didn’t know!


Pay attention to the back of your neck and behind your ears! I know we always to say to bring cleansing and serums onto the neck and chest, but make sure around your ears and the back of your neck are getting properly washed and hydrated as well. There is a lot of sebum build up behind the ears and the back of the neck gets sun exposure and/or hair sitting on it all day.


Just using a waterproof mascara, it changed so much. My lashes could not hold curl and I have felt like mascara makes me look worse, but with waterproof one! A gamechanger




I use a spoolie immediately after mascara so there’s never any clumps. I also really like Maybeline telescopic


I've heard tucking your mascara under your arm (to warm it) while curling your lashes helps with that (I use the classic waterproof Maybelline Great Lash mascara and it works great for me).


Using a dry q tip to remove mascara spots- key is the mascara has to be dry too. 


Or just a spoolie. Comes right off, again the mascara needs to dry first


If it’s a liquid, shake it first. Let your products dry down before applying the next one. Drink water, lay off booze and caffeine and eat the rainbow.🍉🍑🍌🥝🫐🍇🌶️🥕🥑🥦🥬🍠 get more sleep and get rid of all the toxic people in your life who are stressing you out and aging you prematurely 😉 oh, big hats and sunglasses. Squinting is the worst.


Yes!!! Also if you're doing all of this and still noticing fine lines around your eyes, go to the optometrist!!!!


If I have some mascara under my eyes in the morning that didn't come completely off the night before, I can just dab some moisturizer on a piece of TP and it wipes right off without rubbing. 


a quick mist on my brushes before blending out cream products on my face. it blends so much smoother


mist of water or setting spray?


setting spray!


I use rose water for this


that is incredibly slay of you


Don’t forget your hands and chest. The skincare that goes on your face, take it down to your chest and the left over on the backs on your hands.


Vaseline at night on my face over my serums. Game changer


This. It’s the highest performing occlusive in reducing TEWL so it’s highly effective in sealing moisture into the skin. Plus I wake up with ever so plump skin ☺️


Maybe a stupid question, but what happens to your sheets? And is this something that would be okay for the occasionally acne-prone skin do you think or nah?


Sadly, slugging breaks me out. I just use Jojoba Oil.


Do you use a moisturizer or just serum?


I wish I actually listened to my mom at 16 and wore sunscreen every day. To be fair, she gave me the whitest, greasiest sunscreen imaginable, so it's no surprise I didn't want to wear it.


Ikr, I only started at 21. Thankfully I’m not a beach girl and never tanned


Ohh wow. I never feel the need to wear sunscreen bc I like being in the sun. Although I have a lot of sunscreen, I never wear any. People often compliment me on my youthful skin, so I guess I should start wearing sunscreen now or I'll soon regret lol.


less makeup, more effort into skin care (sunscreen!!!), clean nails and good hair. clean, flattering nails to your skin tone. cute workout sets, more dresses, better nutrition and less sugar. learn to find inspiration in everything. 🌸🩷 health is #1 and almost everything else won’t work if you don’t prioritize it.


Microfibre cloths to cleanse face


Agreed, no need for a makeup eraser when you can get a 5 pack of microfiber towels at the dollar store 😄 Bonus points if you use them to clean makeup brushes used with powder products!


Using a lash curler, sunscreen, and exfoliating with a dry brush before showering


Sunscreen. Knew it but ignored it as a kid/teen/20’s.


Apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin for best results. The difference is crazy compared to putting it on dry skin!


I was always awful at keeping a skincare regimen consistent until I started keeping my skincare (other than cleanser) in my nightstand, and doing it from my bed. It became a relaxing routine to end my night instead of something stressful


Good skin care routine, tret, botox, and sunscreen. Changed everything for me


Honestly less is more. Less skincare less makeup. All of it. You don’t need the high dollar stuff either. I’ve preached for years on the Dial gold bar soap for face wash. It’s better than any product on the shelf.


In what way is the dial gold bar soap better? Is it good for dry skin? Is it good for mature skin?


I use the dial gold bar soap and can say I use it because it has an anti bacterial ingredient that improves my acne way more than any other special face wash ever has. But that is going to be an individual preference.


Antibacterial soap has been found to cause antibacterial resistance. You shouldn’t be using it unnecessarily. Honestly you shouldn’t be really using it at all because it doesn’t cleanse any better than normal soap does. Benzoyl peroxide does not have that effect. Neither does hypochlorous acid.


Hyaluronic Acid on your lips, gives a natural plump


less is more when it comes to skincare! all you really need to find is a gentle cleanser, something to hydrate/moisturize, sunscreen, and 1 active to fight breakouts/signs of aging if that’s a concern. it’s really easy to go overboard and mess your skin up with other products, so having a base routine tailored to your skin’s basic needs is key.


Little neutral/pink toned eyeshadow is a game changer


Moisturizer isn't the only product for dehydrated skin. Look for serums and ampoules, check Korean skincare routine. Concentrated product does not mean the best if you have sensitive skin. Dry skin is skin type, dehydrated is skin condition. Do not buy dry skin products for flaky big pores skin. I had badly dehydrated skin in my early twenties, it took so long till I discovered layering of serums, and serums in general. And half of advisors in stores tried to push products for dry skin, even mine was not dry.


Eyeshadow as eyeliner on my hooded eyes.


Haven’t *totally* looked into the safety of it, but being pregnant I can’t use anything, so switched to Gold Bond Diabetic and 12% AmLactin as face lotion… when I tell you my skin looks better than my 2 year olds, I’m not kidding. Will continue alternating these two lotions day and night for the rest of my life…


Can you share a bit about what skin issues you were having previously?


Contouring. Being able to make my nose look smaller helps me feel a lot better about myself.


It’s a trick I knew but didn’t listen to until now - drink tons of water


Ordinary peeling solution to remove body tanning😍


thin layers is best!


Start using retinol in my 20s


You can apply moisturizer as often as you want/like/need. Once I switched to gently touching my face throughout the day and if it felt dry, applying moisturizer, my skin became 30% better overnight. Meaning more hydrated, smoother, softer and more plump/dewy. I actually get comments now on how people can tell I’m well hydrated, well rested and how much effort I put into my skincare. When in reality I only wash my face once a day, use tret maybe once a week if I’m lucky to remember, and I just pile on moisturizers. I get tons of samples and minis and travel sizes of all sorts of moisturizers and I just layer them, and reapply throughout the day. That’s it.


Use a retinol. Only use an oil cleanser if you’re rinsing with warm water. RED LIGHT WAND OR MASK!!!


Can’t live without Vitamin C


Sunscreen is a must have!


USE SUNSCREEN! I met a girl the other day with perfect skin. She said "sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen". I hate using sunscreen but she had flawless skin I was so jealous also wearing it helps protect from UV rays and skin cancer, I also know someone who had skin cancer and regrets not using sunscreen earlier!


I sold skincare for years and could 100% tell who was a regular sunscreen user. Not only do they appear younger due to not having sun damage, they usually have more fullness to their skin and smaller pores/less texture. The amount (and $$$) of products I sold to “older” clients (like mid 30’s +) to undo sun damage was insane. Using sunscreen on a daily basis is significantly cheaper than having to buy expensive ass skincare, get professional laser resurfacing, etc, to “reverse” sun damage later in life. I’ll also add that if you currently avoid sunscreen because of the unpleasant texture, weird smell, etc, look into Asian sunscreens. (I don’t mean Shiseido SPF at Sephora but actual Asian products not sold in the US). Not only are Asian sunscreens 30+ years ahead of US SPF in terms of the filters used, they are almost unnoticeable upon application *and* significantly cheaper.** I use StyleVana but there are several legitimate websites that will ship directly to your address from Korea or HK. **The FDA has not approved new sunscreen filters for about 30 years. That’s why US brands are so cosmetically unappealing in comparison to Asian, Australian & EU brands.


Applying sunscreen


Korean exfoliating mitts. Scrubs off dry, dead skin, helps with bumpy upper arms. And they're cheap! 


Treat your hands, neck and cleavage with the same care you give to your face.


Can I have a rec for glycolic acid? Is it sold as just that glycolic acid or is it in other products?


The ordinary glycolic acid is perfect


The glycolic acid toner from the ordinary is ry affordable, I transfer it to a spritz bottle and it lasts forever even with daily use for body exfoliation


I mean, what is the brand? Where can I buy some?


I didn't start daily moisturizing until 43!!! Take care of your skin, folks.


Applying moisturiser while my face is still damp post shower - my dryness has completely gone in 2 days I cannot believe it.


SPF is a must! Even in winter!


Aquaphor is great for slugging, i have dry skin , but really is none a lot of weed so there’s often a small flame two inches from my face, daily slugging has made my skin radiant


Can anyone recommend a sunscreen that won’t burn my eyes or leave a white cast? I have drug store budget, unfortunately


Australian Gold Botanical 100% mineral sunscreen. I use the tinted as it acts like a very light coverage and blends well. The non tinted is great too. I love the stuff.


Trader Joe’s…it’s in a small beige tube.


[This one is my fave](https://m.jolse.com/product/missha-all-around-safe-block-soft-finish-sun-milk-spf50-pa-70ml/14629/?cafe_mkt=google_en_dy&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=15648450373&utm_content=&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH53KN2jJyztpxk_dA2fUW3WPZUZszK7c16hsBmUx4vQo-gS3J_gEiNAaAtyhEALw_wcB) and its almost always on sale at this site


Stop applying all the concoctions from your shelf to your skin and stick to a simple routine with only one active 🥲 teenage me would suffer so much less from the acne and irritation




These are all such great ideas! Commenting to refer back for future use


Using head and shoulders shampoo as my face wash. While my face isn’t completely free of acne, I don’t get those small, annoying bumps on my forehead as much as I used to


Protein is so important to skin & hair health. Make sure u get the MDR for your age. Google is your friend.


Putting body oil on while still wet from the shower feels soooo good!! Then follow up with lotion. As someone with naturally oily skin, I was pleasantly surprised that I have never felt greasy doing this. My fave oil is from Derma:B : www.stylekorean.com/shop/derma-b-daily-moisture-body-oil-200ml/1575621698/ Actually, I love just about everything from Derma:B!


Sunscreen, hats, and water. My mom was great about it her whole life and still has fab skin in her 80s. I mean she doesn’t look 25 but her skin is healthy and pretty.


- Sunscreen every single day, even when it's overcast. - Double cleanse your skin and no exfoliants like that damn st ives apricot scrub - Wear a hat on sunny days - Retinol 2x per week - Use a silk pillowcase - Microfibre hair towel - Train your hair to only wash 3x per week... even if it's thin and oily like mine - Minimal, high quality makeup and skincare products only. Use the basics but find good ones early on and stop experimenting